Essay topics - MESCALDYear12English

Essay topics:
1. The stories of all the characters in Look Both Ways carry equal weight. What do you think?
2. The characters such as Julia and the train driver who say the least in the film are the characters who are
suffering the most in Look Both Ways. Is this true?
3. The use of parallel narratives is an effective strategy that complements the story of Meryl and Nick. Do
you agree?
4. It is Andy who is the most troubled character in the film, despite his knockabout, blasé streak. Discuss.
5. Andy is an irresponsible character who is reluctant to admit to his mistakes. Discuss.
6. Nick and Meryl come together only out of their fears of loneliness and death. Discuss.
7. Meryl’s fears are the paranoid imaginings of a woman who has too much time on her hands. Compare
Meryl’s experience with that of other characters in Look Both Ways.
8. The animation and photomontages mean that we learn about Nick and Meryl more than other characters in
the film. Discuss.
9. Julia and the train driver have only small speaking parts; however, their roles are crucial to our
understanding of the other characters. Discuss.
10. Fear and anxiety are endemic in a contemporary society and must be controlled and harnessed for a healthy
life. Is this a central idea in Look Both Ways?
11. Out of nowhere comes either happiness, despair or somewhere in between. Is this true of Look Both Ways?
12. The strength and appeal of Look Both Ways is that it presents a social portrait of ordinary people in ordinary
circumstances. Discuss.
13. Facing up to responsibilities is a fundamental tenet of human experience. Do you agree?
14. The film demonstrates that death is a universal human experience. Discuss.
15. This film shows that ultimately, we must all face the consequences of our actions. Discuss.
16. Look Both Ways shows that a fear of death can prevent people from living fully. Discuss.
17. Although speaking the truth can be difficult Look Both Ways shows that people should be honest with one
another. Discuss.
18. Look Both Ways challenges the norms of standard male-female relationships. Do you agree?