Cost Analysis of Multimodal Corridors for Statewide Long-Range Transportation Planning James H. Lambert1; Shadi M. Wadie2; Alexander S. Linthicum3 ABSTRACT This paper demonstrates cost analysis of long-range plans for statewide multimodal planning. The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), and most recently, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) have prompted many state transportation departments to consider cost-effective spending across all modes to reduce future shortages in transportation funding. Virginia’s twenty-year transportation plan identifies a $108 billion transportation funding shortage by the year 2025. Recent efforts have therefore aimed to identify and promote cost-effective projects within key transportation corridors. To assist in long-range statewide transportation planning, this paper 1) develops a method of cost analysis to compare multimodal implementations with highway-only implementations and 2) compares project estimates for statewide multimodal plans with those of regional multimodal plans. The analysis developed in this paper provides transportation decision makers an initial basis on which to compare alternative multimodal transportation investments, however the results suggest a need for increased accuracy and inclusion of life-cycle costs into project estimates. In addition, further research into the quantification of benefits is necessary to employ more advanced cost methodologies, such as cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit.analyses. Finally, this study suggests a need for greater coordination among modal agencies and transportation planning organizations in developing cost estimates specifically, and long-range transportation plans in general. CE Database Keywords: Multimodal, Cost estimates, Planning, Coordination, Evaluation 1 Senior Member, ASCE; Associate Director, Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems; Research Associate Professor of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Virginia; PO Box 400747, 112C Olsson Hall, 151 Engineers Way, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904, (434) 982-2072 fax (434) 924-0865; E-mail: 2 Graduate Student, University of Virginia; 5804 Westchester St., Alexandria, VA 22310, (703) 989-1961; E-mail: 3 Graduate Student, University of Virginia; 151 Engineers Way, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904, (703) 2093473; E-mail: TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 2 INTRODUCTION A history of uncoordinated efforts by disparate transportation agencies has created a need for analytical methods that improve accuracy and coordination of cost estimates in long-range transportation planning. Often, individual modal agencies, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and planning district commissions (PDCs) develop individual, uncoordinated long-range transportation plans that result in significant cost estimate inconsistencies for the same projects. Standardizing cost estimates is essential as critical infrastructure budget shortfalls increase and continued legislation urges states to examine diverse collections of transportation improvement projects that fit together into a large, cross-regional multimodal framework. Uncoordinated and separate long-range transportation plans do not allow for easy comparison of projects across modes as required by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), and the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The example of Virginia, a state with the third largest transportation agency in the U.S., is useful to illuminate the above challenges. To directly address congressional legislation, Section 33.1-23.03 of the Code of Virginia directs Virginia’s Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) to develop a multimodal long-range transportation plan with a statewide focus. In cooperation with Virginia’s Departments of Aviation, Rail and Public Transportation, Transportation, and the Virginia Port Authority, the VTrans2025 Multimodal Technical Committee developed a twenty-year transportation plan. By establishing common visions, goals, and objectives across all modes, this plan identifies the need for additional resources to achieve a cohesive and interconnected transportation system (VTrans2025 2004). The VTrans2025 plan also predicts, however, that the twenty-year span from 2005-2025 could accumulate $108 billion in unmet transportation needs ($74.2 billion for highways, $30.7 billion for rail and public transportation, $3.1 billion for aviation, and $0.4 billion for ports). Thus, a critical element for implementation of a successful long-range transportation plan will be project selection based on coordinated planning among all state agencies and regional planning authorities. Figure 1 shows an excerpt of the VTrans2025 plan that describes the life-cycle of transportation projects that will receive priority for federal and state funding. Mode-by-mode project comparisons are depicted in the lower left; multimodal corridor comparisons are depicted in the center portion of the figure. To assist state and regional authorities in long-range statewide transportation planning, this paper investigates project capital cost estimations from two perspectives. Life-cycle cost estimations were not available. TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 3 First, it develops a method of cost analysis to compare multimodal implementations with highway-only implementations. Because specific benefits are unknown, this method differs from cost-effectiveness analysis, which compares life-cycle costs with quantifiable, non-dollar benefits, and benefit cost analysis, which compares life-cycle costs with monetized benefits. We demonstrate that when life-cycle costs are included and benefits of multimodal and highway-only alternatives are plausibly the same, this method can quantify the financial advantages of one approach over the other. Second, the study compares project estimates for statewide multimodal plans with those of regional multimodal plans and highlights opportunities for increased coordination between transportation and planning agencies. Organization of the paper is as follows: the following section reviews relevant literature foundations, subsequent sections compare eleven investment corridors in Virginia to demonstrate the methodology and results, and the final section provides a summary and conclusion. REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURE AND PRACTICES This section summarizes a review of studies and best practices that are relevant to development of a cost-analysis methodology supporting long-range multimodal transportation planning. Several critical factors influence transportation planning and coordination of multimodal investments. Coordination entails a technique or method for enhanced resource management, often resulting from teamwork of different agencies and backgrounds (Burkhardt 2004). Numerous sources identify the need for a long-range transportation plan to coordinate among stakeholders a common transportation financial system. The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), for example, unambiguously prompted the federal government, states, and MPOs/PDCs to develop robust transportation systems using a wide range of multimodal and intermodal solutions (Pedersen 2000). Reinke and Malarkey (1996) echo this sentiment, citing integrated transportation planning as a long-range strategic planning process having cost-benefit analysis as its analytical core. Reinke and Marlarky continue by developing a systems planning methodology to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a broad range of transportation alternatives. In order to create any long-range plan, feasibility analysis of potential investment options and alternative investment strategies must be considered thoroughly. In past years, statewide efforts often fell short of expectations largely because responses to transportation needs took the form of short-term fixes designed to deal with immediate crises (Brown 2002). Brown describes a necessary change in approach, moving away from immediate single-mode transportation solutions and investing in a multimodal foundation for future transportation planning efforts, both TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 4 statewide and regional. Similarly, Zavattero et al. (1999) insist that transportation planning should be a coordinated effort between both the public and private sectors. Private firms are often more efficient and innovative than the public sector during selection/design and operations/maintenance phases of public infrastructure projects (Liddle 1997). A 2002 survey reported that 50% of transit agencies gave high priority to projects serving jurisdictions that would provide financial support to transit. Further, while 75% of agencies surveyed said they welcomed public or private sector cost-sharing when opportunities arose, 60% of those agencies did not specifically seek such cost-sharing partnerships (Deakin et al. 2002). SAFETEA-LU (2005) seeks to increase public-private partnerships by promoting innovative financing tools such as increased eligibility for private activity bonds, additional flexibility in using tolling to finance infrastructure improvements, and broader Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) and State Infrastructure Banks (SIB) loan policies. Underlining the importance of efficient transportation investment, the state of Florida’s long-range multimodal transportation plan emphasizes causality between program investment and performance measures and notes this becomes a critically important technical and political issue for future transportation investment (Cambridge Systematics 1999). For example, Virginia, having $108 billion in unfunded transportation needs over the next twenty years, is one of many states facing the issue of a large transportation-spending deficit. Pedersen (2000) describes how ISTEA and TEA-21, combined with the long periods for developing transportation projects, gave rise to a massive accumulation of unfunded state transportation needs. This resulted in short-term planning processes to catch up with previously identified needs and projects. Compounding the issues surrounding these short-term fixes are the struggles among state, regional, and local transportation authorities over needs and budgets. Citing wide variation among MPOs in their approaches to fiscally-constrained planning, Bishop et al. (1997) explain that since their inception, MPOs have contended with local jurisdictions over ownership of transportation planning. MPOs claim that transportation plans should set regional rather than local goals (as ISTEA advocates), despite the opposing view that they lack the political and economic authority to implement large-scale regional initiatives. One proposition aimed at avoiding competition between regional and local transportation authorities is the Regional Concept for Transportation Operations (Berman et al. 2004). This idea represents a foundational, outcome-oriented collaboration of regional transportation operations. It is a holistic approach, guiding planning and operations to ensure that projects and day-to-day operations of local and regional authorities support one another. TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 5 Zemotel and Halvorson (1999) suggest that US states emulate Minnesota’s organizational structure, which houses statewide long-range planning and programming under one leadership. The governing authority may require fiscally constrained, unconstrained, and performance-based investment programs from each MPO/PDC. SAFETEA-LU echoes the sentiment, strengthening the role of the MPO and insisting on increased cooperation between metropolitan and statewide planning efforts. Aiming to avoid authority difficulties in the long-range planning process, Virginia has created the VTrans2025 Multimodal Technical Committee to oversee large-scale coordination between state and regional transportation authorities. Future funding shortages have forced statewide transportation planning efforts to focus on spending cost-effectively and identifying additional sources of funding. With regard to the latter, strategic use of the federal aid program can be used to broaden the horizons and perspectives of potential funding sources (Younger and O’Neill 1998). The state of Iowa has been thinking in terms of cost savings for over ten years. Forkenbrock et al. (1993) suggest that transportation cost savings are equivalent to income increases: they benefit society by making resources available for other purposes. Synthesis #243 completed by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP 1997) points out that aligning capital programming for transportation projects with policy needs is only half the battle; ensuring funded projects represent the most cost-effective transportation solutions