Britská literatura

(21) Modernist Poetry
(Thomas Stearns Eliot, Thomas Ernest Hulme and Edith Sitwell)
The Twentieth Century
[See Topic 13]
T h e 2 0 th C e n t u r y P o e t r y
- poetry rev.: 1911 (the 1st y. of the Georgian poets) – 1922 (the y. of the publ. of The Waste Land)
- < the Fr. impressionist, post-impressionist, and cubist painters > a radical re-examination of the nature of
- < the publ. of the poetry of G. M. Hopkins by Robert Bridges (1918) > experimentation in language and
rhythms: the poets of the 1930s, incl. W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender, Cecil Day-Lewis, & oth. infl. by
G. M. Hopkins as well as by T. S. Eliot
- => W. B. Yeats’s early spare ironic language of the aesthetes > the mature symbolic and metaphysical
poetry => his work itself a history of E poetry btw 1890 – 1939
- < infl. by the philos./poet Thomas Ernest Hulme’s insistence on hard, clear, and precise images
- > encouraged by the Am. poet Ezra Pound, then living in London
- against romantic fuzziness and emotionalism in poetry, against the using of all words not contrib. ‘to the
presentation’ x for a freer metrical movement
- successful with short descriptive lyrics x but: no technique for longer and more complex poems
Metaphysical Poetry:
- < infl. by the new ed. of the 17th c. metaphysical poetry by J. Donne (1912)
- < the Fr. symbolist poetry appreciated now for its imagistic precision and complexity x rather than for its
dreamy suggestiveness as in the 1890s
- poetry of a higher degree of intellectual complexity
- use of the highly formal + the colloquial, even the slangy
- use of irony, wit, and puns to achieve the union of thought and passion characteristic of the metaphysical
poetry (for T. S. Eliot)
- + T. S. Eliot’s new king of irony achieved by shifting suddenly from the formal to the colloquial
Poetry Since the WW I:
- 1930s, ‘a neutral tone’ (Donald Davie): W. H. Auden & oth.
- 1940s, the New Apocalypse < infl. by the violence of expression of the Fr. surrealist poets and painters
seeking to express the operation of the subconscious mind: incl. Dylan Thomas, David Gascoyne, and
the painters/poets Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso
- 1950s, The Movement = for a neutral tone, purity of diction, and fidelity to experience x against the
verbal excesses of the modernism: incl. D. Davie, Thom Gunn, and Philip Larkin (the noisiest rejecter of
the imported modernism of E. Pound and T. S. Eliot in favour of the native tradition repres. by Hardy)
- The Martian School (< Craig Raine’s poem “A Martian Sends a Postcard Home”) < inspired by the
painters seeking to see the world with the freshness of a child or a visitor from Mars
- 1990s, the New Generation Poets = lack any unifying programme
- ‘performance poetry’ = an informal and loosely structured poetry written for the stage
T(homas) S(tearns) Eliot (1888 – 1965)
- b. Thomas Stearns Eliot in Missouri (USA)
- studied Harvard
- settled in En. after the outbreak of WW I, became a Br. subject and member of the Church of En. (1927)
- founded & ed. of the influential quarterly Criterion (1922 – 1939)
- became director of the publishing firm ‘Faber & Faber’
 influence:
- = much of his work self-consciously Br. x but: of cosmopolitan literary roots
- < Harvard infl.: Elizabethan and Jacobean lit., Ita. Renaissance, and Ind. mystical philos. > Harvard
doctoral thesis: on F(rancis) H(erbert) Bradley (1846 – 1924, an E idealist philos.)
