Course Outline - Longview School District

English 10 – Course Outline
2010-2011 – Mr. Woodrum
Room 202
Class information @
I. Overview of English 10: English 10 is R.A. Long’s “core” English class, and students must
pass it in order to earn a diploma. In fact, English 10 is a prerequisite for Senior Seminar (Senior
English), which contains the Senior Project, our last graduation requirement. To earn credit for
English 10, students must pass both semesters, a persuasive research paper, mock job interview,
and take all sections of the HSPE. First semester contains the bulk of the literature (novels and
short stories) with response writes, and second semester contains the bulk of the writing
II. Short Essays: Students will complete a number of essays, some in response to novels we’re
reading (1st semester) and some which are based on students’ own ideas (2nd semester).
III. Vocabulary: Students will usually be tested on 20 vocabulary words on the first day of the
week (usually a Monday, but sometimes Tuesday). The quizzes take the form of matching and
fill-in-the-blank. Sometimes we’ll skip these if we’re deep into a project like the research paper.
IV. Persuasive Research Paper: In March students will be assigned a minimum 4-page, 4
source formal research paper in the persuasive mode of writing. Students will enter the library
for one week to research, and then lab time will be made available to type a rough-draft. Drafts
will be returned to students with comments, and students will then be given one week to make
necessary revisions, at the end of which final copies will be due.
V. Literature: For this area students will read a number of novels, including The Catcher in the
Eye, Thirteen Reasons Why, Friday Night Lights, Fahrenheit 451 (all first semester) and To Kill
a Mockingbird (second semester). Students will answer questions related to the reading
(checksheets), be tested on the reading, and have a chance to discuss the novels. Finally, students
will write in response to this reading. This section will take up the majority of first semester.
***Some literature, such as The Catcher in the Rye and Thirteen Reasons Why, contain young
adult themed situations, such as language and/or some sexual references, and serious issues like
suicide. If this bothers you, please let me know and accommodations can be made.***
VI. Interview: A mock job interview will take place at the end of May or beginning of June.
Students will be prepared in class for this assignment, and a 75% minimum must be earned for
successful completion. The student must retake the interview until he or she passes it.
VII. Personal Recreational Reading: You are required to read books of your choice for the
semester. “Free days” for your own reading will be available on Thursdays or Fridays.
VIII. Other Course Work: Occasionally, other work will be assigned, most likely having to do
with the novels, short essays, persuasive research paper, and the HSPE.
*The student is required to take all sections of the HSPE if he or she is a sophomore. If the
student is a freshman or junior, this requirement is waived. The requirement is also waived if the
student is taking English 10 during summer session as credit recovery.
I. ATTENDANCE: You need to be here everyday we have class—it’s crucial. You will quickly
find yourself falling behind and even failing the course if your attendance is poor.
II. GRADING POLICY: Grading in this class is “cumulative.” The grade you have at any time
is the total of points you have earned divided by the total points possible. In other words, an
“A” first quarter and a “C” second quarter does not necessarily equal a “B” for a final grade.
This is mainly because the total points for each quarter may not be equal. Other than the grade
print-out on the door, it will be your responsibility to keep track of your total points if you want
to verify your overall grade (I simply don’t have time to go over overall grades during passing
times or during class. If you need a clarification, see me at 2:30.). Scoring for letter grades is
as follows:
93% - 100% = A
90% - 92%
= A87% - 89%
= B+
83% - 86%
= B
80% - 82%
= B77% - 79%
= C+
73% - 76%
= C
70% - 72%
= C67% - 69%
= D+
60% - 66%
= D
0% - 59%
= F*
*Failure to successfully complete the research paper, interview, and lack of full effort on all
sections of the HSPE (in the case of sophomores) = F
III. Late Work Policy: Unless late work results from an excused absence, 10% will be deducted
from it for each day that it is late. It won’t accepted for any credit after that, so don’t try to turn
it in—this wastes my time and yours.
IV. Classroom Behavior: Don’t be an idiot. I’m a fairly easy going teacher, but don’t take
advantage of that.
V. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a serious offense at R.A. Long High School. Essentially,
plagiarism is “academic theft” because it involves claiming someone else’s work as your own.
Sometime plagiarism is obvious—the student has copied a paper from the Internet (perhaps
purchased from a ‘term paper’ website), or it is unintentional, such as when the student fails to
cite a source in the research paper. Avoid plagiarism at all costs—it can result in an automatic
“F” and academic and/or sports suspension.