Characteristics of Epic Poetry

Characteristics of Poetry
from Oral Tradition
Repetition of sounds
Repetition of sounds
Repetition of words
Repetition of phrases
Repetition of ideas
Parallel grammatical
Example from Beowulf
Hrothgar’s men lived happy in his hall.
Darkness dropped.
line 87-in secret sessions, talking of terror
line 52 no savage assault quenched his lust
Sun and moon; trees and leaves; how well
throne protected by God—God whose love Grendel could not know.
gold, sword, shield, mail-shirt, Hell,
Geats’ ring-giver, alone and unaided, shining swords
tearing, solo, good/evil, moral standards, paganism/Christianity
line 27, seeking/offering
Eglac’s follower, Hrothgar’s men, she-wolf
gray beards, gold-giver, war king, ring giver
Characteristics of Epic
Hero is courageous and
shows values of society
of society
Courageous, intelligent, honorable,
seeks peace but does not shirk
from battle
Star Wars
Luke represents the values of the Jedi.
Setting is vast.
Covers both Denmark and
Geatland (part of Sweden)
Descended from the good kings—
Scyld and Ecgtheow
The empire and multiple planets in the
Luke is the child of Anakin and Queen
Amidala although he doesn’t know the
circumstances of his birth.
There are three segments in the story
dealing with Luke (trilogy). He has
multiple tests within each.
In order to become a Jedi, he must make
the transformation alone. He alone
confronts and defeats Darth Vader
Noble birth, male
Trials, tests often in
patterns of 3/7/12
Three trials/battles—Grendel,
Grendel’s mother, dragon
Abandonment of
In the end the warriors run to the
forest and abandon Beowulf in the
fight with the dragon (except
Beowulf speaks in a formal way.
The poet speaks with formal
diction using kennings, parallel
grammatical structure and epithets.
Beowulf, Hrothgar, Wiglaf all
make long speeches
Grendel and his mother represent
evil, descended from Cain,
Beowulf represents goodness/light
Grendel and dragon
Serious tone, formal
Long, formal speeches
Good vs. evil
Supernatural elements
Actions-reflect fate of
Fate of Herot and Hrothgar’s
kingdom depend on Beowulf; fate
of Geats depend on protection
from dragon
Luke has a gee-wiz, golly wow form of
speech early in the trilogy but becomes
more formal as he matures and becomes a
Harry Potter
Harry obviously reflects the values of the
wizarding world in contrast to the buffoonery of
the muggle world, but he may represent the values
of our world He represents Ethos and always tries
to do the right thing.
Hogwarts and its environs
Male and the boy who lived, survived Voldemort
Each book represents a form of test/trial (7 books
in total)
Hermione and Ron leave Harry alone in the end
Tone and diction becomes more serious and
formal as the hero ages. The older characters/
professors speak more formally
Speeches by the mentor/guide—Dumbledore
The Force vs. the Dark Side; the battle
between son and father
Battle between Harry and Voldemort
the light saber, the Force, Obi-wan
Kenobi (after he dies), Yoda
Luke must save the Princess and the
Rebel forces must save the empire from
the Siths and Palpatine’s tyranny
Horucruxes, Dementors
Harry is the boy who lived. He has to be the one
who defeats evil.