Totally Ten Information Sheets

Totally Ten in Colonial Times
Crossword Puzzle: 2 points
Write 15 questions about life on a southern plantation. Create a crossword
puzzle using the questions and answers. (You need to hand in an answer key.)
A crossword puzzle is a kind of word puzzle. Clues are given to help the reader
correctly identify the vocabulary word. Words can be written “across” or “down”.
Words are not written backwards. Sometimes a word bank is provided to help
the reader.
For this project you will need to research southern plantations. You will find this
information in books about southern colonies (Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, and
North & South Carolina.) You may also find information in the encyclopedia or
on the computer. Your information could include items that were grown on
southern plantations, information on who worked on the plantations, and what
types of tools were used.
It is often easiest to begin by creating a vocabulary list of 15 words that you want
to include in your puzzle. The next step would be to write the words on a piece of
grid paper. Write half of your words across, and write the rest going down. Try
to crisscross some of the words. The third step would be to write a clue for each
vocabulary word. The last step would be to trace boxes around each word, and
number each word. You should hand in a blank crossword puzzle, as well as an
answer key.
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
Word Search Project: 2 points
Record 15 items a peddler might have carried farm to farm in 1750 New
England. Make a word search. (and an Answer Key)
A word search is a kind of word puzzle. Words are hidden within other letters.
The words can be found forward, backward, or on a diagonal.
For this project you will need to research things a colonist may need to purchase
from a peddler. A colonist in 1750 would grow or make many of their own items,
however there are other things that they would need. Since farms were spread
out, a peddler would often come to the farm with items to sell.
After you find your 15 items, you should begin by creating an answer key. You
should print one letter in each box of a grid paper. Your words can be printed in
any direction. Add additional letters to complete the puzzle.
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
Fact File Project: 2 points
Create a fact file of at least 10 of the most popular trades (jobs) of the 17th and
18th centuries.
A Fact file is a group of cards with information about a topic. Each card has
information, written in complete sentences about that topic. Index cards work well
for this and can be kept in a small box.
For this project you will need to research different trades (jobs) that a colonist
possesses. (i.e. blacksmith). You may find this information in books about
colonial times, or online. You may find more information by learning about
apprentices. An apprentice is someone who is learning the trade.
After you find your information, you need to use small paper, such as index
cards. On one side of the index card you need to write information about each
trade. You should write a paragraph that describes the responsibilities of a
Master of that trade. The other side of the card should have a drawing or
picture. All of your cards should be stored in a small box.
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
Poster Project: 2 points
Research the clothing of the colonial period. Create a poster of a boy & girl or
man & woman that is labeled with clothing and descriptions from the time.
A poster is a large sheet of construction paper or poster board. A labeled
diagram is a picture that shows the parts of an object, and has those important
parts labeled. Posters should be printed and diagrams should be large.
For this project you need to research clothing of the 17th and 18th centuries.
You can find this information in books about colonial life, the encyclopedia, or on
the computer. Your goal is to find out what people wore during this time period.
You need to create a large diagram of both a boy and a girl, or a man and woman.
You need to label each item of clothing. You should have at least 7 different
items labeled on each diagram. On the bottom of the poster (or on an additional
paper) you should include a description of each item, written in complete
sentences. Your poster should have a title.
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
Diorama Project: 4 points
Duplicate the inside of a colonial home in New England using a diorama. Be
sure to use 3D items as well as design the walls of the home.
A diorama is a scene that is usually made in a small box. The box is turned on its
side. The background is drawn, painted, or pasted inside the box. Any people,
animals, or scenery will stand up in front of the background. A shoebox or small
carton works well for a diorama.
For this project, you will need to research information about what colonial homes
looked like in New England colonies such as the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
You may be able to find pictures as well. Your diorama should include an area
where the family would sleep, cook, and eat their meals.
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
4-Course Menu Project: 4 points
Develop a 4-course menu for a meal in a colonial home. Include ingredients and
the directions for preparation that a colonist living in the 17th or 18th centuries
would follow. (There was no electricity.) Each page of your menu should also
include drawings or pictures.
Begin by researching different types of meals eaten in colonial times. You may
find this information in old cookbooks, informational books about different
colonies, or online. You should find information about at least 4 different
courses that might be served (i.e. soup, meat, vegetable, dessert).
When listing your ingredients, be aware of items and their packaging. Many
families grew the food that they ate. They would not buy a container of dried
spices, or a package of ground beef. Also be aware of how you write about
preparation; a colonist would not be able to use a modern day appliance without
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
Product Map: 4 points
Create a product map of exports of the 13 colonies. Include the regions.
A product map is a map of an area that shows the things that are raised, grown,
mined or created in that area. It uses symbols to represent the different items and
should also include a key indicating what the symbols mean.
