INTRODUCTION - Doherty High School

Table of Contents
Notice of Non-discrimination………..
Team Philosophy………………..…..
Participation in Wrestling………...….
Varsity Letter Requirements…………
Travel and Overnights………………
Weight Loss………………….….…….
Weight Monitoring Program…….….
NCAA Core Class Requirements……
Maintaining Amateur Status…………
Athlete Insurance…………………….
Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco………….
Non Sanctioned Events………...
CHSAA Sportsmanship………………..
D-11 Spectator Code of Conduct….
Acknowledgement Form…………….
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Congratulations and welcome to the Doherty Spartan Wrestling
Program! You are now part of the oldest sport known to mankind and
your wrestler has chosen to join one of the most elite fraternities of
athletes in the entire world. There are many demands placed on the
shoulders of a wrestler and through DISCIPLINE, DESIRE AND
DEDICATION every Spartan wrestler will face those demands with the
strength and knowledge that they control their own destiny. This is not
an easy sport and it takes tremendous courage to step out on a mat for
the entire world to see. If nothing less these athletes demand respect for
what they must endure while competing in the greatest sport of all time.
The Doherty wrestling staff would like to invite you and your family to
fully participate in the wrestling program here at Doherty High School.
Please take some time with your wrestler to read through our team
handbook together, write down any question either of you might have or
contact the coaching staff for clarification.
Students, as a member of the Doherty Spartan Wrestling Team it is
important that you take your responsibilities seriously. Your participation
on the team is as crucial to the success of the team as any other
wrestler. Our team can only be as good as our weakest member. It is
every team members job to see that every other team member is striving
to reach their greatest potential. The coaches and other wrestlers are
placing their faith in you. Don’t let us down.
Doherty Spartan Wrestling Coaching Staff
The team rules and guidelines stated in this handbook are established by the Doherty Spartan
Wrestling Coaching Staff and approved by the Doherty Athletic Department, and are aligned with CHSAA rules
and regulations.
At no point will the team rules or guidelines fail to meet the minimum standards set by Doherty High
School or District 11.
The Doherty Wrestling Team Handbook contains team rules and regulations for all athletes intending to
participate with the Spartan Wrestling Team. It is your personal responsibility to follow all of them and accept
your responsibility to live up to the guidelines established. Parents and wrestlers must be aware that there is
inherent risk associated with participating in the sport of wrestling which may include minor injuries, contagious
diseases, catastrophic injuries, and even death. Both of you must accept the possibility of such risk and
willingly agree to participate as a member of the Doherty High School Wrestling Team.
Notice of Non Discrimination
The Doherty Wrestling Team does not discriminate in any activity on the basis of race, color, national origin,
age, sex, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, physical or mental disability, or any other protected
characteristic under state or federal law.
The Doherty Spartan Wrestling Program shall provide well-planned and well-balanced interscholastic
wrestling opportunities for as many boys and girls as possible, consistent with the facilities, personnel,
and financial support.
The Doherty Spartan Wrestling Program shall be concerned with the total development of the student
and shall promote competitive activity as a portion of the total educational program.
The Doherty Spartan Wrestling Program shall be planned so as to present a minimum amount of
interference with the academic program.
The Doherty Spartan Wrestling Program shall be organized in a manner most consistent with needs,
interests, maturity and abilities of the wrestler.
The Doherty Spartan Wrestling Program shall provide an opportunity for the loyalty of students,
wrestlers, parents, patrons, and friends of the school to be constantly renewed, strengthened and
Participation in Wrestling
1. Participation in wrestling is not a right but a privilege.
2. The coach has the right and responsibility to drop members from the team. Such action may result because
of such reasons as: lack of physical fitness, lack of sufficient application to work, lack of cooperation with
the team or coach, and failure to observe training rules/regulations.
3. Coaches are at liberty to advise and instruct individuals at any time during the year, consistent with
regulations of the CHSAA and Colorado Springs School District 11.
4. All wrestlers must have a physical card and blue emergency card and on record in the Athletic Office prior to
any participation in wrestling.
