Flipped Instruction “The biggest mistake of past centuries in teaching has been to treat all children as if they were variants of the same individual, and thus to feel justified in teaching them the same subjects in the same ways.” - Howard Gardner Rotation • Often Original Credit • May enhance traditional instruction 1. Personalized digital instruction 2. Teacher-led instruction 3. Application Activities Blended LearningRotation Model-Flipped Blended LearningFlex Blended LearningÀ la carte (part-time visual) Blended LearningEnriched Virtual (full time) • Original Credit and Credit Recovery • Homebound • Long-term Suspension • Alternative to Expulsion • Alternative Programs • Evening School Programs 1. Teachers work from a centralized, accessible location 2. Students work off-site or attend on an abbreviated schedule 3. Students periodically meet with teachers for check-in, instruction, proctoring Free Sites Free Sites Apex Learning http://apexdemo.apexvs.com User name: Teacherdemo (Password changes each month) January Password: resolution February Password: novel Ann Ridgway 732.939.0891 Ann.Ridgeway@ApexLearning.com