
4.1 Journal Publications*
49. Guisan, A., C.H. Graham, J. Elith, F. Huettmann and the NCEAS Species
Distribution Modeling Group (in press). Sensitivity of predictive species
distribution models to change in grain size: insights from a multi-models
experiment across five continents. Diversity and Distribution.
48. Huettmann F. and A.W. Diamond (in press). Large-Scale Effects on the
Distribution of Seabirds in the Northwest Atlantic. Landscape Ecology.
47. Zharikov, Yu, D. B. Lank, F. Huettmann, R.W. Bradley, N. Parker, P.-W. Yen,
L. A.
McFarlane Tranquilla and F. Cooke (2006). Habitat selectivity and
success in a forest-nesting Alcid, the marbled murrelet in two landscapes
different logging histories in British Columbia, Canada. Landscape
Ecology 21:
46. Elith, J., C. Graham, NCEAS working group (2006). Comparing
methodologies for
modeling species’ distributions from presence-only data. Ecography 29(2): 129151.
45. Huettmann, F., A.W. Diamond, B. Dalzell and K. Macintosh (2005). Winter
distribution and ecology of Razorbills Alca torda and other auks in the
lower Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Marine Ornithology 33: 161-171.
44. Linke, J., S. E. Franklin, G. B. Stenhouse and F. Huettmann (2005). An
approach for relating landscape structure with grizzly bear population use
of the Alberta foothills. Landscape Ecology 20:811-826.
43. Huettmann, F., S. E. Franklin and G. B. Stenhouse (2005). Predictive spatial
modeling of landscape change in the Foothills Model Forest. The Forestry
Chronicle 81:1-13.
42. Gottschalk, T., F. Huettmann and M. Ehlers (2005). Thirty years of analysing
and modelling avian habitat relationships using satellite imagery data: a
International Journal of Remote Sensing 26: 2631-2656.
41. Elith, J., S. Ferrier, F. Huettmann and J.R. Leathwick(2005). The evaluation
a new and robust method for plotting predicted responses from species
distribution models. Ecological Modeling 186: 280-289.
40. Yen, P. S. Ziegler, F. Huettmann and A. I. Onyeahialam (2005). Change
Detection of Forest and Habitat Resources from 1973 to 2001 in Bach Ma
National Park, Vietnam, Using Remote Sensing Imagery. International
Review 7(1):1-8.
39. Chernetsov, N. and F. Huettmann (2005). Linking global climate grid surfaces
local long-term migration monitoring data: Spatial computations for
the Pied
Flycatcher to assess climate-related population dynamics on a continental
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3482, International
Conference on
Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA) Proceedings Part III:
38. Onyeahialam, A., F. Huettmann and S. Bertazzon (2005). Modeling sage
Progressive computational methods for linking a complex set of local
and habitat data towards global conservation statements and
decision support
systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3482, International
Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA)
Part III:152-161.
37. Huettmann, F. (2005). Databases and science-based management in the
context of
wildlife and habitat: towards a certified ISO standard for objective decisionmaking for the global community by using the internet. Journal of Wildlife
Management 69(20): 466-472.
36. Graham, C. H., S. Ferrier, F. Huettmann, C. Moritz and A.T. Peterson (2004).
New developments in museum-based informatics and applications in
analysis. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19: 497-503.
35. Huettmann, F. (2004). Findings from the ‘Southward Shorebird Migration’
Expedition in Aniva Bay (Sakhalin Island) and Iturup (Kurile Islands),
Russian Far East, during August 2003. Stilt 41: 6-13.
34. Antonov, A. and F. Huettmann. (2004). On the southward migration of
Great Knot in the western Sea of Okhotsk: results and conclusions
from coordinated surveys on northern Sakhalin Island and in
Schastia Bay-Mainland Russian Far East, 2002. Stilt 41:14-20.
33. Yen, P., F. Huettmann, and F. Cooke (2004). Modelling abundance and
distribution of Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) using
GIS, marine data and advanced multivariate statistics. Ecological
Modelling. 171: 395-413.
32. McFarlane Tranquilla, L., F. Huettmann, C. Lougheed, L.W. Lougheed, G.
and N. Parker. (2003). Sightings of vagrant Pacific alcids in Desolation
Sound, British Columbia. Canadian Field Naturalist 117: 53-56.
31. Huettmann, F. and J. Linke (2003). An automated method to derive habitat
preferences of wildlife in GIS and telemetry studies: A flexible software
tool and examples of its application. European Journal of Wildlife
Research 49:219-232.
30. Huettmann, F. and J. Linke (2003). Assessment of different link functions for
modeling binary data to derive sound inferences and predictions.
Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA),
Computational and Methodological Developments in Spatial Analysis in
Proceedings Part III held 18-21 May 2003, p. 43-48.
29. Huettmann, F. (2003). Summary: Shorebird migration in early fall 2002 on
northern Sakhalin Island. Stilt 43:.34-39.
28. Huettmann, F. and Y. Gerasimov. (2002). Using DISTANCE sampling for
estimating abundances of Whimbrels during fall migration in the tundra of
the Moroshechnaya river delta, Russian Far East. Avian Ecology and
Behaviour. 8:49-69.
27. Wiese, F.K., W.A. Montevecchi, G. Davoren, F. Huettmann, A.W. Diamond and
J. Linke. (2001). Monitoring the impacts of offshore oil platforms on
seabirds. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42: 1285-1290.
26. Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond (2001). Using PCA Scores to classify
communities: an example using seabird classifications at sea. Journal for
Applied Statistics 28:843-853.
25. Huettmann F. and Diamond A.W. (2001). Seabird colony locations and
environmental determination of seabird distribution: A spatially explicit
seabird breeding model in the Northwest Atlantic. Ecological Modelling
141: 261-298.
24. Huettmann, F. (2001). Summary from the Sea of Okhotsk Shorebird Study 2000:
Migration on Sakhalin Island (May), and Kamchatka and Magadan
(August). The Stilt 35: 21-26. (Scientific Journal of the Australasian
Wader Study Group)
Wiese, F.K., W.A. Montevecchi, G. Davoren, F. Huettmann, A.W. Diamond and
J. Linke. (2000). Abstract: The necessity to monitor the impacts of offshore
oil platforms on seabirds. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and
Aquatic Sciences 23331, p. 13.
23. Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond (2000). Seabird migration in the Canadian
North Atlantic: moulting locations and movement patterns of immatures.
Canadian Journal of Zoology 33: 1-25.
22. Huettmann, F., K. MacIntosh, C. Stevens, T. Dean and A.W. Diamond. (2000).
mid-winter observation of a large population of Bonaparte’s Gulls in the
Head Harbour Passage, Passamaquoddy Bay. Canadian Field-Naturalist
12: 166 - 169.
21. Huettmann, F. (1999). ‘Sea of Okhotsk Study’: A first summary from a Pilot
Project in the Sea of Okhotsk region to investigate wader migration in the
fall. The Tattler. Australasian Wader Studies Group. No 21.
20. Huettmann, F. (1999). Discovery of a large proportion of wintering North
AmericanRazorbills Alca torda in the lower Bay of Fundy, Canada. Bird
Conservation International 9: 96.
Huettmann, F. (1999). Abstract: Interactions between mantled howling monkeys
(Alouatta palliata) and neotropical birds in a fragmented forest habitat on
Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, Supplement 28 to the American Association of Physical
Anthropology Annual Meeting Issue, p. 156.
19. Huettmann, F. and A.R. Lock. (1997). A new software system for the PIROP
database; data flow and an approach for the seabird-depth analysis.
ICES Journal for Marine Science, 54: 518-523.
4.2 Book and Book Chapter Publications*
18. Huettmann, F. (in press). Constraints, Suggested Solutions and an Outlook
towards a
New Digital Culture for the Oceans and beyond: Experiences from 5
GIS Models that contribute to Global Management, Conservation and
Study of
Marine Wildlife and Habitat. Vanden Berghe, E. et al. (Eds). 2005.
‘Ocean Biodiversity Informatics’ – International Conference on Marine
Biodiversity Data Management, Hamburg, German, 29 November-1
2004 IOC Workshop Report BSH/ VLIZ Special Publication 20.
17. Stock.S., P. Schneider, E. Peper and E. Molitor. (2006) Erfolgreich
Ein Ratgeber von Promovierten für Promovierende. (German Advising Book
PhD students, contributed as co-author to 4 chapters: II PhD Abroad, IV
VI PhD study agreements, IX Research Career planning), THESIS
Netzwerk. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 3-540-29671-9
Valavanis, V. (2002). GIS Applications in Oceanography and Fisheries.
Contribution to Chapter 2.10 Classification of Surface Waters' and image
2.11 Classification of Northwest Atlantic waters. Taylor and Francis. and
valavanis.html (second edition forthcoming).
16. Huettmann, F. and J. Bowman. (eds.) (1999). Investigation of Animal
Workshop Proceedings, 12 - 14 November 1998 Fredericton. Supported
by the Sir James Dunn Wildlife Research Centre, Atlantic Cooperative
Wildlife Ecology Research Network, Biology Dept. of the University of
New Brunswick.
15. Huettmann, F. (1999). Seabird Movements: Stepping Stones, Modelling with a
Geographic Information System (GIS) Long-distance Migration and
the Seascape. In: Huettmann, F.and Bowman, F. (1999). Investigation of
Animal Movement. Workshop Proceedings, 12 - 14 November 1998
Fredericton. Supported by the Sir James Dunn Wildlife Research Centre,
Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network and Biology
Dept. of the University of New Brunswick.
FACE (1996). Handbook of Hunting in Europe., 2 Volumes, 280 p. FACE,
Brussels. (Contributor; this book is now published in the European Union
in 5 languages).
4.3 Website, data and software publications
SPACE.ALASKA (2005) Spatial Prediction Analysis in Conservation and
Ecology + listserver (hosted by Anthony Lehman, Switzerland)
NBII Clearinghouse (2005) National Biological Information Infrastructure Submission of fieldwork research and
telemetry data. Established server at University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
PIROP database in SEAMAP OBIS (Gulf of Maine)
FGDC Metadata and database details for the PIROP database of the
Wildlife Service, Environment Canada
OBIS (2005) DIGIR, ABCD database link and server set up at University of AlaskaFairbanks, and various data submissions contributing to The Ocean
Biogeographic Information System
Centre for Wildlife Ecology (2002). Photos and documentations about
Nests of Marbled Murrelets located by radio-telemetry from helicopter.
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada.
Earth Systems Modelling lab (2002). Habitat Field Plot Database, Alberta
Grizzly Bear Research Project, Geography Department , University of
Calgary. Calgary, Canada.
