ARTISANS AND ICT IN PERU: BEYOND DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH PROPOSAL MARIO CESAR URBINA RUIZ WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY STUDENT MASTER PROGRAM: LEISURE, TOURISM AND ENVIRONMENT 2006 SUMARY Globalization has promoted people interaction in different levels, going form individuals to whole countries from all over the world. Fair trade was conceived as a movement to decrease global differences so that small entrepreneurs from less developed countries could have fair opportunities to participate in global trade systems. On the other hand globalization is also promoting and promoted by activities such as tourism, in which intercultural experiences as well as local culture protection take place. Thus artisans’ activity is very important as it represents local identity and tourist attraction, besides, “artisans” have become a synonym of poor and marginalized communities. Empowering artisans’ communities means a cultural self-esteem improving; but this could no be possible unless they count with globalization tools such as Information and Communication Technology, which would not only introduce them to a global market but to the globalization process and development. THE PROBLEM STATEMENT INTERNET AND GLOBALIZATION Internet had its origins in the 1950’s during the cold war era, when the United States faced Russian communism. (McPhail, T. 2002) ARPANET is the predecessor or Internet, it was created in a war environment in order to create an invulnerable communication system to protect knowledge, information and communication, as these elements were related to sovereign. The design of this system was focused on sharing information regardless the geographical location or the distance. As a second step it was used in academic level for research, and later on it was employed by any people. In 2001, there were more than 3 billion public Web sites and more than half of all U.S. and Japan citizens had Internet access. The same is for most western European countries. Internet and other communications technologies have tremendous implications for intercultural communication. (Martin, J. Thomas, N. 2004) Nowadays the use, access and development of Information and Communication Technology – ICT- is used as an indicator of development, but one third of world population have never used the telephone and less than one fifth haven got access to internet jet (PNUD -Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, 2001) and European Union named Peruvian artisan as one of the targets on exclusion risk (ALIS – Alliance for Information Society, 2006) Besides, ICT is improving and transforming substantially the tourist industry in both ways supply (reservation, management, marketing, business-to business, business-to-consumer, etc) and demand. But that this development hardly supports artisans’ communities as the 80 percent of tourist industry is managed by transnational companies as Mowforth and Munt (2006) argued. PERUVIAN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND ARTISANS’ COMMUNITIES According with the World Tourism Organization WTO (2000), Peru was a suppressed area for tourism, but has seen a considerable increase in visitor arrivals despite the fact that political sustainability had led to European operators increasing their coverage despite rising the ground cost. The current growth in tourist arrivals can be attributed to economic reforms in the country which includes the liberalization of the air transportation. During the last years Peru has recognized that tourism is an important resource for sustainable developing, due to the Peruvian Ministry of International Commerce and Tourism is putting effort on policy-making and advocacy. Some institutions were created in order to help promoting and regulating tourism and environmental policies: namely CONAM (Consejo Nacional del Ambiente) National Committee for Environmental Issues; INRENA (Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales) National Institute for Natural Resources; PROMPEX (Comision para la Promocion de Exportaciones) Commission to Promote Exportations: and PROMPERU (Comision de Promocion de Peru) Peru Promotion Committee. On the other hand, Peru, as a traditional tourist destination is iconic represented by Macchu Picchu, located in Cuzco (South Peru) and the main tourist flows remains in South Peru. The foremost attraction of Cuzco to most tourists is thus a combination of archeological, cultural and ethnic tourism. In addition, the spectacular mountain setting of the region lends itself to other subsidiary forms of tourism, such as mystical, adventure, and ecological or nature tourism, combined with challenging outdoor sports. (Santana, G. 2001) But Peru can offer a large variety of tourist attractions, culturally and ecologically all around its geography. New findings in North Peru, like the Senor de Sipan, and Kuelap temple ruins started to get the attention of international tourists as well as national tourists, but Macchu Picchu is still top minded. It is quite hard to create and develop, in both ways operational and