5. All wrestlers must meet eligibility requirements in order to compete in the sport of wrestling.
6. Each wrestler is required to pay the participation fee to the Doherty Athletic Department prior to joining the
team. It is the responsibility of the wrestler and their parents to notify the coach of financial hardship that
may impact the wrestler’s ability to participate.
Practices will be held Monday through Friday from 3:45 until 6:15 at the start of the season and will be
shortened as the season progresses to conclude with intensive practices of approximately one hour during the
state tournament segment. Wrestlers are expected to be prompt to practices and are given ample time
following school to take care of personal business and still be prepared for practice in a timely fashion.
Doherty Wrestling has closed practices. Practice will be cancelled on days when school is closed due to
For the health and safety of everyone in the wrestling room it is imperative that wrestlers attend practice
every day. All wrestlers that attend school are expected to attend practice. Doctor’s appointments and similar
pre-arranged absences should be taken care of outside of wrestling time. Continued excused absences will
result in the suspension from a meet. Two (2) unexcused absences will result in suspension from the team.
Any wrestler that is absent from practice the day before a meet will not be allowed to participate in that meet.
Attendance is critical in development of the wrestler’s skills and conditioning.
Transportation home from daily practices are the responsibility of the wrestler and their parent or guardian.
At no time should a wrestler receive a ride from anyone without prior approval from their parents. Someone
from the coaching staff will remain at the school until the final wrestler has been picked up. It is expected that
those providing transportation be respectful of the coaches by arriving in a timely manner and coaches will be
considerate of family time by releasing athletes as scheduled.
Wrestlers are required to travel to and from all away matches as a team on the team bus if one is provided.
The coaching staff firmly believes that this time together reinforces the team concept and aids in building team
unity. Transportation to local away matches will be the responsibility of the wrestler and their family unless
team transportation is provided. Wrestlers are responsible for arriving prior to weigh-ins.
Supporting each wrestler on the team is fundamental in creating team unity and displays a commitment
towards all the members of the team. Wrestlers are required to remain at all matches until the final wrestler
from their team has competed. Under no circumstances should a parent approach the coach during
competition and request that their wrestler be allowed to leave the competition prior to the final match of any
wrestler from the team.
All wrestlers must provide their own practice equipment such as; shorts, t-shirts, running shoes, socks and
supporter. It is strongly recommended that wrestler not wear boxer shorts while wrestling to avoid potentially
painful injuries. Wrestlers should also have their own wrestling shoes and headgear. A soft mouth guard is
required for those wearing braces. All wrestlers will need to have their own lock for their locker and must have
their own towel for showers after practice.
Wrestlers that are new to the sport may find former wrestlers that are willing to sell their shoes and
headgear for a substantial savings. If not, shoes and headgear can be purchased here in Colorado Springs or
through wrestling supply catalogs. Prices for shoes range from $30 to $140 and head gear from $15 to $35.
Those wrestlers wishing to take advantage of the “long hair” rule will need to provide their own hair net that
meets CHSAA guidelines.
The school will supply competition uniforms and singlets. These items are property of Doherty High School
and should be treated as such. Uniforms will be signed out by each wrestler and they will be responsible for
the care and upkeep of the equipment. All items have a replacement value and lost items will be charged to
the wrestler that signed them out. Fees will be handled similarly to your school text books.
The nature of the sport of wrestling demands that all wrestlers adhere to a strict policy of personal hygiene.
Each wrestler is responsible for maintaining a clean practice environment for their fellow athletes. This
includes the locker room and shower area. Every wrestler is required to take a shower after practices and
competition before leaving the building. Many of the skin conditions associated with the sport only need a
short time to infect the skin. In addition, some of these conditions can be transferred to your clothing if you
have not showered. Others can contract conditions from handling your clothes. Each wrestler MUST supply
their own clean towel for showers. The coach will have a supply of loaner towels for those wrestlers that
mistakenly forgot their towel at home. Loaner towels may be borrowed from the coach and returned after
showering the same day. The coach will see that the loaner towels are properly washed after every use.
