Министерство здравоохранения и социального развития

Министерство здравоохранения
и социального развития Российской Федерации
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего
профессионального образования
Кафедра иностранных языков
Кузнецова О.В., Ковшило Д.Ф., Берзегова Л.Ю.
Утверждено Центральной методической комиссией лингвистических дисциплин
Москва 2009
К 89 УДК 802.0 (075.85)
ББК 81.2 p. 30+81.2 АНГЛ.-923
К-89 Кузнецова О.В., Ковшило Д.Ф., Берзегова Л.Ю. Методические разработки по
английскому языку для студентов I курса стоматологического факультета - М.: МГМСУ,
Корректура выполнена доц. Соломенцевой Л.Н.
Методические разработки предназначены для студентов 1 курса, продолжающих
изучение английского языка на стоматологическом факультете. Их цель - привить студентам
определенные навыки по технике перевода специальных текстов, а также развитие навыков
устной речи.
Данные методические разработки входят в состав комплексного пособия для студентов I
курса стоматологического факультета.
МГМСУ, 2007, 2009 (стереотипное издание) Кузнецова О. В., Ковшило Д.ф.,
Берзегова Л.Ю., 2009
-ist - суффикс существительного, обозначающего профессию
science - наука
Anatomy - анатомия
a scientist - ученый
an anatomist - анатом
1. Guess the meaning and translate:
- a physiologist
- a biologist
- a stomatologist
2.Translate the international words and the words of Latin origin:
a d o c t or a n d h i s p a t i e n t s
medicine and a medical man
3.You'll come across these word combinations in the text:
to enter the Institute
named after Semashko
to treat the patients
to take examinations
to attend lectures
a hearty attitude
to perform laboratory
поступить в институт
имени Семашко
лечить пациентов
сдавать экзамены
посещать лекции
сердечное отношение
выполнять лабораторные
4. Study the grammar-table Nos 1, 2, 3, 4.
5. Read the text and be able to answer the questions given below:
Many young people who care for medicine enter Medical Institutes and become students. We have
entered the Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute named after Semashko. For two years the students
learn the so-called pre-clinical subjects such as Anatomy, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Biology. We study the
social sciences and foreign languages. The medical students must work hard at all the subjects. They have
practical classes in numerous theoretical and special subjects. To be a medical student means to spend
afternoons in laboratories and evenings in the libraries. The students perform different laboratory works and
attend lectures.
Medicine is more than science. All the doctors always treat the patients with great attention and care.
Such a hearty attitude of the doctors to the patients helps much in their recovery.
We know that we shall need deep knowledge of Anatomy in our future work. Only hard work in the
dissecting room will give us the possibility to gain this knowledge. That is why there are always many
students in the dissecting room. There are two terms in the first year. Each of them lasts for about 16-18
weeks. At the end of the winter term we shall take examinations in Physics and Chemistry.
The winter holidays last from the end of January till the middle of February. It is necessary for us
to work hard during the whole academic year if we want to pass our first examination sess ion successfully.
1.What Institute must you enter if you want to become
2. What subjects do students study at a Medical Institute?
3. What is the most human profession in the world?
4. Who enteers Medical Institute?
5. Where do medical students work?
6. How must students study to be a doctor?
a stomatologist?
Ex. 1. Listen to the tape -recording of the text and prepare the reading of it.
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents: анатомия, предмет, лечить пациента, медицина, наука, пациент,
общественные науки, медицинский, стоматологический, лаборатория, здоровье, биология, химия, физиология,
сердечное отношение, думать, понимать, поступать в институт.
Ex. 3. Put the verbs to be, to have in the correct form:
1. My father ... a doctor. He ... many patients in a hospital.
2. We ... no books on chemistry.
3. He ... a student of a Medical Institute.
4. My grandmother ... 60 years old and she.. in good health.
5. My friend ... a large family.
6. We ... at the laboratory now.
7. We ... a good laboratory at our Institute.
8. I a stomatologist in five years.
Lesson 1
-able - суффикс, образующий прилагательные от глагола
подвергаться соответствующему действию"
to cure - вылечить
dis-, un-
curable - излечимый
префиксы, выражающие отрицание
to like - любить
real - реальный
to dislike - не любить
unreal - нереальный
1. Choose the right Russian equivalent:
1. съедобный
2. съедаемый
3. съестной
1. понятливый
2. понятный
3. понимающий
1. движущийся
2. движимый
3. двигательный
1. неприятный
2. неприятнейший
2 . Guess the mea ni ngs of the words :
to organize
- организовать
- вера
- способность
- приятный
- счастливый
- достигнутый
- рожденный
- кипяченый
to disorganize
3. Try to remember these word combinations before reading the text:
for the benefit of the sick
- ради блага больного
an oath
- клятва
to acquire the knowledge
- приобретать знания
to attend lectures on
- посещать занятия по
to treat patients
- лечить больных
со значением "способный
twice a year
to graduate from the Institute
a repeated visit
- два раза в год
- закончить институт
- повторное посещение
- взаимоотношения
4. Read the text and answer some questions given below:
"Into whatever house I may enter, I will go for the benefit of the sick," reads the physician's
2000-year-old Hippocratic oath and with it students begin their studies at medical Institutes and Medical
faculties of our country.
Th ere are man y Med i cal In s t i t u t es in Ru s s ia and i f yo u wi s h t o become a physician, a
stomatologist, a surgeon you must enter one of them. To acquire the necessary knowledge of th e
sturcture and functions of the human bod y the students have to dissect corpses and make experiments
on animals. They must also attend lectures on Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, Histology, Microbiology,
Surgery, social subjects, Latin and foreign languages.
With the knowledge acquired from books and laboratory work, the senior students are allowed
to treat patients. In the hospital wards they are taught how to examine patients and they may do physical
examinations on their own. Sometimes the students may ev en be asked to diagnose a difficult case.
After the 4th year the students must undertake a practical course during which they act as doctors'
assistants. Treating the same patients on their repeated visits he can learn the importance of good
doctor-patient relationship.
Twice a year in whiter and in spring time medical students must pass examinations. At the examination
students may get excellent, good or satisfactory marks. It is very disagreeable to get an unsatisfactory
mark, then the student must pass another examination in autumn. Those who study well get grants.
Aftere graduating from the Institute the undergraduate gets the diploma ins cri bed "Do cto ris in Arte
Medi ca" - "Fo r a Docto r i n th e A rt of Medicine." And with this diploma the undergraduate is n o more a
medical student, he becomes the life-time student of medicine.
1. What Institute must a person enter if he wishes to become a stomatologist?
2. What do students learn dissecting corpses?
3. What subjects are medical students taught?
4. What do senior students do during their practical work?
5. What marks may a student get at an examination?
Ex. 1. Listen
to the tape-recording of the text and be ready to read the text aloud.
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents:
проводить эксперименты, посещать лекции по, студенты старших курсов, клятва Гиппократа, поступать
в институт, закончить институт, лечить больных, делать физикальный осмотр, поставить диагноз,
повторное посещение, хорошие взаимоотношения между врачом и больным, сдать экзамены,
получать стипендию, выпускник.
Study Grammar-Table No. 4.
Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with the Modal verbs and their equivalents
Translate them:
1. … I see patient Ivanov? No, you … not, as all the patients are sleeping now
I ... to make this experiment twice.
Professor N ... speak English fluently.
In a short while we… … … to read medical texts without a dictionary.
You ... take this book if you like.
He said that he ... not be present at the meeting yesterday because he was ill
You ... air the wards there three times a day.
He ... perform this operation as he is an expert surgeon.
Every Soviet citizen ... get medical treatment free of charge.
You… … … to get a doctor's consultation on Friday.
Now you ... stay in bed, in a week you … to get up.
Nobody ... enter the operation room without the doctor's
Ex. 4. Translate:
Они должны были сдать экзамен вчера.
Если Вы хотите стать хорошим врачом, Вы должны много работать в больнице.
На 4-м курсе студенты-медики могут лечить больных сами.
Он должен был сдать этот экзамен дважды.
Можете вы перевести этот текст без словаря?
6. Студенты должны посещать лекции по различным предметам.
Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:
1. Medical students attend lectures ... Anatomy, Surgery, Biology, and other subjects.
My friend gets … … 7 o'clock every day.
She studied ... the Medical Institute last year.
We go ... the Institute ... bus.
Many students ... our Institute take part ... social life.
He attends the circle ... surgery.
Listen to the dialogue
A. Hello, haven't seen you for ages. I am very glad to see you. Where are you going to?
B. I am going home. I like to walk after a busy day at the Institute.
day begins
early. I always
o'clock. After
my morning
and breakfast 1 leave home for the Institute.
A. How long does it take you to get to the Institute?
B . A s I l i v e f a r f r o m t h e I n s t i t u t e I g o t h e r e b y b u s o r b y metro. It usually takes me an
hour to get there.
A . I s e e . A n d I l i v e n e a r t h e I n s t i t u t e . I o f t e n w a l k t o t h e Institute. I am never late. I
always come there in time. O u r c l a s s e s b e g i n a t 9 o ' c l o c k . E v e r y d a y w e h a v e l e s s o n s a n d
lectures on various subjects. I study Anatomy, Physics, Chemistry, Histology,
t h e H i s t o r y o f t h e Communist Party, foreign languages and others.
B. As a rule I also have three lectures or seminars a day. S o m e t i m e s I s t a y a t t h e
I n s t i t u t e t i l l 7 o ' c l o c k a s I have much social work to do. And what about you?
Institute. I am a member
of the circle of Biology. Durng our
making experiments and so on. Such meetings are proving to
be very useful.
B. When do you return home?
A. 1 come back home at 6 o'clock in the evening. After supper a nd a s h o r t r e st I
p r e p a r e m y l e s s o n s . T h e n I r e a d b o o k s or watch TV. At 11 o'clock 1 go to bed.
B . T h e s a m e wi t h m e . B u t s o m e t i m e s i f I h a v e t i m e I g o t o t h e c i n e m a o r t o t h e t h e a t r e . B y
t h e wa y , a r e y o u g o i n g t o d o anything tomorrow? Let's go to the cinema together.
A . O h , n o . A t 6 I ' l l b e m a k i n g a r e p o r t o n B i o l o g y . L e t ' s meet at 8.
B. All right. So long, see you tomorrow.
A. So long
Ex. 6. Listen to the dialogue once more. Take part in it.
(a) speak as B;
(b) speak as A.
Ex. 7. Put the verb "to be" in a correct form.