communicational, new myth as strong as Macchu Picchu. So that, it could be a good option creating bridges from south to center and north Peru, based on sustainability principles: Ecological, Social, Cultural and Economic sustainability. (Mowforth and Munt, 2006) In Peru there have been developed numerous efforts on new ways of tourism, namely eco-tourism, cultural tourism, community based tourism and so on, as a way to develop tourism. It is recognized as a way of sustainable development, considering it an economical activity based on renewable resources. As a consequence of tourist activity other activities are promoted and expanded. Tourists not only invest time toward shopping during their travels, but they also spend approximately one-third of their total tourism expenditures on retail purchases. (Yu, H. and Littrell M. 2003) Among the products that tourists purchase, textile crafts and apparel items constitute a substantial portion. Tourism shopping is often associated with symbolic consumption; material goods can reinforce the sense of self and provide a storehouse of memories from past experiences. (Yu, H. and Littrell M. 2003) Lately, few Fair Trade and Pro-Poor Tourism NGOs such as Aid to Artisans or SNV are focusing on souvenirs and artisan communities. But the number of these NGOs is really short and therefore their activities are still done in a low scale, even when they may have a high impact on the communities. It is imperative to research on these efforts and asses their impacts and problematic. While researching on the way of these communities get inserted into the fair trade system we may find new ways to empower them to develop abilities and knowledge on ITC needed to develop as fair trade well fair tourism suppliers, at the time they can develop themselves. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK INTERNET AND GLOBALIZATION Internet is one of the most characteristic elements in globalization, as it this technology have made more complex the relation between communication and transportation, and let people being “co-present” in a place without physical presence. (Urry, J. 2004). Martin and Thomas (2004) present five main consequences affecting culture and technology: (1) increased information about people and culture, (2) increased contact with people, who are different from us, (3) increased contact with people who are similar to us who can provide communities of support, (4) identity management through culture and technology and (5) differential access to communication technology. The three first points refer to an integration process, recognizing similarities and differences, while the other two refers to the importance of being an internet user. Being an internet “inter-active” user means also having a position not only about internet but about the whole globalization process. According to Appadurai (1990) the new global cultural economy should be understood as a very complex phenomenon with overlapping, disjunctive order, and we can recognize five dimensions of global cultural flow: ethnoscapes, mediascapes, techoscapes, financescapes and ideoscapes. Meaning that globalization is influenced by the movement of people; the improvement of mechanical and informational technology across borders; currency markets, national stock exchange and commodity speculations moving money; private or state media productions image-centered, narrative-based as desired fantasies; and the images and ideologies power oriented. In any theories of globalization, neither those speaking about a social phenomenon nor those about talking about a symbolic system, there are elements of differentiation among the subjects of the so called Society of Information, and the main differences are rooted on development issues. Sofield(2003) contest the term Development as a state of being, as progressive transformation of society and also as a structure, while Mowforth and Munt (2006) criticizes the capitalist’s view of development related to the idea of Western superiority, which presupposes that progress has the same substance as history, all nations travel the same road and all do not advance at the same speed as Western society. This is a totalizing discourse of development as a single linear progression of economic growth and well being. But Development and Economic Growth are not the same, the first is qualitative and the latter quantitative. Growth is a quantitative process involving principally the extension of an already established structure of production, whereas development refers to a general improvement in the material and social wellbeing of society as a whole – with changes in economical and non-economical structures. (Sofield 2003) SUSTAINABILITY Latest discourses about development focus on sustainability as the best way to reach socio-economical improvement and well being. Also WTO (World Tourism Organization) accepted sustainability approach to its tourist planning and development studies. (SVN, 2001) The World Commission on Environment and Development settled four fundamental cannons for the World Conservation Strategy: Ecological, Economic, Social