It is just as important to make sure that you wash all your workout gear on a daily basis. Do not wear the
same workout clothes multiple days without washing them first. It is wise to bring several days worth of
workout clothing from home and store them in your locker. DO NOT store used workout gear in your locker.
The coaching staff will see that the mats are cleaned with the appropriate materials to avoid the spread of
any skin conditions. It is each wrestler’s responsibility to notify the coach of any skin condition they notice on
themselves or a fellow wrestler. It is extremely important that skin conditions be addressed immediately to
avoid any spread of the problem and to treat the condition in a timely fashion.
Skin conditions are part of the sport of wrestling and should be acknowledged by parents and wrestlers.
Most conditions can be cleared up right away while there is the potential of contracting conditions that can last
a lifetime; it is very rare in the United States. It is essential that communication be made when there is any
question concerning skin conditions.
The day of competition each wrestler is required to be clean shaven (there is a mustache rule) and have
their hair cut above the collar of a shirt and above the bottom of their earlobes. If a wrestler wishes to wrestle
with long hair they must provide their own approved hairnet. Wrestlers must also make sure they have clipped
their fingernails short prior to inspection by the official at the competition site.
At no time during practices or competition are body piercings allowed to be worn. Necklaces, watches,
bracelets and glasses are not to be worn during any wrestling.
Requirements to Earn a Varsity Letter
Varsity Letter Awards are given to wrestlers that represent the team in a manner that promotes the school,
its staff, parents, community, and students. The award is given for hard work, determination, and physical
ability. It is given to athletes that are good role models for those around them and who show good
sportsmanship at all times. Letters are given at the discretion of the coach using the following criteria:
Compete in half of the scheduled varsity matches and must score 9 points.
The Doherty Wrestling Team is a team of student-athletes. Achievement in the classroom is of greater
importance than achievement on the wrestling mat.
The required grade to compete on the Spartan Wrestling Team is a C (2.0) average. No wrestler should be
failing any classes or they will be required to participate in study tables until that grade is improved. Study
tables will be required of all wrestlers not maintaining a 2.0 average until their grades improve. The athletic
department will conduct 2-week grade checks to determine eligibility to compete. Continued poor performance
or failure to participate in study tables will result in the wrestler being suspended from competition and possibly
removed from the team so they can use that time for additional academic assistance.
Wrestlers that are struggling in school and do not meet the team standards will be required to be at
practice daily and may use that time to work on their assignments. Wrestlers may not be permitted to
participate in practice until there is a consistent improvement in their grades if the coaches and the wrestler’s
parents deem this an appropriate incentive. Wrestlers not meeting the academic standards of the team will be
permitted to meet with teachers after school as part of this academic improvement time, and must show
evidence that they have been working with their teacher while not in the wrestling room.
As student-athletes each wrestler is responsible for the completion of all class work and to prearrange for
class assignments for time missed from classes. All attempts should be made to make up any missed work
due to an absence and arrangements should be made with the teacher to meet before school, during lunch, or
after school to receive additional help on missed assignments. Such help is considered an excused absence
from practice for only the time spent with the teacher. A note from the teacher must be given to the coach
when you arrive at practice.
All members of the team that are missing class as a result of wrestling
competition are REQUIRED to notify the teachers of the classes to be missed at least one day prior to missing
class and to collect all assignments prior to the excused absence.
Travel and Overnights
It is possible that members of the team will chose to participate in competition that requires traveling
overnight. In this case the wrestlers will be required to pay for a share of the hotel rooms. Fundraising efforts
can greatly influence the amount paid by each wrestler and various opportunities will be created to fund raise
for these situations. Financial hardship should not be a deciding factor in participating in such competitions as
long as the wrestler is willing to participate in the fund raising opportunities. These trips are considered school
functions and all school rules will be enforced. Misbehavior during overnights are grounds for immediate
removal from the team, and behavior in school, on the team, and at home are contributing factors when
allowing athletes to participate in overnight travel.
