The Bean Trees

The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 1
Content Goal- The goal is to learn about Missy’s characterization by paying attention details
about her goals, fears, and the town she grew up in.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups, and to write
answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt- What does road trip mean to you? Elaborate from your personal
experience or lack thereof.
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LC01)
Any of these titles could be another title for chapter 1 of The Bean Trees. Choose
the title you think best fits the selection.
What’s in a name?
On the Road
Small Town Folks
Provide two details from the chapter to support your choice.
2. (LC02)
In your own words, write a summary of the scene where Missy/Taylor gets the
baby. Include three main events from the scene the beginning, middle, and end of the scene in
your summary.
3. (LC03) Infer what Taylor means in the last line of the chapter when she says, “I found my
head rights, Mama. They’re coming with me” (23). Use details from earlier in the chapter to
support your assumption.
4. (LA06) What is similar about Missy/Taylor’s feeling about tires and about babies. Include
two details from chapter 1 in your answer.
5. (LA07) Explain why Missy/Taylor got a job at the hospital. Include two details from the
selection in your answer.
6. (LA05) “That’s my girl bringing home the bacon” (pg 2) is an example of what literary
device? Explain which literary device it is using two details from the context.
7. (LA05) “…and serve them up like Thanksgiving for the two of us” (pg 2) is an example of
what literary device? Explain which literary device it is using two details from the context.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Chapter 2
Content Goal- To think critically about chapter 2 during and after reading it. To be able to
answer questions about the author’s purpose and extend information beyond the text to draw
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups, and to write
answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompts- Write a half page journal about the following two items
 Respond to this quote, “Having nearly lost _(fill in the blank with something or someone
that matters to you)_ made him/her/it all the more precious.”
 What do you predict the chapter title, “New Year’s Pig,” might mean? Be realistic or
creative in your prediction.
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LT08) The author’s purpose to for writing this selection may have been to show racism
is prevalent in our culture. Provide two details from the selection to support this purpose.
2. (LA07) What problem does Lou Ann experience in chapter 2? What are three events
that happen as a result of the problem? Include information from chapter 2 in your
3. (LT10) One conclusion that a reader can draw from this selection is Lou Ann fears for
her own safety. Provide two details from the selection to support this conclusion.
4. (LT08) What is the author’s purpose for calling chapter 2, “New Year’s Pig”? Provide
two details from chapter 2 to support your answer.
5. (LC03) Based on the information in chapter 2, what prediction can you make about
Taylor meeting Lou Ann? Include at least two details from the novel to support your
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 3
Content Goal- Theme and literary devices are the focus of chapter 3.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups, and to write
answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt- Elaborate on being gullible. Do you know anyone who is
gullible? Is it you? Have you ever told someone who is gullible something ridiculous s/he
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LC01) The Bean Trees shows religious beliefs as a theme. Provide two details from the
novel to support this idea. Include two details from chapter 3 in your answer.
2. (LA05) Any of these words could be used to describe Sandi in The Bean Trees. Choose
the word you think best describes her.
o Poor
o Gullible
o Stuck
Provide two details from chapter three to support your choice.
DLP (Daily Language Practice – edit the sentences for work on writing targets) - He lighted
another cigarette and through the match at the tarantula, missing it bye a couple of inches. The
spider raised it’s to front legs toward the flame like a scarred lady in a old movie.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 4
Content Goal- Inference and drawing conclusions are central to understanding chapter 4.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups, and to write
answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt- Families often have arguments amongst themselves. Think of a
time this has happened in your family. What was the fight about? How did it change family gettogethers? How long did it last? How was it resolved? If it hasn’t been resolved, what is the
current drama?
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LC01) What is the main idea of the relationships between Granny Logan, Ivy, and Lou
Ann Ruiz? Support your answer with two examples from chapter four.
2. (LC03) What is the most likely reason that Bobby Bingo, the vegetable and fruit
salesman, says, “Let me tell you something, tomato lady. Whatever you want the most,
it’s going to be the worst thing for you” (62). Provide two details from the novel in your
3. (LT09) Is the following statement a reasonable conclusion for readers to draw from
chapter four?
Angel creates many divisions between Lou Ann and her family.
Provide two details from chapter four to support your answer.
4. (LC04) Which word could the author have used in paragraph 2 (page 54) instead of
apoplectic? Choose a word and explain why your choice makes sense including two
details from the word’s context in your explanation.
DLP- They’re were alot more bugs crawling up on the sement slab. A whole swarm of black
aunts came out of a crack and milled a round the cigarette but trying, four reasons I could not
imagine, to take it a part.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 5
Content Goal- Predictions and literary devices the author uses to convey her
purpose are vital to understanding chapter 5.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups,
and to write answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt- Stereotypes: are they right-wrong? True-false?
Foolproof or foolish? Are many stereotypes racist or sexist?