Huettmann, F., P. Yen, G, Burroughs, M. Pregnitzer, N. Antoniazzi and J.
Stoodley (2002). Interactive Marbled Murrelet Lake Sightings in British
Huettmann, F. (2002). GEOG535 Environmental Modelling and Image Analysis
(WEBCT lecture) Geography Dept., University of Calgary.
Montevecchi, B. F. Wiese, G. Davoren, A.W. Diamond, F. Huettmann and J.
Linke (2000). Compilation and review of relevant literature on Seabird
Survey Methods and Seabirds and Oil (Part of CAPP Report and Contract).
Huettmann, F. (1999). Sea of Okhotsk Shorebird Study Website.
Huettmann, F. (1997). FOREM4005 Forest Policy Course on the Internet.
Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, Prof. Dr
S.Thompson and Dr. R.Wilson (updated 1997/98/99).
Hüttmann, F. (1996). Data Entry Mask and Database Software for the Birding
Logbook of the Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (OAG)
Helgoland/Germany. Programmed in Visual Fox Pro.
Hüttmann, F. (1994). Data Entry Mask and Database Software for the Birding
Logbook of the Vogelwarte Helgoland Bird Research Station/Germany.
Programmed in PARADOX.
4.4 Refereed Reports
Huettmann, F. (2006). Stellwagen Bank Sanctuary Biogeographic Assessment Predictive
Seabird Modeling- . NOAA, Boston, U.S.
Huettmann, F. (2003). Literature Review: Shorebird migration in the Sea of
Okhotsk region, Russian Far East, along the East Asian Australasian
flyway for selected species (Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris, Red Knot
Calidris canutus, Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica). Doug Watkins
(Environment Australia, Wetlands International)
Huettmann F. (2002). ‘Proof of Concept Project – Seabirds and Inland Colonial
Waterbirds’ Metadata Report, The Bioinformatics Initiative organized
by the CWS (Canadian Wildlife Service) Knowledge Management for
Wildlife Committee (KMWC). Contract No. K1827-1-0146.
Huettmann, F. (2001). Investigations of Spring and Fall 2000 Migration of
Shorebirds in the Sea of Okhotsk region, Russian Far East. Final Report,
Ralph Brown Award, Royal Society of British Geographers, London. 82 p.
Huettmann, F. (2001). Abundance estimates and prey consumption of seabirds on
the Scotian Shelf. Final Report, Dept. of Fisheries; Bedford Institute of
Oceanography, Dartmouth.
Huettmann, F. (2000). Investigations of Fall Migration of Shorebirds in the Sea of
Okhotsk region, Russian Far East. Final Report, Wetlands International,
Australia 62 p.
Montevecchi, W.A., F. K. Wiese, G. Davoren, A. W. Diamond, F. Huettmann and
J. Linke (1999). Seabird attraction to offshore platforms and seabird
monitoring from offshore support vessels and other ships: Literature
review and monitoring designs. Canadian Association of Petroleum
Producers (CAPP). 59 p. Memorial University of Newfoundland and
University of New Brunswick.
Huettmann, F. (1998). Summary and Report of an Investigation for Locating the
Bicknell's Thrush (Catharus bicknelli) in Southern Cuba. University of
New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, 83 p.
Huettmann, F. (1997). A first avian inventory and research suggestions for the
new 'Upper Niger' Nationalpark in Guinea/West Africa. Project report,
61 p.
Hüttmann, F. (1994). Static Gear used in Fisheries in the European Union. Final
report, Directorate General for Research, Division for Agriculture,
Fisheries, Forestry and Rural Development of the European Parliament,
Luxemburg, 21 p.
4.5 Edited Journals and Conference Proceedings*
Huettmann, F. (2006). Abstract: Metadata and the International Polar Year Data
(IPY): Why, What, and How it links to Sustainable Ocean Management
Beyond. In: T. Worcester, B. Branton, D. Ricard (eds). Using Metadata
to Achieve Data Interoperability. Proceedings of a Technical Symposium
at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth Nova Scotia, held
June 13-14, 2006.
Huettmann, F.(2006). Abstract: A policy analysis of Ramsar: learning from the history of
shorebirds and habitats for the future. Stilt 49:53.
Gosbell, K., J.Geale, Yu. Gerasimov, F. Huettmann, S. Kendall, E. Matsina, R.
Schuchard and L. Wennerberg (2006). Abstract: Southward migration of
Shorebirds through Moroshechnaya Estuary, Far East Russia, August
49: 50.
Huettmann, F. and K. Kusch (2006). Abstract: On the conservation management
value of
predictive GIS modelling and free public data for stop-over sites and
flyways: the
example of migratory shorebird populations in the Sea of Okhotsk, Russian
East as a global template. Stilt 49:48.
14. Huettmann, F. (2006). Software certification in the profession of wildlife
biology and
conservation management: A crucial and required task for safeguarding species
and habitats worldwide. OFWIM (Organisation of Fish and Wildlife Information
Managers) Newsletter 5-6.
