2011 Grade 7 Unit E: Planet Earth Performance Assessment Riley Laird 2/7/2011 Teacher Resource Grade 7 Science Unit E: Plant Earth Riley Laird Junior Volcanologist Students will design a virtual tour/educational program, and an advertising campaign to endorse the virtual educational program, (for a National Park in Hawaii) to educate the public about volcanoes and plate tectonics. SCIENCE OUTCOMES (Topic E: Planet Earth) The Bigger Picture: A secondary science program is guided by the principle of life-long learning through the process of scientific inquiry. It is through a hands-on inquiry project that students develop scientific literacy and acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to solve real-life problems and make decisions. [Program of Studies, p.1] This project will encourage the students to do independent research, (with assistance where needed), engage creatively in the material, while also reviewing terms and concepts from the unit. This project will also incorporate the use of technology. General Outcomes Specific Outcomes Assessment Science Technology, Technology, Society (STS) and Knowledge (Nature of Science Emphasis) General Outcome 7-1 7Specific Outcome Virtual Education Program- (Final Students will: Describe Students will: Investigate and interpret evidence Product A) 1.1 and demonstrate methods that Earth’s surface undergoes both gradual and Advertising Campaign- (Final used in the scientific study sudden change (e.g., recognize earthquakes, Product B) of Earth and in observing volcanoes and landslides as examples of sudden Final Rubric and interpreting its change; recognize glacial erosion and river component material. erosion as examples of gradual/incremental change) General Outcome 7-3 7Specific Outcome Virtual Education Program- (Final Students will: Investigate Students will: Describe evidence for crustal Product A) 3.3 and interpret evidence of movement, and identify and interpret patterns in Advertising Campaign- (Final major changes in these movements Product B) landforms and the rock (e.g., identify evidence of earthquakes and Final Rubric layers that underlie them. volcanic action along the Pacific Rim; identify evidence of the movement of the Pacific plate relative to the North American plate.) Skills (Science Inquiry Emphasis) General Outcome 7-1 7Specific Outcome Self Checklist Students will: Students will: Research information relevant to a Self Evaluation 2.3 Conduct investigations into given question. Virtual Education Program- (Final the relationships between Product A) and among observations, Advertising Campaign- (Final and gather and record Product B) qualitative and quantitative Final Rubric data. 7Specific Outcome Self Checklist (at least 3 resources) Students will: Select and integrate information Self Evaluation 2.4 from various print and electronic sources or from Virtual Education Program- (Final several parts of the same source (e.g., Product A) demonstrate proficiency in uploading and Advertising Campaign- (Final downloading text, image, audio Product B) and video files) Final Rubric 72.5 Specific Outcome Students will: Organize data, using a format that is appropriate to the task or experiment. Virtual Education Program- (Final Product A) Advertising Campaign- (Final Product B) Final Rubric 2 Learning Objectives Students will: 1. Research how volcanoes suddenly and gradually change the Earth’s surface. 2. Identify evidence of earthquakes and volcanic action along the Pacific Rim. 3. Identify evidence of the movement of the Pacific plate relative to the North American plate. 4. Assemble information from at least 3 different types of sources (internet, books, movies, etc.). 5. Create a technology based educational presentation about volcanoes worldwide and Hawaiian volcanoes. 6. Create at least one form of advertising to support the virtual education program (Poster, brochure, commercial). 7. Reflect on the quality and process of their work. Task Overview: Junior Volcanologist! Student Role: You are a Volcanologist who has been hired by Kilauea and Mauna Loa Volcano National Park in Hawaii to develop a virtual education program about Hawaii’s volcanoes and volcanoes in general. In addition to creating a virtual tour to educate the public the people at Kilauea and Mauna Loa Volcano National Park want you to create an advertising campaign to attract visitors to yout virtual tour. The Audience: The general public is who your virtual education program and advertising campaign will be geared towards. Product(s): Virtual Education Program about the Volcanoes: Kilauea and Mauna Loa, and general volcano information Some form of advertising to support your virtual education program (ie, poster, commercial, brochure) Self Reflection Self Checklist See Checklist and Criteria for specific details Teachers Notes (Lesson Outline): Project Placement: o This project should be in the middle of a unit or at the end of a unit. However, It only covers topics related to volcanoes and tectonic plates so additional assessment is needed to cover the rest of the unit GLO’s. o The final product may be used for assessment for learning (formative feedback) and/or assessment of learning (summative/grading) purposes but it is recommended for summative use. Directions: o Have the students work alone so they each are creating a final product, but if they need assistance they can work in groups during class time. o Give the students a copy of the introduction letter, rubric, self evaluation, and checklists. (Save the other resources for scaffolding). Note: It might be helpful to show the students an exemplar of what you would like the final product to look like. 1. Prior to starting the research process, discuss the criteria within the rubric so that the language becomes understandable to students and it is clearly understood what is expected of them. Explain to students that they will be required to complete a self reflection. Briefly cover what makes up a quality self reflection. 2. Explain to the students that they can use a variety of technologies and materials to create their final product, they just need to be approved by the teacher beforehand. 