Oliver Twist Quiz 1. Who runs the home for young orphans where Oliver lives for nine years? (A) Mr. Bumble (B) Mrs. Mann (C) Agnes Fleming (D) Miss Hannigan 3. What is Mr. Gamfield’s profession? (A) Undertaker (B) Chef (C) Butler (D) Chimney sweep 2. How does Oliver violate the rules of the workhouse? (A) By asking for more gruel (B) By taking the Lord’s name in vain (C) By running a pickpocketing ring (D) By spreading revolutionary ideology among the paupers 4. What is Mr. Sowerberry’s profession? (A) Undertaker (B) Chef (C) Butler (D) Chimney sweep 5. How does Noah Claypole incur Oliver’s wrath? (A) By insulting his mother (B) By insulting his clothes (C) By mistreating Charlotte 6. What is Jack Dawkins’s nickname? (A) Toby Crackit (B) The Artful Dodger (C) Loopy (D) The Jackal (D) By stealing food from the larder 7. Of what ethnicity is Fagin? 8. Mr. Brownlow notices that Oliver bears a close resemblance to whom? (A) Irish (A) Mrs. Bedwin (B) Italian (B) The woman in the portrait on his wall (C) Mixed race (C) Queen Victoria (D) Jewish (D) The Christ child 9. What does Nancy pretend to be in order to drag Oliver back to Fagin? 10. Who comes to Oliver’s defense after Fagin recaptures him? (A) A truant officer (A) Jack Dawkins (B) Oliver’s sister (B) Charley Bates (C) A workhouse official (C) Nancy (D) Oliver’s mother (D) Mr. Brownlow 11. Who is shot in the attempted burglary of the Maylie house? 12. Which character falls deathly ill in the countryside? (A) Oliver (A) Oliver (B) Bill Sikes (B) Mrs. Maylie (C) Bull’s-eye (C) Mr. Bumble (D) Toby Crackit (D) Rose Maylie 13. Why does Mr. Bumble propose to Mrs. Corney? (A) He wants to take revenge on Oliver (B) She reminds him of his late wife (C) He wants children (D) He wants her money 15. Why does Rose refuse to marry Harry Maylie? (A) Because they are related (B) Because she does not want to stand in the way of his ambition (C) Because she wants to marry someone who would be a better provider (D) Because she is in love with Bill Sikes 14. What did Old Sally steal from Agnes Fleming? (A) A will (B) A marriage certificate (C) An engraved watch (D) A gold locket 16. To whom does the dog Bull’s-eye belong? (A) Bill Sikes (B) Oliver (C) Monks (D) Mr. Brownlow 17. What is Nancy’s profession? (A) Flower-seller 18. Where does Nancy meet Rose and Brownlow? (A) London Bridge (B) Nurse (B) The Three Cripples (C) Prostitute (C) The Old Victoria Theater (D) Con artist (D) A blacking factory 19. What image haunts Bill Sikes after he commits murder? (A) Oliver’s face (B) A bloody club (C) The gallows (D) Nancy’s eyes 20. Which three characters are all related to Oliver? (A) Harry Maylie, Mrs. Maylie, Rose Maylie (B) Rose Maylie, Monks, Agnes Fleming (C) Agnes Fleming, Old Sally, Mr. Losberne (D) Monks, Bill Sikes, Agnes Fleming 21. Where does Oliver last see Fagin? (A) In a courtroom 22. Which character’s real name is Edward Leeford? (A) Jack Dawkins (B) In the West Indies (B) Monks (C) Underneath London Bridge (C) Oliver (D) In a jail cell (D) Noah Claypole 23. Which character is subject to violent spasmodic fits? 24. Which of the following novels did Dickens not write? (A) Monks (A) Bleak House (B) Fagin (B) The Mill on the Floss (C) Bull’s-eye (C) The Pickwick Papers (D) Mr. Grimwig (D) Great Expectations 25. Dickens wrote Oliver Twist in response to what piece of legislation? (A) The Law of Estates and Inheritance (B) The Poor Law of 1834 (C) The institution of the death penalty (D) The Decency Act