Chalise M.K., Kyes R.C., Koirala M., Khatiwada J.R., Adhikari J., Ghimire M.K., Kyes
K.B., Jones-Engel L., Huettmann F. (2005). Abstract: Assessing the status of
snow leopard population in Langtang National Park, Nepal. Proceedings of the
Society for Conservation Biology * Asian Section
Conference: Biodiversity Conservation in Asia: Current Status and Future
Perspectives, 15. (Conference
held in Kathmandu)
13. Huettmann, F. (2005). Habitat resource selection, free internet data bases and
progressive GIS modeling of the globe: Towards a digital culture of wildlife
research and sustainable management. Extended Abstracts (Plenary
Lecture). XXVIIth Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists,
Hannover, Germany 28. August – 3. September 2005. (edited by K. Pohlmeyer
and VWJD).
pp 27-28.
12. Huettmann, F., M. Suitor and J. Kotzerka (2005). Coastal seabird community
structures in the Sea of Okhotsk during spring and fall: Preliminary findings from
7 seasons of fieldwork. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on
Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, 20-25 February 2005, Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Japan.
Okhotsk Sea & Cold Ocean Resarch Association. pp12-17.
11. Kyes, R.C., L. Jones-Engel, and F. Huettmann (2004). Primate Conservation
Biology: Moving Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Population
(Abstract) Folia Primatologica 75 (suppl. 1): 354-427. XX Congress of the
International Primatological Society (IPS) August 22-28, 2004, Torino, Italy
(edited by C. Giacoma et al.) ISSN 0015-5713.
10. Huettmann, F. (2004). Investigating foraging paths of migratory Red-necked
Stints with foot print surveys on a mudflat in the Moroschechnaya River
Estuary, Kamchatka-Russian Far East. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) 3044. International Conference on Computational Science and its
Applications (ICCSA) Proceedings Part II: 1117-1140.
9. Huettmann, F. (2004). Towards a Marine Environmental Information System
(MEnvIS) for the Northwest Atlantic: Experiences and suggestions from a
multi-disciplinary GIS conservation research project using public large
scale monitoring and research data bases from the internet. 4th WSEAS
(World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society) Proceedings,
Tenerife/Spain, December 2003.
Antonov A. I. and F.Huettmann (2004). On the southward migration of Great Knot
and other shorebirds at the south-west sector of the Sea of Okhotsk,
Russian Far East // The waders of East Europe and North Asia: study
and conservation. Abstracts of the papers of VI Conference, February 57 2004, Ecaterinburg. Uralsky University Edition. P. 3. (in Russian)
8. Huettmann, F. (2000). Making use of public large-scale environmental
from the WWW and a GIS for georeferenced prediction modelling: A
research application using Generalized Linear Models, Classification
and Regression Trees and Neural Networks. In: Tochtermann, K. and
Riekert W.-F. (Eds.) “Hypermedia im Umweltschutz” Proceedings of
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) and Forschungsinstitut für
anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (FAW) Ulm. UmweltInformatik aktuell; Bd.24, Metropolis Verlag/Marburg. pp. 308-312.
7. Huettmann, F. (2000). Seabirds in the Marine Wilderness of the western North
Atlantic. Sixth World Wilderness Congress Proceedings, Bangalore/India,
Vol. II, Proc. RMRS-P-000. Ogden, UT, US Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.
6. Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond. (1998). Seabird Surveys and Selected
Environmental Data Sets in the Bay of Fundy: Findings and
Conclusions from Monthly Ferry Transects St. John - Digby - St.
John. Proceedings of EMAN 97 Conference Bay of Fundy, November 97,
St.Andrews/New Brunswick.
5. Huettmann, F. (1998). An Ecological GIS Research Application for the
Atlantic-The PIROP Database Software, Environmental Data Sets and the
Role of the Internet/WWW. In: Riekert W.-F. and Tochtermann K. (Eds.)
“Hypermedia im Umweltschutz” Proceedings of Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Informatik (GI) and Forschungsinstitut für Anwendungsorientierte
Wissensverarbeitung (FAW) Ulm. Umwelt-Informatik aktuell; Bd.17,
Metropolis Verlag/Marburg. pp. 213-217.
4. Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond. (1998). Characterizing, Modeling and
Predicting Locations of Seabird Colonies in the Davis Strait: Using the
PIROP database, GIS and Environmental Data to Evaluate the Suitability
of Marine Breeding Habitats for Arctic Seabirds. In: Shaw R.W., Danks,
M. M. E., Miller, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of Environmental Prediction
Workshop, 17-19 February 1998, Environment Canada, Halifax, pp. 8694.
3. Huettmann, F. (1997). Birds at Sea: Linking long-term monitoring data for
seabirds with oceanographic data. Proceedings: The Ecological
Monitoring and Assessment Network Report on the Third National
Science Meeting, January 21-25, 1997, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan/Canada,
p. 54- 57.EMAN website:
2. Hüttmann, F. (1996). Recognizing animal species with Artificial Intelligence
Software on digitized video pictures; an application using roe deer
and red fox. In: Proceedings of the XXII IUGB Congress, N.Botev,
S.Golovatch, L.Penev (eds.), International Union of Game Biologists,
August 1995, Sofia,Bulgaria, pp. 129-138
1. Hüttmann, F. (1993). Use of a video camera and digitized video pictures in
wildlife biology. In: Thompson I. (ed.), Proceedings of the XXI IUGB
Congress,International Union of Game Biologists, August 1993, Halifax
N.S., Canada, pp.187-191.
4.6 Publications in Review*
A. Huettmann, F., and T. Meier (in review). Schlachtfeld Naturschutz: The
Game. Book translation of ‘The WildlifeGame’, by R. Thomson.