1. Where ... the patient lying?
2. My friends ... standing at the window.
3. Tom ... sitting in the back row.
4. We ... writing sentences now.
5. He ... making a report now at the conference.
6. What ... the girl reading?
7. ... you discussing his report?
8. I ... dissecting a corpse now.
9. The doctor ... examining a patient.
We ... working at the laboratory.
Ex. 8 . R ead t h e t ext as f as t as yo u can and gu es s th e mean i n g of t h e word "a hostel".
I am a medical student. I study at the Moscow Medical Stomatology Institute named after
Semashko. My working day begins earl y. Every m o r n i n g I g e t u p a t h a l f p a s t s e v e n . Fi r s t o f a l l I
d o m y m o r n i n g exerci ses, t hen I go to a b ath roo m where I wash and d ress. It doesn 't t ake m e l o n g.
In a q u a rt er o f an h o u r I am read y f o r b r ea kf as t . As a rule, I take a cup of tea or coffee with some
After breakfast I hurry to the Institute. I seldom go to the Institute by bus. I prefer the metro.
The lectures begin at 9 o'clock sharp. I am a fi rs t -year stud en t. Every d a y I h ave l ess ons and
l ectu res on variou s subjects. I study Anatomy, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, the His tory of the Communist
Party, English and Latin. The lessons and lectures are very interesting. Students learn a lot of new
things ever y da y. There are intervals between lectures. We are resting or go to the dining room to
have lunch.
When the lessons and lectures are over I usually go to the different laboratories of our Institute
where I carry out experiments and do my practical work. Sometimes I stay to prepare my lessons at the
reading hall or our Institute. I often visit the dissecting hall and study An atomy there. I usuall y h ave a
great deal of work to do.
I take an acti ve part in s ocial life. 1 am the komsomol organizer of our group. We attend
conferences and discussions which take place at our In s t i t u t e. A s I a m f ro m R o s t o v, I l i v e i n a h o s t el
wi t h m y f r i en d s . 1 co me b ac k t o t h e h o s t el i n t h e ev en i n g. I h a v e s u p p er a n d t h en I h a v e a short
S o m e t i m e s I g o t o t h e t h e a t r e o r t o t h e c i n e m a . I a l s o g o i n f o r sports and if I have some
free time I go to the skating -rink or to the swimming-pool. After a good rest I go to bed.
Ex. 9. Prepare the topics of your own:
1. My studies at the Institute.
2. My working day.
3. My first day at the Institute.
Ex. 10. Read the text and answer the questions:
Founder of Soviet stomatology, a famous scientist Alexander Ivanovich Evdokimov was born in a
peasant's family in 1883. He experienced a difficult life of a poor student. The Great October Socialist
Revolution made it possible to fulfil his dream to organize a stomatological service to the population in our
It was A.I. Evdokimov who founded stomatology departments and clinics in Voronezh (1932) and
Moscow (1934-1936). He created the basis of higher stomatological education in our country.
Being a professor he devoted more than 50 years to medical education and training the students in
dentistry. H e headed the d epartment of surgical dentistry in the Moscow Stomatology Institute and delivered
lectures not only to the students of this Institute but also to the dentists at the Central Medical Institute for
doctors advanced training.
His classification of inflammatory processes in oral cavity and their treatment are used in modern
textbooks on oral surgery now. His works on rehabilitation after maxillo-facial surgery are also well known.
During the Great Patriotic War A.I. Evdokimov worked at specialized departments and clinics of
military hospitals where soviet soldiers and officers with severe injuries to the jaws were treated.
A.I. Evdokimov was a great public figure. He took an active part in dif ferent congresses in
dentistry and was a worthy representative of the Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences. The soviet
government highly appreciated his activity and awarded him 4 orders of Lenin and the gold medal of the
Hero of Socialist Labour.
A.I. Evdokimov died in 1979 but thousands of his pupils continue to develop his research in
dentistry, the science he devoted all his life to.
was A. I. Evdokimov?
was he born?
medical service did he organize in our country?
works in dentistry was he famous for.
Lesson 2
-tion - суффикс, образующий существительные от глагола
to dictate- диктовать
a dictation - диктант
to combine- комбинировать
a combination - комбинация, сочетание
1. Guess the meanings and translate:
to contract
to dissect
to digest
to respire
to form
to correlate
to regulate
to constitute
to examine
- сокращаться
- препарировать
- переваривать
- дышать
- формироваться
- устанавливать соотношение
- регулировать
- составлять
- экзаменовать
a contraction
a dissection
a formation
a correlation
a regulation
a constitution
an examination
2.Translate the international words and the words of Latin origin:
a mus cl e a nd musc ular
a nerve and nervous
the respiratory system
the skeletal system
the organism and its structure
the structure and the functions
the elements of the muscular system
a cappillary
3. You'll come across these word combinations in the text:
to spend much time
to dissect corpses
skin layers
cells and tissues
in turn
the motive and supporting
to consist of
the mouth cavity
проводить много времени
препарировать трупы
кожный покров
клетки и ткани
в свою очередь
опорно-двигательный аппарат
состоять из
ротовая полость
4. Study grammar-table No. I on page 51
and make the grammar analysis of the following sentences. Translate
1. Tissues, combining in different proportions, form organs.
2. The organism is a single system consisting of cells, tissues and organs.
3. Organs, filling the body's chest and abdominal cavity and called "the viscera", belong to the
respiratory and the digestive system.
4. Made up of the brain, the spinal cord and nerves, the nervous
system regulate all the body's activities.
5. Read the text and answer the questions given below.
In this first year of a Medical Institute the medical student studies Anatomy, Phisiology, Biology.
The student spends much of his time in the anatomy hall. There he dissects corpses and learns Anatomy
beginning from the bone structure of the head to the skin layers of the foot.
The organism is a single system consisting of cells, tissues and organs. A cell is the simplest
element of the human body. A group of cells forms tissue, like muscle tissue or dental one.
Tissues, in turn, combining in different proportions and correlations, Form organs. A system is a
group of organs performing the same functions and having the same tissues. There are the following
systems in the human body: nervous, digestive, respiratory, vascular, skeletal, muscular, visceral and so
Made up of the brain, the spinal cord and nerves, the nervous system regulates all the body's
The digestive system consists of the alimentary tract starting from the mouth cavity.
Organs, filling the body's chest and abdominal cavity and called "the viscera", belong to the
respiratory and digestive systems. They together provide the body with food and oxygen.
Muscles making up 40 per cent of the body's weight are the elements of the muscular system.
Their function is contraction. The skeleton together with the muscles constitute the motive and supporting
The heart, blood vessels and capillaries are the elements of the vascular system which
covers some 600,000 miles of tubes carrying blood to every part of the body.
do medical students do in the anatomy hall?
does the human organism consist of?
do cells form?
are the elements of the motive and supporting apparatus?
Ex. 1. Listen to the tape -recording of the text and repeat sentence by sentence.
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents: изучать строение те ла человека, в ы п о л н я т ь ф ун к ц и я , к л е т к и и
т к а н и , з уб н ы е т к а н и , пищеварительная система, нервы, препарировать трупы, голова, слой
кожи, мышцы, грудная клетка, скелет, кровь, состоять из, обеспечивать кислородом, кровеносные
сосуды, ротовая полость, нервная система.
Ex. 3. Translate, paying attention to the attributes expressed by the Participles:
The organs having different structure but performing the same functions form an apparatus.
The organism is a single system made up of cells, tissues and organs.
The student dissecting a corpse is our monitor.
She looked happily at her saved son.
The digestive system consists of the alimentary tract starting in the mouth cavity.
In the abdominal cavity there are different organs called viscera.
There are 4 types of bones according to their shape: long, short, flat and irregular.
The motive and supporting apparatus made up of muscles and bones makes movement
Ex. 4. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:
When you (to enter) the Institute?
I (to work) in the anatomy theatre tomorrow.
The skeleton (to support) and (to protect) viscera.
Cells (to be) the simplest elements of the human body.
The respiratory system (to provide) the body with oxygen.
We (to study) the structure of the human body at the anatomy class yesterday.
Ex. 5. Translate:
1. На занятиях по анатомии студенты изучают строение человеческого тела, препарируя
2. Организм человека - это единая система, состоящая из клеток, тканей, органов.
3. Комбинируясь в различных пропорциях и соотношениях, ткани образуют органы.
4.Нервная система, состоящая из нервных клеток, регулирует деятельность человека.
Ex. 6. Answer the questions and check your answers:
1. What does Anatomy study?
2. What does the organism consist of?
3. What is the simplest element of the human body?
4. What does a system consist of?
5. What systems are there in the human body?
6. What is the function of the digestive system?
7. What organs are there in the chest?
8. What systems do the viscera belong to?
9. What is their function?
10. What are the elements of the muscular system?
11. What is the function of the muscles?
What are the elements of the vascular system?
Ex. 7. Find and show in the picture the following parts of the human body:
Head: the face, hair, the forehead, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the
chin, the cheek, the ears, the neck; Trunk: the chest, the stomach; Limbs:
the shoulder, the arm, the elbow, the hand, the finger, the leg, the
knee, the foot, the toe.
In t h e a d u l t t h e m u s c l e s f o r m a b o u t 3 5 % - 4 0 % o f t h e b o d y weight. All the muscles are
divided into the muscles of the trunk, head, and extremities.
s hort
mus cles
f or m
thre e
gr oups.
T he
l ong
(стремечковая) is the smallest muscle in the human body, form facial musculature.
The structure of the muscular fibers is differe nt in different groups of muscles. The muscles consist
of a mass of muscle cells. The muscular fibers are connected together by connective tissue.
Lesson 3
-ive - суффикс, образующий прилагательные от глагола
to digest- переваривать
digestive - пищеварительный
-ous - суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от существительных
a nerve - нерв
nervous - нервный
a skeleton - скелет
skeletal - скелетный
1. Guess the meanings of the adjectives and translate them:
to protect
to sense
to relate
a fibre
a face
a spine
- защищать
- чувствовать
- относить(ся)
- волокно
- лицо
- позвонок
- стоматология
- биология
protective sensitive relative fibrous facial spinal stomatological biological -
2. Translate the international words
and the words of Latin origin:
interior-internal; exterior-external; superior; posterior, lymphatic;
to be knit together
to be well saved
mechanical injuries
the periosteum
loose connective tissue
the junction
spongy substance
to be supplied with
a lower jaw bon
dried up
the movable jaw bone
the spinal column
- быть соединенным
a membrane; compact substance; the
- быть хорошо защищенным
- механические повреждения
- надкостница
- рыхлая соединительная ткань
- соединение
- губчатое вещество
- быть снабженным ч/л
- нижняя челюстная кость
- высохший
- особенно
- подвижная челюстная кость
- позвоночный столб
4. Study grammar -table No. 2. on page 52 and make the grammar analysis of these sentences. Translate them:
The bony structure of the body is called the skeleton.
