Hrothgar, king of Denmark, is celebrating with his men at Herot Hall. “And then as now warriors sang of their pleasure: so Hrothgar’s men lived happy in his hall” (Lines 13-15) The quote is talking about how Hrothgar and his men are happy, partying and drinking in Herot Hall. After sunset, Grendel waits until everyone is asleep and then he goes on his reign of terror, eating and killing a lot of Hrothgar’s men. (Lines 30-39) Grendel continued to strike fear in the hearts of Danes. “So Grendel ruled, fought with the righteous, one against many, and won; so Herot stood empty, and stayed deserted for years, twelve winters of grief for Hrothgar, king of the Danes, sorrow heaped at his door by hell-forged hands.” (Lines 59-64) The quote is saying how after Grendel’s reign of terror, that Herot Hall was empty for 12 years, and that Hrothgar was grieving for the men he lost. Grendel knows that with God protecting Hrothgar, he couldn’t kill him. (Lines 82-84) After hearing about Grendel and how he terrorized Herot Hall and Denmark, Beowulf, the greatest and strongest of all Geats in the world, decided to go to Denmark to help out Hrothgar. (Lines 109-116) Hrothgar is welcoming Beowulf to Denmark. “Beowulf, you’ve come to us in friendship, and because of the reception your father found at our court.” (Lines 191-192) This quote is talking about how Beowulf is doing this favor to Hrothgar to repay the debt from his father. Does someone have the audacity to disrespect Beowulf? “You’re Beowulf, are you-the same boastful fool who fought a swimming match with Brecca, both of you daring and young and proud, exploring the deepest seas, risking your lives for no reason but the danger?” (Lines 239-244) This quote is talking about how Unferth is accusing Beowulf of being a fool for taking risks and being proud. After he explained himself, Beowulf then went on defense and accused Unferth of murdering his own brothers. (Line 320) As Beowulf and his army of Geats slept at Herot, Grendel comes to the hall to seek his next victim. He eventually finds his victim, snatch him up and eat him, not knowing that this was a calculated plan for a surprise attack from Beowulf. (Lines 421-431) Once Grendel became vulnerable, Beowulf jump on him and began his fight with him. “The infamous killer fought for his freedom, wanting no flesh but retreat, desiring nothing but escape; his claws had been caught, he was trapped.” (Lines 444-447) This quote is explaining how Grendel is trying to escape from the strength of Beowulf and his army and that he’s just thinking about escape instead of who’s he eating next. Once Beowulf eventually tore off Grendel’s arm, he left Herot hall mortally wounded to home in the marshes to die. (Lines 496-501) Grendel returned to his home in the marshes waiting to die after being defeated by Beowulf. “The water was bloody, steaming and boiling in horrible pounding waves, heat sucked from his magic veins; but the swirling surf had covered his death, hidden deep in murky darkness his miserable end” (Lines 528-533) This quote is showing how Grendel spent the last moments of his life on Earth. After Grendel’s mother attacked Herot for revenge for her dead son, Hrothgar tells Beowulf that she lives in an underwater lair and describe it in detail. He also asked Beowulf to Grendel’s mother. (Lines 545-569) Beowulf goes to the lake where Grendel’s mother lives. “She welcomed him in her claws, clutched at him savagely but could not harm him, tried to work her fingers through the tight ring-woven mail on his breast, but tore and scratched in vain. Then she carried him, armor and sword and all, to her home” (Lines 578-583) This quote is talking about how Beowulf got in to Grendel’s mother’s lair. Beowulf swung Hrunting, his sword at the top of Grendel’s mother. “But her guest discovered that no sword could slice her evil skin, that Hrunting could not hurt her, was useless now when he needed it. They wrestled, she ripped and tore and clawed at him, bit holes in his helmet, and that too failed at him; for the first time in years of being worn to war it would earn no glory” (Lines 598-604) This quote is talking about Beowulf’s sword and his helmet failed him during his battle against Grendel’s mother. It looks like Beowulf was going to be defeated by Grendel’s mother, but then Beowulf saw a heavy sword hanging on the wall. He got it and swung over his head with all his might striking Grendel’s mother in the neck, killing her. (Lines 627-645) Beowulf, now an old king of the Geats, is talking to his men. “We shall see, soon, who will survive this bloody battle, stand when the fighting is done. No one else could do what I mean to, here, no man but me could hope to defeat this monster. No one could try. And this dragon’s treasure, his gold and everything hidden in that tower, will be mine or war will sweep me to a bitter death!” (Lines 680-687) This quote is talking about how Beowulf will either succeed in getting the dragon’s treasures or fail and die. Once the battle began, the dragon let out fire and smoke toward Beowulf, but he had his shield protecting him; however, it begins to melt and then when he attempted to use his sword, the blade broke and Beowulf knew that fate was not on his side and he was going to lose. (Lines 718-727) After Wiglaf, with the help of Beowulf defeated the dragon, he came back to the wounded king, bringing him the treasures they won. As he lay there dying, Beowulf’s final words were that the Geats build a tomb that would sail across the oceans. (Lines 791-810) There is a passing of one generation to the next. “Then that brave king gave the golden necklace from around his throat to Wiglaf, gave him his gold-covered helmet, and his rings, and his mail shirt and ordered him to use them well.” (Lines 817-820) The quote is talking about how after Beowulf dies, Wiglaf becomes king of the Geats.