Blackwell Science/Paul Parey Verlag.
B. Huettmann, F., K. MacIntosh,A.W. Diamond and B. Dalzell (in review).
Dynamics of waterbirds in the Grand Manan region of the lower Bay of
Fundy, New Brunswick: Results of Winter Seabird Surveys in 1997-98.
North-East Field-Naturalist.
C. Huettmann, F., E. Cam, R. Bradley, L. Tranquilla-McFarlane, L. Lougheed, C.
Lougheed and F. Cooke (in review). Nest habitat selection of Marbled
Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in a fragmented Old Forest
Landscape. Wildlife Monograph.
D. Huettmann, F. and A.W. Diamond (in review). Seabirds in winter: towards a
Spatial Explicit seabird distribution model in the Northwest Atlantic.
4.7 Conference Presentations
Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) Meeting, Anchorage, 16-19 February 2006
Member of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
Organizing and co-chairing an ‘International Seabird-Fisheries Session’ with
18 international participants and panel discussion
Three oral presentations with students and other international co-authors: ‘The
Impact of
Economic Growth on Seabirds as Indicators of Sustainable Ocean Management:
A First
Review’, ‘With Mixed Models and Proportional Hazard Models Towards Future Ocean
Management: A Global Template for Albatross Telemetry Data and beyond’,
‘On the
crucial Importance of using Databases to Manage Ecological Data: Seabird Case
Studies from
Kodiak Island and the Gulf Of Maine’.
Three Poster Presentations with co-authors: ‘Nest Attendance and Feeding
Frequencies of
Breeding Japanese Cormorants (Phalacrocorax Capillatus) in a Colony on Iturup Island;
(Kuriles; Russian Far East)’, ‘Towards Predicting Global Population Changes in Tufted
Puffin Abundance and Distribution’, ‘Quantifying the Absolute Abundance of
Murrelets in Yakutat Bay, SE Alaska: A Digital Template for Making Field Survey
Data Globally
Available to the Research Management Community Following ISO Standards’.
Student mentor and Student Awards Judge
International Polar Year (IPY) Meeting in Data Policy, Cambridge, 3-4 March 2006
Invited Guest Speaker presenting on ‘The Global Biodiversity Facility GBIF’
Participation in Data Policy working groups and document reviews.
Alaska Bird Conference, Juneau March 2006.
Oral presentation ‘The Avian Experience Monitoring Wildlife for Biodiversity
Inventories: Reviewing Why, What, How, and an Outlook.’
Poster presentation ‘Year-Round Urban Ecology Raven Surveys in Fairbanks,
Alaska 2004-2006: Lessons and Applications’.
Salford Systems Modeling Conference, San Diego, 28-29 March 2006
‘Investigations and Spatial Modeling of Bird Flu in Alaska, Russian Far East and
Elsewhere: Applications of the Salford Systems Software Suite along International
Flyways’, Automatized Methods for finding the best Algorithm Setting for
Biodiversity Data in A Spatial GIS-Setting: Mars (Multivariate Adaptive
Splines) and beyond’.
International Association of Landscape Ecologists (IALE), San Diego, 28 March -1
2006, co-authored oral presentation ‘Large-Scale Effects on the Spatial
Distribution of
Seabirds in the Northwest Atlantic’.
Co-authored poster presentation ‘Thirty Years of Analysing and Modeling Avian
Relationships Using Satellite Imagery Data: A Review’.
Alaska Natural History Conference, Palmer 22-23 April 2006
Invited Guest Speaker presenting on ‘Landcover Change in Alaska: Methods, Case
Studies and Lessons from elsewhere’.
4th International Symposium on DMS(P), University of East Anglia,
Norwich, United Kindgom, May 2-6, 2006.
Co-authored poster presentation (presented by C. Deal) ’Investigating the link
DMS and marine wildlife distributions: Large-scale GIS modeling of marine
24th International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, August 12-19 August 2006
Co-authored Round Table Discussion (T. Peterson, C. Cicero, F. Huettmann)
‘Bird Data
Networking: ORNIS, Global Extensions, and Why Data Sharing is Important’.
Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) Meeting, Portland, 22-25 February 2005
Oral presentation with student and other co-authors: ‘Modeling Black Browed
in Windy Habitats: Towards Resource Selection Functions and Discrete Choice
in Constantly Changing Environments’.
Three Poster Presentations with co-authors: ‘Thirty Years of Analysing and
Avian Habitat Relationships Using Satellite Imagery Data: A Review’, ‘Fisheries,
Seabirds and Oceanography in the Sea of Okhotsk, Russian Far East: A Basic
Qualitative Assessment from 7 Years of Fieldwork.’ and ‘Steady State Economy,
and Habitats: An Overview of Issues Towards a Sustainable Future’.