The bones are knit together by fibrous tissues.
The nervous system is saved by the skull.
Each bone is supplied with nerves.
5. Read the text and answer the questions given below.
The bony structure of the body is called the skeleton (from the Greek word meaning "dried up").
The skeleton consists of 206 bones of various shapes and sizes. The bones are knit together by fibrous
tissues. The fibrous junction between two bones is called a joint.
The functions of the skeleton are those of support, movement and protection. The protective
function of the skeleton is especially seen in the skull, the spinal column and the chest. The central
nervous system, the heart, the lungs and other organs are well saved from external mechanical injuries.
A bone is structurally a complex organ. The greater part of a bone consists of bony tissue
formed of compact and spongy bony substance. Except for the tooth enamel bone is the hardest tissue
in the body.
Each bone is supplied with nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels. Bones have an outer layer called
the periosteum. The periosteum is a fibrous membrane which has two layers - the external performing a
protective function and the internal one with many nerve fibres and blood vessels.
The bony structure of the head and face is called the skull. I t consists o f 2 3 b o ne s. T h e mai n
p art s are t h e cr a n i u m i n wh i c h t h e b rai n i s well saved and the facial skeleton with the movable
lower jaw bone. The lower jaw bone called the mandible enables man to talk and eat.
The main bones of the face are the mandible , two upper jaw bones, two malar, two nasal, two
lacrimal, two palate bones. All of these bones except the mandible are closely knit together.
1. What is the skeleton?
How many bones does the skeleton consist of?
What is the function of the skeleton?
What is the hardest tissue in the body?
Where are the heart and the lungs situated?
What bones of the face do you know?
Ex. 1. Listen to the tape-recording of the text and repeat sentence by sentence after the speaker.
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents: механическое повреждение, волокнистая ткань, защитная функция,
центральная нервная система, лицевая часть, нижняя челюсть, надкостница, мозг, сердце и
легкие, внешний и внутренний, верхний и нижний.
Ex. 3. State the tense form of the Predicate and translate:
The musculo-skeletal system is made up of bones, muscles and joints.
Bones are classified as long, short, flat and irregular.
All the muscles' contractions are controlled by the br ain.
We were asked about our work.
The corpse was dissected by one of the students.
New cells are formed by division of old ones. This process is called mitosis,
This work will be done b y John.
The blood analysis was made yesterday.
Medical students are taught Physiology.
The body is made up of 60 trillion cells that join together forming tissues.
Ex. 4. Give the correct forms:
The books (to bring) tomorrow.
The experiment (to make) two weeks ago.
Vitamins (to give to) the child.
The body (to consist of) cells, tissues and organs.
Bones (to knit) together by joints.
The brain (to protect) by the skull.
The bones (to cover) by the periosteum.
Ex. 5. Translate into English:
Внешний слой, покрывающий кость, называется надкостницей.
Каждая кость снабжена кровеносными сосудами и нервами.
Защитная функция выполняется наружным слоем надкостницы.
Об этом эксперименте много говорили.
5. Органы человеческого тела состоят
тканей, скомбинированных в различных
Ex. 6. Answer the following questions and check your answers:
1. What is the bony structure of the body called?
2. What is the bony structure of the head called?
3. What functions does a joint perform?
4. What are the functions of the skeleton?
5. What is the brain saved by the skull from?
6. What organ is a bone?
7. What does a bone consist of?
8. What is a bone covered with?
9. What are the main parts of the skull?
10. What bones of the face do you know?
11. What bone of the face is movable?
Ex. 7. Translate the text without a dictionary:
Man's skeleton was formed more than million years ago. The skeleton is a tower of bones knit
together b y j oints so that man can run, j ump and bend. 206 bones protect the vital organs from injuries.
The skeleton performs functions of support, movement and protection. The supporting function consists in
supporting all the organs and giving the body a definite form and position. The skeleton, together
with the muscles, constitute the motive apparatus.
The human skeleton may be divided into the skeleton of the trunk, upper extremities, lower
extremities and the skull.
The bony part of the head is called the cranium or skull. The skull has a cavity which contains
the brain. The bones of the skull form the mouth and nasal cavities. In the mout h cavity there are
accessory organs of the digestive system
The main part of the head and face is called the skull. The skull is composed of twenty -six
bones. These bones form two basic parts of the skull, that is, facial and cranial parts.
The bones of the skull are connected with the cervical vertebrae. The b o n e s o f t h e s k u l l a r e c o n n e c t e d
t o g e t h e r s o f i r m l y ( крепко) that it is very difficult to separate them.
Th e b o n es o f t h e s ku l l f o r m o n e l a r ge c a vi t y an d s o me s ma l l e r c avities. The large cavity is
called the cranial cavity. The brain is in the c ranial cavity. One of the smaller cavities is the oral cavity
and the other is t he cavit y of th e no se. Th e o ther two cavit i es are th e o rb it s. Th e eyeballs are in the
Lesson 4
-er, -or - суффикс, образующий существительные
to read - читать
a reader - читатель
to teach - учить
a teacher - учитель
1. Guess the meanings and translate:
to retain
to regulate
to examine
to think
to dress
- удерживать
- регулировать
- экзаменовать
- думать
-перевязывать рану
a retainer a regulator an examiner a thinker a dresser –
2. Learn the names of the inner organs of the human body
1 the neck
2 the laryngx
3 the trachea
4 the shoulder
5 the aorta
6 the heart
7 the diaphragm
8 the stomach
9 the spleen
10. the bowels
11. the appendix
12 the colon
13 the liver
14 the ribs
15 the lungs
16 the upper
- шея
- гортань
- трахея
- плечо
- аорта
- сердце
- диафрагма
- желудок
- кишечник
- слепая кишка
- толстая кишка
- печень
- ребра
- легкие
- верхняя полая вена
vena cava
3. Translate the words of Latin and Greek origin:
the alimentary canal, reservoir, to mix, secretion, to concentrate, process, to contain, accessory organs,
the pancreas, the peritoneum, the duodenum, the parotid glands, submaxillary, sublingual, the gallbladder.
4. Read the text and be able to answer some questions:
The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and accessory organs. The alimentary canal
is formed by the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, small intestine, stomach, large intestine and rectum. The
accessory structures are th e t eeth, ton gue, s ali vary gl and s, hard an d sof t p alat es , li ver, gallbladder
and pancreas.
The layers of the alimentary tract (from within outward) are mucous, submucous, muscular and
serous. The organs of the digestive s ystem c o n t a i n ed i n t h e ab d o m e n a r e co ve r e d w i t h t h e s e r o u s
c o a t - t h e peritoneum.
The mouth is the first division of the alimentary tract. Important structures of the mouth are
the tongue, which contains the end organ for tas t e, and th e teet h w hi ch di vid e and mi x t he food.
Th ere are t wo s ets of teeth: first - the deciduous or mil k teeth, and later - the permanent teeth. The
esophagus conveys food from the pharynx to the stomach. The stomach is a dilated portion of the
alimentary canal lying in t he upper abdomen just under the diaphragm. The 5 million or more glands
in its walls secrete about 3 quarts of gastric j uice a day. Th e stomach is a retaining and mixing
reservoir jn which the process of digestion continues. The small intestine is a thin -walled muscular tube
about 7 metres long.
The large intestine is about 1.5 metres long.
The glands that pour secretions into the ali mentary canal are the salivary glands in the
mouth, and the liver and gallbladder and pancreas in the abdominal cavity. The large salivary glands
consist of the parotid, submaxillary and sublingual ones. They supply water, ferments and mucus to the
food which is ground up by the teeth.
Th e li ver i s the larges t gl and in th e bod y. It s ecret es bi le and has many other important
functions. The gallbladder is attached to the under s u rf ace of th e l i ver. It co n cen t rat es t h e b i l e. Th e
p an creas i s a lo n g slender organ. The bile and pancreatic ducts empty into the duodenum.
What is the first division of the alimentary tract?
What does the digestive system consist of?
What salivary glands are there in the body?
What gland is the largest one in the body?
Where does stomach lie?
What sets of teeth are there?
Ex. 1. Listen to the tape-recording of the text and be ready to read the text aloud.
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents:
вспомогательные органы, дробить и перемешивать пищу, пищевод, расширенная часть,
секретировать, молочные зубы, околоушные железы, постоянные зубы, слюнные железы,
снабжать водой и ферментами, концентрировать желчь, брюшная полость.
Ex. 3. Choose the correct form of the verb. Translate:
1. The digestive system (forms, formed, is formed) by the alimentary canal and accessory organs.
2. The organs contained in the abdomen(cover, covered, are covered) with the serous layer.
3. The food (mix, is mixed, mixed) by the teeth.
4. The food (conveys, is conveyed conveyed) from the pharynx to the stomach by the esophagus.
5. The gallbladder (attaches, is attached, attached) tо the under surface of the liver.
Ex. 4. Translate:
1. Пищеварительный канал образуется ртом гортанью, пищеводом,
желудком, малым кишечником и
прямой кишкой.
2. Органы пищеварительной системы, содержащиеся в брюшной полости, покрыты серозной оболочкой.
3. Слюнные железы обеспечивают водой, ферментами и слизью пищу, которая перемалывается зубами.
4. Вода, снабжающая тело, регулируется слюнными железами.
5. Органы в брюшной полости покрыты брюшиной.
Ex. 5. Answer the following questions and check your answers:
Where does the alimentary canal begin?
What is the alimentary canal formed by?
What is the first division of the alimentary canal?
What are the important structures of the mouth?
Where does the stomach lie?
What glands that pour secretions into the alimentary canal do you know?
What do the large salivary glands consist of?
What is the largest gland of the body?
Where do the bile and pancreatic ducts empty into?
Ex. 6. Listen to the text and answer the question: "How does the food get to the cella?"