- < an arly infl.: Jules Laforgue (1860 – 87, a Fr. poet) > a reticent, ironic, clever, and referential poetry in
the form of free-verse dramatic monologues with a wry persona expressing himself rather than acting out
the private emotions of the author
- < a more lasting infl.: Charles Baudelaire (1821 – 67, a Fr. symbolist poet) > E.: B. = the great inventor
of a modern poetry = ‘the nearest thing to a complete renovation that we have experienced’
- < a more lasting infl: Dante > E.: D. = a medieval spiritual and a poetic authority addressing directly the
modern condition, and a constant reminder for the later poet ‘of the obligation to explore, to find words
for the inarticulate”’
- < the 19th c. Fr. symbolist poets: Paul Verlaine (1844 – 96), Arthur Rimbaud (1854 – 91), and Stéphane
Mallarmé (1842 – 98)
- < the Jacobean dramatists: Thomas Middleton (1580 – 1627), Cyril Tourneur (1575 – 1626), and John
Webster (ca 1580 – ca 1625) > flexible blank verse with overtones of the colloquial:
 style:
- against the contemp. tradition of Georgian poetry in favour of a more subtle and at the same time more
precise poetry:
(a) < his early supporter / adviser Ezra Pound (1885 – 1972) and T(homas) E(rnest) Hulme (1883 –
1917, a philos. and an imagist poet) > ‘hard, dry’ images
(b) < the Metaphysical poets > wit, allusiveness, and irony
(a) < the Fr. symbolists > an image = both absolutely precise in its physical reference and endlessly
suggestive in the meanings based on its relationship to oth. images
- against the Romantic concept of poetry:
(a) uses the suggestive, the symbolist imagery, and the recurring images of the hyacinth girl, the rose
garden, etc. = a Romantic element in his poetry
(b) x but: adds a dry ironic allusiveness, wit, and colloquial element = not normally found in Romantic
- builds up the total pattern of meaning through the immediate juxtaposition of images: deliberately omits
transitional passages
- builds up his own body of references because a common cultural heritage no longer exists:
(a) the nature of his imagery manages to set the required tone and the area of meaning
(b)  even a reader ignorant of the allusions can achieve some understanding
- received the Nobel Prize for Lit. (1948)
- = the great renovator of the E poetic dialect with an enormous infl. on a whole generation of poets,
critics, and intellectuals generally
-  the poet of the modern symbolist-Metaphysical tradition
 Poetry:
 early poetry: (until the middle 1920s)
- conc.: in one way or another the Waste Land = aspects of the decay of culture in the modern Western
Poems Written in Early Youth (1950):
- = a coll. of his earliest poems
- incl. hearty student graduation songs and tributes to J. Laforgue
“The Death of Saint Narcissus” (ca 1911):
- an unpubl. experimental poems
- > its opening lines later incorporated into The Waste Land
“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (ca 1911, 1915):
- = his 1st publ. poem, publ. in the Chicago-based magazine Poetry (1912 – present)
- a disconcerting and subtly evasive monologue, set in a symbolic landscape
- plays with politeness, failures of comprehension, and despair
- reinforces the theme by the often ironic echoes of Hesiod (ca 700 BC, a Gr. poet and rhapsode) Dante
(1265 – 1321), Michelangelo (1476 – 1564), W. Shakespeare (1564 – 1616), F. Dostoevsky (1821 – 81),
and the Bible
- P.:
(a) presents himself as fashionable and sociable x but: suffers an acute self-consciousness about the
opinions of oth.
(b) indulges social niceties x but: remains aware of the impossibility of saying what he means
-  builds up meaning from the mutual interaction of the images
Prufrock and Other Observations (1917):
- = his 1st publ. coll.
- incl. 12 specifically Am., often precisely Bostonian, poems
- < nods to the example and the titles of H. James
- > “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, sets the tone of the whole vol.
- > “Portrait of a Lady”, a poem of uneasy social intercourse
- > “Preludes”, a poem of bleakly restless urban landscapes
- > “Aunt Helen”, a character sketch
Poems (1919):
- publ. by the Woolfs’ ‘Hogarth Press’
- incl. also 4 poems in Fr.:
- > “Dans le Restaurant”, later incorporated into The Waste Land, & oth.
- incl. 7 short quatrain poems, the temporary shift from free verse allows for a new sharpness and new
variety of tone:
- > “The Hippopotamus”, a satire on the pretensions of ‘the True Church’
- > “Sweeney Among the Nightingales” (the nightingales = [a] song-birds, [b] prostitutes), exploits the
effects of incongruity and historical anomaly in a densely amalgamated reference: the shabby
commonplaces and compromises of the modern world dishonour both (a) the murdered Agamemnon, (b)
the whole inheritance of history, tradition, and historical lit.
- < derives the epigraphs to the coll. from W. Shakespeare, C. Marlowe, F. Beaumont, J. Fletcher,
François Villon (1431 – 74; a Fr. poet, thief, and general vagabond; author of the line: ‘Where are the
snows of yesteryear?’), Aeschylus (525 BC – 456 BC), and St Paul
-  fascinated with order x fragmentation, and the survival of tradition x the collapse of tradition [see
also: his The Waste Land]
The Waste Land (1922):
- publ. 1st in his Criterion, then in the Am. Dial (1840 – 44, the Transcendentalist magazine; 1880s, a
political magazine; 1920 – 29, a Modernist magazine), and then in a book form
- Ezra Pound severely ed. the manuscript into 5 interrelated sections (a long introductory one, a terse 4 th
one, and a long meditative concl. one), each with a separate title
- = a series of scenes and images with no author’s voice intervening
- builds up the meaning by the implications developed through multiple contrasts and analogies with older
lit. works
- explores a desert:
(a) physical
(b) figuratively urban: the ‘falling towers’ of Jerusalem, Athens, Alexandria, Vienna, and London
- connects the different settings by the sense of corruption: the wasteland = a landscape in which a quest
for healing, fertility, power, and meaning is pursued
achieves the most striking effects by playing with juxtaposition, inconsistency of perception, multiplicity
of narration, and fluidity of time and place, as much visual as lexical: the disconcertingly surreal image
of a woman drawing out her ‘long black hair’, & oth.
