牡丹江师范学院教案 教研室:二年级教研室 教师姓名:徐兴岭 授课时间:第 2 周 课程名称 英语简易原著阅读 授课专业和班级 授课内容 Oliver Twist-2 授 课 学 时 2 class periods 教学目的 Aim for knowledge: the plot and theme of the play Aim for ability: ability to read fast and efficiently Aim of quality: ability to analyze and comment on the characters 教学重点 The plot and theme of the play 教学难点 教具和媒体使用 complicated spelling of the many names; the moral function of the play Blackboard; self-designed ppt 教学方法 教 学 过 程 板书设计 讲授新拓展内容 Lecture, discussing, questioning, 包括复习旧课、引入新课、重点难点讲授、作业和习题 布置、问题讨论、归纳总结及课后辅导等内容 I. II. III. IV. V. Before Reading While Reading After Reading Summary Assignments Oliver Twist-2 I. About the author II. Background and themes III. Characters in Oliver Twist IV. Plot of Oliver Twist II. Exercises IV. Summary VI. Assignments Comparison and contrast between Oliver Twist and 《三毛流浪记》 Social and economical background of Oliver Twist 课后总结 教研室主任签字: 时 间 分 配 (90 分) 年 月 日 讲 讲 授 稿 内 容 Oliver Twist (2) I. Before Reading(10’) Plot Summary Oliver is an orphan born in a workhouse, who has no idea of his parents’ identity. He was maltreated by its hypocritical(虚伪的) master, Bumble. Starving, Oliver says, “Please Sir, I want some more”, for which offence(冒犯) he is sold by the workhouse(济 贫院) as an undertaker’s(殡仪承办人) apprentice. Unhappy there, Oliver runs away to London where he meets the Artful Dodger and joins a pickpocket gang led by Fagin. He also meets the brutal Bill Sikes, and Sikes’s kind-hearted lover, Nancy. Rescued from the streets by the benevolent(仁慈的) Mr. Brownlow, Oliver is then kidnapped by the gang, who have been bribed by the sinister Monks. Oliver is shot while helping Sikes to burgle the house of a Mrs. Maylie in Chertsey; Sikes escapes but Oliver, left behind, is taken in and cared for by Rose and Mrs Maylie. Nancy discovers that Rose is related to Oliver and that Monks knows Oliver’s parentage. Before this information has been fully disclosed, Nancy is murdered by Sikes, who, following a misunderstanding, fears that she has betrayed him. Attempting to flee across the rooftops, Sikes slips and accidentally hangs himself with the rope he is using in his attempt to escape. The rest of the gang are captured, and Fagin is executed at Newgate. Before dying in prison, Monks admits that he is Oliver’s half-brother, his actions motivated by greed for an inheritance. Brownlow reveals that Rose is the sister of Oliver’s dead mother, and the boy finally finds the family he had hoped for when he is adopted by Brownlow. II. Activities After Reading (40’) Chapter 1-3 Are these sentences true or false? (a) Oliver’s mother dies when he is born. (true) (b) Mrs. Mann takes for herself a lot of money from the weekly allowance for the children. (true) (c) Mr. Bumble takes Oliver to the large workhouse when Oliver is ten. (false) (d) At the large workhouse, the boys receive three bowls of soup and three pieces of bread a day. (false)(bread only on special holidays) (e) The officials decide to send Oliver away from the workhouse 备 注 because he asks for more food. (true) (f) The magistrate does not allow Oliver to go away with Mr. Gamfield because he can see that the chimney sweep looks cruel.(false)(he can’t see well) Chapter 4-6 Finish these sentences (a) Oliver cries as he goes with Mr. Bumble to Mr. Sowerberry’s house because he feels lonely (b) When Mrs. Sowerberry first sees Oliver, she does not like him because he is small. (c) Oliver attacks Noah Claypole because he’s rude about his mother (d) Oliver is cruelly beaten and locked in the cellar because he attacks Noah Claypole. (e) Oliver runs away from the Sowerberries because he was treated cruelly by them. (f) Oliver goes to London because nobody would find him there, and he could make a living. (g) Oliver goes home with ‘The Artful Dodger’ because he offers him some food. Chapter 7-9 Answer these questions (a) What does Fagin do when he thinks Oliver is asleep? He locks the door and takes out a box from a secret hole in the floor. (b) What game does Fagin play with the Artful Dodger and Charlie Bates He pretends to be a rich gentleman and the boys practice picking his pockets. (c) What work does Oliver do in Fagin’s room? He picks labels out of handkerchiefs and practices picking pockets. (d) Why does Mr. Brownlow think that Oliver pickpocked his handkerchief? Because he sees Oliver running away looking frightened. (e) What sentence does Mr. Fang give Oliver? Three months in prison with hard labour. (f) Who tells the magistrate who the real thieves were? The owner of the bookshop (g) Where is Oliver taken after he leaves the magistrate’s office? To Mr. Brownlow’s house. Chapter 10-12 Put these evens in the order of the story (a) Oliver starts to tell Mr. Brownlow the story of his life. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Nancy tries to defend Oliver from Fagin. Oliver is very ill with a fever Bill Sikes and Nancy kidnap Oliver. Fagin, Bill Sikes and Nancy plan to rob a house using Oliver. Mr. Brownlow gives Oliver some books and money. Mr. Grimlow arrives at Mr. Brownlow’s house. c—a—g—f—d—b—e Chapter 13-15 Finish these sentences (a) Toby Crackit is a man who breaks into houses. (b) In the house in Chertsey, Oliver sees two half-dressed men at the top of the stairs. (c) Oliver is shot in his left arm. (d) The young lady of the house tells the servants to take Oliver upstairs to Mr. Giles’s room. (e) From Fagin’s conversation with Monks we understand that Fagin and Monks both want Oliver arrested and sent out of the county. (f) Fagin and Monks rush out of the room because Monks thinks he sees a shadow. Chapter 16-18 Answer these questions (a) Why do Mrs. Maylie and Rose decide to keep Oliver in their house? Because he’s a nice boy and they feel sorry for him. (b) What do you think Dickens is trying to teach the reader in this chapter Open answer (c) How does Dr. Losberne save Oliver from the police? He persuades Giles and Brittles that Oliver is not the thief. (d) What kind of life does Oliver lead in the country with Mrs. Maylie and Rose? A comfortable, a happy life in a loving home. Chapter 19-21 These sentences are all false. Correct them, without looking in the book. (a) Monks givers Mrs. Bumble $20 for her information about Old Sally. $ 25(not $20) (b) In the leather bag in Old Sally’s hand there was a silver chain, a lock of hair and a gold wedding ring. A gold chain(not silver) (c) Sikes sends Nancy to Fagin’s to get some food. Some money(not food) (d) Nancy listens secretly to the conversation between Fagin and Sikes Between Fagin and Monks(not Sikes) (e) Nancy tells Rose that Monks promised Fagin money if he killed Oliver. If he made Oliver a thief( not if he killed Oliver) (f) Nancy tells Rose that Monks has proof of Oliver’s identity. The proof of Oliver’s identity is at the bottom of the river(Monks doesn’t have it) (g) Nancy says that every Sunday night she will walk on London Bridge from midnight until one o’clock. From eleven until midnight(not from midnight to one Chapter 22-24 Explain who these people and/or places are connected: 1) Rose and Oliver: Oliver is living in Rose’s house. 2) Mr. Brownlow and Mr. Grimwig: They are friends. 3) The Artful Dodger/court/prison: He goes to court & then to prison. 4) Nancy/Rose and Mr.Brownlow: Nancy meets Rose and Mr.Brownlow, to help save Oliver. Chapter 25-27 Complete these sentences (a) Fagin tells Sikes about Nancy’s conversation with Rose and Mr.Brownlow on London Bridge (b) Sikes kills Nancy because she has told Oliver’s secret. (c) Sikes leaves London because he doesn’t want to be found and sent to prison or hung. (d) Sikes leaves the public house because someone mentions a blood stain on his hat. (e) Sikes tries to kill his dog because his dog will help people to identify him. (f) Mr. Brownlow knows Monks because he was Monks’s father’s best friend. (g) Oliver is the son of Monks’s father and the daughter of a retired naval officer. (h) Monks wants Oliver to be a thief because he would not be able to claim his property. (i) Monks signs a true statement of facts about Oliver because Mr.Browlow says he can go free if he sighns. Chapter 28-30 (a) What happens to Fagin? Who visits him in his cell and why? Give reasons for you opinion. Fagin is sentenced to death by hanging. Mr.Brownlow visits him to ask where the papers about Oliver from Monks are kept. And open answers. (b) How does the story end for these people? Charlie Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Bumble, Mr. Brownlow Charlie Bates left his life of crime and became a farmer’s boy. Mr. and Mrs. Bumble lost their positions of masters of the workhouse and were gradually reduced to poverty. They finally became residents of the same workhouse of which they had once been masters. Mr. Brownlow adopts Oliver as his son. And open answer. III. IV. Summary(25’) omitted Assignments(2’) ---Read Anna Karenina VI. References 1. Dickens C. Oliver Twist, 世界图书出版社,2006 2. Dickens C., Oliver Twist(黄治军译),天津 科技翻译出版社,2003