Wh at h ap p ens t o t h e f oo d w e eat ? Ho w d o es i t get t o t h e cel l s ? First, the food goes into the
digestive tract The food enters your body b y the mouth. Then it goes do wn the esophagus, a tube between your
mouth and your stomach. Then, it goes into your stomach, a big pouch at the top of your abdomen. Then, more
tubes, over twenty feet of them -your small intestine and your large intestine. But your food doesn't go along
unchanged. When it comes into your body, the food is made up of millions and millions of big molecules held
together in chunks. While the chunks are broken up physically by the teeth and the contraction of the stomach and
intestines, the big molecules are broken up chemically by the digestive juices. From big protein molecules come
somewhat smaller molecules of aminoacids; from fats come fatty acids and glycerine and from carbohydrates like the
starches come the simple sugars. The whole process of physical and chemical break-down is called digestion.
Ex. 7. Answer these questions and check your answers:
Where does the food go into first?
How does the food enter your body?
Does the food go along unchanged or not?
What process is called digestion?
What are the food chunks broken up physically by?
How do the digestive juices effect the food chunks?
What transformation do big protein molecules undergo in the stomach and intestines ?
Lesson 5
-ic - суффикс, образующий прилагательные от существительных
science - наука
scientific - научный
1. Guess the meaning and translate:
anatomya microscope
- anatomic
- microscopic
- therapeutic
- physiologic
- orthopaedic
2. Translate the international words and the words of Latin origin:
oral, dental arch, periodontal, to practice medicine, orthopaedy, membrane, microscopic structure,
3. You'll come across these words and word combinations in the text:
dental surgery
at the same time
to describe
to deal with
a living being
a gum
- зубоврачебная хирургия
- одновременно
- описывать
- обращаться, иметь дело с к/л, ч/л
- живое существо
- десна
4. Read the text and be able to answer some questions:
Medicine is a science and an art at the same time. Its aim is to treat (cure) and recognize
different diseases. To get the necessary knowledge, the medical students have to study various branches
of medical science. They attend lectures on Anatomy, Histology, Biology, Physiolo gy, Microbiology,
Biochemistry, Pharmacology, and other subjects.
At the Stomatology institutes the students of the senior years attend lectures on special subjects,
for example: on dental surgery (stomatological surgery), dental therapy (stomatological therapy),
orthopaedy, general surgery, pathological physiology and anatomy.
Anatomy is the science or branch of knowledge that deals with the parts and structure of
human or animal bodies. Anatomy of man describes the structure of the human body.
Physiology is the science of the functions or actions of living organisms in their gross
or minute structures. Physiology seeks out and tells what each part of the body does. In other words:
Anatomy discloses what is present,. Physiology tells how it works (functions). Pathology explains
why it doesn't work (diseases), Histology or Microscopic Anatomy is the science which
deals with microscopic structure of animal tissues. Biology is the science of life, the study
of living beings. Stomatology is the science which deals with human teeth, gums, dental arches,
mucous, fibrous and periodontal membranes of the oral cavity. The knowledge of the structure
and functions of the human organism is necessary to those who practice medicine. In order to
knowledge in various fields of medicine, medical students attend lectures of their professors, they dissect
corpses, animals, examine organic tissues under the microscope, and make experiments on aminals.
One who devotes himself to science and pursues studies in some branches of knowledge is a
scientist. A professor is one who publicly teaches and delivers lectures on any branch of science. Those
who attend lectures at a university or an institute are students. A physician is a medical man who
treats and cures diseases.
1. Is medicine a science and an art at the same time?
2.What does Anatomy describe? '
3.What does Physiology seek out?
4.What science deals with human teeth?
5.Who treats patients?
Ex. I. Listen to the tape-recording of the text and prepare the fast reading of it.
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents:
лечение и распознавание болезней, приобретать знания, отрасли медицинской науки, посещать
лекции, биохимия, фармакология, стоматологическая хирургия, ортопедия, иметь дело с чем-либо,
ставить опыты на животных.
Ex. 3. Choose the correct form of the verb and translate:
1. The students (attend, are attended) lectures on Anatomy every day.
2. The structure of the human body (is described, describes) in the text-book of Anatomy.
3. Eight experiments (were made, made, was made) by these students yesterday.
4. This professor (delivers, is delivered, delivered) lectures on Biology.
5. This dangerous disease (was recognized, were recognized) by the physician some days ago.
Ex. 4. Translate from Russian:
Те студенты, которые посещают лекции регулярно, сдают экзамены успешно.
Эта лекция по гистологии была прочитана на высоком научном уровне.
Он был врачом несколько лет назад, а теперь занимается только наукой.
Стоматология имеет дело с зубами человека, деснами, слизистой, фиброзной
периодонтальными оболочками ротовой полости.
5. Эти опыты будут сделаны студентами завтра.
Ex. 5.
Answer the following questions and check your answers:
What is medicine?
What is the aim of medicine?
How do the students acquire the necessary knowledge of medicine?
What lectures do the students of the senior years of Stomatology Institutes attend?
What does Histology deal with?
What is Physiology?
What does Stomatology deal with?
Who is a physician?
Lesson 6
1. Guess the meanings of the words of Latin and Greek origin:
the incisors, the canines, the molars, the premolars, a tubercle , lateral, medial, substance, a foramen, to
be composed of, anterior, posterior.
2. Study the pictures and name the dental structures of the tooth and its parts:
Parts of the Tooth:
1. a crown
1.the enamel
2. a neck
2. the dentine
3. a gum
3. the cement
3. a root
4. the pulp
3. While reading the text pay your attention to the use of the
Infinitive as attribute: give the correct translation of them.
The first deciduous tooth to erupt is one of the incisors.
The first permanent tooth to erupt is one of the molars.
4. Listen to the tape-recording of the text and be ready to read the text aloud.
There are two sets of teeth: the deciduous or milk teeth and
permanent ones.
Th e deci duous teet h are 20 in nu mb er 5 on each s ide of th e upp er and the lower jaw, namely:
2 incisors, 1 canine, and 2 molars. There are 32 adult or permanent teeth: 8 on each side above and
below namely: 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, and 3 molars.
Each t o o th i s d i vi d ed i n to a cro wn ab o ve t h e l evel o f t h e gu m, a neck surrounded by the
gum, and a root or roots embedded in the jaw.
The crowns are chisel-shaped in incisor teeth, peg-shaped in canine teeth, have two tubercles in
premolar teeth; have several tubercles in molar teeth. The upper teeth usuall y form a wider arch than the
lower teeth and therefore overlap them.
Each root tapers to a point. The roots of the incisors, canine, premolar teeth are single. Each upper
molar has three roots - two lateral and one medial, each lower molar has two roots: anterior and posterior.
The bulk of each tooth is composed of an exceedingl y hard substance called dentine. The crown is
covered with a thin layer of a still harder substance called enamel. The root is covered with a modified bone
called cement
In the interior of each tooth there is a cavity called the pulp cavity, which contains vessels and
nerves. The vessels and nerves enter the tooth through a foramen at the tip of each root.
The first deciduous tooth to erupt is one of the incisors and it should appear about six months after
birth; all milk teeth should have appeared by the end of the second year. The first permanent tooth to
erupt is one of the first molars and it should appear during the sixth year.
By the twelfth year all the permanent teeth should have erupted except the third molar, which
appears at the time between 17 an d 30.
Ex. 1. Give English equivalents:
временные зубы, постоянные зубы, появляться, прорезываться, резцы, клыки, коронка,
шейка, десна, корень, бугорок, отверстие, вещество дентин, цемент, эмаль, перекрывать.
Ex. 2. Choose the correct form of the verb:
1. The first permanent teeth (will appear, appeared, are appearing, appear) at six.
2. Each tooth (was divided, will be divided, is divided) into three parts: a crown, a neck, a root.
3. The roots of teeth (are embedded, were embedded, will be embedded) in the sockets of the
4. The upper teeth usually (are formed, form, will form) a wider arch therefore overlap the lower
5. The bulk of each tooth (compose, is composed, will compose) of an exceedingly hard substance
called dentine.
6. Many new stomatological clinics (are building, built, are being built) in our city now.
Ex. 3. Give the correct form of the Predicate:
1. The crown of a tooth (to be covered) with the enamel.
2. The deciduous teeth (to be replaced).
3. Your teeth (to be examined) by this dentist
4. Some medicine (to be given) by the nurse.
5. A bad tooth (to be extracted) by the surgeon.
Ex. 4. Listen to the tape-recording of the text "Teeth" and be ready to answer some questions.
The teeth are implanted on the borders of the upper and lower j aw b o n e s . Th e j a w b o n e s a re
c o v e r e d w i t h a t i s s u e k n o w n a s t h e g u m , which encircles the lower portion of each tooth. Two sets
of teeth are d evelop ed durin g l ife. Th e fi rst s et is t he mil k or bab y t eet h. Th es e develop shortl y
after the seventh month usuall y and are lost during childhood, when the second set of teeth or the
permanent ones appear. The teeth differ from each other in form and hence in their usage. The front
teeth, or the incisors, are sharp and serve for cutting and tearing. Th e b ack t eet h h ave l arge b as es o r
cro wn s u t i l i zed i n gri n d i ng an d crushing the food.
A t o o th co ns i s t s of t h ree p art s - t h e cro wn , th e n eck an d t h e roo t . The too th it self is
co mpos ed of a h a rd out er co verin g su rround in g th e central pulp cavity which contains a blood vessel
and a nerve. The outer covering consists of a very firm hard substance, the enamel. This is the protective
covering of the teeth. Beneath this is dentine, a softer and less resistant material than the enamel. When the
enamel is broken the dentine soon suffers.
Ex. 6. Answer the following questions and check your answers:
Where are the teeth implanted on?
What tissue covers the jaw bones?
How man y sets of teeth are there d uring life?
What are they?
What is the function of the incisors?
What is the function of the molars?
What does a tooth consist of?
What dental tissues do you know?
Lesson 7
-sub - префикс, указывающий на положение ниже чего-либо
lingual - язычный
sublingual - подъязычный
1.Guess the meanings and translate:
- группа
- деление
- челюстной
- нижнечелюстной
- кожный
- сознание
- структура
- заголовок
subgroup subdivision submaxillary submandibular subcutaneous subconscious subnormal substructure subtitle -
2. Try to remember these word combinations before reading the text:
to be subjected to
the prime organs
alveolar ridges
to be invested
to pour saliva
to extend
dentition -
- подвергаться
- главные органы
- альвеолярные отростки
- смачивание слюной
- глотание
- быть погруженным
- изливать слюну
- простираться
ряд зубов
3. Look at the picture and show the accessory organs of the digestive system:
1 the gum
2 the tongue
3 the sublingual glands
4 the lips
5 the incisors
6 the canines
7 the premolars
8 the molars
9 the wisdom tooth
4. Read the text and be ready to answer some questions:
The mouth is an oval-shaped cavity situated at the beginning of the alimentary canal. In the
mouth there are the teeth, tongue, and alveolar ridges, invested by the gum. The secreti ons of the
parotid, submaxillary and sublingual glands are poured into the mouth cavity and in it the food is
subjected to the processes of mastication and insalivation previous to deglutition. The teeth are the
prime organs of masticati on, and are implanted in the alveolar cavities.