is equally important. For example, technological developments such as advanced public transportation systems (APTS) achieve cost savings not only through reduced capital costs, but also through improved schedule adherence and efficient, automated data-collection methods (Ohene and Kaseko 1998). A variety of technical approaches have been investigated to ensure efficient spending of transportation funds. Kulkarni et al. (2004) investigate need-based project prioritization, Korve and Niemeier (2002) and Khasnabis (1999) employ benefit-cost analysis to examine special phasing at signalized intersections, and Latoski et al. (1999) use cost-effectiveness analysis to support the continuation of a highway assistance patrol. The NCHRP’s Synthesis #243 (1997) suggests that successful cost-effective spending is a direct result of the extent to which DOTs explicitly consider program tradeoffs and the specific methods DOTs use to evaluate programlevel tradeoffs. Analyses are therefore required to clearly demonstrate modal tradeoffs amongst varying program options. To help visualize trade-offs, Ba-Ali et al. (2003) developed a novel interface for comparing transportation projects across a single mode. Requiring transportation project costs and performance data as inputs for analysis, this interface tool is primarily aimed at uncovering dominance between various projects. Frohwein et al. (1999) also provide a comparative technical analysis between alternative investment options. Synthesis #290 (NCHRP TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 6 2000) suggests comparison of a no-build (base case) scenario to one or more transportation investment scenarios when considering alternative investment strategies. Additionally, Synthesis #238 (NHCRP 1997) directs statewide transportation agencies to conduct cross-modal analyses on an objective basis, using modally blind performance measures and comparable data across all modes (NCHRP 2000). Because consideration of alternative modal investments is critical, this research builds on many propositions provided by the Transportation Research Board (TRB 1998). For example, the TRB (1998) suggests that communities and states compare the economic impact of alternative transit investments, of non-transit public works projects and of non-investment alternatives with one another. It also suggests a single methodology be applied to two or more investment scenarios and that the results are compared to identify which investment will result in the greatest positive economic impact (TRB 1998). By combining modal comparison of transportation investment options with performance-based criteria evaluation, a cost comparison can be sought for evaluating alternative highway transportation investments. Giorgi and Pearman (2002) propose a method to analyze transportation investment alternatives based on cost-effectiveness. Due to the complexity associated with analyzing the benefits of alternative transportation projects, they suggest setting a constant level of benefits across projects and then finding the most effective (least-cost) option that meets those benefits. This least-cost method has an advantage in that its benefits need not always be explicitly valued (Giorgi and Pearman 2002). The literature thus points to the need for practical cost analysis in long-range transportation planning, ultimately leading toward more advanced techniques such as costeffectiveness and cost-benefit analysis. METHODOLOGY Overview This section describes 1) development of a cost analysis methodology for comparing multimodal with highway-only alternatives and 2) cost-based comparison of state DOT and MPO/PDC longrange transportation project cost estimations. Eleven critical statewide multimodal transportation corridors within Virginia, shown in Figure 2, are referenced to demonstrate the methodology. Each corridor has associated transportation projects that span multiple modes. Identifying a performance metric common to all modes is critical. Due to an estimated deficit in twenty-year transportation spending and a need for a common performance metric across modes, the most appropriate measure for comparing multimodal investments is project life-cycle expenditure. Some of the proposed projects under study, however, do not yet have estimated TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 7 costs and none of the projected project costs include maintenance and operations figures. As a result, cost estimates in this study reflect capital costs; they do not account for continued maintenance and operations over the life-cycle of the corridor. Cost Estimation and Comparison of Multimodal with Highway-Only Alternatives This sub-section develops cost analysis for comparing multimodal with highway-only alternatives in the following three stages: 1) determining a projected capital investment cost for each corridor, 2) determining a projected capital investment cost for a highway-only solution within the boundaries of each corridor, and 3) comparing the capital cost of each multimodal corridor with that of the highway-only implementation. We first determined all projects within each corridor. Due to uncoordinated planning processes among modal agencies, project costs within the corridors are found by analyzing individual agency reports and participating in teleconferences with officials from each transportation agency office. We collected information such as mode of transportation, projected capital cost, route number of the improvement (if roadway), district/jurisdiction(s) spanned, estimated mileage for project, and source/reference. Cases for which projects span multiple planning districts and jurisdictions required the analysis of maps to spatially determine which projects are associated with which corridors. Most roadway projects are documented in VDOT’s twenty-year roadway improvement recommendation given to the VTrans2025 committee, but because project information had not necessarily been provided by the remaining three modal agencies, project capital costs for these modes were obtained using state transportation agency websites, online documentation, and official phone conversations with agency officials. Table 1 displays example project descriptions for the Interstate-95 corridor (MC03), their respective modes, and their associated capital costs. As previously mentioned, cost estimates in practice should contain all life-cycle costs, however only capital costs were available at the time