3. After having covered the basics about volcanoes in previous lessons, give the student’s time to research volcanoes on their own using computers or library books. (have them compile their research however suits them best) 3 a. If the some students are struggling with research use the scaffolding material to help guide their research. This can be broken into segments based on need for assistance. Level 1: is just research questions and blank diagrams, level two: (increased need for assistance) will include the additional resources to give them a starting point ie. Diagrams, websites, and books. 4. After researching give the students class time to brainstorm the creation of their virtual education program and advertising campaign. Start this lesson in the computer lab by covering the basics on how to use power point, Glogster and word. Give the students examples of how they can present their Virtual Education Program ie) Prezi, Power Point, Glogster etc. Encourage them to plan it out on paper beforehand. a. The advertising campaign is open to all media sources, so the students can create a brochure, commercial, poster, diorama etc. This must be approved by the teacher and include all the criteria needed. 5. Give the students class time to complete their technology based portions of the project. 6. After the projects are complete have the students publish them for the classroom and have a gallery walk to let the students view each other’s work. This is when the students can take time to fill in their self reflections. Scaffolding Techniques: - Checklists - Write on the board: “today you should be completing_____ (research, planning, etc.)” - Resource guide (Level 1: Research Questions and Volcano Diagram) (Level 2: the addition of web/text resources to use, informative diagrams, and teacher assistance) - Teacher assistance - Buddy system - More time if needed Evaluation of Product: o Each student will receive an individual mark. o Students will monitor their own progress using a checklist to make sure they meet all the criteria and stay on track with the timeline as well as completing a self reflection Materials: - Computers - Internet access - Resource booklet Timeline: Recommended 7 Periods of 40 minutes Day 1 Day 2` Day 3 Introduction/ Research Research/ Research Planning Day 4 Planning/ Putting it together Day 5 Putting it together Day 6 Putting it together Day 7 Reflection &Presentation Teacher Resources: Hawaii National Park Website: http://www.nps.gov/havo/index.htm Earthquake Data for Hawaii: http://tux.wr.usgs.gov/Quakes/quakes0.html Glogster Exemplar:http://blanchardr.edu.glogster.com/volcanos-of-all-kinds/ Glogster Homepage: http://edu.glogster.com/ 4 Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park: Kilauea and Mauna Loa Dear Volcanologist; Congratulations, you have been hired to create a new virtual education program about our local volcanoes. We wish for this education program to highlight the facts about Kilauea and Mauna Loa as well as the factors that led to the creation of our beautiful volcanoes. In addition to educating the general public on Hawaii’s natural wonders we expect that the virtual education program will teach the public about volcanoes worldwide. For example; how they are created, where they form, the various types of volcanoes that exist, their impact on the landscape, and such information. We are trying to keep up with the times and want to have an education program that is accessible to everyone whether they can travel to Hawai’i or not. The format for the virtual education program is up to your discretion, as long as it includes the required criteria and is technology based. (See checklist and Criteria list for details) Here is some background information on our local volcanoes and some resources for your use in creating the education program. Erupting for the first time since 1982, an ash-laden plume rises from a crater that formed in 2008, within the main crater Halema`uma`u at the summit of Kilauea. Lava from a vent on the East Rift Zone, 12 miles east of the summit, flows through a lava tube system and slowly makes its way down slope and toward the ocean. Check out the following sites to get you started: USGS and Hawaii National Parks website which can be found in your resource guide. We recommend that you start by researching basic information on volcanoes worldwide; - What are the main types of volcanoes found worldwide? - What are the features of a volcano? - Where are volcanoes commonly located? - What role do plate tectonics play in the formation and eruption of volcanoes? o Pay particular attention to the Pacific Plate and North American Plate - What is the Ring of Fire? - How do volcanoes impact the landscape? After investigating some basics on volcanoes you can move into researching some information about Hawaii’s local volcanic activity; - Where are the volcanoes Kilauea and Mauna Loa located in Hawai’i? - What type of volcanoes are Kilauea and Mauna Loa? - What is the geologic history of the Hawaiian islands - Are there any interesting facts you wish to share about Hawai’i volcanoes? We thank you for your assistance in creating our new virtual education program and look forward to seeing the final product. Sincerely, Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park Visitor Center 5 Name:___________________________ My Check List Research: I have named at least 5 different types of volcanoes I have described the features of volcanoes I have shown where volcanoes are commonly located I have explained the role that plate tectonics play in the formation and eruption of volcanoes I have shown on a map where the Pacific Plate and North American Plates are located I have visually represented the Ring of Fire I have explained how volcanoes impact the landscape I have described which types of volcanoes Kilauea and Mauna Loa are. I have located the volcanoes Kilauea and Mauna Loa on a map. I have briefly explained the geologic history of the Hawaiian islands. I have included at least one interesting fact about volcanoes. Product: I have created a visually appealing and detailed Virtual Education Program I have created a visually appealing advertisement for my Virtual Education Program I have completed a self reflection on my project 6 Name:_________________ Self Reflection Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 in each category for how you think you did on your Junior Volcanologist Project. 