A tooth is composed of four distinct structures:
1. The pulp occupying the chamber in the crown.
2. The dentine which constitutes the bulk of the organ.
3. The enamel which forms the protection of the crown.
4. The cementum which covers the root.
The teeth of the first dentition are termed deciduous or temporary teeth.
The temporary teeth are replaced by the permanent teeth. The anatomical divisions of a tooth
1. the crown or exposed part situated above the gum;
2. the root occupying the alveolar cavity of the socket;
3. the neck which is between the crown and the root.
The temporary teeth are twenty in number, ten in each jaw, namely: four incisors, two canines
and four molars.
The permanent teeth are thirty two in number, sixteen to each jaw, namel y: incis ors - four,
canines - two, premolars - four, molars - six. The third or last molar is called the wisdom tooth.
The incisors occupy the anterior central part of each maxillary arch. The function of this class
of teeth is to cut the food.
The canine teeth are situated next to the incisors, two to each jaw. These teeth are for tearing
the food.
The premolars, four to each jaw, are next to the canine teeth. They have two distinct cusps on
their surfaces.
The molars occupy the posterior part of the alveolar arch and are six on each jaw. The function
of the premolars and molars is to grind the food during mastication.
What sets of teeth do you know?
How many deciduous teeth are there on each jaw?
How many permanent teeth are there on each jaw?
Where is the mouth situated?
What classes of teeth are there?
Ex. 1. Listen to the tape-recording of the text and prepare the fast reading of it.
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents:
овально-очерченная полость, секреция, жевание, ячейка, челюстная дуга, бугорок, разрезать
пищу, первый ряд зубов, глотание, подвергаться, размалывать пищу.
1. The mouth cavity is situated ... the beginning ... the alimentary canal.
2. The tongue, teeth and the alveolar ridges are ... the mouth cavity.
3. The teeth are the prime organs ... mastication.
4. The enamel forms the covering and protection ... the crown.
5. The incisor teeth are used ... cutting the food.
6. The premolars have two distinct cusps ... their grinding surfaces.
Ex. 3 Give the correct forms of the verbs.
1. The patient (to examine) by the doctor tomorrow.
2. The teeth (to implant) in the jaw bones.
3. The roots of the upper wisdom tooth (to unite ) form one root.
4. We (to ask) by our professor to diagnose the case.
5. The food (to grind) during mastication by the teeth.
6. The secretion (to pour) by salivary glands.
Ex. .4 Translate the text without a dictionary:
The mouth is a part of the digest ive system. There are the teeth, tongue, and salivary glands in the
mouth. The cavit y of the mouth is divided into two portions: the vestibule and the cavit y proper. The
vestibule of the mouth is a space bounded by the lips and cheeks. The lips and cheeks contain the
mimic muscles. The oral cavity proper is bounded by the hard and soft palates. The hard palate separates
the oral cavity from the nasal cavity. The mucous membrane covers the lips, and cheeks to the alveolar
processes of the jaws. In the mouth the food is ground by the teeth and mixed with water, mucous and
other secretions of the salivary glands. Saliva has the direct influence on the teeth and provides an
optimal level of metabolic activity in the body. There are many salivary glands in the mo uth; three
principal pairs are recognized: the sublingual glands, submaxillary glands and parotids. The salivary glands
regulate the water supply of the body.
Ex. 5. Answer the questions and check your answers:
What organs are there in the mouth cavity?
What does the mucous membrane cover?
3. What place do the molars (canines, incisors) occupy in the mouth cavity?
Lesson 8
- суффикс, образующий прилагательные со значением "способный на ч/л"
to form - образовывать formative - образовательный
to talk
- разговаривать talkative - разговорчивый
1. Choose the right Russian equivalent:
1. Выраженный
2. выражаемый
3. выразительный
1. решенный
2. решительный
3. решающий
1. соединительный
2. соединенный
3. соединяемый
1. направляющий
2. направляемый
3. направленный
2. Translate the international words and the words of Latin and Greek origin:
a function, to protect, substance, the gingiva, a process, compact, the characteristic form, implanted,
friction, tactile.
3. You'll come across these word combinations in the text:
dental tissues
- зубные ткани
supporting tissues
- поддерживающие ткани
exposed tissues
- незащищенные ткани
to wear
- носить, изнашивать(ся)
to resemble
- напоминать
beyond the border
- выше границы (над границей)
- количество
to overlap
- перекрывать
to fasten
- прикреплять
suspensory mechanism
- поддерживающий механизм
to give rise to smth.
- дать начало ч.-л.
4. Read the text and be able to answer some questions.
The human teeth are made up of four tissues: the enamel, the dentine, the cementum and the pulp.
Th e enamel i s th e wh it e, co mp act and very h ard subs t ance. Th e enamel covers the exposed
parts of the softer underlying dentine. Its function is to protect the tooth against the wear and friction.
The dentine is the chief substance or tissue of the teeth comp osing the bulk of the tooth and the
characteristic form of the tooth. It surrounds the tooth pulp, and is covered by the enamel on the
exposed part of the tooth and by the cementum on the part implanted in the jaw. The dentine resembles a
bone, but is harder and denser.
The cementum closel y resembles in structure an ordinary bone. It covers the dentine beyond
the border of the enamel, overlapping it slightly at the gingival line and forming the surface of the root. Its
function is to furnish the attachment of the fibres of the periodontal membrane which fastens the tooth to
the bone.
The cementum is relatively small in amount in the child but it increases during life.
The pulp is the soft vascular tissue occupying the pulp chamber and th e ro o t can al s of a tooth ,
co mpos ed of n erves , blood vess el s an d connective tissue. It is the remain of the formative organ which
has given rise to the dentine. The pulp of the tooth is one of the most sensitive structures of the body.
The human teeth are
supported on the alveolar and supporting bones,
the periodontal membrane
and the gingivae. The alveolar processes of the
maxillary bones grow up
around the roots of the teeth, so that the roots
periodo ntal
(a) it maintains the
teeth in their functional positions through its
suspensory mechanisms;
(b ) it t akes p art in the format ion of th e bon e of it s o wn al veo lar walls and of the cementum;
(c) it provides through its tactile sensory mechanisms, for protection against the swallowing of hard, sharp
and potentially dangerous materials.
1. What dental tissues do you know?
What is the enamel?
What is the chief tissue of the teeth?
Where does the cementum cover the dentine?
What is the most sensitive structure of the body?
Does the periodontal membrane support the teeth against the forces
of mastication?
Ex. 1. Listen to the tape-recording of the text and prepare the reading o f it.
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents:
зубные ткани, поддерживающие ткани, защищать, изнашивать, трение, незащищенные ткани, по
десневой линии, над границей, перекрывать, поддерживающий механизм, защита, альвеолярные
отростки, осязательный, образовательный.
Ex. 3. Supply the correct form of the Participle:
1. The cases (to report) in the medical journals show that the inflammation of periosteum may be
very serious.
2. To woman (to sit) at the patient's bed is a demist and she wants to examine his teeth.
3. (To have) severe toothache, the patient asks the doctor to give him some soothing medicine.
4. This patient (to place) under treatment early enough avoided the inflammation of periosteum.
(To suffer) from severe toothaches one must seek medical advice.
Ex. 4. Translate, using the necessary form of the Participle:
Дентин - это твердая зубная ткань, составляющая основу зуба.
Пульпа - это мягкая ткань, заполняющая центральную полость дентина.
Так как у вас стоматит, вы не должны курить.
4. Зубы человека, состоящие из 4-х тканей, располагаются на альвеолярных отростках челюстных
Ex. 5. Answer the following questions and check your answers:
1. What are the human teeth made up of?
2. What does the enamel cover?
3. What is the function of the enamel?
4. What does the dentine compose?
5. What does the cementum cover?
6. What is the function of the cementum?
7. What is the pulp?
8. What are the human teeth supported on?
9. What are the functions of the periodonta) membrane?
Ex. 6. Translate the text without a dictionary.
The cement is the layer of a modified bone which encases the whole of the tooth except its
crown. It begins at the neck as a very thin layer which slightly overlaps the enamel. From there it is
continued increasing in amount towards the apex, which is formed entirely of this substance. It is relatively,
small in amount in children, but it increases during life.
The pulp of the tooth is composed of a number of branched fibrous tissue ceils. Their processes
form a fine network, which contains numerous blood-vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels. The most superficial of
these cells are arranged in the young tooth, lying on the surface of the tooth against the destine; they are
known as odontoblasts for t hey are active in the formation of the dentine.
The vessels of the tooth-pulp are numerous. Fine nerve bundles run through the pulp, the root
canals towards the crown of the tooth and some of their fibres enter the odontoblasts Sayer. The
alveolar periosteum is a layer of fibrous tissue free from elastic fibre but well supplied both with blood
vessels and nerves.
Ex. 7. Answer these questions and check your answers:
What does the cement encase?
Where does the cement begin?
Ex. 8.
Is the cement small in amount in children?
What do the processes of the pulp form?
What are odontoblasts?
What is the alveolar periosteum?
Speak on the dental tissues and their functions using the picture below.
Lesson 9
-ly - суффикс, образующий наречие
deep - глубокий
deeply – глубоко
1. Guess the meaning of the adverbs and translate them:
- anteriorly
- posteriorly
- namely
- vertically
- widely
- loudly
- quickly
- badly
- happily
.- carefully
2. Translate the words of Latin origin:
the canine fossa, the orbit, a depression, internal, external, the first bicuspid teeth, tuberosity, to
perforate, to occupy, a pyramid.
3. Make the Grammar analysis of the following sentences. Translate them:
1. The superior maxillary bones, being knit together on the median line of the face, are of very
irregular form.
2. The facial surface is directed forwards, the lower border being more protruded than the upper
3. Being perforated by small holes the posterior surface transmits nerves and blood vessels to the
molar teeth.
