“Introduction. Girls: Questions of Gender, Politics, and Millennial

Betty - Despoina Kaklamanidou
Betty – Despoina Kaklamanidou
Lecturer in Film Theory & History, Film
Studies Department, Faculty of Fine Arts,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
(elected lecturer in October 2010, appointed
in January 2014)
Visiting Research Fellow, School of Law
& Social Sciences, Centre on Human Rights
in Conflict, University of East London, UK.
Place and date of
Marital status:
e-mail address:
Thessaloniki, August 8th, 1972
21, G. Papandreou street, 54645, Thessaloniki, Greece
+30 2310 856 023
+30 6945 221 380
2005 PhD in Philosophy, English Department, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki.
Title of Thesis: “Narration and Focalization in Choderlos de Laclos’ Les Liaisons
Dangereuses and it four filmic adaptations.”
Masters Degree, Program of Postgraduate Studies in the Sciences of Communication
and Technology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki.
Title of Thesis: “Advertisement: A Lexicological Approach.”
Degree in French Language and Philology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki.
Degree in Journalism, Centre of Philosophical and Social Studies of Thessaloniki.
Scholarships / Grants
Support to New Researchers (Lecturers), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
(http://www.rc.auth.gr/Documents/Uploaded/ef1adb3a-09da-4314-8157a54eeb222928.pdf, €4,000).
Scholarship for Excellence. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (€6,000).
Project manager with Dr. K. Chainoglou of FELICITY (a program that uses films
to teach issues of citizenship in the European Union). In October, our host
institution, the University of East London (UEL) was awarded a challenge grant
of 150,000 GBP by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (the grant letter has been
submitted the Secretariat).
Fulbright Scholarship ($6,000). I spent September and October in New York
conducting research and lecturing at Empire State University of New York
(SUNY, http://www.esc.edu/).
1993- ERASMUS scholarship: I spent 6 months at I.S.T.I. (Institut des Traducteurs et
Interprètes) in Brussels Belgium, attending courses in English and French
translation, English, French and Russian civilization.
2014 The Millennials on Film and Television: The Politics of Popular Culture, edited by Betty
Kaklamanidou & Peggy Tally, Jefferson: McFarland. pp. 1-207.
2014 HBO’s Girls. Questions of Gender, Politics, and Millennial Angst, edited by Betty
Kaklamanidou & Peggy Tally, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp.
2013 Genre, Gender and the Effects of Neoliberalism: The New Millennium Hollywood Rom
Com, London: Routledge. pp. 188
2011 The 21st Century Superhero: Essays on Gender, Genre and Globalization, edited by
Richard J. Gray II & Betty Kaklamanidou, Jefferson: McFarland. pp. 1-204
2007 Introduction to the Hollywood Romantic Comedy: Film Genre & Gender Representation.
Athens: Aigokeros. pp. 1-199,
2006 When Film Met Literature: Theoretic Approaches & Comparative Analysis. Athens:
Aigokeros. pp. 1-207.
Chapters in Collections/Anthologies
“Prizzi’s Honor: Greed and Gender in the Beginning of the Neoliberal Era” John Huston as
Adapter, King Wesley & Douglas McFarland (eds.), Albany: State University of New York
Press (forthcoming).
“The Woman in Time and Space: Mihalis Kakogiannis’ Euripedean Trilogy,” with Christina
Adamou, Place and Ancient Theatre, Alexandroupoli: Ekataios (forthcoming, in Greek).
“Nora Ephron as Director,” Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood: 2, Lincoln
Geraghty (ed.), Bristol: Intellect Books (forthcoming).
“The Romantico-Sexual Narrative and Intertextuality in Friends With Benefits and No
Strings Attached,” in The Millennials on Film and Television: The Politics of Popular
Culture, edited by Betty Kaklamanidou & Peggy Tally, Jefferson: McFarland. 155-169.
“Introducing the 21st-century Generation,” with Margaret Tally, in The Millennials on
Film and Television: The Politics of Popular Culture, edited by Betty Kaklamanidou &
Peggy Tally, Jefferson: McFarland. 1-14.
