課程代號 0013121039144 課程名稱(中) 醫療社會學 課程名稱(英) Sociology of Medicine 開課班級 衛生福利研究所 負責老師 梁莉芳 合班課號 39A03 合班班級 衛福所碩、國際衛生碩士學位學程 上課地點 護理 615 室 上課時間 週一 78 2 學分 授課方式 授課 2 小時,實習 0 小時 學分數 課程類別 教學目標(中) 教學目標(英) 考評方式(中) 一般課程 實驗/實習課程 專題討論 特殊教學 This course introduces the important issues in sociology of medicine, including the social construction of health and diseases, medicalization, professionalization, health and inequalities, distribution of medical resources, and the application of technology. In the beginning of this course, we will examine the history of medicine as a professional field; then we will apply the sociological perspective to explore the social construction of diseases, and how different social factors impact the practices of medicine and health, including class, gender, ethnicity and so forth. Third, we will discuss the development of technology in relation to medicine. In the end, we will conclude this course by addressing the importance of patients’ rights and the relevant social movements. This course introduces the important issues in sociology of medicine, including the social construction of health and diseases, medicalization, professionalization, health and inequalities, distribution of medical resources, and the application of technology. In the beginning of this course, we will examine the history of medicine as a professional field; then we will apply the sociological perspective to explore the social construction of diseases, and how different social factors impact the practices of medicine and health, including class, gender, ethnicity and so forth. Third, we will discuss the development of technology in relation to medicine. In the end, we will conclude this course by addressing the importance of patients’ rights and the relevant social movements. All class members are expected to complete the required reading before the class session during which they will be discussed. The course grade is based on the 考評方式(英) 課程用書/參考資料 following requirements: 1. Class Participation 20 % 2. Weekly Critical Summary 30 % 3. Midterm Proposal and Presentation 20 % 4. Final Paper 30 % All class members are expected to complete the required reading before the class session during which they will be discussed. The course grade is based on the following requirements: 1. Class Participation 20 % 2. Weekly Critical Summary 30 % 3. Midterm Proposal and Presentation 20 % 4. Final Paper 30 % Course Reader The article readings for the course will be available on E-Campus 週次 上課日期 講題 1 2011/9/12 中秋節 2 2011/9/19 Introductions and Overview * Class Introduction 時數 任課教師 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 Definitions and Concepts * Peter Conrad, “General Introduction”, in The Sociology of Health and Illness, pp. 1-6. * Turner, Bryan. 2004. “Introduction.” Pp. xiii-xxviii in 3 2011/9/26 The New Medical Sociology: Social Forms of Health and Illness. New York: Norton. * John B. McKinlay and Sonja M. McKinlay, “Medical Measures and the Decline of Mortality”, in The Sociology of Health and Illness, pp. 7-19 4 History of Medicine * Turner, Bryan. 2004. “Disease and Culture.” Pp. 82-130 in The New Medical Sociology: Social Forms of Health and 2011/10/3 Illness. New York: Norton. * Roy Porter, “Disease” and “Doctors”, in Blood and Guts: A Short History of Medicine, pp. 1-52. (Recommendation) 5 6 2011/10/10 雙十節 Professionalization * Peter Conrad and Joseph W. Schneider, “Professionalization, Monopoly, and the Structure of Medical Practice”, in The Sociology of Health and Illness, 2011/10/17 pp. 170-175. * Timmermans, Stefan and Alison Angell. 2001. “Evidence-Based Medicine, Clinical Uncertainty, and Learning to Doctor.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 42: 342-359. 7 The Social Construction of Health and Illness: Medicalization * Zola, Irving Kenneth. 1972. “Medicine as an Institution of 2011/10/24 Social Control.” Pp. 392-402 in The Sociology of Health & Illness: Critical Perspectives, eds. Peter Conrad and Rochelle Kern. New York: St. Martin Press. * Conrad, Peter. 