CMPE 80E NOTES FOR WEEK 6 Spring 09 FYI --- check out the BLOG of Karl Stephan on engineering ethics: By now everyone should have a sense of how the “ethics engine” works. Does it provide answers to ethical dilemmas? No. But it can help to orient the conversation. Isaac Asimov: “Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.” Up to this point in the course, we have been looking at the micro view of the modern engineering project. Before we move backwards in time to a micro view of the premodern engineering project, we will step away from the micro view and look at the macro view of the engineering project. The macro view of the engineering project sees it as a contextualized phenomenon. In the pre-modern era we have a strong force of contextualization, whereas in the modern era we have a weakened version of it. The tendency within the modern engineering enterprise is to side-step context as much as we can, de-contextualization being intrinsic to the Cartesian methodology which informs the modern engineering enterprise. The contextualized nature of the engineering project can be envisioned in terms of a Venn Diagram: 1 CHPT 3 stresses COLONIZATION which is the primal force within the modern engineering enterprise. CHPT 6 stresses CONTEXTUALIZATION which is the primal force within the pre-modern engineering endeavor. Colonization implies that the principles and values of a systemic way of being – rationalization, efficiency, functionality, calculability, productivity, predictability, quantitative measures, and control – are imposed upon the non-systemic Human Lifeworld. Contextualization implies that communication and conversation of the lifeworld generates inputs to the systemic realm which influence and shape and form these systems. Both of these forces are generally operative. But if there is only colonization, that is called Technological Determinism, and if there is only contextualization, that is called Social Constructionism. 2 Technological Determinism has been championed by J. Ellul. Social Constructionism has been championed by STS. Engineering is both world-shaping and world-shaped. The forces of contextualization and colonization are both always already operative. Colonization is more pronounced in the modern engineering enterprise and contextualization more so in the pre-modern engineering endeavor. We will seek a balance within the focal engineering venture. So colonization of the Lifeworld by the realm of System is a major event of the modern era (according to Habermas). Lifeworld = the wherein wherein what comes to be comes to be. 3 Lifeworld (German: Lebenswelt) is a concept used in philosophy and in some social sciences, meaning the world "as lived" prior to reflective re-presentation or analysis. Edmund Husserl introduced the concept of the lifeworld in his ''Crisis of European Sciences'' (1936) following Martin Heidegger's analysis of Being-in-the-world (In-der-WeltSein) in ''Being and Time''. The concept was still further developed by students Jan Patočka, the Husserlian Alfred Schütz, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jürgen Habermas, and others. For Habermas, lifeworld is more or less the "background" environment of competences, practices, and attitudes representable in terms of one's cognitive horizon. It's the lived realm of informal, culturally-grounded understandings and mutual accommodations. Rationalization of the lifeworld is a keynote of Habermas's 2-volume ''Theory of Communicative Action''. Penetration of lifeworld rationality by bureaucracy is analyzed by Habermas as 'colonization of the lifeworld'. Social coordination and systemic regulation occur by means of shared practices, beliefs, values, and structures of interaction, which may be institutionally based. We are inevitably lifeworldly, such that individuals and interactions draw from custom and cultural traditions to construct identities, define situations (at best, by coming to understandings, but also by negotiations), to coordinate action, and create social solidarity. Q: how far do we go with colonization assuming it is not an irresistible force? e.g. shopping cart but not hi-tech version? e.g. ubiquitous computing? The Human Lifeworld BINDS and CONSTRAINS and ORIENTS the engineering project (always) even as a plethora of engineered products pervade and transform the 4 Lifeworld. If only the “pervading” is taken into account (as in modernism), we have Technological Determinism which implies that we have a ZEITGEIST which conditions us all to be 100% efficient in a thoroughly technological world. This is Jacques Ellul’s position. Heidegger’s position is similar. He maintains that Being shows itself as the framework (das Gestell) within which all beings become resources (das Bestand). Triple Colonization and Triple Contextualization: Watch video “Ethics in Biomedical Research” and do an in-class writing exercise. MIDTERM EXAM Thursday A few notes on “Notes on Habermas”: The core of any action is communication. We need to create opportunities for communication. As the pre5 modern era gave way to the modern era and advanced capitalist societies developed, the core integrative function of communication has been disabled (colonized). Colonization undermines our trust in the legitimacy of our institutions. Guided by values of efficiency and productivity our institutions appear more and more cold and inhospitable. We should restore communicative action to restore legitimacy e.g. promote participatory democracy based on the rights of individuals and guided by reasoned discourse … this is the best hope for society (says Habermas). A-G-I-L work together to explain societal stability: A = Adaption which depends on the generalized medium of money. G = Goal attainment which depends on power (votes). I = Influence. L = Values commitments. A & G indicate money & votes or power which can be counted and are active in the realm of system and are QUANTITATIVE (whoever has the most wins) whereas I & L are enacted in communication between persons and are active in the realm of the non-systemic lifeworld and are QUALITATIVE. Colonization implies that social settings that were I & L orientated via qualitative communicative media now become dominated by A & G quantitative media. (No conversation of the Lifeworld, just count the money or votes.) 6 KEY IDEA: the legitimacy of SYSTEM depends on the constant acts of influence & value-commitment intrinsic to LIFEWORLD. And as system colonizes lifeworld we come closer and closer to CRISIS. Money and votes can certainly be useful in getting things done, but only so long as their legitimacy is assured by the common understanding of influence & valuecommitments. Via communicative action and the conversation of the lifeworld, the colonizing effects of SYSTEM are mitigated. Contextualization counters colonization. A few more ideas drawn from CHPTS 3 & 6: Andrew Feenberg proposes what he calls Primary Instumentalization (PI) & Secondary Instrumentalization (SI) (See Handout page) Homework for the weekend: a) EP Chapter 4 (Person) b) the essay “Capitalism, Work, and Character” c) the essay “Platonic Virtue Theory and Business Ethics,” d) the short piece on “The Earliest Engineers” e) write one page explaining the relevance of the Platonic system of ethics for the modern engineering enterprise. 7