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LT08) What is the author’s purpose for writing about Taylor’s minimum
wage job at Burger Derby? Provide two details from chapter five to support
your answer.
2. (LA05) How do the potential roommates at the “harmonious space”
contribute to the conflict in chapter five? Include two details from the novel
in your answer.
3. (LC03) What will Lou Ann do now that she and Taylor seem to get along so
well and are going to be roommates? Support your prediction with two
details from chapter five.
4. (LA05)The first paragraph of chapter five is an example of what literary
device? Name the device and explain why this paragraph is an example of it
including two details from the paragraph.
DLP- You could say that mother’s and daughter’s is a theme of this novel cause
there are allot of moms: mama, Taylor, Granny Logan, Ivy Logan, and Lou
Ann. Plus turtle had a mom and an aunt who acted like a Mom. Some times
characters arent birth parents but they act like them.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 6
Content Goal- Making inferences, identifying theme, and analyzing the author’s
purpose are central to understanding chapter 6.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups,
and to write answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt- Girl Talk:
 Girls: is it fun? Boring? Annoying to overhear? Do you tune it out,
listen in, gossip afterwards?
 Boys: What do you think about girl talk? Is it annoying, and you
ignore it? Or is it your opportunity to see inside the female mind?
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LC03) Based on the information in chapter 6, what inference can you make
about the people who live above Jesus is Lord Used Tires? Include two
details from chapter 6 in to support your inference.
2. (LC01) Any of these titles could be another title for chapter six. Choose the
title you think best fits the selection.
A-typical Families Can Still Be Functional
What’s in a Name?
Good Friends are Better Than Bad Boyfriends
Provide two details from chapter six to support your choice.
3. (LT08) The author’s purpose for writing Taylor’s words, “’Parts are
included for all installations, but no installation requires all parts.’ That’s
kind of my philosophy about men. I don’t think there’s an installation out
there that could use all of my parts” may have been to say that while
romance is great, it’s not required for happiness. Provide two details from
the novel to support this purpose.
4. (LA05) “I held down the fort” in the fifth paragraph of page 79 is an
example of what literary device? Name the device and explain why this
paragraph is an example of it using two details from the paragraph (context)
in your answer.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 7 – How They Eat in Heaven
Content Goal- Chapter 7 introduces main themes and elaborates on the main
conflict of the novel.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups,
and to write answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt- Good advice. Has anyone ever given you good
advice? Sometimes those mail forwards include little bits of wisdom. Maybe
you’ve read a Chicken Soup for the Soul story. Maybe someone has shared a story
with you that changes how you think about things. Elaborate on this in your
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LC03) On their way home, Mattie says, “The last thing we need is to get
stopped” (95). Based on the information in the selection, predict what will most
likely happen if police stop their car. Include two details from the chapter to
support your answer.
2. (LT10) What conclusion can the reader draw about Turtle (based on her first
word and following words)? Provide two details from the chapter to support the
3. (LA06) What are two differences between Estevan & Esperanza contrasted with
the other characters in the novel? Include two details from chapter 7 in your
4. (LC04) What is the meaning of the word pandemonium as it is used on page
96, “Our mouths opened and shut and we froze where we sat. I suppose we could
have honked and waved and it wouldn’t have raised any more pandemonium than
this poor mother already had to deal with, but instead we held perfectly still. Even
Turtle.” Explain your choice including two details from the paragraph and
5. (LC03) Explain how Estevan’s wild Indian story “How They Eat in Heaven” is
important to Estevan. Support your answer with two details from chapter 7.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 8- The Miracle of Dog Doo Park
Content Goal- Conflict continues to rise as more information is learned
about Turtle. Read for cause and effect to reveal the author’s purpose.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in
small groups, and to write answers using complete sentences that restate
the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt Getting re-married. Have either of your parents gotten re-married? How
do/did you feel about your new step-parent? Has that changed? How/why?
Your family is still “whole”? What do you know about step-parents from
TV, movies, other books, or fairy tales?
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LC01) Consider what the miracle actually is. What is the theme of this
chapter entitled, “Miracle at Dog Doo Park?” Support your answer with two
details from this chapter.
2. (LT08) The author’s purpose for writing this novel may have been to make
readers consider how they treat other people unfairly in light of Estevan’s
quote, “This is how Americans think. You believe that if something terrible
happens to someone, they must have deserved it” (117). Provide two details
from the novel to support this purpose.
3. (LT10) One conclusion that a reader could draw from this chapter is that
Taylor is falling in love with Estevan. Provide two details from chapter
eight to support your conclusion.
4. (LA07) Explain why Turtle appeared to be two years old when she is
actually three. Include two details from chapter eight in your answer.
