File - Mr. Patrick Haughaboo

Chapter 7
Study Guide
1. Why did labor unions oppose immigration?
2. Why was the Workingman’s Party of California formed?
3. What class system lived in “streetcar suburbs”?
4. Who was William Tweed?
5. What could immigrants do to adjust well to America?
6. Who were nativists?
7. Why were subway systems first developed?
8. What was Tammany Hall?
9. Why did political machines provide city dwellers with necessities?
10. What law barred Chinese immigration?
11. What was the processing center for immigrants arriving on the East Coast? West Coast?
12. What was Mark Twain and Charles Warner trying to convey with their book The Gilded
13. What reform movement worked to better conditions in cities according to biblical ideals?
14. How did public schools and Americanization help immigrant children?
15. Cheapest accommodations on a steamship.
16. dark and crowded multi-family apartments..
17. Name given to community centers that provided assistance for the urban poor?
18. opened the Hull House in Chicago.
19. documented immigrant life in the book How the Other Half Lives.
20. What provided jobs to people according to their performance on examinations?
21. Who was against Hayes and supported patronage?
22. Define patronage:
23. Define civil service:
24. Who were the followers of Hayes that attacked the practice of patronage?
25. What president was assassinated because he fired two people from his own party?
26. Who assassinated him?
27. Who became president as a result?
28. Define graft:
29. Under the Gentlemen’s Agreement, what was our compromise with Japan?
30. What raised tariffs on manufactured goods?
31. Political cartoonist who helped fuel public outrage against the Tweed Ring?
32. Define urbanization
33. Who was Roscoe Conkling?
34. What president was a strong supporter of civil service reform, but had no support from
35. Who supported high tariffs? Who supported low tariffs?
Short Answer
1. Reasons for European immigration
2. Reasons for Asian immigration
3. Explain the meaning of “gilded” and why this time period was called the Gilded Age?
Chapter 7
Study Guide
1. Why did labor unions oppose immigration?
2. Why was the Workingman’s Party of California formed?
3. What class system lived in “streetcar suburbs”?
4. Who was William Tweed?
5. What could immigrants do to adjust well to America?
6. Who were nativists?
7. Why were subway systems first developed?
8. What was Tammany Hall?
9. Why did political machines provide city dwellers with necessities?
10. What law barred Chinese immigration?
11. What was the processing center for immigrants arriving on the East Coast? West Coast?
12. What was Mark Twain and Charles Warner trying to convey with their book The Gilded
13. What reform movement worked to better conditions in cities according to biblical ideals?
14. How did public schools and Americanization help immigrant children?
15. Cheapest accommodations on a steamship.
16. dark and crowded multi-family apartments..
17. Name given to community centers that provided assistance for the urban poor?
18. opened the Hull House in Chicago.
19. documented immigrant life in the book How the Other Half Lives.
20. What provided jobs to people according to their performance on examinations?
21. Who was against Hayes and supported patronage?
22. Define patronage:
23. Define civil service:
24. Who were the followers of Hayes that attacked the practice of patronage?
25. What president was assassinated because he fired two people from his own party?
26. Who assassinated him?
27. Who became president as a result?
28. Define graft:
29. Under the Gentlemen’s Agreement, what was our compromise with Japan?
30. What raised tariffs on manufactured goods?
31. Political cartoonist who helped fuel public outrage against the Tweed Ring?
32. Define urbanization
33. Who was Roscoe Conkling?
34. What president was a strong supporter of civil service reform, but had no support from
35. Who supported high tariffs? Who supported low tariffs?
Short Answer
1. Reasons for European immigration
2. Reasons for Asian immigration
3. Explain the meaning of “gilded” and why this time period was called the Gilded Age?