Grendel Chapters 5-6

Grendel Chapter 5
1. What does the Dragon ultimately advise Grendel to do? (chapter 5)
2. What unique ability (outside of the ho-hum breathing fire, long life and flying) does the dragon have? How
does he choose to use this power?(ch 5)
3. According to the Dragon what is Grendel’s role in the world? (chp5)
4. In the argument he has with the Dragon, what is unusual/surprising about Grendel’s position?(Chp 5)
5. How might you characterize the two philosophies that guide the Dragon’s advice? (chap 5)
Explain each quote…Who said it and what is the meaning and context:
1. My heart shook. His eyes stared straight at me. and I tried to get my breath to speak but I couldn’t. (58)
2. Never never never touch my things… (60)
3. Things come and go…. He shrugged (70)
4. Why is it Fiddlesticks if I stop giving…. Why anything?” (72)
5. You improve them, my boy… slime, amen (73)
6. I was sure he was lying……I refuse (73)
7. My advice to you …. seek out gold and sit on it. (74)
Grendel Chapter 6
1. How is the Shaper’s effect on Grendel in chapter 6 different from his effect in Chapter 3?
2. After meeting with the Dragon what are 3 ways (physical, emotional and behavioral) Grendel has changed (ch
3. Dramatically Grendel performs an act which terrorizes the Danes. What is it?(chap6)
4. Describe the fight between Unferth and Grendel? What is Grendel’s primary motivation?(chp6)
5. Describe Unferth’s visit to Grendel’s lair? Include Unferth’s motivation for going as well as Grendel’s actions
in response. (chp6)
6. How might we characterize the underlying philosophy that guides Grendel’s actions in the 6th chapter?