5. (LC03) Explain how naming Turtle was important to Lou Ann. Support your
answer with two details from chapter 8.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 9- Ismene
Content Goal- Understanding Estevan’s past helps readers understand the themes
of this novel.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups,
and to write answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt- Immigration is a politically charged subject. What
do you think about immigration? Consider the following subtopics if you need
 Illegal immigration
 Political refugees
 Social benefits/assistance for immigrants
 Social benefits/assistance for refugees
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LC02) Who is Ismene? Summarize what Estevan tells Taylor about her
including three main details.
2. (LA06) What are two differences between Estevan’s and Taylor’s
experiences with government? Include two details from chapter nine in your
3. (LT08) The author’s purpose for writing this chapter may have been to show
the numerous ways people can be outsiders. Provide two details from
chapter nine to support this purpose.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 10- The Bean Trees
Content Goal- To read quickly while still picking out important details
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups,
and to write answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt- Being opinionated.
 Are you a very opinionated person?
 Do you have opinions you express?
 Do you shrink from conflict and change opinions to please
 Are your opinions easily changed once you know more about
 Consider this: could your opinion on immigration change once
you know Esperanza & Estevan’s story? Or any specific
peoples’ stories?
Each of these questions can all be answered in one-two words instead of complete
1. Give one adjective to describe Lou Ann based on her behavior and
comments in chapter 10.
2. What is the plant that Turtle calls “bean tree?”
3. What does Taylor discover about Edna Poppy while shopping at Lee Sing’s
4. How would you describe the drawings made by children who live in
Mattie’s refuge?
5. What are the two meanings for Esperanza’s name?
6. What literary device is used in this sentence, “Her eyes flew up at me like a
pair of blackbirds scared out of safe hiding” (148)?
7. Where was Lou Ann’s job interview?
8. Where did Taylor learn not to let “anyone put one over on you” (150)?
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 11- Dream Angels
Content Goal- Characterization and character development are the focus.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups,
and to write answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt- Superstition
 Do you have any superstitions?
 Do you believe in horoscopes, fortunes, tarot card readings, or psychics?
 Why or why not?
 If you don’t have superstitions, do you have successful routines or patterns?
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LC01) Chapter 11 shows superstition. Provide two details from chapter 11
that support this idea.
2. (LA05) How does Lou Ann change from the beginning of the novel through
chapter 11? Support your answer with information from the novel.
3. (LT09) Why does Taylor say, “I didn’t want to believe the world could be so
unjust. But of course it was right there in front of my nose. If the truth was a
snake it would have bitten me a long time ago. It would have had me for
dinner”? Include two details from chapter 11 in your answer.
DLP- Extra Credit editing rewritten on answer paper- after Salmonella is eaten
it passes through the stomach to the intestine. here, it binds to the wall of the
intestine, and through some special proteins that it makes in response to the
particular conditions in the intestine it actually penetrates the barrier between us
and the outside. in the liver, the Salmonella can grow again, and be released back
into the intestine. of course not all of the Salmonella pass through the intestinal
wall, and many of them are expelled from the intestine in the diarrhea. In regions
with poor sanitation these bacteria can than survive in the soil or in rivers and
infect the next person cow chicken or mouse that comes along
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 12- Into the Terrible Night
Content Goal- Recognizing imagery and comparing/contrasting
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups,
and to write answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt -Respond to this quote, “There’s just so damn much
ugliness. Everywhere you look, some big guy kicking some little person when they’re down”
 Does this quote feel personal? If not, try to respond in the voice of someone to whom it
is personal.
Imagery Chart - Fill in this chart using chapter 12 pages 161-164
Details on Pages 161-164
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LA06) What are two differences between the desert on “New Year’s Day” and Turtle
after the incident? Include information from chapter 12 in your answer.
2. (LA06) What are two similarities between Turtle and Jem/Scout Finch? Include
information from the novels in your answer.
3. (LC01) What is the main idea of “Into the Terrible Night” (chapter 12)? Support your
answer with two details from chapter 12.
4. (LC03) Explain how Turtle, the homeless, and the illegal immigrants are important to
Taylor. Support your answer with two details from chapter 12.
DLP- of the reported rapes of childs under 12 years old 90% of the victims new there perpetrator
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 13- Night-Blooming Cereus
Content Goal- To recognize character development, dynamic characters who
change during the story.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups,
and to write answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt
 What things pick you up when you’re feeling blue, down, or depressed?
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LA07) Explain why Taylor decides to return to Oklahoma. Include two
details from the selection in your answer.
2. (LC01) Any of these titles could be another title for chapter thirteen.
Choose the title you think best fits the selection
Opportunity Blossoms
Risky Business
A Hero is “Born”
Provide two details from the chapter to support your choice.
3. (LT08) What is the author’s purpose for including the night blooming cereus
in this book? What does it mean? Include two details from the chapter in
your answer.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 14- Guardian Saints
Content Goal- To make inferences about the characters decisions.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups,
and to write answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt
 In your opinion, what does it mean to be an American?