“Introduction. Girls: Questions of Gender, Politics, and Millennial Angst,” with Margaret
All books and articles, along with copies of degrees, certificates of attendance to conferences, and any
relevant to my candidacy legal and scholarly documents have been submitted to the Secretariat of the School
of Film Studies. All publications and my CV are also in the CD sent to the 7-member committee containing
four different folders (A. Books, B. Peer-Reviewed Articles, C. Chapters in Books and D. Articles) and my CV
in both English and Greek. All publications can also be found in the following drop box link in case of any
potential technical problems with the CDs:
Tally, in HBO’s Girls. Questions of Gender, Politics, and Millennial Angst, edited by Betty
Kaklamanidou & Peggy Tally, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 1-9.
“Mamma Mia! and The Power of Sisterhood”, Mamma Mia, L. Fitzgerald & M. Williams
(eds.), London: I.B Tauris. 94-109.
“Cycles and Clusters of the Millennial Hollywood Romantic Comedy: An Overview,”
Gendering Popular Culture: Perspectives from Eastern Europe and the West, K. Slavova
& K. Daskalove (eds.), Sofia: Polis. 258-271
“A Greek Product Made in Colombia: Is Ugly Mary a Universal Fairy Tale?” TV's Betty
Goes Global: From Telenovela to International Brand, J. McCabe & K. Akass (eds.),
London: I.B. Tauris. 175-188.
“Hostage: Filming the “Other” Side of Immigration in Greek Contemporary Cinema”, Reinventing/Re-presenting Identities in a Global World, S. Yemenedzi-Malathouni, T.G.
Rapatzikou & E. Arapoglu (eds), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. 155165.
“The Greek ‘American’ Dream: The Semiotics of the Greek Romantic Comedy”, Borders,
Peripheries, Diasporas, G. Paschalides, E. Hodolidou & I. Vamvakidou (eds.),
Thessaloniki: University Studio Press. 357-374.
“The Mythos of Patriarchy in the X-Men Films”, The 21st Century Superhero: Essays on
Gender, Genre and Globalization, R.J. Gray II & B. Kaklamanidou (eds.), Jefferson:
McFarland. 61-74.
“Introduction”, with Richard J. Gray II, The 21st Century Superhero: Essays on Gender,
Genre and Globalization, R.J. Gray II & B. Kaklamanidou, Jefferson: McFarland. 1-14.
“The Four Filmic Adaptations of Les Liaisons Dangereuses: The “surrender” of the
Marquis de Merteuil to film patriarchy”, From Literature to Film, F.Tabaki-Iona & M.E.
Galani (eds.), Athens: Aigokeros. 53-66.
“The New Millennium Hollywood Romantic Comedy: Charting a Genre’s History”, Gender
and Genre, Kornelia Slavova & Isabelle Boof-Vermesse (eds), Bulgaria: Sofia University
Press. 167-178.
“Michael Moore’s Political Documentaries: Popular Politics with a Vengeance”, Politics
and Popular Culture, Leah Murray (ed.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars
Press. 148-158.
“Michael Moore’s Political Documentary: We enjoy fiction but we live in fictitious times”
Documentary: Another Reality, E. Stathi & Y. Skopeteas (eds.), Athens: Aigokeros. 120137. In Greek.
2008 “The Personification Trap and the Hollywood Star”, The Actor Between the Stage and the
Screen, C. Adamou (ed.), Athens: Kastaniotis. 154-163. In Greek.
Translation from English to Greek of “Julia Roberts and Erin Brockovich: The cultural and
commercial paradoxes of Oscar winning acting”, The Actor Between the Stage and the
Screen, C. Adamou (ed.), Athens: Kastaniotis. 141-153.
Translation from English to Greek of “Performing herself: Approaches to practice-based
research in theatre history”, The Actor Between the Stage and the Screen, C. Adamou
(ed.), Athens: Kastaniotis. 291-300.
“From the Joystick and Lara Croft to Angelina Jolie and Tomb Raider”, with P. Arvanitis,
Image and Child, Thessaloniki: New Editions. 267-275. In Greek.
2004 “Novels to Film”, Semiotic Systems and Communication, Thessaloniki: Paratiritis. 298305. In Greek.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
2013 “Silent Hill: Adapting a Video Game”, with M. Katsaridou, Literature/Film Quarterly (peerreviewed journal), 41:4. 266-277.