of the study. Assuming all projects within a corridor are non-overlapping, the projected multimodal cost of corridor implementation, MMC, is represented by MMC p i 1... n j 1... q ij , where n and q are the number of projects and modal improvements, respectively, and pij is the cost of the jth modal improvement for the ith project. The corridor total cost is the sum of cost estimates across all projects, representing the capital cost estimation for the entire corridor; the Interstate-95 corridor (MC03) totals approximately $3.5 B (2005 USD). Note that some cells of the table contain dashes because all projects do not include modal improvements for all modes. In addition, cells are labeled “TBD” to indicate that cost TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 8 estimates are not yet available for that modal component of a particular project. The final column on the right contains a note number linking each corridor objective to information such as type of transportation project, location, and data source for that project, found in Table 2. Next we obtained cost estimates for highway-only alternatives using VDOT’s twentyyear highway needs assessment. Given future demand predictions, the needs assessment applies the Highway Capacity Manual (2000) to suggest roadway and interstate improvements for over 30,000 two-mile segments. Each improvement within the assessment includes details such as the district/jurisdiction(s), estimated mileage, projected capital cost, and originating and terminating street addresses. For corridors that span only a portion of one or more districts, spatial analysis is performed to determine all the highway improvements from the needs assessment that are within the geographic boundaries of each corridor. The costs of all highway improvement projects are then summed using HOC r j 1... m j , where HOC is the highway-only corridor implementation cost and rj is the cost of the jth project and m is the number of projects in the corridor, to provide a highway-only capital costs estimate for each corridor. Finally, the cost-difference between the multimodal and the highway-only estimates are calculated using Cost Difference = MMC - HOC; a comparison of the multimodal and highwayonly estimates for the Interstate 95 corridor (MC03) is shown in Table 3. Note that to perform this calculation, it must be plausible that benefits of the multimodal and highway only implementations are the same. The resulting cost-difference figure can be used to determine whether the multimodal integration of transportation projects does in fact reduce initial costs as compared with a strategy focusing on highway renovation and expansion. These cost-difference figures provide decision-makers insight into which corridors would benefit from multimodal implementations and which may be better suited for highway-focused investment. If it is plausible that benefits of the highway-only and multimodal strategies are equivalent, then approximately $8.36 B in capital costs are saved by implementing a multimodal solution instead of a highway-only solution in the Interstate-95 corridor (MC03). Note that life-cycle should be included before meaningful results are inferred from this figure. Corridor Cost Comparison of DOT (Statewide) vs Regional Long-Range Plans This sub-section compares state agency with MPO/PDC long-range transportation project cost estimations in the following three stages: 1) determining what regional plans are available, 2) mapping projects from the regional plans to each of the eleven statewide corridors, and 3) comparing the projects projected in the statewide plan for each corridor with those projected by TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 9 the MPO/PDC plans. The purpose of this effort is to uncover discrepancies between state DOT and regional cost estimates and highlight opportunities for which coordination may be improved. First, we identified all of the MPO/PDC long-range transportation plans. Virginia has fifteen MPOs and twenty-one PDCs; while each is considered to be a separate entity, many regional long-range transportation plans result from multiple MPOs and PDCs working together. At the time of this study, twelve of the fifteen MPOs had long-range transportation plans (eight online, four hardcopy) and eight of the twenty-one PDCs had plans available (seven online and one hardcopy). Discrepancies among the plans provided significant challenges to such an effort. Because the state transportation agency and each of the MPOs and PDCs create individual longrange transportation plans, differences in content, financial basis, and format are numerous. Contents of each plan are variable and non-uniform; some contain a wide variety of transportation initiatives covering multiple modes, while others focus primarily on roadway projects and improvements. Some plans were developed as far back as 1997, while others were more recently published. Cost projections within some plans include a variety of year-of-expenditure (YOE) dollar projections, while others make no mention of a base-year. One of the few metrics common to all MPO/PDC transportation project plans was that of capital-cost estimation. Though Virginia requires that each regional transportation authority include both a ‘programmed’ list of projects (those that are fiscally-constrained), and a ‘vision’ list of projects (those that are fiscallyunconstrained), seven of the eight PDCs showing online long-range plans included a list of vision projects, and five of the twelve MPOs included vision plans. Next, we identified all projects within the MPO and PDC plans that overlapped geographically with the eleven statewide corridors. These improvements were then entered into a database of MPO/PDC projects. For example, all Route 460 improvements found within the MPO/PDC plans were entered into the database and associated with a single ‘corridor objective’ (a logical element used to provide granularity in the reporting and analysis) within the Richmond to Hampton Roads corridor (MC02). Information such as route number, project name, start and end point, length, projected average daily traffic (for road improvements), estimated cost (YOE $), previous funding, remaining balance, corridor, jurisdiction(s), MPO/PDC, and regional plan name were recorded. In addition, transportation projects were categorized as either ‘programmed’ or ‘vision’ to allow for sensitivity cost analysis when comparing differences between state