1 being not well at all, 5 being I rocked it! Circle One. 1. I feel that I used my time wisely: 1 2 3 4 5 2. I covered all of the required criteria in my Virtual Education Program: 1 2 3 4 5 3. I am happy with my completed advertisement: 1 2 3 4 5 4. Overall I feel I deserve a… 1 2 3 4 5 5. What is one thing I feel I could have done better? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 6. Area of strength: what did I rock? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 7 Weighting Level Criteria 4 3 2 1 Vulcanology Award of Excellence You did great! Adequate Needs Work Insufficient Provides concise, detailed and insightful information about volcanoes in Hawaii and worldwide. Created a visually appealing educational product. Excellent and skillful use of technology. Provides accurate and detailed information about volcanoes in Hawaii and worldwide. Created a visually satisfying educational product. Great use of technology. Provides adequate information about volcanoes in Hawaii and worldwide. Under developed visual representation. Used technology. Provides minimal information about volcanoes in Hawaii and worldwide. Lacks visual appeal. Poor use of technology. No score is awarded because there is insufficient evidence of student performance based on the requirements of the assessment task. X5____ Creates a well thought out, visually appealing Advertisement to endorse their education program Created a well thought out, detailed and insightful advertisement about their virtual education program. Created a visually appealing product that attracts the consumer. Created a well thought out and detailed advertisement about their virtual education program. Created a visually appealing product that attracts the consumer. Created an adequate advertisement about their virtual education program. Under developed visual representation. Created a below satisfactory advertisement about their virtual education program. Lacks visual appeal. Teacher Feedback: X2____ Conducts in depth skillful research on Volcanoes in Hawaii and worldwide Demonstrates a skillful ability to assess and retrieve information. Goes above and beyond the research criteria needed. Utilizes <3 different resources Demonstrates a competent ability to assess and retrieve information. Meets all the research criteria. Utilizes 3 different resources Demonstrates a simplistic ability to assess and retrieve information. Meets at least 1/2 of the research criteria. Utilizes 3 different resources Demonstrates a questionable ability to assess and retrieve information. Meets 1/3 of the research criteria. Utilizes >3 resources X4____ Completed a critical and well thought out self reflection Completes a critical, honest, and detailed self reflection, Providing examples and areas of strength and weakness. Completes a honest, and detailed self reflection, Providing areas of strength and weakness. Completes an honest, self reflection, Providing no areas of strength or weakness. Fails to complete a self detailed self reflection. X1__ __ Creates a Detailed and Appealing Virtual Education Program Rubric: Name:__________________________ Date:___________ Mark: ____/_____ Volcanologist Workbook Name:_____________ Name:_____________________________ 10 Name:_________________________ Research Questions 1. What are the main types of volcanoes found worldwide? (if you need a hint see your resources guide) A)____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Diagrams 1. B) What are some features and characteristics of the volcano types you listed above? Can you give examples of real life volcanoes for each type? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where are volcanoes commonly located? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What role do plate tectonics play in the formation and eruption of volcanoes? Pay particular attention to the Pacific Plate and North American Plate. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 11 4. What is the Ring of Fire? (See the resource guide for a hint.) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. How do volcanoes impact the landscape? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Hawai’i Volcanoes 6. Where are the volcanoes Kilauea and Mauna Loa located in Hawai’i? 12 7. What type of volcanoes are Kilauea and Mauna Loa? ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. What is the geologic history of volcanoes in Hawai’i? (Hint: the rose from the sea floor) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Are there any interesting facts you wish to share about Hawai’i Volcanoes? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 13 Student Resource Guide 14 Student Research Resources You are not limited to these resources, but here are a few suggestions: o Google.com, Yahoo.com, Ask.com, discoverykids.ca o Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page o Hawaii National Park website: http://www.nps.gov/havo/index.htm o Earthquake Data for Hawaii: http://tux.wr.usgs.gov/Quakes/quakes0.html o Research information: http://www.squidoo.com/volcanoes/97554151-Volcano-Glossary o Interactive Map of Hawaii Volcanoes: http://www.nationalatlas.gov/dynamic/dyn_vol-hi.html Student Virtual Education Program Resources o o o o o o Glogster homepage (for creating virtual interactive posters): http://edu.glogster.com/ Glogster exemplar: http://blanchardr.edu.glogster.com/volcanos-of-all-kinds/ Prezi Presentation: http://prezi.com/index/ Notebook PowerPoint Other Student Advertising Resources o o o o o o Glogster Exemplar: http://blanchardr.edu.glogster.com/volcanos-of-all-kinds/ Glogster Homepage: http://edu.glogster.com/ Prezi Presentation: http://prezi.com/index/ Notebook PowerPoint Brochures, posters, commercials, diorama, other. Available Materials: o o o o o Computers Markers Poster paper Blank paper Pens, pencils, rulers 15 Name:_________________________________ Brainstorming 16 Exemplar Glogster 17