During all travel the team is expected to behave in a manner that brings respect and admiration to their
team, their school and their community. Tournaments will not require any special dress code other than what
is acceptable in the team guidelines.
Meals during travel are the responsibility of each individual wrestler. It is important to try to stick with your
individual diet plan while traveling or at tournaments. Time and location may prevent the team from being able
to stop at more acceptable restaurants and only leave us fast food options. It is advisable that you pack
snacks and food that meet your diet plan.
Weight loss
Extreme weight loss is rarely in the best interest of any athlete but there can be exceptions. Some athletes
join wrestling in order to remove an unhealthy amount of weight and this is an excellent resource for them to
use. Most wrestlers however “cut weight” because they falsely believe that it will give them an advantage over
their opponent. More times than not, extreme weight loss, dehydration, and poor diet planning prevent a
wrestler from competing to their full potential. Time spent trying to lose weight or drop to a lower weight class
is better spent improving technical skills and conditioning.
There is no doubt that every wrestler will lose anywhere from 2 to 10 pounds within the first two weeks of
practice simply because of the increase in activity, without altering their diet in any way. Going long periods
without food or liquids is not only foolish but dangerous. Use of saunas, layered clothing during workouts,
spitting or other forms of dehydration will actually decrease their performance at a substantial rate. Wrestlers
will not be permitted to wear more clothing than a t-shirt and shorts to practices.
Dieting, as most people think of it is not recommended for wrestlers, but diet control is an essential part of
any athlete’s training plan. Learning how to eat and what to eat are critical to your success as a wrestler. By
eliminating poor diet habits and mindless intake of “junk foods” you can easily begin your diet control plan.
Weight Monitoring Program
Doherty Wrestling participates in the national weight monitoring program sponsored by the National
Wrestling Coaches Association and National Federation of High School Coaches. As a participant every
wrestler and their family has on-line access to a national web site that allows them to sit down as a family and
plan daily meals. Wrestlers can calculate the rate at which they are allowed to lose weight and the minimum
weight they can wrestle as determine by a minimum body fat percentage of 7% for males and 12% for females
at the high school level. The meal plans on this site are designed to help wrestler reach their desired weight
class without rapid weight loss or dehydration. It is a useful tool for all wrestlers and families that wish to live a
healthy lifestyle.
NCAA Eligibility – Core Academic Courses
Division I and II NCAA institutions require that student-athletes complete a minimum number of core curriculum
classes while in high school. In order to be eligible for NCAA participation you must meet the following
 4 years of English
 3 years of mathematics (Algebra I or higher)
 2 years of natural/physical science (one must be a lab science)
 1 year of additional English, math or science
 2 years of social studies
 4 years of additional core courses (from any area listed above, or from foreign language, non-doctrinal
religion or philosophy)
[Refer to for changes in NCAA eligibility standards.]
Maintaining Amateur Status
An amateur athlete is one who participates in athletics solely for the physical, mental, social and
educational benefits derived from such participation. If at any time an interscholastic athlete receives any type
of financial compensation or gifts of monetary value, for participating in ANY sporting activity, your NCAA
athletic eligibility and amateur status will be forfeited. The allowed value of any sports award received is $15.
Fees for working athletic events, instructing, supervising, or officiating in an organized sports program will not
jeopardize your amateur status. If you sign a professional contract in any sport, you will lose your amateur
Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Use
The Doherty Wrestling Team Coaching Staff recognizes the use of illegal or mood-altering drugs, steroids,
tobacco and alcohol as a significant health problem for many adolescents resulting in negative effects on
behavior, learning, and the total development of each individual. The use of drugs, tobacco or alcohol by
wrestlers negatively affects team participation and the development of related skills. Others are affected by the
misuse and abuses by family, team members, or other significant persons in their lives. Drug, tobacco, and
alcohol use is strictly prohibited. Any violations of this policy will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Participation in Non-sanctioned Events
There will be opportunities for Doherty wrestlers to compete in wrestling events during the season that are
not sanctioned CHSAA events. These events are typically open to wrestlers from across the country and are
hosted by private wrestling organizations. Doherty wrestlers will be permitted to compete in these events if
they receive permission from the head coach and the Doherty Principal. Without permission from the Principal
athletes are not permitted to compete in non-sanctioned events and they will forfeit their season if they do.