agency and MPOs and PDC corridor cost projections; examples of programmed and vision projects are shown in Table 4 and 5, respectively. MPO/PDC capital-cost estimations TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 10 for each of the corridors were then calculated by summing the costs of all corridor objectives within each corridor. Finally, the projected costs of each corridor as determined by the MPO/PDCs were compared with the corridor costs as determined by the statewide plan; the MPO/PDC programmed list of projects were kept separate from the vision lists to determine whether deviations are due to fiscally-constrained or unconstrained projects. The results identify specific areas where long-range planning estimates differ significantly and reveal those corridors with similar cost projections between state and regional transportation authorities’ long-range plans. Summary of Methodology This section has described 1) the development of cost analysis for comparing multimodal against highway-only alternatives and 2) the cost-based comparison of state agency and MPO/PDC longrange transportation project cost estimates. The following section shares the results of our comparisons of the eleven multimodal corridors in Virginia. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Overview This section provides results and discussion of 1) cost analysis for comparing multimodal with highway-only alternatives and 2) cost-based comparison of state agency and MPO/PDC longrange transportation project cost estimations. Cost Comparison of Multimodal with Highway-Only Alternatives This sub-section provides results and discussion of cost analysis for comparing multimodal against highway-only alternatives. Projected capital costs have been obtained for multimodal improvements for five of Virginia’s eleven corridors. Costs for the remaining corridors were unavailable at the time the study was conducted. A summary of results is shown in Table 6. With the exception of the Franklin Airport corridor, significant capital cost savings appear to be made by investing in the multimodal alternatives if benefits levels of the multimodal and highway-only alternatives are plausibly the same. During the course of this study several issues became apparent. First, though the multimodal and highway-only alternatives span equivalent regions defined by the corridors, comparisons are more appropriate for some corridors than others. Specifically, projects defined in the statewide plan and roadway improvements found in the needs assessment plan often fulfill different underlying purposes and have potentially different benefits; completing a multimodal TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 11 project does not necessarily eliminate the need for select highway improvements. Consider the Port Accessibility and Mobility corridor (MC09); most of the multimodal projects deal with facilitating regional, national, and international movement of goods and passengers. It is difficult to justify that these projects will affect local traffic and eliminate the need for highway improvements. In addition, implementing a multimodal solution within the Interstate-95 corridor (MC03) might eliminate the need for a large number of primary and interstate projects but would do little to alleviate local and arterial congestion. Verifying that competing multimodal and highway-only strategies indeed have similar benefits, however, was out of the scope of this study and should be investigated in future efforts Second, limited data at the state level demonstrates differences in performance of multimodal solutions compared with that of highway-only solutions. In some instances, a highway-only option may result in increased mobility, decreased congestion, and decreased travel times. On the other hand, a multimodal solution may serve to increase redundancy of the overall network, alleviate environmental stresses caused by air and noise pollution, balance transportation equity, and increase opportunities for implementing travel demand management strategies. Without further studies in areas other than cost analysis, it will be impossible to adequately weigh the trade-offs between the two strategies. Third, modal agencies and MPO/PDCs did not have operations and maintenance costs for many of the projects. Without this information reliable cost-analysis cannot be undertaken. Finally, while a highway-only implementation seems unlikely, the twenty-year highway needs assessment was a particularly unrealistic basis for this strategy. The purpose of the highway needs assessment was to provide an estimate of the highway lane-miles needed to accommodate traffic volume projections. It does not provide recommendations as such, nor does it consider the feasibility of constructing projects to meet the identified highway needs. As a result, it projects situations unlikely ever to be built, such as a twelve-lane cross-section of Interstate-95 through Virginia’s capital, Richmond. A more realistic highway-only implementation will need to be characterized before our analysis can provide meaningful results. Comparison of State and Regional Cost Estimations This sub-section provides results and discussion of comparison and integration of state agency transportation project cost estimations with those of individual MPOs and PDCs. At the time of this study, seven of the eleven corridors had sufficient data for cost analysis comparing the MPO/PDC corridor implementations with those of the state DOT. Results of these comparisons TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 12 are shown in Table 7, all costs having been adjusted to 2005 dollars. A cost of $0 means that a projected cost was not available for a specific initiative. Beginning with the Franklin Airport corridor (MC05), the State DOT’s long-range plan estimate for I-73 costs grossly exceeds those from the MPO/PDC long-range plans. Although this may be because not all MPO/PDCs plans available for analysis, such results indicate that focused attention on this corridor is required to develop parallel cost-estimates among the stateand regional-level transportation planners. Further information is needed for the Richmond to Hampton Roads corridor (MC02) as well. The MPO/PDC long-range plans evaluated do not contain cost projections for the third and fourth corridor objectives. The expected cost of the Interstate-64 objective is greater from the state’s perspective than from the region’s perspective, demonstrating