Proposal presentation to the PSG Conservation Committee on ‘Steady-State and
Student mentor
The U.S. Forest Service ‘The Bigger Picture’ Conference, Anchorage, February 2005
Oral presentations (co-authored) ‘Large-scale Modeling of Future Landscape
Scenario of
Grizzly Bear Habitats’ and (co-authored, presented by M.Sc. cand. S. Oehlers),
‘Sightability, Habitat Selection, and Sexual Segregation in Moose: Implications
The 20th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice (Mombetsu, Hokkaido-
Poster Presentation and Proceedings publication with student co-authors: ‘Coastal
seabird community structures in the Sea of Okhotsk during spring and fall: Preliminary
findings from 7 seasons of fieldwork’
Salford Systems Modeling Conference, New York March 2005
‘CART, MARS and TreeNet in Predictive Modeling of Wildlife Studies’
International Association of Landscape Ecologists (IALE), Syracuse, 12-16 March
co-authored oral presentation (held by D. Magness) ‘Geostatistical Model Accuracy: A
Comparison of Random, Grid-based, and Clumped Sampling Designs Used in
LargeScale Monitoring Programs’
Co-authored poster presentation ‘An Economic ‘Steady-State’ Landscape for
Wildlife Habitat: Predictive Methods, Results and Applications’.
University of Alaska-Fairbanks Wildlife COOP Unit annual meeting 2005,
(co-authored) ’Modeling Species Distribution for Denali National Park’.
The Wildlife Society (TWS) Alaska Chapter, Fairbanks, 22-23 April 2005
Oral presentation ‘Alaska as an international leader in Natural Resource Management
based on high quality Digital Data: Where we are, where to go and why’
Poster presentations (co-authored, M.Sc. students)‘Shorebird Migration in
Russian Far
East: Results from a long-term study focusing on Great Knot, Red Knot and Bartailed
Godwit‘, ‘Seasonal Variation in Habitat Use by Barren Ground Caribou in
Denali National Park and Preserve’ and ‘Sightability, Habitat Selection, and Sexual
Segregation in Moose: Implications for Management’.
International Conference on Computational Science & its Applications (ICCSA),
Singapore, May 2005
Oral presentation (co-authored) “Linking Global Climate Grid Surfaces with
Long-Term Migration Monitoring Data: Spatial Computations for the Pied
Flycatcher to
Assess Climate-Related Population Dynamics on a Continental Scale”
Oral presentation (co-authored) “Modeling Sage Grouse: Progressive
Methods for Linking a Complex Set of Local, Digital Biodiversity and Habitat
Towards Global Conservation Statements and Decision-Making Systems”
PICES meeting in Victoria May 15-20 2005
Poster presentation (co-authored) “Predictive modelling of foraging strategies of
indicator species (seabirds) with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), GPS data
loggers and progressive habitat analyses along an sub-arctic Pacific gradient”
Russia-Alaska Asia Conference in Anchorage May 23-27 2005-10-06
Poster presentation (co-authored undergraduate student) “Predicting the
Ecological Niche
of Pelagic Short-Tailed Albatross in Canadian Pacific Waters Using Public Available
Datasets and Error Assessment Methods”.
9th International Mammological Conference (IMC9) in Sapporo, Japan, 31 July – 5
August, as organizer of a GIS session titled “Advanced GeoScience Applications
Mammology“ hosting 8 papers and 2 posters from presenters of 8 countries.
Oral presentations (co-authored) “Introduction: Advanced GeoScience
Applications in
Mammology”, “Quantifying habitat associations of Wild Boar, sus scrofa, in a strongly
fragmented environment: reality and outlook.”, “Public web-based databases, policy and
GIS model issues relevant to the sustainability and survival of mammals.”,
future landscapes for wildlife and habitats: An overview and application.”
XXVIIth International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) 28 Aug – 3 Sept. 2005 in
Hannover, Germany
Invited Plenary Speaker “Habitat resource selection, free internet data bases and
progressive GIS modeling of the globe: Towards a digital culture of wildlife research and
sustainable management“.
Organizer of a workshop titled “GIS Mapping and Modelling Wildlife-Habitat
Relationships: Spatial Data for the Past, Present and Future”with 5 international
Oral papers (co-authored) “Thirty years of analyzing and modeling avian habitat
relationships using satellite imagery data: A review”, “Towards developing resource
selection functions for wild boars using telemetry and GIS with generalized linear models
(GLMs) and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) (abstract GIS
session)” .
American Fisheries Society (AFS) 12-15 Sept. 2005 in Anchorage Alaska
Oral presentation “The Impact of Economic Growth on Seabirds as Indicators of
Health.” Part of the Steady State Economy session by B. Czech
Poster (student co-authored) “A Remote Sensing/GIS based Approach to Fisheries
Research on the Unuk River Floodplain in Southeast Alaska”
World Wilderness Conference (WWC) 4-7 Oct. 2005 in Anchorage Alaska
Poster presentation (co-authored and PhD student) “Linking Quantifiable
Attributes with Landscape Characteristics for Scenario Analysis on the Kenai
Wildlife Refuge”.
Australian Ornithological Conference, December 2005
Poster presentation (co-authored) “Studies in Kamchatka: Migratory Flyways and
Influenza AI Status of Shorebirds”
Australasian Shorebird Conference, Nelson, New Zealand, 11-13 December 2005
Oral Presentations “A policy analysis of RAMSAR: Learning from the history of
shorebirds and habitats for the future”, (co-authored) “Southward migration of
Shorebirds through Moroshechnaya Estuary, Far East Russia, August 2004”,
(co-authored) “On the conservation management value of Predictive GIS Modelling and
Free Public Data for Stop-Over Sites and Flyways: The example of Migratory
Populations in the Sea of Okhotsk, Russian Far East as a global template”.
Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) Meeting, La Paz, Mexico, 19-23 January 2004
Two Oral Presentations with student co-authors: ‘Using a Directional Abundance
to Describe, Analyse and Predict the Migration of Pelagic Seabirds: An Example Using
Northern Gannets In Eastern Canada.’, ‘Using ‘Presence Only’ Data for Efficient
Predictive Spatial Modeling of Arctic Terns for the Great Slave Lake Area: Methods,
Problems, Solutions and Applications’.
Poster presentation (co-authors, with students) ‘Predictive GIS Modelling of
Occurrence of Arctic Terns and American White Pelicans in the Great Slave Lake
Region, Northwest Territories, Canada.’, ‘Predicting the Ecological Niche of Pelagic
Short-Tailed Albatross in Canadian Pacific Waters Using Public Available
Datasets and
Error Assessment Methods’.
Participate in student judging.
VI Conference "The waders of East Europe and North Asia: study and
conservation", Ecaterinburg City, Russia on 4-7 February 2004.
‘On the southward migration of Great Knot and other shorebirds at the southwest sector of the Sea of Okhotsk, Russian Far East’. (co-authored talk given by
A.I. Antonov)
Salford Systems Modeling Conference, San Francisco, March 2004
‘Overview of Predictive Modeling in Wildlife Studies’
University of Alaska-Fairbanks Wildlife COOP Unit annual meeting 2004
(co-authored, presented by M.Sc. J. Ritter) ’Building Species Distribution Models
for Denali National Park and Preserve’.
Global Flyways Conference 'Waterbirds around the World', 3-8 April 2004,
Poster presentation (co-authored) ‘Using Predictive GIS Modelling in order to
Large-Scale Shorebird Migration, Turn-over Rates and Populations in the Sea of
Okhotsk, Russian Far East’.
The Wildlife Society (TWS) Alaska Chapter, Girdwood, May 2004
Oral presentation (co-authored) ‘Developing Future Landscape Scenarios of
Annual Meeting of American Society of Mammalogists, Arcata, June 2004
poster (co-authored, presented by M.Sc. cand. S. Oehlers) ‘Sightability, Habitat
Selection, and Sexual Segregation in Moose: Implications for Management’.
2nd World Lagomorph Conference, Vairão Portugal, 26th -31st July 2004
Workshop: Census techniques.
Poster presentation, co-authored (presented by U. Voigt),’Assessment of
Distance Sampling for estimating population densities of Brown Hare’.
Wild Boar Symposium, Krakow, Poland, 2-4 September 2004
Co-authored oral presentation (given by undergraduate D. Neubauer) ‘Predicting
Boars: Developing Resource Selection Functions for Wild Boar using Telemetry
and GIS
with Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
The Wildlife Society (TWS), yearly national meeting, Calgary, Canada, September
Poster presentations (co-authored, students), ’Predictive Modelling of Sage
Grouse Lek
Sites in Future Habitat.’ and ‘Sightability, Habitat Selection, and Sexual Segregation in
Moose: Implications for Management’.
Wader Study Group Meeting in Papenburg, Germany; Turn-over Workshop,
Oral presentation (co-authored) ‘Using Predictive GIS Modelling in order to
Large-Scale Shorebird Migration, Turn-over Rates and Populations in the Sea of
Okhotsk, Russian Far East’.
Bureau of Indian Affairs Provider's Conference, Anchorage, December 2004
Oral presentation (co-authored, presented by M.Sc. cand. S. Oehlers), ‘Sightability,
Habitat Selection, and Sexual Segregation in Moose: Implications for
Alaska Shorebird Group, Anchorage, 6 December 2004
‘An overview of a shorebird expedition in Moroshechnaya Estuary, Russian Far
(co-authored talk given by S. Kendall)
1. International Resource Selection Function, Laramie, USA
Oral Presentation ‘Testing Model Selections for Resource Selection Functions: A
Software Tool and Results’.
Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) Meeting, Nanaimo, Canada
Three Oral Presentations with co-authors ‘Investigations of Marbled Murrelet
Nesting Habitats Using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and RadioTelemetry in Desolation Sound and Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia,
Canada’. ‘A Predictive Marbled Murrelet Model Using Combined Marine and
Terrestrial Habitat Components for the Canadian Coast during the Breeding
Season’ and ‘Combining GIS and Landsat Data to Study Habitat Selection by
Nesting Marbled Murrelets in Relation to Forest Patch Size and Distances to
Edges, in Desolation And Clayoquot Sounds, British Columbia, Canada’.
Poster Presentation ‘A Digital Habitat 'Fly-Through ' Model-Scenario for Nesting
Marbled Murrelets in Desolation Sound, British Columbia’. (co-authors)
American Association of Geographers (AAG)
Oral presentation ‘Discriminating Landscape Effects To Obtain Nest Spacing
Estimates For Marbled Murrelets In Coastal Old-growth Forests’.(together
with J. Linke and S. Bertazzon).
International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications
(ICCSA 2003); Computational and Methodological Developments in Spatial
Analysis in GIS, Proceedings Montreal May 2003.
Oral presentation ‘Assessment of different link functions for modeling
data to derive sound inferences and predictions’. (together with J. Linke)
Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) meeting in St. Barbara, California, USA
Oral presentation (co-authored) 'Marbled Murrelet Nesting Habitat in Desolation
Clayoquot Sounds, British Columbia', and Poster presentation 'Sooty Shearwaters off
Eastern Canada'.
