Leadership Team Minutes - Centerville

June 14, 2011
Attendance: Helen Anagho-Beny, Mike Castle, Jackie Curl, Jerry Huffman, Carol Kennard, Joe
Lambright, Norman Plair, Amy Russell, Jenni Roer, Jennifer Wilder.
Chair Jackie Curl called the meeting to order at 12:39 p.m.
Jackie welcomed the Leadership Team and began the meeting by reading the mission of the
Centerville Washington Diversity Council: “The CWDC celebrates and promotes an inclusive,
diverse and welcoming community for people who live, work and worship in Centerville and
Washington Township.”
Approval of Minutes: Jackie asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the Tuesday, April
12, 2011, Leadership Team. Norman Plair moved and Joe Lambright seconded. Motion carried.
Chair Report: Jackie reported that she had researched further the idea of maintaining a liability
insurance policy for the CWDC. The concept arose when the Programs & Education Committee
began to plan a series of social events where alcohol may be served. While speaking with Bill
Uhl about the need for any special insurance due to the alcohol, he recommended that the council
maintain a general policy. Jackie stated that a $1 million policy carried a premium of $250-400,
depending on our requirements. Norman asked that we research the criteria needed to qualify the
CWDC for a policy.
Jackie stated that the CWDC can be held liable for incidents occuring during our events, even
when they are held at another property. She said that even when the CWDC is added to the
locale’s insurance as an additional insured, the coverage isn’t enough. A separate policy for the
CWDC is recommended for safety.
Jackie also discussed a policy for non-profit directors and officers, which costs approximately
$750 per year for a $1 million policy. After discussion, all in attendance agreed that was too
expensive and possibly not needed at this time. Carol suggested that we should continue to
explore the insurance for the Leadership Team by contacting other local organizations to see if
they carry that additional policy. Jenni Roer agreed to look into the issue further.
Norman stated that the places where we hold our events most likely expect that we already have
our own policy.
Motion by Jenni Roer to purchase a general liability insurance policy at a cost not to exceed $400
annually. Seconded by Norman Plair. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Norman Plair expressed his appreciation for those committee chairs who
submitted their budget requests in a timely manner. During the Treasurer’s meeting with the
Chair, Jackie recommended that Fund Development be assigned under Administration so that it
can work for/participate in each committee.
Norman reports that the budget for 2011-2012 totals $16,760, which is 10.7% higher than the
previous year’s budget. The budget included $830 in additional program expense for items such
as insurance and a cushion should one of the events run over budget. Norman recommended that
the Programs & Education committee seek sponsors or donations for their larger events to offset
some costs. Amy stated that the committee had already discussed the idea.
Centerville Washington Diversity Council
Leadership Team Meeting Minutes – page 2
June 14, 2011
Jenni asked for the current cash balance of the CWDC account. Norman stated that the accounts
currently total $23,346 which means that if all budgets were spent as requested, then 33% of the
balance would remain. Of course, that doesn’t include any offset by the income generated by
fund development for the 2011-2012 year, which in the past 5 years has ranged from $5,3007,000 in donations per year. We have typically budgeted high and never spent every dollar
requested. For example, the 2010-2011 budget was $15,233 and only $9,930, or 60% of the total
amount requested, was spent. The 2009-2010 budget requests totaled $18,568.
Motion by Jenni Roer to approve the 2011-2012 annual budget as presented. Seconded by Carol
Kennard. Motion carried.
Amy asked if the Programs & Education committee is to plan to proceed with the Traces of the
Trade event if they are unable to obtain a sponsor. After discussion, the Leadership Team agreed
that while additional donations or sponsorships are preferred, the event can continue without a
sponsor if one can’t be secured, providing that the Programs & Education Committee
recommends it and the CWDC chair is in agreement. Jackie recommended that the Programs &
Education committee collaborate with the Fund Development committee well in advance of the
program for the best chances to obtain a sponsor. Jenni mentioned that she could recommend
some potential funding sources. Norman reminded the team that that Ohio Humanities Council
offers grants up to $1,000 in support of this type of event. Jackie reminded the team that the
Centerville-Washington Foundation also has a grant program which has a deadline approaching
in August.
Everyone voiced their appreciation to Norman for preparing the annual budget.
Norman also discussed the research he conducted regarding obtaining a charge card for the
CWDC. He reviewed four years of payments of which there were 87 requests for checks. This
issue was raised when we were told that the new website hosting company needed a credit card
for the annual invoice. After communicating with the company, we were able to obtain the
invoice by email and submit payment in the form of a check. A discount was applied because
CWDC paid in advance. Norman spoke with representatives at Liberty Bank which holds the
CWDC accounts. He was told that cards can be issued but must have a name on each one.