“Pride and Prejudice: Real vs. Fictional Cougars”, Celebrity Studies (peer-reviewed journal),
London: Taylor & Francis. 78-89.
“‘The Bells Are Ringing for Me and My Gal’: Marriage and Gender in the Contemporary
Greek Romantic Comedy”, The Journal of Popular Romance Studies (peer-reviewed
journal), Issue 2.1. http://jprstudies.org/2011/10/%E2%80%9C%E2%80%98the-bellsare-ringing-for-me-and-my-gal%E2%80%99-marriage-and-gender-in-the-contemporarygreek-romantic-comedy%E2%80%9D-by-betty-kaklamanidou/
“The Hypertext of Immigration in the Contemporary Greek Cinema”, The Journal of the
Hellenic Diaspora (peer-reviewed journal). Vol. 37.1&2. 33-46.
Other Publications
“Review of Windfall in Athens,” World Film Locations: Athens, A. Nikolaidou, A.
Poupou & E. Sifaki Eirini (eds.), Bristol: Intellect Books (forthcoming).
“Mrs. Robinson Revisited,” The Popular Romance Project,
“Confessions of a Fulbright Scholar. From Thessaloniki, Greece to Brooklyn, New York
and Empire State: September-November 2011”, in All About Mentoring, SUNY Empire
State College. Issue 41. Summer 2012. 24-26.
“51th International Film Festival of Thessaloniki – Back to Basics”, www.offscreen.com,
ISSN 1717-9559. http://offscreen.com/view/51st_tiff
“Queering the Romantic Comedy: The ‘Women who Love Women’ Cycle”, Jura
Gentium Cinema, http://www.jgcinema.com/single.php?sl=queering-the-romanticcomedy
“50th International Film Festival of Thessaloniki – Re-inventing Cinema?”
“49th International Film Festival of Thessaloniki – The Cruel Impact of Politics on
Relationships”, http://offscreen.com/view/49th_thessaloniki
“48th International Film Festival of Thessaloniki”,
“Genre: Oldboy and the Suspense Thriller”, http://offscreen.com/view/genre_oldboy
“Filmed Cities: Eden or Purgatory?”, http://offscreen.com/view/filmed_cities
“47th International Film Festival of Thessaloniki, Wenders, Salles, Gavras, and more,”
“Le Couperet: Ideology and Social Comment in a Political Black Comedy”,
“Database of filmed novels”, with P. Arvanitis. http://openlit.teimes.gr/papers.htm.
In Greek.
“46th International Film Festival of Thessaloniki, The Festival of Daring Young
Filmmakers”, http://offscreen.com/view/thessaloniki_festival
“You’ve Got Mail takes place in A shop Around the Corner”,
Participation with more than 80 short film reviews in 2 Greek Volumes on comedies
and dramas, entitled Film Hits (Thessaloniki: Erodios), edited by A. Dermetzoglou.
Editor of the Thessaloniki film magazine Fix Carré. Writer of articles on the history,
sociology, aesthetics, politics and theory of film.
Film reviewer at the cultural magazine Exostis (free press).
Book Reviews
Rev. of European Civil War Films: Memory, Conflict, and Nostalgia
by Rania-Eleftheria Kosmidou, in filmicon: Journal of Greek Film Studies
(http://filmiconjournal.com/journal), forthcoming.
Rev. of The Hollywood Romantic Comedy: Conventions, History and Controversies, by
Leger Grindon, in The Journal of Popular Romance Studies, issue 3.1.,
Teaching Experience
LRP Instructor, Empire State College, New York.
2014-June- I have prepared and taught online (moodle environment) the course Film History:
The Hollywood Studio System (1930-1948).
Lecturer in Film History and Theory, Film Studies Department, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Greece. I have taught the obligatory courses World Film
History I, II and III and the optional course Literature and Film.
Feb. 20132016
Visiting Research Fellow, School of Law & Social Sciences, Centre on Human
Rights in Conflict, University of East London, UK
Feb. 2013January
Adjunct Lecturer at the Film Studies Department at the Aristotle University of
I have prepared, taught, and examined the following courses:
Film History I: 1930-1960, 1st year, Film History II: 1930-1960, 1st year, Film
History III: 1960-2000, 2nd year, Film Theory: From Novel To Screen, 3rd year,
Documentary History & Theory, 3rd year, and Film Genre: History, Theory,
Critique, 4th year.
