The Age of Extremes Monopolies –Political Cartoon Organization and preparation Knowledge of topic Creativity/Appearance Explanation Novice (7) Limited preparation and poor organization Apprentice(8) Organization is attempted by not complete Needs additional idea between the ideas a more examples. Little understanding of the concepts Practitioner (9) Organization of the illustration is clear and concise. Evidence of chapter reading. No understanding of the concepts Final appearance is not neat and lacks creativity Final appearance has limited impact The final products appearance is attractive and creative Plain white computer paper Neatly in black pen And/Or Uses color Uses 1-2 techniques Less than 100 words typed in MLA format. Vaguely or does not explain the techniques used in the cartoon Vaguely or does not explain the events in the cartoon. Less than 150 words typed in MLA format. Somewhat explains the techniques used in the cartoon Somewhat explains the events in the cartoon. Good understanding of the content 150-200 words typed in MLA format. Explains the techniques used in the cartoon Clearly explains the events in the cartoon. Expert (10) Organization is creative and preparation is evident. Topic is focused, clear and shows a clear understanding of the content Excellent illustration and clear understanding of political cartoon techniques Practitioner Plus: Finds a current political cartoon that uses the same technique as the one the student illustrated. Current cartoon is attached with another explanation.