Family: A self-defined unit made up of any number of persons who

Definition of a Family:
A self-defined unit
(most significant)
made up of any number of persons
who live or have lived in relationship with one
another over time
in a common living space
who are usually, but not always, united by marriage
and kinship.
Family Types:
Natural or Nuclear Family: Mom & Pop & Bio Kids
Extended Family: Other relatives
Family of Origin: Family in which you were raised
Blended Family: Husband & Wife; Step-children
and/or adopted children.
Single-Parent Family: Divorcees and unwed moms.
Family composition affects communication, child
development & adjustment, satisfaction, relational
dynamics, socialization, &interpersonal skills.
(Models of Family Interaction)
Improving Family Communication:
 Take Time to Talk about Relationships & Feelings
 Listen Actively. Clarify the Meanings of Messages
 Support & Encourage One Another
 Manage Conflict, Stress, & Change (Strategies).