Chapter 3: British Colonial Ways of Life CRO Learning Questions: 1. Describe the social and economic characteristics of the New England, Middle and Southern colonies. Identifications: 1. Southern Colonial Society a. “headright system” 2. New England Colonial Society a. “Half-Way Covenant” 3. Middle Colonial Society a. “Scotch-Irish” 4. The Great Awakening Activity: See Handout on Colonial Characteristics Chart (Backside) 1 Colonial Region Characteristics Chart Project Directions: (1) Develop a chart explaining the financing, motivation for founding, geographical traits, and the political, social and economic organization of each colonial area: Southern (Plantation) Colonies, New England Colonies, Middle Colonies. List a few examples of the colonies located in each region; (2) On your chart, include a definition of “joint stock,” “proprietary,” and “Royal”/“Charter colonies; (3) For each region, indicate the degree of self-government and extent of participation, economic base/system, labor sources, religion, opportunities for social and political mobility, and education. (4) In a brief written summary on the back of your chart, identify the similarities and differences between the three regions, as well as the reasons/causes for the differences. Colonial Region Characteristics Comparison/Contrast Chart: Example Characteristic Colony Financing Reasons Founded Political Structure Social Structure Economic Structure Geographical Traits New England Middle Southern 2