and Cultural Sustainability. (Sofield, 2003), remaining the same “triple P concept” that other researchers propose for sustainability: Planet, Profit and People (Slingerlan et alt. 2003), in terms of a situation that leaves the future generations as many opportunities as we ourselves had, if not more. Natural and rural spaces have become the most suitable spaces for sustainable tourism as Vinals and Bernabe (1999) justified the use of these spaces for Interpretative-Educative activities, Sport-Adventure activities and Conventional activities, namely strolling, contemplation of landscapes and natural beauties, craft-making, painting, writing, vocational studies, and family and friends meetings. After sustainable tourism, other concepts with an often-similar meaning are used more or less interchangeably, for example eco-tourism, cultural tourism, pro-poor tourism and fair trade tourism. The difference and similarity between these concepts is essentially determined by the criteria and the practical implementation of each. (Slingerlan et alt, 2003) For example, Ecotourism, which is about traveling to nature spaces with the purpose of enjoying the local landscape, flora and fauna, is confused with other kinds of tourism with which shares some things like adventure tourism, sport tourism or rural tourism. (Vinals and Bernabe, 1999) But the purpose of this paper is not classify these types of tourism but make clear how the criteria of sustainable tourism may be constructed under different perspective, such Fair Trade or Pro-Poor Tourism. FAIR TRADE AND PRO-POORTOURISM Fair trade is a challenge to traditional economic theory and practice in that it seeks a price based on principles other than those of pure profit maximization and on practices other than seeking the lowest cost of production in so-called efficient markets. There are elements of tourism related activities, such as the production and sale of local handicrafts that provide the opportunity for elements of fair trade, but as Mowforth and Munt (2006) has confirmed, little or nothing is known about fair trade in services like hospitality. Fair trading organizations are non-profit making and those small independent tour operators who are practicing some quasi-fair trade elements also need to ensure commercial viability. The concerns about Fair Trade are related to price as the main determinant and the significance of the degree of local control or the distribution of benefits. Specifically in tourism there are 6 prerequisites to make fair trade: (1) Access to capital, (2) Ownership of resources, (3) Distribution of benefits, (4) Control over representation of the destination in tourist-generating countries, (5) Transparency of tourism operations and (6) Transparency of price and working conditions. (Mowforth and Munt ,2006) All these principles are framed in idea of a sustainable trade, meaning the international exchange of goods and services yields positive social, economic and environmental development. (Robins and Roberts, 2000) On the other hand, Pro-Poor Tourism directly searches for poverty reduction by generation net benefits for the poor. Proponents argues that pro-poor tourism puts the poor at the centre of analysis, focuses on tourism destinations in developing countries and is particularly relevant to poverty conditions. (Mowforth and Munt ,2006) Tourism is seen as a tool for poverty alleviation, stimulating the tourism-related economic activities, with technical assistance for capacity building at various levels, for both governments and public and private institutions. So that tourist products are constructed under sustainability criteria and promoted with marketing standards. Usually the projects are developed under cultural tourism or community-based tourism schemas. While the most of the tourist enterprises deal with free trade economy, there have come some fair trade and pro-poor efforts from different and third sector organizations. NOG’S AND THIRD SECTOR The developmental activities of the third sector - local membership organizations, non-governmental organizations, NGOs, international NGOs, social movements, church organizations - have intensified in the 1980s with the expansion of this sector and found favor with a broad range of supporters. (Booth, 1994) The third sector is comprised of a wide variety of organizational types. As Booth (1994) explains, they differ in terms of scale, philosophy, objectives, location, activities, managements systems and style, memberships, external relationships, resources and other features. While there are many potential typologies it is particular useful to distinguish between geographical locations and the different roles, or mixes of roles, that organizations pursue. Thus we can identify northerners NGOs (NNGOs) based in donor countries and almost always directed by ‘northerners’; intermediate southern NGOs (SNGOs), that operate at the national level or across several regions within a developing country and commonly work with local-level organizations; and memberships organizations (MOs) composed of members from a localized area and