The Good Earth Chapters 31

The Good Earth Chapters 31-34
Answer the following questions using complete sentences .
Chapter 31
1. What does Wang Lung know of war? To what does he compare it?
2. Who returns to Wang Lung’s home? What are his plans?
3. How does the uncle’s son feel about his cousins’ wives? How does he treat his
4. Who is Pear Blossom?
5. What makes Lotus angry?
6. What becomes of the uncle’s son by the end of the chapter?
Chapter 32
1. How is Wang Lung’s life rounded off?
2. Why is there no peace in Wang Lung’s house?
3. What is the problem with Lotus?
4. What does the youngest son desire?
5. How does Wang Lung try to dissuade the boy from becoming a soldier?
Chapter 33
1. Who becomes Wang Lung’s third love?
2. How does Lotus react? What does she say about it?
3. How do the three sons react to the news?
Chapter 34
1. What plan does Wang Lung make for the poor fool after his death?
2. What does Pear Blossom offer?
3. How does Wang Lung prepare to die?