Speeches About Dreams

Speeches About Dreams
Answer the following questions in full sentences on a separate sheet of paper.
“I Have a Dream”-Martin Luther King Junior (21 marks)
1. Activate Prior Knowledge and Make Connections: What do you already know about Martin Luther King
Junior and the Civil Rights Movement? (2 marks)
2. What was MLK’s dream? (1 mark)
3. Find evidence of the following rhetorical devices AND explain the effectiveness of each: (14 marks)
Example from speech (1 mark
Why the device is effective
(1 mark each)
Assonance OR Consonance
4. Aside from the use of rhetorical devices, what other persuasive strategies does MLK make use of in
this speech? Identify at least 2 AND explain their effectiveness. (4 marks)
“We Must Have Dreams”-John Amagoalik (14 marks)
1. What fears does the narrator have for this Inuit? (1 mark)
2. How does he believe that the Inuit non-physical part of the Inuit culture can be kept alive? (2 marks)
3. Why does he believe you should never deny the past? (1 mark)
4. a) Identify the intended audience for this speech (1 mark)
b) Provide evidence to support your conclusions (1 mark)
5. Find examples of AND explain the function of the following devices: (6 marks)
a) Rhetorical question
b) Metaphor
c) Repetition
d) Syntax
e) Simile
f) Allusion
6. Aside from his use of rhetorical devices, how else does John Amagoalik attempt to engage his
audience? What other devices does he use? Provide specific examples(2 marks)