University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Curriculum Proposal Form #4A Change in an Existing Course Type of Action (check all that apply) Course Revision (include course description & former and new syllabus) Contact Hour Change and or Credit Change Diversity Option General Education Option area: Select one: * Grade Basis Repeatability Change Other: * Note: For the Gen Ed option, the proposal should address how this course relates to specific core courses, meets the goals of General Education in providing breadth, and incorporates scholarship in the appropriate field relating to women and gender. Effective Term: 2107 (Fall 2010) Current Course Number (subject area and 3-digit course number): Chicano/English 200 Current Course Title: Chicano Literature 200: Historical Content and Contemporary Text Sponsor(s): Pilar Melero Department(s): Languages and Literatures College(s): Letters and Sciences List all programs that are affected by this change: English, Race and Ethnic Cultures, GH and Diversity If programs are listed above, will this change affect the Catalog and Advising Reports for those programs? If so, have Form 2's been submitted for each of those programs? (Form 2 is necessary to provide updates to the Catalog and Advising Reports) NA Yes Proposal Information: They will be submitted in the future (Procedures for form #4A) I. Detailed explanation of changes (use FROM/TO format) FROM: Identifies and interprets Chicano literature in a social and historical context with emphasis on contemporary texts. All Spanish language texts are provided in translation. (Also offered as Chicano 200 by Chicano Studies). TO: Identifies and interprets Chican@ literature in a social and historical context with emphasis on texts written before 1980. All Spanish language texts are provided in translation. (Also offered as Chican@ 200 by Race and Ethnic Cultures). 1 II. Justification for action: When the course was created in the 1970s, the literature examined was contemporary. New literature has been created in the Chican@ field, which will become the content of Chican@ 201, our “contemporary” Chican@ literature course. The course description also accommodates the name of the other program under which the course is offered. Chican@ studies is now part of Race and Ethnic Cultures. III. Syllabus/outline (if course revision, include former syllabus and new syllabus) FORMER SYLLABUS: SYLLABUS Dr. de Onis Chicano Studies 200 Contemporary Chicano Literature Office Hours Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:05 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Wednesdays 2:00 to 6 p.m. Appointment anytime 467 Heide Hall Telephone: 472-3173 Textbook(s): Villareal, Pocho Anaya, Bless Me Última Portillo, Rain of Scorpions Rulfo, The Burning Plain The purpose of this course is to become more sensitive to U.S. and Hispano cultural values and ideals. HOW YOUR GRADE IS DETERMINED 1. A mid-term examination. 2. A final examination. 3. Only 2 excused or unexcused absences are allowed. After the second absence, grade will be lowered one letter grade. COMING LATE TO CLASS WILL CONSTITUTE AN ABSENCE. 4. No make-ups for either the mid-term or the final. 5. Exams are essay in format. 6. Final exam will be given according to the published timetable schedule unless otherwise specified. 7. Lateral talking will not be tolerated. NEW SYLLABUS CONTEMPORARY CHICANO LITERATURE 200 (ENGLISH 200) Fall, 2009 Professor: Dr. Pilar Melero 2 Office: 467 Heide Hall Telephone: 272-3173 Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday: 2-3 p.m. and by appointment Texts: Bless me Ultima. Rudolfo Anaya. Berkeley, CA: Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol, 1994 Herencia. An Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States. Nicolás Kanellos (ed.) New York: Oxford University Press. 2002. Rain of Scorpions. Portillo Trambley, Estela. Tempe, Arizona: Bilingual Press, 1992. Other: handouts and D2L materials All texts are available in textbook rental unless otherwise specified . Course Objective: To analyze contemporary Chicano drama, fiction and poetry within their cultural and historical context. Course Components: 1. Exams (50% of the final grade) There will be three exams as outlined in the course calendar. 2. Final Exam (15 % of the final grade) A 5+-page paper to be turned in on Wednesday, December 16, on or before 8 p.m. Topic TBA. 4. Homework (15%) attendance and active class participation (10%) = (20 % of the final grade). Late homework will NOT be accepted. 5. Culture (10% of final grade). Students are required to attend three cultural events related to the Hispanic culture (on or off campus) and turn in a one-page reaction paper for each event. Events include, but are not limited to, speakers, cultural events, movies, museum visits, art expositions, and plays. Please see cultural events calendar in D2L. Also, see instructions on how to do assignment, also on D2L. Grading Scale B+ C+ D+ 87-89 77-79 67-69 A 93-100 A- 90-92 B C D F 84-86 74-76 64-66 0-59 BCD- 80-83 70-73 60-63 The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is dedicated to a safe, supportive and nondiscriminatory learning environment. It is the responsibility of all undergraduate and graduate students to familiarize themselves qith University policies regarding Special Accommodations, Misconduct, Religious Beliefs Accommodation, Discrimination and Absence for UniversitySponsored Events. (For details please refer to the Undergraduate and Graduate Timetables; the 3 “Rights and Responsibilities” section of the Undergraduate Bulletin; the Academic Requirements and Policies and the Facilities and Services sections of the Graduate Bulletin; and the “Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures” [UWS Chapter 14]; and the “Student Nonacademic Disciplinary Procedures” [UWS Capter 17] ). 