a statewide reliance on an Interstate highway. Conversely, the Route 460 objective has much higher cost estimates at the regional level, indicating that state transportation planners may need to recognize the importance of this route to the region and localities. The cost comparison for the Interstate-95 corridor (MC03) reveals that many of the corridor objective cost estimates are higher from the state DOT’s perspectives, thus confirming Interstate-95’s vital role in the entire state’s development, from both transportation and economic viewpoints. Intuitively, it makes sense that localities and regional transportation authorities may prefer to include alternate initiatives for other projects in their long-range plans, as the state would likely pursue improvements to Interstate-95. When compared with large differences in cost estimates from other corridors, the less than $200M difference in state and regional estimates for Route 29 is encouraging. Results for this corridor suggest that large deviations in cost estimation are more likely when considering statewide, interstate highway objectives. In addition, results for this corridor do not suggest that regional MPO/PDC cost estimations are always greater for non-interstate roadway initiatives. There were no roadway initiatives for the Route 29 corridor (MC07) in any of the MPO/PDC plan fiscally-unconstrained lists. This may be an indicator of its regional importance, as most of the suggested improvements have been included in the fiscally-constrained list of projects. The cost projection for the Route 58 corridor (MC04) is greater from the regional MPO/PDC transportation authority perspective than from that of the state. Considering the Intermodal Connector objective, however, reveals similar corridor costs (less than $50 M deviation) from state and regional perspectives. Unlike many of the other corridors, the Hampton Roads corridor (MC01) contains a large volume of fiscally-unconstrained projects. The Interstate-664 initiative contains a higher, yet not TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 13 overly ambitious, cost projection from the MPO/PDC regional perspective as compared with that of the state. Moreover, its inclusion in the fiscally-constrained list of projects symbolizes its importance to the Hampton Roads region. The Third Crossing, on the other hand, is placed on the fiscally-unconstrained list. Its cost estimation is once again much higher than that from the state’s perspective. Similarly, the state does not include the Mid-Town Tunnel objective in its long-range plans, while the MPO/PDC transportation authority includes it as a fiscallyconstrained initiative. The state is still studying the Interstate-81 corridor (MC04), and it is difficult to perform a cost comparison of the projections for this corridor. Interstate-81 will likely be a large initiative, as it is a state interstate and a primary freight corridor in Virginia. The fiscallyconstrained cost projection from the MPO/PDC regional perspective is quite high, and we might expect the state projection to be even higher. Because many aviation initiatives are not included in the MPO/PDC long-range plans, the second corridor objective here (Lexington/Rockbridge County Airport) contains only a cost estimation from the state perspective. In general, the state’s cost estimation of interstates consistently exceeds those estimates of the regional MPOs/PDCs. Because Interstates 95, 64, 73, and 81 are responsible for maintaining efficient movement of people and goods across large, vital portions of Virginia, it appears the state expects significant investment in these initiatives. On the other hand, smaller roadway initiatives that connect adjacent regions seem to be of greater interest to the MPO/PDCs, highlighting a desire for investments that benefit regions within the state. Recognizing and confronting these deviations and increasing communication and coordination will bring state and regional transportation planning organizations nearer to planing and implementing a truly integrated statewide multimodal transportation system. CONCLUSIONS Using eleven multimodal statewide transportation corridors in Virginia, this study has demonstrated 1) a cost analysis methodology for comparing multimodal against highway-only alternatives and 2) cost-based comparison of state agency and MPO/PDC long-range transportation projects. Several conclusions can be drawn from this study: An unbiased, modally blind performance metric of cost can be used to compare investments across transportation modes, however benefits must plausibly be the same when comparing transportation alternatives using only this metric. It was outside the scope of this study to make this determination. TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 14 If benefits are not judged to be equivalent, they must be quantified. In this case, costeffectiveness analysis, which compares life-cycle costs with quantifiable, non-dollar benefits, or benefit cost analysis, which compares life-cycle costs with dollar-quantifiable benefits should be used. Transportation planning agencies should work toward the goal of accurately quantifying benefits, thus enabling the use of cost-effectiveness and costbenefit methods of analyses. When considering cost estimates as performance metrics, all costs incurred during the system life-cycle should be included. Although life-cycle costs were not available at the time of this study, this in itself is an important outcome. Modal agencies and MPO/PDCs did not have operations and maintenance costs for many projects, and without this information reliable cost-analysis cannot be undertaken. Greater cooperation is needed from MPOs/PDCs who do not have a long-range transportation plans. Those with plans should strive to conform to a single standard in terms of content, basis, and format. All plans should contain lists of both ‘programmed’ (fiscally-constrained) and ‘vision’ (fiscally-unconstrained) projects. State cost estimations for interstates tend to be higher than those from the regional plans. This discrepancy should be investigated further to determine the cause. Increased coordination between not only state and modal transportation authorities, but also between the state and regional planning organizations is required to achieve a truly integrated, multimodal statewide transportation system The analysis developed in this paper provides transportation decision makers an initial basis on which to compare alternative multimodal transportation investments. The results suggest a need for research into practical methods of increasing the accuracy and inclusion of life-cycle costs into project estimates for transportation and planning agencies. Further research into the quantification of benefits is necessary to employ more advanced cost methodologies, such as cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit.analyses. The results suggest a need for research into increasing cooperation among modal agencies and transportation planning organizations in developing cost estimates specifically, and long-range transportation plans in general. