Spelling Free Choice Activities

Spelling Free Choice Activities
 Write each word in pencil, pen, and then marker.
 Cut out letters from old newspapers and magazines to spell each of your words. Glue the
words onto your paper.
 Pyramid write your words. Example: Cloud
 Write your words in ABC order.
 Write tongue twisters for at least 5 of your words using words that start with the same letter
as your word. Example: your word is said
Sam and Sally said “Si” silently as they started speaking in Spanish.
 Create and solve a word search using your words for the week. The web site
www.puzzlemaker.com is a good place to do this.
 Write a sentence for each of your words.
 Rainbow write each word. Write them in your favorite color first. Write them again using
one color for the vowels, and another color for the consonants.
 Write a riddle using each of your words. Put the answers on the back of the page to see if
your teacher can guess the answer.
 Use your words to create a poem.
 Write each word 3 times each.
 Use alphabet stickers, alphabet stamps or a special pen to write each word.
 Find your words in the dictionary. List your word along with the 2 guide words that appear
at the top of the dictionary page.
 Write a question using 5 of your words. Write an answer for each question.
 Cut an article out of a child friendly magazine or newspaper and circle any of your words
that are found in the article. List your words in two columns titled: “Found in my article”
and “Not found in my article.
 Write each word once. Write it again using the following secret code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! @ # $ % & * ( + ) ? = < > ___ : /
 Be creative. Write words using soap, trace them in sand, write them in
shaving cream, etc... Write what you did and have a parent initial your
 Using a computer, choose a font and type each word.
 “Star Write” your words.
Write the words repeatedly in the shape of a star.
 Write each word twice and circle all the vowels.
 Write a story using all your words.
 Create a “Memory Game” with your words. Write each of your words twice, one word per
index card. Shuffle the cards and lay them out on the floor blank side up. Try to pick the
matching words.
 Make a “Scrabble Board” out of your words.
 Write your words in marker from A to Z.
 Draw a comic strip with pictures and add your words in the speech bubbles.
 Write your words two times each. On the first word circle the vowels, and on the second
word underline the constants.
 Write a song that includes your words.
 Create a board game involving your words. (Be creative.)
 Make a picture and write your words on it. Cut your picture into puzzle pieces, cut it apart,
mix up the pieces and put it back together. Remember to glue it together before you turn
it in.
 Write your words from the longest to the shortest.
 Sort your words by syllables. Write them in columns.
 Make an “Old Maid” game with your words. You’ll need to write each word twice, once
on each index card. Then make one card that says “Misspelled.” Have fun playing
 Write a song that includes your words.
 Create a board game involving your words. (Be creative.)
 Make a picture and write your words on it. Cut your picture into puzzle pieces, cut it apart,
mix up the pieces and put it back together. Remember to glue it together before you turn
it in.
 Write your words from the longest to the shortest.
 Sort your words by syllables. Write them in columns.
 Make an “Old Maid” game with your words. You’ll need to write each word twice, once
on each index card. Then make one card that says “Misspelled.” Have fun playing
 Mixed-up Words – Write your words, then write them again with the letters mixed up.
 Surround Words – Write your words on graph paper using one letter per square. When
finished, go back and outline each word in marker.
 Alliteration Spelling – Make sentences using your spelling words in which every word
begins with the same letter.
 Which Hand – Write your words twice each. The first time use your right hand and the
second time use your left hand.
 Bookmark Words – Make a cool bookmark that has all of your words written on it.
 Painted Words – Paint your words three times each.
 Beach Spelling – Use glue to write your words, and then sprinkle sand over the glue.
 Photo Caption – Cut out photos from a magazine and write captions for them using your
 Words-in-Words – Write each of your words twice. Then under each set of words, write 2
other words you can make out of the letters in your word.
 Colorful Words – Take a full sheet of paper and color dark strips of color all over the page
with crayons. Make sure you use lot of cool colors and that you cover the whole page.
Then place the colored side down on top of a blank sheet. Write each of your words once
in your best handwriting. When you have written ALL of your words, remove the top
sheet and view your colorful words.
Do jumping jacks while spelling your words out loud.
Ride your bike while spelling your words out loud.
Take a pretest with your parent.
Create your own activity.