4 Chican@ literature 200/English 200 Fall 2009 Calendar (Subject to change) Dr. Melero Date Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Assignment Class discussion Definitions Introduction to “Where you from?” course “Ode to my Spirits” Defining “Hecho en Texas” “Chicano” and other terms Identity and the Chicano IV. Read: Herencia, pp. 1-32 An overview of Turn in a one-page summary. Hispanic literature in the United States Exam I handed out The literature of EXAM I DUE IN CLASS Read: Herencia, pp. 35-58 exploration and Turn in a comment on how the views on exploration and colonization colonization expressed here are similar or different to what you have been thought about the subject. I do NOT want summaries. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, search it, read it, on the Web. The Treaty of Guadalupe Read: Herencia, pp. 106-129 Hidalgo; Turn in a comment on how the readings relate to The Treaty of Seguín, Guadalupe Hidalgo. Ramírez, de la Guerra, Cortina, Murieta, Billy the Kid, and The Squatter and the Don. CULTURE 1 Due (In D2L) Documentary: “A Class Apart” An American Experience. Roots of Watch film on-line at: resistance Exam II posted Turn in a commentary on what the trial meant for the rights of in D2L Mexican-Americans and Chican@s in the U.S. Participate in D2L discussion about the movie. EXAM II DUE IN CLASS Militant Read: Herencia, pp. Turn in one comment paragraph for reading Aesthetics: Yo stating what the poem meant for Chican@ identity and for Soy Joaquin/I the Chican@ movement. Print and bring to class the D2L am Joaquin questionnaire on the reading. 5 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Read In D2L: “Aztlán” and “In Search of Aztlán.” Print and bring to class the discussion questions about Aztlán. Turn in one comment about Aztlán as a mythological place of origin and what it means to Chican@ identity. Read: “Rain of Scorpions” (the story in the book by the same name,) by Estela Portillo Trambley. V. Nov. 4 CULTURE 2 Due (in D2L) The Chican@ Movement in Wisconsin Aztlán Estela Portillo Trambley Rain of Scorpions Movie: TBA. Participate in D2L discussion about the movie. Movie, TBA. Exam 3 posted in D2L Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Dec. 2 EXAM THREE DUE IN CLASS “The Paris Gown” (In Rain of Scorpions) Read: Bless Me Última (Introduction and chapters 1 through 7) VI. Read: Bless Me Última (Chapters 8 through 13) Dec. 9 “The Parys Gown” Bless Me Última Bless Me Última Bless Me Última CULTURE 3 Due (in D2L) Read: Bless Me Última (Chapters 14-22) Final exam: A 5+-page research paper to be turned in on Wednesday, Dec. 16 before 8 p.m. Topic and details TBA, but related to readings not covered in other exams. VII. Bibliography: Anaya, Rudolfo. Bless me Última. Barleley, California: TQS Publications, 1972. Biographical Dictionary of Hispanic Literature of the United States. Kanellos, Nicolás, Kenya Dworkin-Mendez, and José B. Fernández, eds. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2002. Feminism, Nation and Myth: La Malinche. Amanda Nolacea Harris and Rolando Romero, eds. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2005. Fusco, Coco. English Is Broken Here: Notes on Cultural Fusion in the Americas. New York: New Press, 1995. González, Juan. Harvest of Empire. A History of Latinos in America: New York: Viking, 2000. González, Manuel G. Mexicanos. A History of Mexicans in the United States. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2002. González, Ray. The Ghost of John Wayne and Other Stories. Arizona University Press, 2001. Herencia. The Anthology of Hispanic Literature in the United States. Nicolás Kanellos, ed. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. McCracken, Ellen. New Latina Narrative: The Feminine Space of Postmodern Ethnicity. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1999. Márquez, Benjamín. LULAC. The Evolution of a Mexican-American Organization. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993. 6 Morales, Ed. Living in Spaniglish. New York: St. Martins, 2002. Oommen, T.K. Citizenship, Nationality and Ethnicity. Reconciling Competing Identities. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997. Palomo Acosta, Teresa and Ruth Winegarten. Las Tejanas. 300 Years of History. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2004. Portillo Trambley, Estela. Rain of Scorpions. Berkeley, Calif.: Tonatiuh International, 1975. Portillo Trambley, Estela. Sor Juana and Other Plays. Tempe, Arizona: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe, 1983. Paredes, Américo. Folklore and Culture on the Texas-Mexican Border: Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993. Rodríguez, Joseph and Walter Sava. Latinos in Milwaukee. Chicago: Arcadia Publishing, 2006. Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Volume VI. Antonia Castañeda and Gabriel A. Meléndez, eds. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2006. Ruiz de Burton, María Amparo. The Squatter and the Don. (1885, first ed.) Rosaura Sánchéz and Betrice Pita, eds. Houston, Texas: Arte Público Press, 1995. Ruiz, Vicky L. From Out of the Shadows. Mexican Women in Twentieth-Century America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Sánchez, Rosaura: Chicano Discourse. Socio-Historic Perspectives. Houston: Arte Público Press: 1994. Sava, Walter and Anselmo Villarreal: Latinos in Waukesha. Chicago: Arcadia Publishing. Stevens, Ilan. The Hispanic Condition: Reflections on Culture & Identity in America. New York: Harper Collins, 1995. The Account: Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s Relación. Martin A. Favata and Jose B. Fernandez, translators. Houston: Arte Público Press, 1993. Tovar, Héctor. Translation Nation: Defining a New American Identity in the Spanish Speaking United States. New York: Riverhead Books, 2005 Ulibarrí, Sabine R. Mi abuela fumaba puros y otros cuentos de Tierra Amarilla/ My grandma smoked cigars and other stories of Tierra Amarilla / [illustrations: Dennis Martínez. Berkeley, California: Quinto Sol, 1977. Varela, Felix: Jiconténcatl: Houston: Arte Público Press, 1995. Vázquez, Francisco H. and Torres, Rodolfo D. Latino/a Thought. Culture, Politics and Society. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003. Women’s Tales from the New Mexico WPA. La Diabla a Pie. Tey Diana Rebolledo and Maria Teresa Márquez, eds. Houston, Texas: Arte Público Press, 2000. 7