led by representatives selected by the membership; they are linked to SNGOs and NNGOs. Many NNGOs and SNGOs are heavily dependent on each other, the former for a recipient country base for operations and the later for finance and technical assistance. According to Booth(1994),the third sector organizations orientate the poverty alleviation in two ways: by economic activity and creating material gains within a short period of time (the modernization approach); and trough an initial focus on non-material achievements that seek to empower trough ‘dialogical’ processes and sees material gains as accruing at some future stage (the empowerment approach). RESEARCH DESIGN RESEARCH GOAL The main objective of the research is focus on developing Artisan Experiential Tourism Destinations in Peru. So that, artisans may success not only selling souvenirs on a global market under fair trade philosophy but also through the “artisan’s experience” as tourist attraction, hosting tourists and showing them the way they work, the way they live, getting in touch with natural environment. Artisans’ communities can make a step further than hand-made labor, and participate in the marketing and management of their business with ITC. Fair Trade and Pro-poor initiatives are been implemented recently in tourist activity and there is no much information about it, neither empirical nor theoretical. RESEARCH QUESTION Which are the ITC requirements for artisans to develop trade and tourism under Fair Trade and Pro-Poor tourism philosophy? SECONDARY RESEARCH QUESTIONS - What is the level of digital poverty among artisans? - What are the main differences in ICT involvement between communities dealing with fair trade and communities which are not? - What is the level of participation on ICT activities of artisans? - What is the level of participation on ICT activities of the NGOs? - Which are the attitude of “digital” consumers and traders towards artisans’ products? STAKE HOLDERS AND DATA REQUIERED - Artisans and Artisan Organizations o Information on the awareness about fair trade process, the benefits, and requirements to take part. o Regular way of trading o Participation level on tourism-trade process o Access to ICT o Attitudes toward foreigners - Local communities o ICT accessibility o Attitudes toward ICT, artisans, tourists and NGOs o Other economical activities and possibilities o Ways of communication with people outside the communities - Local NGO’s o Philosophy and goals o Structure o Local and foreign participation o ICT activities - International NGO’s o Philosophy and goals o Structure o Local and foreign participation o ICT activities - Government o Policies on Artisans, Artisan Trade, Tourism, E-Commerce - Tour Operators o Attitudes towards fair trade in tourism and ITC o Market criteria - Handicraft Traders o Attitudes towards fair trade and ITC o Market criteria - Potential final consumers – Tourist o Attitudes towards fair trade in tourism and ITC o Expectations SCHEDULE AND DATA COLLECTION The Research will be done based comparative study cases, selecting two communities, one involved in fair trade and one non-involved in. There will be development of criteria to make a pre-selection of possible study communities, based on tourist development possibilities (accessibility, natural resources, handicrafts, etc). The research is mainly qualitative. Schedule: • April Research Proposal • May Operational schedule preparation • June • July Communities Research • • • Authorities, NGO’s August Tour Operators, Traders, and Final consumers September Data Classification November-December Report making Collecting Data – Qualitative Research JUNE – COMMUNITIES RESEARCH Participant Observation 1. In order to select the most suitable organizations. Travel around the preselected communities to find out which are appropriate for the study. Possible communities: Ayacucho: City close to Cuzco which used to be a well visited destination until terrorist movement stuck there on 1980s, now it is re-growing as a tourist destination, and it is known by its artisan products. San Martin Communities: City in northern jungle Peru, it is just been known by its artisan products, and have many natural tourist resources. North Peru souvenirs are also well valued internationally. 2. In the selected communities. Comparison Indicators Trade Network advantages ICT in trade network Digital development Work value Attitude towards globalization Level of Globalization Development Process Participation Level JULY – NGO’S, AUTHORITIES Unstructured and in depth Interviews with authorities, NGO’s, - Power Relation - Local Participation AUGUST – TOUR OPERATORS, TRADERS, FINAL CONSUMERS Semi-structured Interviews with Traders and Tour Operators - Successfulness expectations on fair trade projects BUDGET Transportation and accommodation: Operational operations Operational Material US $ US $ US $ 2, 300.00 1,700.00 1,000.00 REFERENCES Urry, J (2004) Connections. In: Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 2004 (22) 27-34 Martin, J. Thomas, N. (2004). 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