Unit9 (The Great Depression and the New Deal)

Unit9, The Great Depression and the New Deal
Need to Know (multiple choice, in no particular order)...
 what happened on Black Tuesday?
 which is NOT a cause of the Great Depression:
◦ overproduction
◦ stock speculation
◦ underconsumption
◦ foreign competition
 which of the following was a serious problem during the Great Depression:
◦ low prices
◦ buying on margin
◦ high unemployment
◦ business consolidation
 which of these did the MOST to trigger a worldwide collapse in trade during the 1930s:
◦ Black Tuesday
◦ Dawes Plan
◦ Dust Bowl
◦ Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
 flowchart:
◦ many depositors lost confidence in their banks, ????(choices below)????, about 3800 banks failed in 1931 and
▪ depositors withdrew their cash from banks
▪ depositors demanded that banks raise interest rates
▪ depositors called for government regulation of banks
▪ depositors borrowed money from banks to invest in the stock market
 which statement would a conservative MOST likely have made at the onset of the Depression:
◦ the federal government should provide jobs to the unemployed
◦ the federal government should provide homes for the homeless
◦ the federal government should tax the wealthy to help the needy
◦ the federal government should let the economy stabilize itself without interfering
 economic activity in the US between 1860 and 1940 shows:
◦ high tariff rates
◦ excessive regulation
◦ recession and recovery
◦ trickle-down prosperity
 which is true of the 1932 presidential election:
◦ FDR won in a landslide
◦ Hoover lost by a narrow margin
◦ Huey Long ran a strong third-party campaign
◦ FDR won an unprecedented third term
 what happened during FDRs First Hundred Days?
◦ Congress passed a record number of bills to promote economic recovery?
◦ FDR toured the nation in a whirlwind presidential campaign?
◦ The Bonus Army gathered in the nation's capital to demand their bonus payments?
◦ The Reconstruction Finance Corporation issues a record number of business loans?
 During the early years of the Great Depression, widespread unemployment contributed to a rise in all of the
following EXCEPT:
birth rates
divorce rates
eviction rates
foreclosure rates
What did FDR call his program of emergency legislation?
◦ The New Deal?
◦ The Square Deal?
◦ The New Freedom platform?
◦ The Share Our Wealth program?
What was the primary cause of the natural disaster on the Great Plains known as the Dust Bowl?
what were the pull factors that drew the Okies to California?
Which of these was a direct result of the Great Flood of 1936?
◦ the enactment of a national flood-control program?
◦ The planting of thousands of trees to prevent erosion?
◦ The migration of thousands of farmers to industrial cities?
◦ The rapid spread of diseases by contaminated drinking water?
How did the Agricultural Adjustment Administration try to help farmers?
How did New Deal programs like the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration provide
relief to the needy?
What happened to FDR's court-packing plan?
What were the objectives of the Social Security Act?
Which of these was NOT an effect of the New Deal?
◦ It ended the Great Depression?
◦ It laid the foundations of the welfare state?
◦ It expanded the power of the federal government?
◦ It attracted new groups of voters into the Democratic Party?
need to know (exploring American ideals: essay question)...
 The Impact of New Deal Programs
◦ President Roosevelt’s New Deal programs were meant to target groups of people who had been affected by the
economic crisis. The table below lists several New Deal programs and the groups they were designed to help.
◦ Using the information from this table and what you learned in this unit, you will now write an essay in answer
to this question: Which program did the most to expand opportunity for the target group of Americans it was
designed to help?
◦ Your essay should have these elements:
▪ an opening paragraph in which you state your answer to the question (thesis) and introduce your basic
▪ one paragraph in which you describe the economic problems faced by the group of people that the
program you chose was designed to help
▪ one paragraph in which you explain how the New Deal program you chose expanded opportunity for this
target group
▪ one paragraph in which you evaluate the effectiveness of the program for the target group
▪ a conclusion in which you restate your thesis and leave your reader with something to think about
New Deal Program
Target Group
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Young, unemployed men
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Rural residents in the Tennessee River valley
Social Security Act
Older and disabled Americans
Federal Securities Act
Investors in the stock market
Home Owners’ Loan Corporation
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Unemployed Americans