- < echoes Dante, Shakespeare, pre-Socratic philos. (the ‘Milesian School’, ‘Pythagorean Schools’, the
‘Eleatic School’, the ‘Atomist School’, Heraclitus, Diogenes, & oth.; rejected the traditional
mythological explanation in favour of more rational explanations), major and minor 17th c. poets and
dramatists, works of anthropology, history, and philos., and his private reading
- concl.:
(a) a series of quotations from Dante, the Pervigilium Veneris (Lat. for the Vigil of Venus, 2nd or 3rd c.
AD, an anonym. poem), A. Tennyson, Gérard de Nerval (1808 – 55, a Fr. Romantic poet), Thomas
Kyd (1558 – 94, an E dramatist), and the Upanishads (Hindu scriptures on the relig. and philos. of
(b) his own line in the midst of these quotations: ‘These fragments I have shored against my ruins’
- denies the poem expressed the disillusionment of a generation as ‘some of the more approving critics’
(a) should the poem be seen retrospectively but as a series of fragments?
(b) should the quotations shore up the ruin of the Western civilisation?
(c) should they present the poet need of the shield of tradition as a defence against the hostile world?
(d)  the poem remains fragmentary and ambiguous
Poems 1909 – 25 (1925):
- = a coll. of all his earlier poems
 late poetry: (1927 +, after his formal acceptance of Anglican Christianity)
- conc.: searches for spiritual peace ‘beyond the frontiers of ordinary consciousness’
- echoes biblical, liturgical, and mystical relig. lit., and Dante
Ash Wednesday (1930):
- = a poem in 6 sections = the ‘Ariel Poems’
- conc.: examines the aspects of relig. doubt, discovery, or revelation in a series of surreal images
- presents the quality and pain of revelation in the painful awakening of the spirit in a mysterious
landscape haunted by F figures (types of the Virgin Mary)
- < echoes the prayers and metaphors of Anglo-Cath. > gives the poems an almost liturgical character
- > “Journey of the Magi” (1927) and “A Song for Simeon” (1928), draw on biblical incident, conc. with
literal epiphanies = experiences of the infant Christ disturbing or disorienting aged eyewitnesses
- > “Marina” (1930), more obviously secular in imagery and subject, conc. with the awed rediscovery of
his lost daughter by Shakespeare’s Pericles
-  celebrates the wonder at the epiphanies of a Christian God
Four Quartets (1943):
- incl.: “Burnt Norton” (1935), “East Coker” (1940), “The Dry Salvages” (1941), and “Little Gidding”
- the title: from the poems’ effect akin to that of the chamber music
- conc.: further examines relig. moods
- relates each of the poems to a specific place:
(a) East Coker: a village of ancestral significance
(b) Little Gidding: a chapel of the relig.-historical associations
(c)  their urgency reinforced by the threat of wartime destruction: “Little Gidding”, reinforces the idea
of change and decay by veiled references to the Blitzkrieg, & oth.