Oct. 2005June 2012
Master Thesis Supervisor at the Hellenic Open University (program of studies:
Master Education of Teacher of French – specialization in the intercultural).
Film and Semiotics (21 hours) in the context of the MA Program “Cultural Studies”
of the University of Western Macedonia
12-week MA Seminar on Film and Literature, in cooperation with K. Evangelou
and G. Pagkalos, in the context of the MA Program of European Literature and
Civilization, Aristotle University.
Feb. 2004May 2005
Responsible of the Film Society at the Department of English Literature and
Philology. Weekly projections and discussions with students concerning film
Teacher of English at the Frontistirio “Kinanidou” (37, Papagou street,
Thessaloniki). Preparing students for Cambridge Degrees (First Certificate,
Advanced, Proficiency) and Michigan Degrees (ECCE, ECPE).
Teacher of English and French as a foreign language.
English: (Levels: As, Bs, Cs, Ds, FCE, CPE). French: (Delf-Sorbonne II)
Invited Lectures - Speeches
26 Sept 2012
Two-hour seminar in the context of New Voices Seminar Series,
organized by the Politics Department at Newcastle University, UK,
entitled: “Neoliberalism and the Millennial Hollywood Romantic Comedy:
Do Opposites Attract?”
13/14 May 2011
Two lectures on film genre as guest lecturer at the Department of
English and American Studies in the context of Patterns Lectures
(http://www.erstestiftung.org/patterns-lectures/), Faculty of Classic &
Modern Philology at the St. Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
8 May 2011 Speech in the context of the 13th Thessaloniki International LGBT Film
Panorama with C. Adamou.
11 Feb. 2011 Four-hour seminar on film and literature in the context of the MA
Program “Cultural Studies” of the University of Western Macedonia.
28 April 2010
Speech in the context of the 12th Thessaloniki International LGBT
Film Panorama. Title: When Rachel met Lucy: Homosexuality in the
Contemporary Romantic Comedy.
20-27 June 2009 Lecture during the summer school Gender and Genre at the
Charles de Gaulle University, Lille, France. Lecture title: Genre and
Gender: The Case of the Contemporary Romantic Comedy.
13 Nov. 2007
Lecture at the Department of English and American Studies,
Faculty of Classic & Modern Philology at the St. Kliment Ohridski
University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Lecture Title: Representation of Gender and Class in the New Romantic
Comedy: The Evolution of Film Genre and the Recent Trends of Film
“Perpetuating Gender Stereotypes: The 1960s Greek Rom Com.” 5th International
Conference on Popular Romance Studies, Thessaloniki, 19-21 June.
“The Semiotics of Robert Redford’s directorial oeuvre: Stasis and Change.” 10th
International Conference on Semiotics, Volos, 4-6 October.
2012 “Pleasure and Spectatorship: A Bi-National Ethnographic Study of the Hollywood
Romantic Comedy” with M. Tally. Fourth Annual International Conference on
Popular Romance, York, 27-29 September.
2011 “The Absence of Sex and Money in the Contemporary Rom Com. Fact or Fiction?
Third Annual International Conference on Popular Romance: Popular Romance
Studies: Sex, Money, Power and Romance, New York, 25-28 June.
2010 “The Four Filmic Adaptations of Les Liaisons Dangereuses: Merteuil’s
“surrender” to filmic patriarchy,” One-Day Conference on Literature and Film,
University of Athens, 18 December.
“The Film Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and its European
“Colleagues.”” 1st International Conference of the Hellenic Film Academy, “The
Importance of Audiovisual Education”, 19-20 November.
“The representation of ‘everyday’ femininity in the contemporary Hollywood romantic
comedy or how patriarchy perpetuates its hegemony,” International conference on
The Everyday, The Hellenic Semiotic Society and the Department of French Studies
and Modern Languages of the University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 5-7 November.
