KIWANIS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FOR 2016 The Salmon Kiwanis Club, a service club focused on helping youths and children, is offering up to four $600.00 scholarships to students who show a strong commitment to community service. Two types of students may apply: seniors planning to attend college or trade school, and previous scholarship winners who have completed their first or second year at college or trade school. To apply, briefly describe your voluntary community service projects for each of the past three years, (school years: 2013-2014, 2014-2015, and 2015-2016), giving the type of work you did, your level of responsibility, and the estimated hours spent on each activity during that year. In addition, you must write a 500- to 1,000-word essay on why you believe community service is important. Do not include any community service hours for which you received course credit, such as Senior Project or Student Aide hours, or fund-raisers for your own groups or class. Applications will be reviewed by the Salmon Kiwanis Club for (1) extent and type of community service; and (2) the content, style, and correctness of grammar of the essays. Hand-deliver your completed application form (below), list of community service hours, and essay to Sony Galvan at US Bank, 501 Main Street , Salmon, ID 83467, by FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016, or mail your application materials to that address (POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE APRIL 15, 2016.) If you have any questions about this application, call Sony Galvan at 756-7218. ==================================================================== KIWANIS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION: Name: _______________________________________________________________________ GPA (last 2 yrs):_________ Salmon High School Graduation Year: ___________ Your College or Trade School: ____________________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION: E-Mail Address: ______________________________ Mailing Address: Street or P.O. Box: ______________________________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: _______________________ E-mail: __________________________ Telephone: _____________________________________ ===================================================================== REMEMBER TO ATTACH YOUR LIST OF COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS AND YOUR ESSAY. PLEASE TYPE THE ESSAY AND LIST IF POSSIBLE. THIS APPLICATION IS READILY AVAILABLE ON THE SHS SCHOLARSHIP WEBSITE. FILE: 533570473