Dec 11 – 15 - Greenwich Public Schools

Dec. 3 - 7
Block 1
Block 2
Block 5
Literature 1
No Block 1 today
Monday Schedule
Work on assignments
that were given out last
week (Epiphany Essay,
etc.). Be sure to
complete at least one of
the listed assignments
by Tuesday at the end of
the day. Progress
Reports due Wednesday.
Write in journal: 1.
What do you know
about The Scarlet
Letter? (4 mins.)
Discuss. 2. What QQ do
you have about Hester
Prynne and the others?
Then: Work on Chopin
essay (due Tuesday).
Work on the items that
were listed on the board
last week. Additional
7. Write an original story.
8. Write an article for the
GHS Weekling.
9. Write an account of the
pasta dinner! (Yes, it hasn’t
happened yet.)
No Block 2 today
Tuesday Schedule
No classes today
The day’s activities are
listed in this column.
One group visits
Liberation House in
Work on assignments
from the list, which now
contains 9 items. Or:
participate in a group
discussion on food,
dress codes, and gun
control. The discussion
will be recorded on a
video camera.
Finish assignments
previously announced,
all of which are related
to Plato’s Allegory of
the Cave: Choose two of
the following projects:
Epiphany Essay
Cognitive Dissonance Essay
Original Project
Finish the essay on Kate
Chopin’s short stories. If
you are done with the
essay, read on in The
Scarlet Letter—at least
the first two chapters.
The other group first
watches a film, Sicko,
by Michael Moore,
then goes to Port
Chester to do
community service
work at the food bank
and soup kitchen.
Handout: Passage from
Ch. 2 of The Scarlet
Letter. Answer questions
about the passage as
listed on the handout.
Then: Discuss the
View photos from last
night’s pasta dinner.
Choose one photo and
write a story to go with
it. Put both the photo
and the story on a single
Word document. Save to
thumb drive.
Finish the two projects
you have been working
on for the past several
days of class. (See the
four options for projects,
listed in yesterday’s
summary box.)
No Block 5 today
Friday Schedule
CLP News
Pasta Dinner prep
AB =
Activity Block
Word of the Day
62 scaffold: raised platform on
which someone is executed by
hanging or beheading; or, a
temporary support for workers
AB: First session with
American Red Cross
Tom Mahoney
Info about STDs
63 Puritan: 16th or 17th-C.
Protestant who believed in
strict religious discipline and
plain-style worship
Tomorrow: 4th Annual
Pasta Dinner
64 recidivist: one who
relapses into undesirable
behavior, especially crime;
habitual criminal
Tonight: 4th Annual
Pasta Dinner
6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
65 visage: someone’s face or
facial expression;
Project Adventure:
Walking, talking, and
chasing—at varying
Watch PETA
66 imminent: about to occur;
threatening to happen