2010 “The Bells Are Ringing for Me and My Gal” or How the American Rom Com ‘Wedding
Cycle’ Found its Way into Greek Cinema,” Second Annual International Conference on
Popular Romance: Popular Romance Studies: Theory, Text and Practice, International
Association for the Study of Popular Romance (IASPR), Brussels, 5-7 August.
2009 “The ‘Light’ Side of Feminine Evil: Film Comedies,” Evil, Women and the Feminine
International Conference - Inter-Disciplinary Net, Budapest 1-3 May.
2008 “A Greek product made in Colombia: Is Ugly Mary a universal fairy tale?” International
Conference of the University of Reading, Television without Borders: Transfers,
Translations and Transnational Exchange, Reading 26-28 June.
“Ifigeneia, Hlektra, Troades on film. The Tragic Heroines of Michalis Kakogiannis”, in
collaboration with Christina Adamou, 2nd International Conference of Greek Civilization
Time and Space in the Ancient Theatre, Alexandroupoli (15-18 May).
2007 “The Personification Trap and the Hollywood Star”, International Conference of the Film
and Theatre Departments of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki (4-5
“The Greek “American” Dream”, VIII International Conference of the Greek Semiotic
Society, Florina (18-21 October).
“Giannaris’ Omiros: Immigration and Racial Identity”, International Conference Ex-centric
Narratives, Hellenic Association for American Studies, Thessaloniki, (16 March).
“The war of the sexes: The screwball comedies of the 1930s and 1940s”, International
Conference of the International Federation for Research in Women's History, Women,
Gender and the Cultural, New Bulgarian University, Sofia University (8-12 August).
2006 “Filmed Cities: Eden or Purgatory?,” International Crossroads Conference, Istanbul (20-23
“A Database of Filmed Novels: Methodology and Didactic Use,” with P. Arvanitis,
International Conference on Literary Studies in Open and Distance Learning, Ierapetra,
Crete, (7-9 April).
2002 “From the joystic and Lara Croft to Angelina Jolie and Tomb Raider», with P. Arvanitis, 1st
Panhellenic Conference on Image and Child, Thessaloniki, (11-13 October).
2001 “Novels to Film”, VI International Conference of the Greek Semiotic Society, Thessaloniki,
(28-20 September).
http://scholar.google.gr/scholar?hl=en&q=betty+kaklamanidou&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C5 –
includes 12 citations to my Anglophone scholarly work.
2013 Lampropoulos, Apostolos: “Blood, Sweat and Tears: Failed Mappings of UnAbjection in Hostage and La Haine”, Studies in European Cinema, 9: 2/3. . 197210. Citation: p. 203.
2012 Agathos, Thanasis, “To Noumero 31328 tou Venezi kai 1922 toy Koundourou,” Oi
Sklavoi sta Desma tous,” in Triantafylla kai Giasemia, edited by Z. I. Siaflekis & E.
A. Stavropoulou, Athens: Gutenberg. 599-616. Athens: Aigokeros. Citations: pp. 599,
606, 609.
2011 Agathos, Thanasis, “Oi Sklavoi sta Desma tous,” in From Literature to Film, edited
by F.Tabaki-Iona & M.E. Galani, Athens: Aigokeros. 43-52. Athens: Aigokeros.
Citation: p. 49.
Mini, Panayiota, “A Method of Film Adaptation Analysis,” in From Literature to
Film, edited by F.Tabaki-Iona & M.E. Galani, Athens: Aigokeros. 19-42. Athens:
Aigokeros. Citation: p. 39.
Tsotsorou, Aliki, “From Fiction to Film Through Theatre Speech,” in From
Literature to Film, edited by F.Tabaki-Iona & M.E. Galani, Athens: Aigokeros. 6777. Athens: Aigokeros. Citation: p. 69.
2007 Agathos, Thanasis, From Vios kai Politeia tou Alexi Zorba to Zorba the Greek,
Athens: Aigokeros. Citations: pp. 157, 175.
2009 Agathos, Thanasis, “From Novel to Screen: Vasilikos’ Ζ, the fantastic documentary
of a crime and Gavras’ Ζ”, Comparison, Athens: Metaixmio. pp. 51-71. Citations: pp.
52, 54, 61.
Kallas-Kalogeropoulou, Christina, Bio/pic or the Life of Others, Athens: Patakis.
Citation: p. 79.