American Ornithological Union in St. Louis, USA
Poster Presentation ‘New insights from LANDSAT 7 satellite imagery for the
investigation of Marbled Murrelet nesting habitat in Desolation Sound, Canada.’
TWS Northwest Chapter Meeting, Special Marbled Murrelet Session,
Spokane, USA
Oral presentation ‘Marbled Murrelet Nesting Habitat Preferences’ (co-authors)
Transborder Grizzly Bear Meeting, Sandpoint, USA
Oral presentation ‘Contribution of Satellite Remote Sensing to Grizzly Bear
Habitat Analysis in the Alberta Yellowhead Ecosystem, Canada’.(co-authors).
American Ornithological Union in Seattle, USA
Oral Presentation ‘Marbled Murrelet GIS studies’ (co-authors).
1st International DISTANCE sampling conference in St. Andrews, Scotland.
Poster presentation ‘Elevation Surveys of Potential Nesting-Platformtrees for
Marbled Murrelets’.
Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) meeting in Lihue, Hawaii, USA
Oral Presentation 'Marbled Murrelet Habitat Preferences and GIS Nest
Modelling' (co-authors).
Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) meeting in Napa, California, USA
Oral presentation 'Wintering Razorbills in the Bay of Fundy’.
American Ornithological Union (AOU) in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Poster presentation 'Seabird Migration of Juveniles and Moulting Locations'.
Wetlands 2000 in Montreal, Canada
Poster presentation ‘Sea of Okhotsk Study: an overview’.
Wilson Society Meeting in Colby College/Waterville, Maine, USA
Oral presentation ‘Wintering Razorbills in the Bay of Fundy' and co-author of
a poster presentation ‘Canadian Razorbill Status Report’.
World Conference on Natural Resource Modelling in Halifax, Canada
Oral presentation on ‘A GIS Seabird Distribution Model for the Northwest
5th World Congress IALE (International Association for Landscape Ecology) in
Snowmass, Colorado, USA
Oral presentation ‘Characterizing the Seascape of the Northwest Atlantic’.
Northeast Wildlife Graduate Student Conference in Orono,Maine, USA
Oral presentation ‘Interactions between mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta
palliata) and neotropical birds in a fragmented forest habitat on Ometepe Island,
4th National Microcomputer Applications in Fish and Wildlife Conference (U.S.
Fish & Wildlife Service; Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information
Managers; American Fisheries Society Computer user Section; The Wildlife
Society’s Information System and Remote Sensing Workgroup), in Stateline,
Nevada, USA
Oral presentation ‘Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Large Scale
Seabird and Environmental Databases, the Internet/WWW and Spatial Statistics
to Investigate Seabird Habitat Relationships in the Northwest Atlantic’.
3rd Bay of Fundy Science Workshop ‘Understanding Change in the Bay of Fundy
Ecosystem’, Wolfville, Canada
Oral presentation ‘Aspects of Change for Wintering Razorbills (Alca torda) in the
lower Bay of Fundy' .
Northeast Wildlife Graduate Student Conference, Fredericton, Canada
Oral presentations ‘Habitat associations on New World Primates in Venezuela’,
‘Winter Ecology of Razorbills’, poster presentation ‘Seabird Distribution of the Canadian
Atlantic in Winter’.
Maine Ornithology Conference in Lewiston, Maine, USA
Oral presentation ‘Razorbill Distribution and Abundance, winter 97/98, off Grand
Manan and Gulf of Maine’.
‘Hypermedia im Umweltschutz’ Workshop of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer
Informatik (GI) und FAW an der Universitaet Ulm, Germany
Oral presentation ‘An Ecological GIS Research Application for the Northern
Atlantic-The PIROP Database Software, Environmental Data Sets and the Role of
the Internet/WWW’.
3rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists (SCO) in
Vancouver, Canada
Oral presentation ‘GIS Modelling of seabird distribution in the Northwest
Atlantic using the PIROP database and environmental data sets’.
4thAnnual Meeting of The Wildlife Society (TWS) in GIS Session, Snowmass,
Colorado, USA
Poster presentation ‘Seabird Distribution in Winter’
XXII. IUGB Congress in Sofia, Bulgaria
Poster presentation ‘Using Software of Artificial Intelligence for Object
Recognition, using RoeDeer and Red Fox’ (together with the Institute of Wildlife
Research at the Veterinarian School Hannover).
1st Annual Meeting of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists (SCO) in
Fredericton, Canada
Poster presentation ‘The PIROP Database and Seabird Distribution
Research, using a GIS’; also conference assistant.
Annual Meeting of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists (SCO), GIS workshop.
Oral presentation “Selected issues for the successful application of a Geographic
Information Systems in Ornithology: Some considerations for working with
georeferenced data”. Peterborough, Canada.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (annual meeting of
the German society for Tropical Ecology) in Hamburg, Germany
Poster presentation ‘The European Union and the Tropical Rainforest Report’.
BirdLife International Conference in
Rosenheim, Germany
Poster presentation ‘Birdhunting in the European Union’.
XXI. International Congress for Game Biologists in Halifax, Canada
Oral presentation ‘Use of a video camera, digitized video pictures and
geographic information systems in wildlife biology’.
Colloquium of the Vogelwarte Helgoland, Germany
Oral presentation ‘Use of a video camera, digitized video pictures and geographic
information systems in ornithology’.