Document Based Question (DBQ) 1920’s Introduction: ___/4. Appropriate amount of Background ___/4. All parts of Thesis Formula Present ___/2. Well Developed Thesis Formula ___. Formula misused: # _________ Supporting Paragraphs ___/5. Each Paragraph directly supports Thesis Formula A, B, and/or C ___/5. Support your thesis with Outside Information ___/5. Correctly referenced and cited at least 3 Document(s): ___. Document(s) misused: # _________ ___. Documents cited improperly: # _________ ___. Document quotes are too long: # ________ ___/5. Strong use of transition (linking) words: Despite, Although, However… ___/5. Provided a counter-argument paragraph Conclusion ___/5. Strong conclusion that summarizes your argument and proves your thesis Subractions ___/0 to -3. ___/0 to -3 ___/0 to -3 ___/0 to -3 ___/0 to -3 Use of “I,” “you,” “our,” :us,” “we.” Improper reference to historical figures (first name only…) Contains vague statements or generalizations not supported by facts. Poor spelling and grammar Poor penmanship: difficult to read. ___. Score: 30