Didactic Use of Books/Chapters in Tertiary Education
Α. Genre, Gender and the Effects of Neoliberalism, The New Millennium Hollywood Rom
Com is included in the reading list of the following courses, at the BA Film Programme of the
University of Roehampton, London:
 “Contemporary Hollywood Cinema”, 3rd year
 “Screen Women: From Pin-ups to Postfeminism”, 3rd year
Β. When Film Met Literature (in Greek), is included in the reading list of the following
“Einführung in die Analyse der Literaturverfilmung”, Department of German
Language and Philology, Aristotle University, 2008
“Thomas Mann im Film”, Department of German Language and Philology, Aristotle
University, 2010
Summer Seminars of the MA Program in European Literature and Civilization,
Aristotle University, 2008-2010.
Γ. “The Mythos of Patriarchy in the X-Men Films”, The 21st Century Superhero: Essays
on Gender, Genre and Globalization, Betty Kaklamanidou & Richard J. Gray II was
taught at a 2013 summer course of the women’s studies program at the University of
Northern British Columbia.
Δ. “When pop culture meets high literature. The case of Cruel Intentions and the epistolary
novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses” is included in the reading list of the course French
Literature and Film at Sonoma University, California,
Participation in European Research Programs
Expert in the context of the EACEA programme Comenius.
EACEA/2007: Inclusion in the list of experts to assist the Education, Audiovisual
and Culture Executive Agency in the framework of the management of the
Community programmes in the fields of education, audiovisual, culture, youth and
Expert in the context of the EACEA Culture Programme for strand 1.2.2:
Literary Translations.
Expert in the context of the EACEA Culture Programme for strand 1.2.2:
Literary Translations.
22/3/2010- Expert in the context of the EACEA Culture Programme for strand 1.2.2:
27/3/2010 Literary Translations.
Participation in the European Research Program ΕPΕΑΕΚ, “ΠΕΝΕΔ99-Οικονομία”,
in collaboration with the Institute of Speech Process, Athens.
Member in Conference Scientific & Organizational Committees
2015 Member of Scientific and Organizing Committee of 1st International Film
Conference on Greek Cinema, Thessaloniki, 28-30 May.
2014 Conference Chair (Organizer) of the 5th International Conference on Popular
Romance Studies, Thessaloniki, 19-21 June.
2013 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 10th International Conference on
Semiotics, 4-6 October 2013, Volos, Greece, http://semio2013.uth.gr/node/28.
2010 Member of the Scientific Committee of the International conference on The
Everyday (5-7 November 2010, Nicosia, Cyprus).
Member of Editorial Board
2013 Member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Popular Romance Studies
Reviewer in Scientific Journals
2013 Peer reviewer of one (1) paper for The Journal of Popular Romance Studies.
2012 Peer reviewer of five (5) papers for the Revista de Filología Alemana (RdFA),
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2011 Peer reviewer of one (1) paper for the special issue “Living in Translation” of The
European Journal of Women’s Studies (Vol 18, 4 November 2011).
2010 Peer reviewer for Plenum: The South Carolina State Journal of Interdisciplinary
Studies, in the field of film studies.
Membership in Professional Bodies
Member of the Hellenic Semiotics Association (2000-present).
Secretary of the Hellenic Semiotics Association (2008-2012).
Member of the Society for Cinema & Media Studies (SCMS).
Member of the International Association for the Study of Popular Romance (2010present).
Administrative Work at the School of Film Studies
March 2014 Supervisor of a final year research paper and second supervisor of a final
year research paper.
Feb. 2014
Responsible for the collection of data and drawing up of the internal
evaluation report to be presented to the external evaluators in February 2014.
Feb. 2014
Writer and Presenter of two reports (on the department’s facultry
members and of the SWOT during the external evaluation of the department
Member of technical equipment administrative committee.
Foreign Languages
Fluent (Certificate of Proficiency in English, 1989).
Fluent (Degree from the Department of French Language and Philology,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1995).
Good (Basico, 2003).
Average (2 years at the Institute of Studies of the Aimos Peninsula,
Information Technology Skills
1994 Windows NT, 98, XP, Vista, Office 2000, Internet, web based content
Thessaloniki, August 2014