The Universe by Seymour Simon Genre: Expository nonfiction: Explains the nature of an object, an idea, or a theme. How do we know whether a star is old or new? The Five “Wanderers” of the Ancient Skies • 1. Who are the five “wanderers” of the ancient skies? (restate) • 2. Why do you think our ancient ancestors were so interested in studying the universe? (please restate and answer, including text support in your answer) Vocabulary Strategy • Read The Birth and Death of Stars on page 149. • Go to the computers to work on Quizlet vocabulary flash card practice. Read pages 150 - 157 • 1. According to the article, what are the building blocks of planets? (Restate and answer using text support) • 2. As stars age, which state occurs first, red giant or planetary nebula? (Restate and answer using text support) • 3. On page 156, explain what the photograph in the inset shows.