Critical Content/Concept Web Subject: Humanities Unit Overview Unit Topic: Culture Through a variety of activities, students will develop an appreciation for interdependence among cultures. They may have the opportunity to study a foreign language, read literature produced by various cultures, or write stories that reflect parts of a culture being studied. They will learn what our culture has in common with other cultures and how a country’s art, literature, and music reflect its cultural beliefs. Above all, they will learn to appreciate the roles unity and diversity have played in the development of our country. Suggested Time Frame This unit can be adapted to fit many different time frames. Grade: 2nd Organizational Thinking Analytical Thinking OR 1 Interpretative Data OR 3 Summarizing OR 4 Memorizing AN AN AN AN 1 3 4 6 Compare/Contrast AN 7 Inferring Webbing AN 9 Rank/Prior Sequence Classifying AN 10 Analyzing Analogies Creative Thinking CV CV CV CV Unit Topic: Culture 1 2 3 4 CBS Brainstorming Creative Thinking Process Synthesizing Critical Thinking CR CR CR CR CR Idaho State Standards for World Languages Standard 1: Acquisition and Use of Language Goal 1.1: Listening Goal 1.2: Speaking Goal 1.3: Reading Goal 1.4: Writing Standard 3: History, Geography, and Culture Goal 3.1: Historical context Goal 3.2: Geographical context Goal 3.3: Cultural context Updated 2012 Updated 2012 2 3 4 5 8 Interacting Ask/Answer Questions for Clarification Making/Judging Deductions Identifying Assumptions Defining Terms/Judging Definitions Idaho State Standards for Language Arts Standard 3: Writing Process Goal 3.1: Acquire Prewriting Skills Goal 3.2: Acquire Skills for Writing a Draft Goal 3.3: Acquire Skills for Revising a Draft Goal 3.4: Acquire Skills for Editing a Draft Goal 3.5: Acquire Skills to Publish Writing Standard 4: Writing Applications Goal 4.1: Acquire Expressive (Narrative / Creative) Writing Skills Goal 4.2: Acquire Expository (Informational/ Research) Writing Skills Suggested Units & Activities: See “Suggested Activities and Resources” at the end of this unit. IDAHO CONTENT STANDARDS Possible Reporting Topics CULTURE: WORLD LANGUAGES - LEVEL 1 Standard 1: Acquisition and use of language. Students comprehend and communicate in the target language through listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Level 1 students use the four skills of language acquisition (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) with respect to very basic vocabulary. Students comprehend the language in context when spoken slowly and clearly by teachers or teaching resources. Students read short, modified texts and differentiate symbols, words, questions, and statements. Students write in short simple sentences. Students speak in rehearsed responses to rehearsed questions. The output of a level one student is comprehensible to a sympathetic world languages teacher. Goal 1.1: Listening Objective(s): Upon completion of Level 1, the student will be able to: 7-12.WL1.1.1.1 Comprehend basic vocabulary in isolation and in context. 7-12.WL1.1.1.2 Capture essential information from everyday conversations and short passages (e.g., cognates, context clues). 7-12.WL1.1.1.3 Recognize basic sentence types (e.g., questions, sentences, commands, negative and positive). 7-12.WL1.1.1.4 Comprehend question words (e.g., who, what, when, where, how). 7-12.WL1.1.1.5 Recognize number and gender signals. 7-12.WL1.1.1.6 Distinguish between formal and informal address. Goal 1.2: Speaking Objective(s): Upon completion of Level 1, the student will be able to: 7-12.WL1.1.2.1 Use basic vocabulary to respond to familiar prompts. 7-12.WL1.1.2.2 Express preferences, desires, opinions, and feelings. 7-12.WL1.1.2.3 Use appropriate level of politeness in simulated social exchanges. Goal 1.3: Reading Objective(s): Upon completion of Level 1, the student will be able to: 7-12.WL1.1.3.2 Recognize written forms of basic vocabulary. 7-12.WL1.1.3.3 Associate the written text with spoken forms. Updated 2012 Goal 1.4: Writing Objective(s): Upon completion of Level 1, the student will be able to: 7-12.WL1.1.4.1 Write basic vocabulary and short sentences (e.g., from dictation, picture cues, cloze activities, word banks). 7-12.WL1.1.4.2 Write a logical response to a familiar question or comment. 7-12.WL1.1.4.3 Rewrite sentences, using substitutions. 7-12.WL1.1.4.4 Construct simple sentences using familiar vocabulary and phrases. Standard 3: History, Geography, and Culture Students demonstrate an understanding of how people and cultures are connected across time in the geographical areas represented by the target languages. Humanities instruction prepares students to work and live as global citizens because of their greater understanding of their own culture and the cultures of others. Level 1 students find the areas of the world where the target language is spoken, name those lands and states in which the language is spoken, recall some historical facts about those places, and compare daily activities in their own Idaho culture with those in the target cultures. Students demonstrate awareness of customs of politeness (such as forms of address) in the target culture. Goal 3.1: Historical Context Objective(s): Upon completion of Level 1, the student will be able to: 7-12.WL1.3.1.1 Recognize major historical and cultural figures and events from the target culture. 