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research described in this paper was supported in part by the Federal Highway Administration, the Commonwealth of Virginia Secretary of Transportation, and the Virginia Transportation Research Council. We appreciate the contributions of the VTrans2025 Technical TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 15 Committee members, including Katherine Graham, Melissa Barlow, Cliff Burnette, Dan Lysy, Ralph Davis, Dwight Farmer, Marsha Fiol, Robin Grier, Harrison Rue, Jeff Florin, Jim Bradford, Bill LaBaugh, Ben Mannell, Kenneth Myers, Valerie Pardo, Gus Robey, Rusty Harrington, Scott Denny, Kim Spence, Mary Lynn Tischer, Alan Tobias, Tom Biesiadny, Camelia Ravanbakht, Erik Johnson, Kevin Page, Irene Rico, and Ivan Rucker, and in particular, the insights of Mr. Wayne Ferguson, Mr. Matt Grimes, and Dr. Mike Fontaine of the Virginia Transportation Research Council. We also thank the anonymous peer reviewers of this study for their valuable insight and comments. REFERENCES Ba-Ali, M. A., Barrett, B. B., Cowden, D. A., Zane, J. T., Pinto, C. A., Peterson, K. D., Lambert, J. H., Spence, K. P., Lantz, K. E., Miller, J. S., and Ferguson, W. S. 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Virginia multimodal statewide transportation corridors (Source: VTrans2025, 2004) . 20 TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum Each State Project Receives Bonus Points in its Respective Modal Priority Process RankSystems -Quantitative -Qualitative -Political Each Mode Implements Individual Priority Model -Federal & State Requirements -Governing Board -Funding Source(s) -Industry Measurements Score each System using Priority Model 19 Devlop Implementation Plan -Schedule -Lead Agency -Source of Funding Develop Transportation Systems that have Regional & State Interests VPA VDOT DOAV VDRPT Legend Review 6-Year Plans for Eligible System Projects Agency Actions IMAT Actions Figure 1. Multimodal Statewide Transportation Planning Process (Source: VTrans2025, 2004) TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Hampton Roads Corridor (MC01) Richmond to Hampton Roads Corridor (MC02) Interstate 95 Corridor (MC03) Interstate 81 Corridor (MC04) Interstate 73 / Franklin Airport Corridor (MC05) Coalfields Corridor (MC06) Route 29 Corridor (MC07) Northern Virginia Corridor (MC08) Port Accessibility Corridor (MC09) Virginia Bike and Pedestrian Corridor (MC10) Emergency Transportation Corridor (MC11) Figure 2. Virginia statewide multimodal transportation corridors (Source: VTrans2025, 2004) 20 TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 21 Tables Table 1. Capital costs for Interstate-95 corridor (MC03) objectives Corridor Objectives 1 Implement safety and capacity improvements along I-95 corridor from NC to Washington D.C. Aviation Ports Transit Rail Highway Total Notes - - - - $2.77 B $2.77 B Note 5 2 Extend HOV Lanes along I-95 from Fredericksburg to Dumfries - - - - $0.22 B $0.22 B Note 6 3 Provide Park and Ride Lots to facilitate ridesharing and transit throughout the corridor - - TBD - - $0.0 B Note 1 4 Facilitate Southeast High Speed Passenger Rail service from NC (Charlotte) to Washington D.C. - - $0.49 B - - $0.49 B Note 2 5 Upgrade rail lines in corridor to three-track system to improve freight rail movement where CSX, Amtrak, and VA Railway Express all share same rails, and to permit operation of higher speed (90 mph) passenger trains - - TBD - - $0.0 B Note 3 6 Increase freight rail capacity and speed by improving tracks, signals, sidings, bridges, clearances, curves, switches, and grade crossings - - - TBD - $0.0 B Note 4 7 Implement intelligent transportation systems (including aviation navigational aid systems) throughout the corridor, as appropriate - - - TBD - $0.0 B 8 Improve ground transportation access to general aviation airports - - - - TBD $0.0 B - - TBD TBD TBD $0.0 B 9 Improve access to recreation and tourism resources Captal Costs Total Corridor Cost $0.49 B $2.99 B $3.48 B TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 22 Table 2. Notes for Interstate-95 corridor (MC03) capital costs Note Mode 1 Transit 2 Transit 3 4 5 Rail Rail Highway 6 Highway Route I - 95 I - 95 HOV a Indicates new roadway District/Jurisdiction Charlotte, NC to Washington, DC NC to DC Fredericksburg to Dumfries Justification VA State Rail Plan Page SR-25/26 Miles 366 2025 State Highway Plan - Interstate System ID #s 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 90a 88.82 2025 State Highway Plan - Interstate System ID #s 74, 76, 84 26.91 TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 23 Table 3. Capital cost comparision of highway-only and multimodal implementations for the Interstate 95 corridor (MC03) District I-95 I-95 I-95 Total Route No. Highway Only Length (Miles) Cost ($M) 95 177.5 4,842 $4,842 395 1, 27, 50, 66, 110, 237, 309, 395, 9612 6.3 28.4 168 572 1, 7, 28, 29, 50, 66, 123, 193, 228, 235, 236, 241, 243, 309, 395, 495 1 141.0 2,420 1.4 18 $3,178 1, 3, 17, 218 1, 2, 3, 17, 208, 522 2, 17, 30, 207, 301 17.6 51.4 40.2 132 248 145 $525 30, 33, 54, 15, 271, 301, 360 49.1 215 Henrico 1, 5, 6, 33, 60, 64, 147, 150, 156, 157, 250, 271, 295, 301 87.3 1,395 Chesterfield 10, 36, 60, 76, 145, 147, 150, 288, 295, 360 68.7 1,095 1, 46, 58, 137 46.1 135 $2,840 31, 40, 139, 301 26.2 110 $110 NOVA Alexandria Arlington Fairfax Dumfries NOVA Total Fredericksburg Stafford Spotsylvania Caroline Fredericksburg Total Richmond Hanover Brunswick Richmond Total Hampton Sussex Hampton Total Grand Total $11,495 Multimodal Cost ($M) Difference ($M) $3,476 $8,019 TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 24 Table 4. Fiscally-constrained objectives within the MPO/PDC long-range plans Route 664 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 73 64 64 64 