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences (except numbers 45).
1. (LC03) What is the most likely reason that Taylor doesn’t answer the immigration
officer’s question about whose kid Turtle is? Provide two details from chapter 14 in your
2. (LT08) What might the author’s purpose for writing about the national symbol of
Guatemala be? Provide two details from chapter 14 in your answer.
3. (LC01) Chapter fourteen focuses on the theme of choosing names. Provide two details
from the chapter that support this idea.
4. (Recall) Who is the guardian saint referred to in the chapter title? (1 pt)
5. (LA05) What literary device is used in this sentence, “…as a consequence you tended to
start feeling you were stuck out there, rolling your wheels on some trick prairie treadmill”
(195)? (1 pt)
6. (LA06) What are two differences between Ed’s diner on Taylor’s first trip and second.
Include information from the novel in your answer.
7. (LC03) Explain how finding Turtle’s family was important to Taylor. Support your
answer with two details from the chapter.
Writer’s note: Using the phrase “et cetera” (197) is preferable to its abbreviation “etc.” but it is
generally poor word choice because you should use as much description as possible. In the case
on page 197, it was used well.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Name __________________
Chapter 15- Lake O’ the Cherokees
Chapter 16 – Soundness of Mind and Freedom of Will
Content Goal- To make inferences about the characters’ feelings and motivations
as they make important decisions.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups,
and to write answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt
 At the end of chapter 15, Taylor asks Esperanza and Estevan if they will do one more
thing for her. Predict what that one thing will be BEFORE reading chapter 16. Explain
why you think this is what she will ask; use text-based details to support your answer.
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences (except numbers 23).
1. (LC03) What is the most likely reason that Turtle points and shouts, “Mama!” every time
they pass a cemetery? Include two details from the chapter in your answer.
2. (LA05) What is this literary device, “I had changed my own name like a dirty shirt, but I
couldn’t help them change theirs”? (1 pt)
3. (LA05) What is this literary device, “Something was going on inside of Esperanza.
Something was thawing” (207)? (1 pt)
4. (LT09) Is Esperanza and Estevan’s decision to move to the Cherokee Nation a good idea?
Provide two details from the chapters to support your answer.
5. (LT10) One conclusion that a reader can draw from chapter 15 “Lake O’ the Cherokees”
is that it’s a calm and peaceful place. Provide two details from chapter 15 to support this
6. (LC01) Chapter 16 shows catharsis (resolution of fear and release from tension bringing
renewal). Provide two details from chapter 16 that support this idea.
7. (LC02) Write a summary of the adoption process used in chapter 16. Include three main
events from the scene.
The Bean Trees
by Barbara Kingsolver
Chapter 17- Rhizobia
Name __________________
Content Goal- To understand how the themes in this chapter are the themes of the whole novel.
Language Goal- To read actively, to speak and listen respectfully in small groups, and to write
answers using complete sentences that restate the question.
Pre-reading Journal Prompt- Interdependence. Taylor hit the road with the goal of being
independent, but what did she realize after meeting Turtle, Lou Ann, Estevan, and Esperanza?
Think of your own life.
Restate the question in your answer. Write all answers in complete sentences.
1. (LA04) What is the meaning of transient as it is used in this selection? “I was beginning
to form the opinion that Oklahomans were as transient a bunch as the people back home
who slept on grass-flecked bedrolls in Roosevelt Park” (217). Also explain why you infer
that is the definition with two details from the paragraph’s context.
2. (LC01) Any of these titles could be another title for chapter seventeen. Choose the title
you think fits the selection.
Spending time at the Phone Booth
Bugs on Wisteria
Saying Bye to St. Christopher
Provide two details from the chapter to support your choice.
3. (LC03) Based on the information in chapter 17, what assumption can you make about
Taylor’s sense of motherhood? Include two details from chapter 17 to support your
4. (LC03) What is the most likely reason that Lou Ann is able to get over Angel? Provide
two details from chapter 17 to support your answer.
5. (LT08) The author’s purpose for writing this novel may have been to demonstrate that
family values do not necessarily require the usual Dad + Mom + Son + Daughter
American model for family. Provide two details from the novel to support this purpose.
6. (LC04) What is the meaning of rigamarole as it is used in this selection? “It’s done for
all practical purposes. There’s still some rigamarole in court for getting a birth
certificate that takes about six months, but that’s not too bad. It takes longer than that to
make a kid from scratch, is how I look at it” (231). Explain why you infer that is the
definition including two details from that paragraph.
(LC03) Explain how Turtle’s “vegetable-soup song” was important to Taylor. Support
your answer with two details from the chapter.
The sequel to Bean Trees, Pigs in Heaven, (available at LHS and Sno-Isle libraries) includes more adventures
on the road and some conflict with the Cherokee Nation.