CHSAA Sportsmanship – It’s the Way We Play the Game
Spectator Behavior Expectations
I will…
 Remember that I am at a contest to support and yell for my team and enjoy the skill and competition
 Never intimidate or ridicule the other team and its fans.
 Remember that school athletics are learning experiences for students and that mistakes are sometimes
 Praise student-athletes in their attempt to improve themselves as students.
 Understand that a ticket of admission is a privilege to observe the contest and not a license to verbally
assault others and generally be obnoxious.
 Learn the rules for the opposing players, coaches, spectators and support groups.
 Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials.
 Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
 Refrain from the use of any controlled substances (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc.) before and during games,
and afterwards on or near the site of the event (i.e., tailgating).
 Use only those cheers that support and uplift the team.
 Not use profane language.
 Recognize and compliment the efforts of school and league administrators for their efforts on emphasizing
the benefits of educational athletics and the rule of good sportsmanship to that end.
Code of Conduct for Parents and Spectators for Colorado Springs District 11 Sporting Events:
In order to establish a positive, sportsman-like atmosphere at the District Eleven middle school events, the
District Athletic Office, middle school administrators, and Athletic Council Parent Committee decide that specific
behavioral expectations for parents and spectators needed clarification. Therefore, parents and ALL other
spectators must …
Remain in the designated area during competitions.
Refrain from coaching his/her child during games and practices.
Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials
and other spectators
Refrain from booing, taunting, using profane language, or inappropriate gestures.
Support an educational & athletic environment for his/her child that is free of drugs, alcohol, and
Expect his/her child to treat other players, coaches, fans, staff, and officials with respect regardless
of race, sex, creed, or ABILITY.
Positively cheer for their team and not denigrate the opponent.
Praise his or her child for competing fairly and trying hard.
Maintain self-control at all times.
Know the rules of the contest.
Make an appointment to discuss any concerns at an agreed upon place and time. Note: It is not
appropriate to confront an official, coach, or school administrator before, during, or after a contest.
Remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not for adults.
Parents and spectators who fail to follow the noted expectations may be subject to disciplinary action, including but
not limited to, the following:
Verbal warning,
Written warning
Game ejection/suspension
Season suspension
1. National Youth Sports Safety Foundation, Inc., "Sport Parent Code of Conduct." (
2. American Sport Education Program, "A Sport Parent’s Conduct" from Sport Parent. (
Acknowledgement Form
Team Handbook
Doherty High School Wrestling Team
Wrestler’s Name ______________________________________________________
Statement to be signed by student and parent/ guardian:
I have received a copy of the Doherty Wrestling Team Handbook containing team rules and
regulations for all athletes intending to participate with the Spartan Wrestling Team. I understand the
guidelines and accept my personal responsibility for following all of them. I accept my responsibility
for helping my parents live up to the guidelines established for them. I understand and am fully aware
that there is inherent risk associated with participating in the sport of wrestling which may include
minor injuries, contagious diseases, catastrophic injuries, and even death. I accept the possibility of
such risk and willingly agree to participate as a member of the Doherty High School Wrestling Team.
___________________________________________ Date ___________________
I acknowledge receiving a copy of the Doherty Wrestling Team Handbook containing team rules
and regulations for all athletes intending to participate with the Spartan Wrestling Team. I understand
the guidelines and accept my personal responsibility for following all of them. I accept my
responsibility for helping my child live up to the guidelines established for them. I understand and am
fully aware that there is inherent risk associated with participating in the sport of wrestling which may
include minor injuries, contagious diseases, catastrophic injuries, and even death. I accept the
possibility of such risk and grant permission for my child to participate as a member of the Doherty
High School Wrestling Team.
___________________________________________ Date ___________________