64 64 64 Name Route 460 Business Route 460 Route 460 Route 460 Route 460 Route 460 Business Route 460 Route 460 Route 460 Roanoke County - 460 Route 460 Route 460 US 460 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 HOV Interstate 95 HOV Interstate 95 HOV Interstate 95 HOV Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 81 Interstate 81 Interstate 73 Interstate 64 Interstate 64 Interstate 64 Interstate 64 Interstate 64 Interstate 64 From Route 660 Route 460 Odd Fellows Rd Ext. Interchange Route 126 Route 501 (Campbell Ave) Odd Fellows Rd Ext. Interchange Memorial Avenue Route 501 (Campbell Ave) Route 311 Parkdale Dr Roanoke CL 0.20 mi S I-295 4.59 mi S I-295 Bowers Hill Rt 630 Interchange Rt 627 Interchange Rt 627 Interchange Rt 627 Interchange Spotsy Pkwy Interchange N/A 1.1 mi S James River and Broad St Bridge Atlee-Elmont Interchange Lewistown Rd Interchange Belvedere St Interchange Various bridges Duval St Interchange Maury St Interchange Patrick Henry Rd Interchange Kings Dominion Interchange Lewistown Rd Interchange Asland HOV Rt 10 Southside HOV Chippenham Southside HOV NB ramp at Temple Ave Woods Edge Rd Interchange TN State Line North River Rt 17/50 Interchange Rt 7 Interchange Rt 37 N Interchange Rt 37 S 0.5 mi S Rt 277 Rt 7 Rt 17/50 Rt 277 Interchange Rt 37 S Interchange Rt 11 N Interchange Rt 11 N West SAB South SAB VA 288, Bridges & Loops at 250 Oilville Rest Area VA 288 VA 288 0.7 mi W Airport Dr Bridge over Acca Yards To Route 761 Lynchburg Corporate Limit Rt 752 Rt 29 Bypass N 12th St Rt 29 Bypass N Parkdale Dr Rt 419 Botetourt CL 4.59 mi S I-295 Study Area Boundary Southampton Co. CL Rt 630 Interchange 3rd St Cordon Line East Rt 724 (N Cordon Line) Rt 17/50 Rt 37 S Rt 11 N Rt 7 0.5 mi N Rt 37 N East SAB Elm / Interstate 581 Henrico CL 1.6 mi W Ashland Rd 0.6 mi E I-295 - Length 1.25 3.40 n/a 2.00 2.40 n/a 1.00 n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.39 2.24 n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 13.09 3.43 3.50 2.31 1.94 1.50 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ADT 1,000 51,400 n/a 27,700 53,000 n/a 21,400 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 64,800 91,200 93,600 98,900 63,700 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Estimated Cost ($Ks) $ 500 $ 21,521 $ 18,545 $ 12,660 $ 11,079 $ 1,111 $ 611 $ 278 $ 9,505 $ 8,099 $ 11,850 $ 17,138 $ 8,801 $ 642,000 $ 92,000 $ 10,600 $ 19,000 $ 36,000 $ 2,000 $ 8,000 $ 2,461 $ 59,235 $ 76,552 $ 2,200 $ 5,000 $ 58,665 $ 5,500 $ 10,000 $ 13,663 $ 13,858 $ 14,383 $ 1,200 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 3,762 $ 35,520 $ 120,000 $ 55,420 $ 33,536 $ 33,536 $ 27,945 $ 24,593 $ 24,257 $ 16,544 $ 13,861 $ 11,179 $ 11,179 $ 11,179 $ 9,949 $ 44,280 $ 12,146 $ 46,433 $ 2,900 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 $ 60,497 $ 22,897 Previous Funding $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,749 $ 7,342 $ $ $ $ 642,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 962 $ 56,659 $ 51,700 $ 1,400 $ $ 1,305 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,199 $ 34,338 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 41,749 $ $ $ $ 3,688 $ 19,844 TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 25 Table 5. Fiscally-unconstrained objectives within the MPO/PDC long-range plans Route 29 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 73 81 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 460 460 460 460 - Name Emmet St Interstate 64 Interchanges Interstate 64 (Easter Segment) Interstate 64 (Western Segment) Interstate 64 Interstate 64 Interstate 64 Peninsula Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Interstate 64 Interstate 64 (Norfolk) Interstate 64 Interstate 73 Interstate 81 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Route 460 Route 460 Country Drive Route 460 Alt Hampton Roads Third Crossing Midtown Tunnel Hampton Roads Third Crossing Midtown Tunnel From To Length ADT Ivy Road Rt 250 Bland Blvd Rt 199 Norview Ave Intechange Interstate 264 Rt 199 Interstate 564 Interstate 564 Interstate 564 Norview Ave Intechange Interstate 581 Stafford/PW CL Rt 610 Rt 627 Caroline/Spotsy CL Rt 3 Rt 630 Rt 17 n/a Ramp at Temple Ave Rives Rd Interchange Isle of Wight Roanoke County CL Hickory Hill Rd Rt 226 Southside Brambleton Ave Hampton Coliseum Norfolk Arlington Blvd Fontaine Ave Rt 199 New Kent Interstate 464 New Kent Interstate 664 Mallory St VB CL South SAB Rt 610 Rt 627 Rt 3 Rt 3 Rt 630 PW CL n/a n/a Southampton CL East SAP Rt 106 Rt 460 Peninsula Interstate 264 Interstate 64 Portsmouth 8.22 18.90 12.40 3.68 8.39 5.00 8.30 6.00 12.40 10.90 8.00 2.16 30.00 1.02 - Estimated Previous Remaining Cost ($Ks) Funding Balance $ $ $ 556 $ $ 556 $ 557 $ $ 557 $ 63 $ $ 63 $ 1,080 $ $ 1,080 $ 557 $ $ 557 $ 2,700 $ $ 2,700 $ 480 $ $ 480 $ 2,700 $ $ 2,700 $ 63 $ $ 63 $ 55,000 $ $ $ 10,505 $ $ 10,505 $ 21,010 $ $ 21,010 $ 10,505 $ $ 10,505 $ 21,010 $ $ 21,010 $ 10,505 $ $ 10,505 $ 21,010 $ $ 21,010 $ 10,505 $ $ 10,505 $ 21,010 $ $ 21,010 $ 3,762 $ $ 3,762 $ 30,000 $ $ 30,000 $ 642 $ $ 642 $ 34,295 $ $ 34,295 $ 21,604 $ $ 21,604 $ $ 4,484 $ $ 4,484 $ 686 $ $ 686 $ 4,484 $ $ 4,484 $ 466 $ $ 466 TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 26 Table 6. Summary of corridor cost estimates and comparisons Corridor Nova Connections Route 29 Franklin Airport Interstate 95 Hampton Roads a 2005 USD, ($M) Highway Onlya $5,700 $3,400 $900 $11,840 $4,370 Multimodala $1,890 $630 $1,160 $3,476 $3,920 Cost Savingsa $3,810 $2,770 ($260) $8,360 $450 TE/2006/023520 – Lambert, Wadie, Linthicum 27 Table 7. Summary of State and MPO/PDC cost estimates Corridor Objective State Estimatea Programmeda MPO/PDC Visiona Totala Franklin Airport Interstate 73 Franklin Airport 1,140 16 1,156 12 0 55 0 67 0 67 1,700 317 324 8,130 10,471 977 763 0 0 9 57 0 0 986 820 0 0 1,806 2,770 215 486 3,471 469 18 0 160 0 0 629 18 0 647 Route 29 628 628 427 0 427 427 Route 58 Intermodal Connector 51 113 164 204 0 0 0 204 0 204 2 2 0 4 6 0 0 0 9 1 6 9 1 16 437,000 0 0 0 437,000 0 437,000 Franklin Airport Total Richmond/Hampton Roads Interstate 64 US-460 Passenger Rail Tier 1 Jamestown 2007 Richmond/Hampton Roads Total Interstate 95 Interstate 95 Interstate 95 HOV SE High Speed Rail Interstate 95 Total Route 29 Route 29 Total Port Accessibility Port Accessibility Total Hampton Roads Interstate 664 Third Crossing Mid-Town Tunnel Hampton Roads Total Interstate 81 Interstate 81 Lexington Airport Interstate 81 Total a 2005 USD, $M Under Study 16 16