Name: Pr.6 – Oliver Twist – Answer Key A. Answer the following

Pr.6 – Oliver Twist – Answer Key
A. Answer the following questions:
1- ‘When Jack and Charley went home without Oliver, Fagin was very
angry. He was shouting and beating the boys with his big stick.’
- Why do you think Fagin was angry?
- What do you think of his behaviour?
- Fagin was angry as he was afraid that Oliver would tell the police that
they were thieves.
- I think Fagin was a cruel, inhumane person as he used physical violence
with children.
2- Describe Bill Sikes and his wife Nancy, each
in one sentence.
Bill Sikes was about thirty-five, tall and well-built,
and Nancy had Rosy cheeks and long, curly hair.
3- What was Fagin’s plan to get Oliver back?
Fagin planned that Nancy would go to the police station and tell them that
she had lost her little brother Oliver and find out where he was. Nancy got
Pr.6 – Oliver Twist – Answer Key
ready and left to see what she could find out, but she got back with some
news. She knew that Oliver fell down in the street and an old gentle man
took him home. That old man liked reading and bought lots of books. So,
Fagin decided that Bill and Nancy should watch the bookshop until they find
4-What happened to Oliver when he went to the bookshop for Mr.
Brownlow? How do you think he felt about that?
When Oliver went to the bookshop, Bill and Nancy
were waiting for him. Nancy started shouting and
acting as if she was his sister and Oliver was the bad
boy who left the house and made their mother
worried. Then Bill Sikes accused Oliver of stealing
books and Bill’s money. Oliver cried for help and tried to escape, but it was
useless (in vain). They held both his hands tightly and dragged him along the
street to Fagin’s house. I think Oliver was scared as he was afraid of what
Fagin would do to him. Moreover, he was miserable as he was taken from Mr.
Brownlow’s house where he had finally found love and care. Besides he was
nervous as Mr. Brownlow would think that he was a thief.
5- “That’s right! He will think you are a thief! Excellent! ”
a) Who said the above quotation? To whom?
b) Why did the speaker say that?
Pr.6 – Oliver Twist – Answer Key
c) What does this show about Oliver?
a- Fagin said this quote to Oliver.
b- Fagin said that because Oliver said that he didn’t care what the gang
would do to him, but all what he cared for was sending the books back to
Mr. Brownlow so that he would not think that Oliver was a thief.
c- This shows that Oliver was honest, innocent and that he loved Mr.
6- The gang decided to make use of Oliver. How? Why?
Fagin and Bill Sikes were planning for a robbery. They wanted a small boy to
enter the house through a window, as the only window there without bars
was too small for a man to get through. As a result, they chose Oliver as he
was small and thin.
7- Although Nancy was a member of the gang, she had a kind heart.
Give proof to your answer stating your opinion about her character.
First, Nancy prevented Fagin from hitting Oliver by the stick. She snatched
the stick out of his hands and threw it into the fire as she was angry. She
said that she wouldn’t let Fagin hurt Oliver.
Second, she warned Oliver of Bill Sikes when she came to take Oliver to
help them with the robbery.
I think Nancy was kind and loving. She felt sorry for Oliver.
Pr.6 – Oliver Twist – Answer Key
8- “Well, if you speak one word while
we are out, this bullet is for you!
a) Who said the above quotation? To whom?
b) When did the speaker say that?
c) Why did the speaker say that?
d) How did the listener feel about that?
a- Bill Sikes said that quotation to Oliver.
b- He said so when Oliver arrived at his house the night before the
c- Bill said that because he wanted to make use of Oliver in the robbery, so
he wanted to threaten Oliver and make him terrified so that he would
follow Bill’s orders and never think of escaping.
d- Oliver was terrified and he could do nothing except following Bill’s
I took Oliver back to Fagin’s house. I said that I was
Oliver’s sister. I stopped Fagin hitting Oliver:
Pr.6 – Oliver Twist – Answer Key
B) Complete:
1- Bill snatched the money out of Oliver’s hand and put it in his pocket .
Oliver cried for help and tried to escape, but it was no use .
2- Fagin raised the stick to hit Oliver, but Nancy jumped forward,
snatched it out of his hand and threw it into the fire .
3- Fagin told Oliver that Bill Sikes was a dangerous man, so he told
Oliver not to do anything to make him angry . Bill Sikes wasn’t afraid
of blood . Oliver was terrified, especially after reading a book full of
horrible stories about thieves, murderers and other criminals .