4. Pay your attention to these
word combinations:
- основание глазницы
- носовая полость
- принимать участие в
- подобно
bound, boundary
- ограничивать, граница
the floor of the orbit
the nares
to enter into the formation
something like
5. Study the picture.
1the nasal notch
2 the infra-orbital foramen
3 the median line
4 the facial surface
5 the zygomalic process
6 the infra-orbital surface
7 the orbital surface
8 the canine fossa
9 the frontal process
10 the alviolar arches
6. Read the text and be ready to answer some questions:
The bones of the face consisting of the mandible and the superior maxillary bones form much
of the anterior portion of the face. The superior maxillary bones are closely knit together except the
mandible which is movable. The superior maxillary bones, being knit together on the median line of
the face, are two in number, and of very irregular form.
They occup y the anterior upper part of the face and consist o f a
the mouth and the nares.
T he b od y is the ce ntr al p art o f the b o ne. T he bo d y is shap ed something like a pyramid
and exhibits four surfaces, namely: the external or facial, the posterior or zygomatic, the superior or
orbital and the internal or palatine.
The facial surface is directed forwards and vertically, the lower border being more protruded
than the upper one. This surface presents a depression just above the canine and the first bicuspid
teeth. It is called the canine fossa. Above the canine fossa, there is the infra-orbital foramen for the
nerve of the same name.
The zygomatic surface is situated posteriorly forming the anterior boundary of the zygomatic
fossa. Between it and the facial surface there is a well-developed ridge extending from the molar
region to the base of the zygomatic process.
The posterior surface has a bulging called tuberosity. It is connected with the palate bones and
bounds the antrum behind. Being perforated by three or four small holes the posterior surface transmits
nerves and blood vessels to the molar teeth.
The orbital surface of the superior maxillae forms the greater part of the floor of the orbit.
What are the main bones of the face?
What bone is movable?
What bones are knit together?
Where are the superior maxillary bones situated?
Where is the canine fossa situated?
Ex. 1. Listen to the tape-recording of the text and prepare the fast reading of it.
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents:
углубление, быть просверленным, хорошо развитый гребень, лицевая поверхность кости,
инфра-орбитальное отверстие, основание глазницы, небная поверхность, зубной канал,
отросток, нижняя челюсть.
Ex. 3. Translate, paying attention to the Participles and their functions:
1. Being the central part of the superior maxillae the body has four surfaces.
2. Knowing English, you will be able to read and translate English articles on medicine in
the riginal.
3. The depression called "the canine fossa" is situated above the canine teeth.
4. A bulging of the posterior surface being connected with the palate bones bounds the antrum
5. The child having a high temperature refused to take food till evening.
6. Acquiring the knowledge of the structure and functions of the human body, the medical
students learn how to recognize diseases.
7. The body of the superior maxillary bones being shaped like a pyramid, has four surfaces.
8. There is a well developed ridge between the zygomatic fossa and the facial surface.
9. Undertaking a practical course medical students act as doctors' assistants.
10. Everything done, we went home.
Ex. 4. Insert the necessary word:
The superior maxillary bones are of a very ... form.
The bod y is the ... part of the bone.
teeth called ……
There is the ... foramen for the nerve of she same name.
The posterior surface transmits ... and ......... to the molar teeth,
Ex. 5. Answer the questions and check your answers:
How many superior maxillary bones are there?
Where are the superior maxillary bones knit together?
What part of the face do they occupy?
What do they consist of?
What cavities do the superior maxillary bones form?
What is the central part of the bone?
What form has the body?
How many surfaces has the body?
What surface has the canine fossa?
10. Where is the infra-orbital foramen situated?
11. What is there on the posterior surface?
Ex. 6. Read the text "The Maxillary Bones" and answer the question: "What surface has the infraorbital groove?"
The superior maxillary bo nes b y their union form the arch of the upper j aw and each bone
presents for examination a body and four processes, e.g. zygomatic, frontal, alveolar and palatal.
The superior maxillary bones are the largest of the face except the mandible.
The body is the central part of the bone and has four surfaces.
Th e ext ernal s urf ace is i rregul arl y co n vex and has th e so cal l ed "canine fossa".
The nasal surface forms the lateral boundary of the nasal cavity.
At the lower aspect of the zygomatic surface there is the "maxillary tuberosity" and the posterior
dental vessels and nerves enter the bone.
The superior face of th e bone has the infra -orbital groove, which, passing forwards, becomes
canalised and divided into two branches, one terminating in the infra-orbital foramen; whilst the smaller
branch transmits the anterior dental nerves and vessels to the front teeth of th e upper jaw.
Lesson 10
Listen to the following words and word combinations and learn their meanings before reading the text:
a pair of rami, a coronoid process, a condyloid process, to surmount, a consti icted part, a symphysis
menti, an outer surface, convex, concave.
2. Study the picture and remember the following expressions:
1.the condyloid process
-мыщелковый отросток;
2. the mandibular notch
- нижне-челюстная вырезка;
3. the coronoid process
-венечный отросток;
4. the mandibular foramen
-нижне-челюстное отверстие;
5. the upper border of the mandible
-верхняя граница нижней челюсти;
6. the lower border of the mandible
-нижняя граница нижней челюсти;
7. the mental foramen
-подбородочное отверстие;
8. the outer surface of the mandible
-внешняя поверхность нижней челюсти;
9. the inner surface of the mandible
-внутренняя поверхность нижней челюсти.
Pay your attention to the use of the Complex Subject in these sentences.
Translate them:
The upper part is known to be called the
The lower border is known to be the base of
Read the text and be ready to answer some questions:
The mandible lies below the anterior part of the cranium and is the skeleto n o f the lo wer part
of the face. It has the bod y and a pair of flat, broad rami, which stand up from the posterior part of
the body.
Each ramus is surmounted by two processes: the anterior is named the coronoid process, and the
posterior is the condyloid one. The condyloid process has an articular part called the head.
The right and
halves of the body of the
a re
the second
year. Each half of the b ody o f the
mandib le has an o uter
inner surface and an upper and a lower border. The surfaces
slope so that the lower border makes a wider arch than the upper border.
The upper pan is known to be called the alveolar part because it is occupied by a row of
alveoli, those are the sockets for the teeth. On each side the sockets for the two incisors, the canine
and two premolars are single but for the three molars are double, for each mandibular molar has two
roots: anterior and posterior. The lower border is known to be the base of the mandible. The outer
surface is slightly convex, but has a depression alongside the symphysis below the incisor teeth. The
mental foramen is seen on the outer surface of the mandible. The inner surface is convex and
concave at different parts. There is a shallow depression called the submandibular fossa.
The mandibular foramen leads into a canal whic h runs in the substance of the bone and carries
the vessels and nerves for the teeth.
The mandible is the only bone of the face which has movement. The temporamandibular joint is
known to make a wide range of mandibular motion. This joint consists of two j oints on either side of
the mandible, which articulates with temporal bones on either side of the head. The mandible serves
as the attachment of the elevator muscles which consist of the masseter, temporal and internal pterygoid
What is the mandible?
What parts does the mandible consist off
What part is called the alveolar one?
What bone of the face has movement?
Ex. I. Listen to the text and prepare the fast reading of it.
Ex. 2. Give English equivalents;
передний, задний, верхний, нижний, ветвь, отростки, венечный отросток, суставный отросток,
наружная поверхность, внутренняя поверхность, соединение, подбородочный шов, отверстие,
объединять, подъязычная ямка,
Ex. 3. Choose the necessary preposition.
The head of the condilyloid process is supported neck.
The ramiare united together ... fibrous tissue ... birth
The mental foramen is seen ... outer surface of the mandible.
The upper part is occupied ... a row alveoli.
The alveoli are the sockets ... the teeth.
The mandible has a pair ... broad rami.
The mandibular foramen leads ... a canal which carries the vessels and nerves ... the teeth.
by, at, on, in, with, from, for, of, into
Ex, 4.
Translate paying attention to the Complex Subject.
The mandible is known to be the largest bone of the face.
The cement is known to be a modified bone.
The symphysis is said to be the junction of two rami.
The doctor is expected to come at fi ve.
The great Russian physiologists Sechenov and Pavlov are known
basic principles of the physiology of the nervous system.
Ex. 5. Translate.
Нижняя челюсть является самой большой костью лица.
Каждая ветвь нижней челюсти увенчена двумя отростками:
суставным и венечным.
Суставной отросток имеет галовку.
Нижняя граница является основанием челюсти.
Верхняя часть нижней челюсти называется альвеолярной
Ех 6. Answer the questions and check your answers:
Where does the mandible lie?
How many processes is each ramus surmounted by?
What is the junction of the two halves of the mandibie called?
What is the base of the mandible?
5. What parts has the condyloid process?
Lesson 11
Moscow is the capital of Russia its political, economic , commercial and cultural centre. It was founded 8
centuries ago by PrinceYuri Dolgoruky. Historians have accepted the year of 1147 as the start of Moscow's history.
Gradually the city became more and more powerful. In the 13th century Moscow was the centre of the struggle of
Russian lands for the liberation from the tartar yoke. In the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible Moscow became the
capital of the new united state. Though Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1 7 12 . Moscow
remained the heart of Russia. That is why it became the main target of Napoleon's attack. Three-quarters of the city
was destroyed by fire during Napoleo n's occupation but by the mid -19th century Moscow had been completely
restored. After the October revolution Moscow became the capital again.
Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about nine
Kremlin). The population of the city is over 12 million , plus some three million guests
coming annually.
Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. It has more
historic associations than any other place in Moscow. On the territory of the Kremlin you can sее old cathedrals , the
Bell Tower of Ivan the Great the Palace of Congresses , the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell.
There are a lot of beautiful palaces old mansions, cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow. This year
marks a significant national event for Muscovites and all Russian citizens - the jubilee celebration of Moscow's 850th
anniversary. In 1994 the jubilee was approved by Presidential decree. Since then an intensive and widespread
programme of restoration has enabled a rebirth for the City of Moscow. The recriation of the magnificent Christ the
Saviour Cathedral is in full swing. Red Square's Kazansky Cathedral, Voskresenskv Gate and the Iverskaya Chapel
have been restored. The majestic Monument of Victory on Poklonnava Hill has added to the capital's beauty.
Across the city, churches, theatres , railway terminals anu monuments o f history. Culture and architecture have
been renovated in preparation for this sigatificant and historical year.
Moscow is famous for its museums and theatres. Ther e are more than museums in Moscow. The largest
museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. The Tretyakov Art Gallery has the
richest collection of Russian and Soviet fine arts. Its 50 rooms are hung with pictures of marvelous beauty.