- ponders the significance of words and the difficulty of building words into poetry in each of the poems in
the opening of their 5th section
- concl.: the inherited pain of human sinfulness can be assuaged only by a redemption from time and by a
renewal of history ‘in another pattern’
- employs mocking irony, savage humour, and juxtaposition of the sordid and the romantic
- x but: gets quieter and no more deliberately shocking  moves away from the abrupt shifts of tone of his
earlier poetry twd a more consistent classicality
 Criticism:
- wrote lit. and philos. reviews
- rejected the late 17th c. ‘dissociation of sensibility’ = separation of wit and passion x in favour of the
early 17th c. Metaphysical poets and dramatists combining wit and passion
- replaced J. Milton by J. Donne in the 17th c., and A. Tennyson by G. M. Hopkins in the 19th c. poetry
“Tradition and the Individual Talent” (1917):
- = one of his earliest and most celebrated essays
- conc.: defines and prescribes historical, relig., moral, and above all lit. traditions
- E.: ‘no poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone’ x but: only in relation to a larger
- shapes his lit. tradition around writers feeding his particular concept of ‘Modernism’: W. Shakespeare,
B. Jonson, T. Middleton, J. Webster, Lancelot Andrewes (1555 – 1626, an E clergyman; oversaw the
transl. of the King James Bible), A. Marvell, J. Dryden, Virgil, Dante, C. Baudelaire, and W. B. Yeats
“The Metaphysical Poets” (1921):
- our complex civilisation must produce complex results  the poet must be more allusive and more
indirect in order to force language into his meaning
- justifies the contortions of J. Donne’s poetry:
(a) man’s experience = ‘chaotic, irregular, fragmentary’
(b) experiences are ‘always forming new wholes’
(c)  perceives a divine order beyond the physical evidence of disorder
The Sacred Wood (1920), Homage to John Dryden (1924), and For Lancelot Andrewes (1928):
- = coll. of his critical essays
- For Lancelot Andrewes: claims to be a ‘classicist in literature, royalist in politics, and Anglo-Catholic in
religion’ and in favour of order against chaos, tradition against eccentricity, and authority against
- x but: his own poetry = untraditional and highly individual
Selected Essays (1932):
- = a coll. of most of his earlier essays and some new ones
Knowledge and Experience in the Philosophy of F. H. Bradley (1964):
- = his Harvard doctoral thesis
- left unexamined due to his prolonged absence in wartime En. x but: later publ. in a book form
- conc.: the relationship of the subjective consciousness x the objective world
- B.: of the individual mind correlates with a larger single comprehensive consciousness
- E.: the comprehensive consciousness:
(a) = a responsive God in one sense
(b) = related to a larger human tradition in another
 Verse Drama:
- aspired to renew poetic drama
- examined relig. themes
The Rock (1934):
- = an unsuccessful church pageant
Murder in the Cathedral (1935):
- = the most successful x the least experimental
- conc.: the murder of the Archbishop Becket
- a ritual use of chorus
- the central speech in the form of a sermon by B. in his cathedral shortly before his murder
The Family Reunion (1939):
- conc.: guilt and redemption in a modern upper-class E family
- combines choric devices from Gr. tragedy and accents of drawing-room conversation
The Cocktail Party (1950), The Confidential Clerk (1954), and The Elder Statesman (1959):
- = verse ‘comedies’
- combines a serious relig. theme with the form of a sophisticated modern social comedy
- his lifetime: politely received x but: received little success on the stage since due to his somewhat
laboured attempts to interfuse Gr. myths with modern conditions
Sweeney Agonistes (1932):
- unfinished and unperformed
- inventive, individual, and energetic
-  W. B. Yeats’s contemp. experiments with ritual, masks, dance, and music
-  an ambiguous, restless, and death-haunted attempt to create a new drama appropriate to a broken and
iconoclastic age
T(homas) E(rnest) Hulme (1883-1917)
- a critic and later a war correspondent for The New Age
- enlisted in WW I, killed in action
- = promoter of Modernist poetry: founded Imagism, assisted by the birth of Vorticism
- a poet: x but: wrote few poems, mostly in the Imagist style
- a lit. theorist: distinguished btw Romanticism, a belief in the infinite in man and nature ("spilt religion")
x Classicism, a belief in human finitude and restraint ("dry hardness")
- < infl. by the philos. of Henri Bergson
- > his ideas directly infl. E. Pound and T. S. Eliot
A Lecture on Modern Poetry (1908)
- delivered to the Poet's Club whose member and secretary he was
- advocates free verse
Edith Sitwell (1887-1964)
- an eccentric artist flamboyant both in her dress and manner
- provoked tight bourgeois conventions by both her work and life
Wheels (1916 - 21)
- = a poetry anthology
the 1st to publ. W. Owen's war poems
- a reaction against the romantic ruralism of the Georgian Poetry anthologies
Poems for the Façade (1922)
- = eighteen provocative and flippant lyrics for the musical entertainment Façade
- written as exact complements to the music by William Walton: neither the poems nor the music achieve
their full effect when separated
- varied in style and mood, but: all exercise rhythm, rhyme, assonance or dissonance
- recited by the poet herself though a megaphone placed against a hole in the curtain => eliminated the
personality of the reciter
Street Songs (1942), Green Song (1944), The Song of the Cold (1945)
- = coll. of her own poetry
- < her interest in history, her religious devotion, the WW II
- < indebted to T. S. Eliot's later verse
her favourite images: juvenescence and senescence, dark and light, the passion of Christ
"Still Falls the Rain": sees Christ recrucified "each day, each night"
"Anne Boleyn's Song": gives the condemned queen's a vision of the embraces of the new king Death
"Harvest" and "An Old Woman": sees herself as an old woman and compares herself to the sun