7-12.WL1.3.1.2 Identify historical connections between English and the target language (e.g., cognates, language origins). Goal 3.2: Geographical Context Objective(s): Upon completion of Level 1, the student will be able to: 7-12.WL1.3.2.1 Locate the areas in the world where the target language is spoken. 7-12.WL1.3.2.2 Describe the geographical features of major areas where the target language is spoken. Goal 3.3: Cultural Context Objective(s): Upon completion of Level 1, the student will be able to: 7-12.WL1.3.3.1 Compare and contrast the everyday life and social observances of the target culture with U.S. culture. 7-12.WL1.3.3.2 Recognize nonverbal cues and body language typically used in the target language. 7-12.WL1.3.3.3 Use appropriate cultural responses in diverse exchanges (e.g. forms of address, levels of familiarity. Updated 2012 Standard 3: Writing Process IDAHO CONTENT STANDARDS Possible Reporting Topics CULTURE: LANGUAGE ARTS Goal 3.1: Acquire Prewriting Skills 2.LA.3.1.1 Generate ideas using prewriting strategies (e.g., journaling). 2.LA.3.1.2 Identify the main idea. 2.LA.3.1.3 Identify strategies for planning and organizing writing. 2.LA.3.1.4 Identify an appropriate writing format for audience. Goal 3.2: Acquire Skills for Writing a Draft 2.LA.3.2.1 Use ideas generated and organized in prewriting to write a draft that includes a main idea and details. Goal 3.3: Acquire Skills for Revising a Draft 2.LA.3.3.1 Revise writing by adding, substituting, or retelling text. 2.LA.3.3.2 Identify and add details to enhance audience understanding. 2.LA.3.3.3 Use strategies to guide the revision process, (e.g., peer conference, teacher conference, rubrics). Goal 3.4: Acquire Skills for Editing a Draft 2.LA.3.4.1 Edit the draft for errors in simple spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Goal 3.5: Acquire Skills to Publish Writing 2.LA.3.5.1 Publish and illustrate draft. 2.LA.3.5.2 Share writing with intended audience. Standard 4: Writing Applications Goal 4.1: Acquire Expressive (Narrative/Creative) Writing Skills 2.LA.4.1.1 Write narratives based on personal experience that contain a main idea. 2.LA.4.1.2 Write simple rhymes, poems, or songs Goal 4.2: Acquire Expository (Informational/Research) Writing Skills 2.LA.4.2.2 Write brief explanations or observations of real objects, persons, places, events, or processes. Updated 2012 Grade: 2 Subject: Humanities Unit: Culture Enduring Understandings EU1: People/Animals from different cultures interpret experiences differently Guiding Questions 1. How does our background affect our view of the world? EU2: Communication helps lead to an understanding of diversity among cultures. 1. What happens when communications stop between cultures? 2. Why is communication among cultures important? 3. What do we use to understand other cultures? 1. What does it mean to communicate? 2. What are some things that can be different from culture to culture? EU3: Cultures communicate differently. EU4: Art, religion, language, stories, traditions and family structure define culture. EU5: Culture is passed from generation to generation. 1. What do all cultures have in common? EU6: Culture groups are interdependent. 1. How may one culture impact another culture? Updated 2012 1, How is culture maintained? 2. What are some reasons that a culture changes over time? Grade 2 Subject: Humanities Unit: Culture Critical Content and Skills Students will Know… Interdependence exists between/within/among cultures Cultures communicate in many different ways Culture is passed from generation to generation Updated 2012 AC = Assessment Code: D= Dialogue AC D, P, WS D, P, PR D, P P – Prompts R-Rubric O – Observation WS – Work Samples PR-Products SA – Student Self-Assessment Students will be able to do… Identify interdependence within the cultures being studied Identify different characteristics or attributes within culture being studied Identify how cultures influence each other Identify ways cultures communicate V-Video PO-Portfolio T – Tests AC D, P R, PR D, P, PR D, P, WS Unit: Culture Suggested Activities & Unit Resources: Enduring Understandings Grade: 2 Where is this unit located? Write a Tall Tale, Origin Tale, Moral Tale, Fable, Myth, Legend, Just So Story Research, create, & display visual presentation of a culture Learn basic vocabulary of a specific language Learn basic sentence structure of a specific language Learn about and produce art specific to a country Create a dictionary of words learned in a specific language Research the people and culture of a foreign country Learn the location of different countries in the world where a specific language is spoken Learn historical facts about the country of study EU1-6 EU1-6 EH, Frontier EU1-6 EH Use image making to create a story Compare and contrast life in the USA vs. the country of study This unit can be adapted to fit into other curriculums. EU1-6 Spalding, EH Updated 2012