Other unique museums in Moscow include the All-Russian Museum of Folk Arts the Andrei Rublev Museum of Early
Russian Art , Alexei Bakhrushin Theatre Museum Mikhail Glinka Museum of Musical Culture and many others.
There are many theatres in Moscow The Bolshoi Theatre enjoys the greates popularity. Grand and majestic building
is a masterpiece of Moscow classicism. It s history is part of the history of Russian operatic and ballet art.
F.Chaliapin . L .Sobinov. and many other famous singers appeared on its stage. The Bolshoi Ballet has won world
The Maly Theatre is just as famous. It had its first season m 1824. Having gained f ame with its productions of
plays by Griboyedov, Gogol and Ostrovsky the theatre continues to play an outstanding part in Russian's cultural
life. Drama theatres and studios are also very popular
Moscow is the seat of the Russian Parliament (the Duma) and the centre of political life of the country.
Moscow is the city of students. There are over 80 higher educational institutions in it, including several universities.
to accept [ək'sept]принимать, допускать
tartar yoke [ta:tə 'jouk ]татарское иго
target [ta:git]мишень, цель, объект
to restore [ris't'ə]реставрировать, восстанавливать
masterpiece [ma:stə pi:s]шедевр
mansion [manʃn] особняк
unique [ju:'ni:k]уникальный, единственный в своем роде
studio студия, театр-студия
grand [grænd]величественный
classicism классицизм
higher educational institution высшее учебное заведение
jubilee ['dʒu:bili:]юбилей
Ivan the Terrible [aivn ʓ'teibl]Иван Грозный
Napoleon [nə'pouliən] Наполеон
the Tzar-Cannon [za:(tsa:)'kænən] Царь-пушка
the Tzar-Bell [za:(tsa:)'bel] Царь-колокол
Kazan [kə'zæn] Казань
the Christ [kraist] Saviour [seivjə] Cathedral - храм Христа Спасителя
When was Moscow founder?
Who was the founder of Moscow?
Is there a monument to Yuri Dolgoroky in Moscow? Where is it?
When did Moscow become the capital?
In 1712 the capital war moved to St.Petersburg , wasn't it?
When did Moscow become the capital again?
Was ancient MOSCOW a big city? What's the total area of modern Moscow?
What's the population of Moscow ?
What places of inters in the centre of Moscow do you know?
What can you see on the territory of the Kremlin?
What are the most famous Moscow museums?
What theatres in Moscow do you know?
What is thus year famous for?
What is your favorite place in Moscow?
It was more than 800 year ago that a wooden fortress was built on the bank of the Moskva River on the orders of
Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The citadel was not big , occupying less than one-twentieth of the Kremlin's present area. Some twenty
years after its construction the Kremlin was destroyed by flames during an attack launched by the Prince of Ryazan. But the
Moscovites (Muscovites) rapidly built a new fortress.
In the 13th century Moscow was badly damaged by Tartar-Mongol invaders. In the middle of the 14th century
Moscow became the capital of the great principality under Prince Ivan the Third. The period from 1485 to 1495 saw the
appearance of Kremlin walls stretching for over two thousand metres and twenty magnificent towers.
Each century has left its trace in the Kremlin. St..Basil's Cathedral was built in the 16th century in memory of the
victory over Kazan, It is the masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture. There is a legend that Ivan the Terrible blinded
the architects Barma and Postnik , because he didn't want them to create another masterpiece. During the Northern War in the
beginning of the 18th century , bastions and moats were built around the Kremlin walls. Forty years later, a palace was
erected for Czarina Yelizaveta to the design of Bartolomeo Rastrelli. In 1788 architect M.Kazakov built the magnificent Senate.
The Kremlin is famous for its beautiful cathedrals. The Cathedral of the Assumption is the most outstanding of the
Kremlin's oldest structures. It was built by Russian masters under the guidance of Rodolfo Fioravanti. This cathedral
was Russian's main church where coronations of Russian czars took place , important governmental acts were announced and
solemn ceremonies were performed.
In the 15th century Pskov builders erected the Cathedral of the Annunciation , one of the best Kremlin structures. The
cathedral's old frescoes enjoy world fame. They were painted by Russian's outstanding artists Theophanes the Greek ,
Andrei Rubfcv and Prokhor from Gorodets.
The Archangel Cathedral was built later than all others (1505-1509) This cathedral was the resting place of the
Moscow princes and czars (until the time of Peter the Great). Ivan the Terrible and his sons were buried in this cathedral.
The oldest interment is the tomb of Prince Ivan Kalita.
The most outstanding of the 16th - 17th century stone structures is the group of belfries dominated by the Ivan the
Great Bell Tower . The Bell Tower united into a single whole both the ensemble of Cathedral Square and the entire Kremlin
ensemble. Moreover , it was the tallest structure in Moscow.
Red Square , the main square in Moscow and Russia , is spreading at the eastern walls of the Kremlin. It changed its
name more than once over the centuries. In the chronicle dated 1434 it is called Market Place. After the devastating fire of
1493 it become known as Fire. In the 16th century it was called Trinity Square and in the 1660s the epithet "red" was
conferred on it. In Old Russian "red"meant "handsome", "the best", "the main".
On Red Square there is a remarkable monument of loth century known as St.Basil's Cathedral. In front of the
Cathedral is the monument to Minin and Pozharsky. This is the first sculptural monument in Moscow.
The Kremlin is situated in the very heart of the city on an elevated bank of the Moskva River. Its majestic walls and
towers , palaces and gold-domed white stone cathedrals attract numerous tourists from our country and abroad and make
an unforgettable impression.
principality [prinsi'pæliti] княжество legend [ leʤand] легенда
to blind [ blaind] ослепить
bastion [bæstiən]бастион
moat [ məut] ров с водой
solemn [sɔləm] торжественный ceremony [ 'serimə ni] церемония fresco['freskəu]фреска
interment [ in'ta :mə nt] погребение , захоронение
tomb [ tu:m] могила
belfry [ 'belfri] колокольня , башня
ensemble [ a:n'sa:mbl] фр,- ансамбль
Devastating fire [ 'devəstesteitin] разрушительный , опустошающий огонь
St. Basil's Cathedral [sənt 'bæzlz koθi:drel] собор Василия Блаженного Barma [ bə'ma:] and Postnik [ 'poustnik] Барм а и
the Cathedral of the Assumption Успенский собор
the Cathedral of the Annunciation Благовещенский собор
the Archangel ( a:keinʤəl] Cathedral Архангельский собор
Trinity Square ['triniti skweə] Троицкая площадь
When was the Moscow Kremlin founded?
When did Moscow become the capital of the great principality?
What do you know about St.Basil's Cathedral?
When was the Cathedral of the Annunciation erected?
What is the oldest cathedral in the Kremlin?
Where is the Kremlin situated?
What do you know about Red Square?
When was the present name conferred on Red Square?
Lesson 12
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two
large islands. Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244,000 square kilometres
The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London,
Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and does not include Northern
Ireland But in every day speech "Great Britain" is used to mean the United Kingdom
The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The Western coast of
Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea
The surface of the British Isles varies very much The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands, white the
south, which has beautiful valleys and plains-is called the Lowlands The north and the west of England are mountainous, but all the
rest - east, centre and south-east - is a vast plain Mountains are not very high Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain (1343
There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long The Severn is the longest river, .while the Thames is the
deepest and the most important one.
The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles. It is mild the
whole year round, but very changeable. That is why it is natural for the English to use the comparison "as changeable as the
weather" of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something.
The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or
when it rains all day long. The most unpleasant aspect of English weather is fog and smog. This is extremely bad in big cities and
especially in London
The UK is one of the world's smaller countries Its population is over 57 million About 80% of the population is urban.
The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of
machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding
The UK is a constitutional monarchy 1л law, the Head of State is the Queen, but her power is limited. The country is ruled
by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers the House of Lords
and the House of Commons
There are three main political panics in Great Britain the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties The Conservative party is
the ruling рапу nowadays.
respectively [ri spektivli] соответственно vast [va:st] огромный
mountainous ['mauntinəs] гористый
plain [plein] равнина
urban [ə:bən]городской
to rule [ru:l] управлять
parliament [pa:ləmənt] парламент chamber [tʃembə] палата
the British Isles [ailz] Британские острова Edinburgh [edinbərə] Эдинбург
Cardiff [ka:dif] Кардифф
Belfast [bel'fa:st] Белфаст
Highlands [haiəndz] гористая часть
Ben Nevis [ben nevis] Бен Невис
the Severn [sevən] Северн
The Thames [temz] Темза
The UK is an island stale, isn't it? Where is it situated?
What countries is the UK made of? What are their capitals?
The surface of the British Isles varies very much, doesn't it?
What is the north of Scotland called? What is the south of Scotland called?
What is the highest mountain in Scotland?
What is the deepest river in Great Britain?
Why is the climate of the British Isles mild?
What comparison do the English use when want to describe a person whose mood and opinion changes very often?
How often does it rain m England?
Is the UK large country?
What is the UK's population?
The UK is a highly developed industrial country. What does it produce and export?
The UК is a constitutional monarchy. What does u mean?
(additional reading)
The first settlers in Britain belonged to the Celtic tribes which, before their arrival in Britain had spread over what is now Germany.
France and Spam These first Celtic invaders are known as the Goidels and their language survives m some parts of Ireland and Scotland
About two centuries later a new wave of Celtic tribes known аз Britons landed on the shores of Britain. In 55 В. С. Julius Caesar landed
with his troops on the shores of Britain then Britain was conquered by Rome Their rule over Britain lasted for about four centuries During
this period a considerable part of the land was cleared for cultivation, many new towns grew up and 3 number of forts were built
Britain now a Roman province was frequently troubled by the Picts and Scots But in the fifth century other enemies appeared. These
were Germanic tribes the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes.
The isolation of the .Angles, the Saxons and Jutes from the continental Germanic tribes actually led to the formation of the
English nationality. The dialects of these tribes had so much in common that the tribes could easily understand each other,
and they called this common language "Englisc" (English).
The time of the invasion of Britain by the Angles, Saxons and Jutes is considered to be the real beginning of the
history of the English language
tribe [traib] племя
invader [in veidə] завоеватель
Goidels [gɔidels] гойделн
Celtic [ keltik] кельтский
the Angles [æŋgləs]англы
the Saxons [sæks(ə)ns] саксы
the Jutes [ʤu:ts] юты
isolation [aiso leiʃən] изоляция invasion [in veiʒən] вторжение
London is the capital of Great Britain, it's political, economic and commercial centre U is one of the largest cities in the world
and the largest city in Europe Us population is about 8 million.