For this project, you will need to research the items that were mined, made, grown
or raised in the thirteen colonies and were then exported. Exported goods are
goods that are shipped to other countries in order to be sold. You will be looking
for goods that were produced in the thirteen colonies and then exported to
England to sell. You will need to draw a map of the thirteen colonies and use
symbols to represent the various exported goods. Your symbols should be
correctly placed on the map according to where each item would have come from.
See the back for an example of a product map.
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
Travel Brochure: 4 Points
Create a travel brochure to visit one of the 13 original colonies during the 17th or
18th centuries. Include information as well as pictures.
A travel brochure is a tri-fold brochure that persuades people to visit a specific
place. It often uses colorful pictures and provides information regarding sites and
attractions that people would be interested in visiting. Captions are included with
the pictures to explain what the image shows.
For this project you will need to choose one of the thirteen original colonies.
Research the colony and determine what people would have liked to do or see if
they were visiting that colony during the 17th or 18th century. Create your travel
brochure using the information that you have gathered. You should have
descriptions about the various sites or reasons to visit, as well as pictures. You
may include pictures printed from the Internet, or you may neatly illustrate your
own pictures.
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
Colonial Games and Toys Catalogue: 6 Points
Create a catalogue to sell games and toys to colonial children and their families.
Include a picture, description, and cost, in colonial currency, for at least ten toys.
A catalogue is a magazine that sells items to people. Each item being sold has a
picture, an accompanying description and the cost.
For this project you will research toys and games that were popular during the
17th and 18th centuries. You will need to learn about at least 10 different toys.
You will then create a catalogue, which should include a neat and creative cover,
headings for each toy, descriptions of the toys that would make someone want to
buy them, colorful pictures (hand drawn or printed from the Internet) and the
cost. The cost should be in colonial currency, NOT modern day money. Please
refer to the handouts on colonial money to help you create accurate prices.
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
Compose a Rap: 6 Points
Compose a rap about a specific colony or person from colonial times.
A rap is a musical piece that usually rhymes and has a beat.
For this project you will be writing and performing a rap about one of the 13
original colonies or about a specific person from colonial times. You will need to
research your topic and decide which important facts you want to include in your
rap. You must include at least 15 facts about the colony or person that you
researched. If you are writing about a colony you should incorporate when your
colony was founded and by who, into your rap, along with other facts and
information. If you are writing about a famous person you should incorporate
their important achievements into your rap. You will write lyrics that rhyme using
the information that you have gathered. You should also create a beat for your
rap and practice performing it. You will be required to perform your rap for the
class, but you do not need to memorize it. Research notes must be handed in
along with your rap.
How do I write a rap?
1. Theme: Your subject is an important person from colonial times or a colony.
2. Kick start: Think of the first two lines. Use rhyming pairs and write two lines
with four beats in each line.
3. Mix & Match: Use a variety of words. You can be funny or serious or even
turn sentences around to make them more interesting.
4. Rhyme: Find your rhyming words before writing each line. Think of 2 words
that rhyme and then write lines that incorporate your words.
5. Imagination: Make your rap interesting and attention getting.
6. Beat: Add an interesting beat. Emphasize important words or themes.
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
Apprentice’s Journal: 6 Points
Write a series of journal entries depicting the life of an apprentice. You may
choose the trade.
A journal is a written record of someone’s life. It includes dates, descriptions
and the person’s thoughts and feelings.
For this project you will be creating a series of at least 5 journal entries written
from the point of view of an apprentice during the 17th or 18th century. An
apprentice is someone who is learning a specific job, usually by studying
someone else who is a master in that trade. You can review the information
about colonial apprentices and view various trades on the handout provided.
You must create a cover for your journal and each entry needs to have an
accompanying date. Your entries must be written from the point of view of the
colonial apprentice and should describe what your character’s everyday life
was like as well as what they were learning as an apprentice.
Totally Ten in Colonial Times
A Colonial Play: 10 points
Write a play that includes a problem that a colonial family may have faced.
A play is a genre of writing that includes scripted dialogue between
characters. It is meant to be performed by actors.
For this project you will write a play about a problem that a colonial family is
facing. Your scripted play should include a title, characters, stage directions,
dialogue and information about the setting. It needs to be a descriptive and
detailed piece of writing. It should be typed or neatly handwritten. You may
choose to have students perform the play in front of the class if you would like.
Keep the following things in mind when writing your play:
1. Use no more than three different places (these could be rooms in a
house, classrooms, streets etc.)
2. Have no more than 5 characters
3. Have no more than 5 scenes
4. Make sure that your problem is clearly introduced at the beginning of
your play, developed throughout the play and solved at the end of your
5. Use what your characters say and how they say it to help show the kind
of character they are