Sample Hamlet Essays - Find the thesis statement Find the errors 1

Sample Hamlet Essays Find the thesis statement
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1. The play "Hamlet", is about a complex protagonist, Hamlet, who faces adversity and is
destined to murder the individual who killed his father. Hamlet is a character who Although his
actions and emotions may be one of an insane persons, in the beginning of the book it is clear
that Hamlet decides to fake madness in order for his plan to succeed in killing Claudius. Hamlet
is sane because throughout the play he only acts crazy in front of certain people, to others he acts
properly and displays proper prince like behavior who is able to cope with them without
sounding crazy, and even after everything that has been going on in his life he is able to take
revenge by killing his father's murderer. In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare Hamlet is
sane but acts insane to fulfill his destiny of getting vengeance on his father's murderer.
Hamlet throughout the play seems insane but in reality it is only an act to achieve his goal of
killing his father's murderer. Hamlet chooses to go mad so he has an advantage over his
opponent and since he is the Prince of Denmark certain behavior is ...
2. The theme of madness in Hamlet has been a widely popular topic in the discussion of the play
by both critics and readers alike. It is quite simple to see the reason why, since the play
confronts us with evidence to prove the validity of the claim to Hamlet’s true madness, or,
rather, a view that the actions and words arising from the apparent madness, is but an feigned
"antic disposition" as proclaimed by Hamlet himself. This uncertainty in my view, is the
question that has bothered many readers of the play, since a dramatic device like this has it’s
purpose. What that purpose is however, is not made clear because of the conflicting evidence
of that can be found within the play that supports or contradicts each other. Some have even
attributed this uncertainty as carelessness on Shakespeare’s part. My view however is that the
unresolved tension these questions bring up, have a part in playing out the plot and also in
showing the uncertainties of human nature. Madness in my view, is not an absolute concept.
It’s occurrence varies with the situation, or for Hamlet, it varies in the deg...
3. In Hamlet, Gertrude is a woman who means no harm but whose poor judgment contributes
greatly to the terrible events that occur. There are only two female characters in the play, and
neither one--Gertrude or Ophelia--is assertive. But the decisions Gertrude does make eventually
lead to her death and the downfall of others as well.
We first realize in Act I, Scene 2 that poor judgment is her major character flaw. As the
mother of a grieving son, Gertrude should have been more sensitive to Hamlet's feelings. Instead,
less than two months after King Hamlet's death, Gertrude remarries Claudius, her dead husband's
own brother. Gertrude should have realized how humiliated Hamlet would feel as a result,
because at that time it was considered incestuous for a widow to marry her husband's brother.
There is also jealousy on the part of a son, who feels that his mother should be giving him more
attention during the mourning period. Gertrude is not in touch with her own son's feelings to see
why he is angry. Hamlet expresses this outrage during his first soliloquy:
O, most wicked speed, to post
With such dexterity to incestuous sheets! (I.ii 156-157)
Gertrude is shown to be a loving mother but a parent who cannot read into her sons's behavior.
In this next essay, find the thesis and the supporting ideas.
4. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the reader gets to know what has been called the "two Hamlets in
the play," the first who is considered to be the sensitive intellectual who is able to express
himself through poetry and who comes across as being dedicated to truth. The other, barbaric
side of Hamlet who treats Ophelia so cruelly with no empathy, slays Polonius and speaks of
dragging his guts into another room, and who sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to their deaths
without any remorse. However, most interpreters of Hamlet see him as a "tragic hero" with a
clear and sacred obligation to kill Claudius but due to his being a victim of great external
difficulties, is unable to do so right away. Shakespeare purposely makes Hamlet out to be a
procrastinator for one very important reason, if Hamlet would have quickly pursued this revenge,
Gertrude, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Laertes, and of course Hamlet himself
would have survived and Shakespeare would not have achieved tragedy in this play. There are
many explanations for Hamlet's long delay, some of which include the physical act of being
unable to commit the murder and what held him back, the fear of what would happen, the moral
dilemma of taking the life of his uncle, his disbelief in the ghost, and his fascination with death.
The most important reason being that which physically held him back from committing the act.
If Hamlet were to carry out what the Ghost told him and carried out immediate revenge, how
would Hamlet have been able to convince the people that he justifiably executed an act of
revenge. Another reason Hamlet procrastinates is that his psychological feelings confuse his
ability to "confront his destiny." Hamlet's dilemma has little to do with what decisions he should
take, but rather whether he will be able to make any decisions at all. Perhaps due to his excessive
melancholy Hamlet became morally weakened and therefor lost his desire for revenge. As
Hamlet states "my weakness and my melancholy"(II.ii.630) and his "wild and whirling
words"(I.v.133) his mood shifts from deep depression to elation, which might explain his
indecisiveness throughout the play. Hamlet is a man of talk.
He is imply unable to carry out actions which he wants to. In his own words, ". . .the native hue
of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought."(III.i.84-85) Here it becomes clear that
when Hamlet thinks he has finally made a decision, thinking about it causes him to change his
mind or simply put it off. The one time Hamlet has the opportunity to kill Claudius and achieve
his revenge is when Claudius is confessing his sins. Here, Hamlet does not kill him because if
Claudius were to die right then, he would have gone to heaven. Something which Hamlet does
not want to see happen. Of course, there are also moral roadblocks which prevent Hamlet from
immediately acting upon the
5. In Shakespeare’s Play, Hamlet was written in Elizabethan Era. It’s about the death of many
people, between love, loyalty, and revenge. Hamlet seeks revenge for his father, Laetes wants
revenge for his father also, Polonius, which Hamlet killed him accidently. Horatio though on the
other hand, is Hamlet’s true friend. He helps him with many problems and overcomes great
obstacles. Ophelia, the daughter of Claudius, the King, is in love with Hamlet, and they develop
a romantic relationship. Horatio has inherent the story after everyone dies. Accidents happen,
the Queen, Gertrude drinks the poison in the wine, Hamlet kills Laertes with his own poison
sword, and Ophelia dies by falling into the pool and drown. Horatio is responsible for Hamlet,
because he helps him in the story, he also feels responsible for Hamlet’s death, and last I believe
that if the relationship between Horatio and Hamlet was better, no one should have died.