London is one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world, more then twenty centuries old It was first mentioned by the
Romans The Romans, the Saxons and the Danes sealed here in turn, and after them came the Normans With the passing years London
continued to grow up in importance and its position as the seat of government was firmly secured London has buildings that express all
the different areas of its history, for it manages in a unique way to reflect its past and at the same time to fulfil the functions of a modem,
Traditionally it is divided into several pans the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End They are very different from
each other and seem to belong to different towns end epochs.
The heart of London is the City, its financial and business centre Numerous banks, offices and firms are situated there, including
the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the Old Bailey Few people live here, but over a million people come to the City to work
There are some famous ancient buildings within the City Perhaps the most striking of them is St Paul's Cathedral the greatest of English
churches. It was built in the 17-th century by Sir Christofer Wren. It stands on a hill and the gold ball and cross at the top can be seen on a
fire day from almost any spot of London The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by WiUiam the
Conqueror He built it right at the gates of the City to keep the unruly Londoners in tear Later the kings began to use it as a royal
residence They used to spend a night before coronation there Now it is a museum
Westminster is the historic, the governmental part of London
Westminster Abbey has more historic associations than any other building in Britain Nearly all English kings and queens have been
crowned here The Oldest pan of the building dates back to the 8-th century, the abbey is famous for its architecture, some of the
monuments and tombs are decorated with gold and precious metals. Many outstanding
statesmen, scientists, writers, poets and painters are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Chaucer,
Dickens, Tennyson, Kipling, etc.
Across the road from Westminster Abbey is the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower of the
Houses of Parliament is famous for its big hour bell, known as "Big Ben"
Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.
The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London It is the symbol of wealth and luxury The best hotels, shops,
restaurants, clubs and theatres are situated there There are splendid houses and lovely gardens belonging to wealthy people.
Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar
in 1805 The tail Nelson's Column stands in the middle of the square.
On the north side of Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery Not far away is the British Museum the biggest museum in London. It contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures, etc, and is famous for its library
As we know the name of the West End is associated with wealth white the East End is "the hands of London", which have created the
brightness and wealth of the West End. It is the poorest district of London There are a lot of factories, workshops and docks here The
streets are narrow, !he buildings are unimpressive. The East End is densely populated by working class families
Londoners love traditions and it is considered that London has preserved them to a greater extent than anv other city in England Also
the traditions associated with royal events attract many tourists into the country, thus bringing currency Their love of traditions can be
observed in practically all aspects of life and behavior.
commercial [kə mə:ʃəl] торговый
epoch [i:pɔk] эпоха
financial [fai nænʃel]финансовый
to crown [kraun] короновать
to bury [beri] хоронить
wealth [welθ] богатство
luxury роскошь
priceless [ praislis] бесценный
manuscript [ mænjuskript] рукопись
to be famous for [ feiməs] быть знаменитым , славиться
unimpressive невпечатляюший, невыразительный
densely [densl] густо
the Stock Exchange [stɔks't ʃeindʓ] Лондонская фондовая биржа
the Old Bailey [ beili] Центральный УГОЛОВНЫЙ суд в Олд-Бейли
St Paul's Cathedral [sənt pɔ:lz kə θi:drəl] собор св.Павла (главный собор английской церкви)
Sir Christoter Wren [' sə: kristəfə ren] Кристофер Peн
Julius Caesar [dʒu:liəs si:zə] Юлий Цезарь
Willial the Conqueror [kɔŋkərə]Вильгельм Завоеватель, Вильгельм 1 (первый король из норманнов в Англии)
Westminster Abbey [ westmninstə æbi] Вестминстерское аббатство
Buckingham Palace Букингемскнй Дворец (главная королевская резиденция в Лондоне)
Trafalgar Square [trəfælge skweə] Трафальгарская площадь
1 What is the capital of Great Britain?
2 What is the population of London?
3 Traditionally London is divided into several pans Can you name them0
4 What do you know about the City?
5 Who was St Paul's Cathedral built by?
6. Who founded the Tower of London? When was it rebuilt?
7 What is the historic, the governmental part of London?
8 What building has more historic associations than any other building in London?
9. What is Big Ben?
10 Can you describe Trafalgar Square?
11 Where do the working people of London live?
12. What are the most famous London museums and art galleries?
Oxford University Science courses (medicine)
Medicine at Oxford
It is a special and important feature of the Oxford course that you must take an honours degree In theory this may be taken in any
subject, but in practice the subject that fits in most conveniently with medical studies is Physiological Sciences By pursuing Physiology and
related subjects to Honours level, you gain an insight into the scientific study of bodily functions in health and disease, and become familiar
with techniques used in medical research Exceptionally, you may choose another Honour School instead, such as PPP (Psychology,
Philosophy .Physiology - of which Psychology and Physiology are usually taken) If you elect to take an Honour School other than
Physiological Sciences, you will usually be required to devote an extra year to your preclinical work The usual length of the medical course
for then who do both their preclinical and clinical training at Oxford is five years and ten months
Before starting the course, a student must have a good knowledge of science. The University provides Qualifying Examinations in
Zoology and in Chemistry and Physics for exceptional candidates accepted with incomplete qualifications in these subjects These
examinations are taken, if necessary, during the first term of the preclinical course.
The Medical School is required by the Higher Education Funding Council to limit tin number of overseas medical students to seven
each year Overseas candidates must be available for interview in the December preceding the proposed year of entry All medical students are
required to undertake BCG. Rubella and Hepatitis В vaccination prior to entry. In the case of Hepatitis В freedom from carrier status must be
demonstrated; failing that, the course cannot be entered.
The Course
The preclinical course begins in October and normally lasts for three yean (nine terms) It consists during the first three terms of
courses of study leading to examinations in Part I of the first BM Examination in (a) "Morphology, Reproduction and Development"
which covers the gross and microscopical anatomy of the human body and the reproductive and developmental processes, (b)
"Physiology and Pharmacology" which deals with the basic physiology of the human body, and (c) "Biochemistry1' which covers the bask
biochemistry, structure and function of ceils and micro-organisms and includes an introduction to genetics You follow a couse
Elementary Statistics in the first year
During the fourth and fifth terms you take integrated courses m (a) "Systems of the Body" concentrating on the overall
physiological, pharmacological, and endocrinological control of the body processes, (b) "Neural, Behavioural, and Neuroendocrine
Systems" which includes neuroanatomy, neurophysjotogy, neuropharmacology, neuroeodocrinology, and physiology, and (c)
"Pathology and Medical Genetics" which explores the basic mechanisms underlying disease processes, microbial pathogenicity and body
defence, and the application of genetic anasysis to human disease. You should be aware that some practical studies involving living
animal tissue are an obligatory component of the course At the end of this tune Part II of the First BM Examination is taken You may
also take a course and Qualifying Examination in Medical Sociology. Thisis compulsory if you wish to go to other medical schools for
your clinical training, most (e.g Cambridge and London, but not Oxford) require this qualification. Throughout the course the syllabus is
based on a new, clinically related core defining essential knowledge
After the First BM four further terms are usually spent in study at a more advanced level leading to the Honour School of
Physiological Sciences During this period there is opportunity to specialize, since you may choose a combination of subjects which
particularly interest you. You will be required to take a general paper in Physiological Sciences You may also present a dissertation
based on either experimental work or library studyof one written paper m the Final Examination. A wide range of dissertation subjects is
offered in many University and hospital departments.
All students apply to the clinical school of their choice during their final preclinical year The Oxford Clinical School selects its
annual intake of 104 students by open competition amongst applicants with Honours degrees from Oxford and other preclinical schools
Typically, just over half of our students remain in Oxford, and there are sufficient places for the remainder in clinical schools
elsewhere The few students who are not successful in their initial clinical applications are considered in a "clearing" exercise by Oxford.
Cambridge, and the London schools. Although the Oxford Clinicaldoes not guarantee admission to Oxford preclinical students, the
selection procedure normally ensures that all find clinical places somewhere and the Medical School makes every effort to achieve this
The Clinical School is centred on the John Radcliffe Hospital, with teaching and research also carried out in general and
specialist units at the other Oxford hospitals Opportunities are also provided for clinical experience to be obtained in district general
hospitals within and outside the Oxford region. On the successful completion of the course you qualify for the degrees of Bachelor of
Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (BM BCh) and. when the degrees have been conferred, you are eligible for provisional registration by
the General Medical Council as a medical practitioner
Travelling to all comers of the world gas easier and easier We live in a global village, but how well do we know and understand
each other?
When the European Community began to increase in size, several guidebooks appeared giving advice on international etiquette
At first many people trough this was a joke, especially the British, who seemed to assume that the widespread understanding of their
language meant a corresponding understanding of English customs. Very soon they had to change their ideas, as they realized that they
had a lot to learn about how to behave with their foreign friends
One of the most striking features of English life is the self-discipline and courtesy of people of аи classes. There is little noisy
behaviour, and practically no loud disputing in the street. People do not rush excitedly for seats is buses or trains, but take their seats in
queues at bus stops in a quiet and orderly manner.
Englishmen are naturally polite and never tired of saying "Thank you," I’m sorry, "Beg your pardon." If you follow anyone who
is entering a building or a room, he will hold a door open for you. Many foreigners have commented on the remarkable politeness of the
English people.
English people don't like displaying their emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations, and ordinary people seem to remain
good-tempered and cheerful under difficulties.
The Englishman does not like any boasting or showing off in manners, dress and speech. Sometimes he conceals his knowledge, a
linguist, for example, may not mention his undemanding of a foreign language
The Englishman prefers his own house to an apartment in a block of flats, because he doesn’t wish his doing to be overlooked by
his neighbours "An Englishman's house is his castle"
Many Englishmen are very good to their wives at home. They help their wives in many ways They clean the windows when they
are at home on Saturday afternoon. They often wash up the dishes after supper in the evening.
Sunday is a very quiet day in London. All the shops are dosed, and so are the theatres and most of the cinemas. Londoners like to
get out of town on Sundays. The sea is not far -only fifty or sixty miles away and people like to go down to the sea in summer or
somewhere to the country for skiing in water
courtesy [kə:təsi] вежливость
rush спешка
queue [kju ] очередь
jump the queue проходить без очереди
good-tempered добродушный, уравновешенный
boast | хвастаться
conceal [kən si:l] скрывать
etiquette ['etiket] этикет
assume [ə sju: m] допускать, предполагать