Political Socialization Paper

Political Socialization Paper
See schedule for due date
50 points
You are to write about your political socialization for at least two political
subjects or ideas. Remember, political socialization is the process of
learning political behaviors and attitudes.
Tell me a story. Tell me YOUR story.
WHY do you believe what you do about abortion, gun control, gay
rights, protecting the environment, heath care, the death penalty, etc?
I explained to you in class my socialization about homosexual rights, and
I also explained how my socialization has changed regarding gun rights
and gun control since moving to Arkansas. I want you to tell me your
story on two issues. Tell me HOW you came to have the opinion you
have, not just what your opinion is.
Don’t just tell me you believe what you do because your parents
believe(d) the same way. EXPLAIN the events/experiences/processes that
led you to having those beliefs today. What factors/influences
contributed to your current beliefs about the topics you chose?
 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins (or the default on
your computer which is usually 1 inch top/bottom and 1.25 on the
 Minimum of 2 FULL pages (typed only, double-spaced)