Discussion ensued regarding the concerns of each committee chair having their own CWDC
credit/debit card. All in attendance agreed that it was not in the council’s best interest to obtain
cards at this time.
Fund Development: Joe Lambright reported that sponsor mailings will be sent out in September.
Last year he made phone calls to follow up on the mailings which helped spur donations. Later
that year he also sent donation/sponsorship requests to members. Carol asked if we still needed
to list Vectren as a major sponsor on our press releases, to which Joe responded that no, we no
longer needed to do so unless they increase their donation in the future.
Committee Reports:
MLK Breakfast Committee: Jackie reported for Chair Jan Harry that the program for the
2012 event has been set and will include a dramatic presentation of Rosa Parks and living
vignettes of women from the past. There will be a discussion and a Q & A after the
presentation. Jerry reported that the committee is currently looking for a freedom rider.
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Leadership Team Meeting Minutes – page 3
June 14, 2011
Community Projects: Helene Anagho-Beny reported all preschool books had been
delivered and that pictures were taken at a few of the schools. She passed around the
letters of thanks that she has received from many of the schools receiving books. Jenni
commented that the books were wrapped beautifully this year. Helene expressed her
thanks to Carol, who wrapped the books this year. She reported that Bob Daley wrote a
press release about the book project that was sent to the papers last week.
Helene also reported that Beth Fitzgerald has been working on the recipe blog and has
requested to spend less than $200 per year to maintain the blog on a host site. Lastly,
Helene sent around a request for volunteers to work the CWDC booth during the
Americana festival. She shared new promotional products with the team which include
pencils and bookmarks.
Programs and Education Committee: Amy Russell reported that the committee has
formed subcommittees for both the Voices & Stories event and the Traces of the Trade
event. Simone Polk is heading up the Traces event as she held a similar event at Wright
State University last year. Amy stated that they will be working to get the surrounding
towns involved to possibly make a weekend long series of events around the theme of the
150 year anniversary of the Civil War. Carol mentioned that the Park District had done a
program on the underground railroad and could potentially participate by offering it
Amy also discussed the Voices & Stories event. The subcommittee is currently seeking
storytellers. This year’s theme is diverse families. She also mentioned that the CWDC is
working with the Centerville Arts Commission and Library to host a Cultural Arts day at
the Centerville Library, which is tentatively scheduled for October 1.
Publicity Committee: Carol Kennard distributed a publicity plan for CWDC programs,
which included dates to ensure that publicity was distributed to the media in a timely
manner. She also passed around a draft of the flyer seeking storytellers for the Voices &
Stories event.
Carol displayed the new CWDC website and demonstrated the varying levels of access
for administrators to input information. She also displayed the CWDC’s Facebook page
and encouraged all members to “like” our page for updates. Carol showed how we can
list our sponsors and provide a link to their website. She requested that members send
her any CWDC pictures as they would be helpful for building up both the website and the
Facebook page. Mike asked if a donation page would eventually be added to which
Carol responded that she is researching how we can include a Paypal page to collect
Membership Development Committee: Jenni Roer reported that the first CWDC social
event will be held on Friday, August 26 from 4-6pm. She stated that the June & July
events were postponed because of the questions around the liability insurance. She stated
that committee members are working to get alcohol donated for the event.
Centerville Washington Diversity Council
Leadership Team Meeting Minutes – page 4
June 14, 2011
Faith Leaders Initiative: Mike Castle reported that 8 mainline ministers have been
participating in a monthly meeting since September of 2010, including Miami Valley
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Church of the Incarnation, Epiphany Lutheran Church,
Centerville United Methodist Church, Christ the King Lutheran Church, St. George’s
Episcopalian Church, Southminster Presbyterian Church, and Centerville Community
Norman thanked Mike for his efforts in bringing together the diverse group. In its 2009
goal setting/strategic plan, CWDC set an objective of reuniting faith leaders and creating
an opportunity for relationship building. Jackie thanked Mike for successfully addressing
this part of the CWDC strategic plan. (Goal 3: Explore how the Council may serve as a
catalyst to promote positive relationships among faith leaders of Centerville &
Washington Township.)
Mike stated that the ministers will break for summer and resume their monthly meetings
in September.
The Leadership Team agreed to hold the next meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 9, at 12:30 p.m. in the
City of Centerville Law Library.
Jackie reminded members that some new CWDC members have come on board since the start of
the year and suggested that committee chairs check their member lists to make sure everyone is
receiving information.
Helene reminded members to sign up for a shift at the Americana booth.
The team discussed various options for distributing group emails, including Constant Contact and
sending emails from the web site. It was agreed that Jackie and Carol would pursue the latter in
order to get information out about Americana and Voices & Stories.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 pm.
Prepared by: Jennifer Wilder