1992. “Medicalization and Social Control.” Annual Review of Sociology 18: 209-232. 8 Social Construction of Mental Illness * Horwitz, Allan et al. 2006. The Epidemic in Mental Illness: Clinical Fact or Survey Artifact? Contexts 5(1): 19-23 2011/10/31 * Conrad Peter and D. Potter. 2000. "From Hyperactive children to ADHD Adults; observations on the expansion of medical categories'', in Social Problems 47 (4): 559-582. 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 Social Factors in the Etiology of Illness: Inequalities 9 2011/11/7 * M. Berg. 1996. Practices of Reading and Writing: the Constitutive Role of the Patient Record in Medical Work. Sociology of Health and Illness 18: 499-524. * R. Fox 2003. Medical Uncertainty Revisited. In G.L. Albrecht, R. Fitzpatrick and S.C. Scrimshaw, eds. In Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp 409-25. Social Factors in the Etiology of Illness: Inequalities Midterm Presentation Starts (Week 8-11) 10 * Shim, Janet K. 2002. "Understanding the Routinised Inclusion of Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Sex in 2011/11/14 Epidemiology: The Utility of Concepts from Technoscience Studies." Sociology of Health and Illness 24(2): 129-50. * Mansyur et al. 2008. “Social Capital, Income Inequality, and Self-Rated Health in 45 Countries.” Social Science & Medicine 66: 43-56. Social Class and Health * S. Leonard Syme et. al., “Social Class, Susceptibility and Sickness”, in The Sociology of Health and Illness, pp. 11 24-29. * Richard Wilkinson, “Health Inequalities: Relative or 2011/11/21 Absolute Material Standards?” in The Sociology of Health and Illness, pp. 98-103. * Williams, David R. and Chiquita Collins. 1999. “U.S. Socioeconomic and Racial Differences in Health: Patterns and Explanations.” Pp. 349-377 in Health, Illness and Healing: Society, Social Context and Self, An Anthology, eds. Kathy Charmaz and Debora A. Paterniti. L.A: Roxbury Publishing. 12 Gender and Health * Ingrid Waldron, “Gender Differences in Mortality: Causes and Variation in different societies”, in The Sociology of Health and Illness, pp. 38-54. 2011/11/28 * Sara Arber and Hilary Thomas, “From Women’s Health to a Gender Analysis of Health”, in The Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology, edited by William C. Cockerham. Oxford: Blackwell. 2001, pp. 94-113. 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 Race and Ethnicity * Smith, Barbara Ellen. 1994. “Black Lung: The Social Production of Disease.” Pp.62-75 in The Sociology of 13 2011/12/5 Health & Illness: Critical Perspectives, eds. Peter Conrad and Rochelle Kern. New York: St. Martin Press. * William et al. 2008. “Perceived Discrimination, Race and Health in South Africa.” Soc Sci Med 67: 441-452. Disability * Kudlick, Catherine J. 2003. "Disability History: Why We 14 2011/12/12 15 National Inequalities * Charles Hunt, “Social vs. biological: Theories on the transmission of AIDS in Africa”, Social Science and 2011/12/19 Medicine 42: 1283-1296. * John Peabody, “Economic reform and health sector policy: Lessons from structural adjustment programs.” Social Science and Medicine 43: 823-835. 4 梁莉芳 16 Technology and Medicine * Joel D. Howell, “Physicians, Patients, and Medical 2011/12/26 Technology”, in Technology in the Hospital: Transforming Patient Care in the Early Twentieth Century, pp. 1-29. * Documentary: TBA 4 梁莉芳 4 梁莉芳 17 Need Another ''Other''," The American Historical Review 108: 763-793. Patients and Patient Advocacy and Final Presentation 2012/1/2 * Kristin Barker, “Self-Help Literature and the Making of an Illness Identity: The Case of Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS)” in Sociology of Health and Illness, pp. 133-149. * Brown, Phil. 1992. “Popular Epidemiology: Community Response to Toxic Waste-Induced Disease.” Pp. 75-82 in The Sociology of Health & Illness: Critical Perspectives, eds. Peter Conrad and Rochelle Kern. New York: St. Martin Press. 18 2012/1/9 Final Presentation 4 教師姓名 職務 上課時數 梁莉芳 助理教授 72 梁莉芳