Beowulf: A New Telling

Beowulf: A New Telling
Study Guide
Chapters 8 – 9
Chapter 8: Revenge
1. Based on your knowledge of diction, what words give the reader the sense
that the thing described on pages 53 and 54 is evil? Give at least three
Hissing, new horror, bile, goblets, darkness, black, blood, slithered
2. Pick out two examples of imagery from the description of this monster.
Greasy flesh, red lips and hanging breasts, like a knife through butter,
black as jet, dribbled green bile, slithered towards the hall, stirred from the
3. Who appears in Heorot after Unferth’s reflection of Grendel? Does this
surprise you? Why or why not?
Grendel’s mother appeared which was not surprising since a mother’s
instinct would be to defend her son
4. Why are the Danes and Geats angry with Unferth?
Because they believed that he had killed Aeschere
5. Besides Unferth being missing from Heorot, what else is missing? Who
took it?
Grendel’s arm, which was taken by Grendel’s mother
Chapter 9: Into the Fen
6. Name two examples of imagery from the description of the fen.
Stretched as far as the eye could see, dead land, birds not singing, the wind
was thin and moaning in the reeds, the sun was black and sere
7. Why doesn’t Beowulf want Hrothgar to go with him to find Grendel’s
Beowulf wants him to stay and protect his people because “a King’s place is
with his people”
8. Where does Beowulf ultimately go to find Grendel’s mother? Pick two
words describing this place that give off a feeling of disgust.
The pool that is filled with blood (the fen)
The pool stank of centuries of decay, scummy, bones, bleeding, and veins