History * Emergence of Third World Nations: Have these nations

* Emergence of Third World Nations: Have these nations moved past their third world
status yet?
* Stages of Human Evolution: A study of the evolution from ape to human.
* The Rise of Feminism: Does feminism still exist?
* Popular Female World Leaders: How did women shape the countries they ruled?
* The Benefits of Recycling: Should recycling be mandatory?
* Aroma makes Food more Flavorful: What is the connection between smell and taste?
* Children and Healthy Eating: How healthy is the food children eat? Are children only
consuming unhealthy school lunches?
Human Interests
* Why Hobbies are Important: The effect of hobbies on personality development.
* Education Specialization at a Young Age: Should students be able to choose what they
want to study at a younger age?
* The Rising Popularity of Vegetarianism: Why is everyone becoming a vegetarian?
* How Peer Pressure Affects Us: The positive and negative impact of peer pressure.
* Using Cell Phones in School: Should cell phones be banned in schools?
Media and Literature
* Underlying Themes in Roald Dahl's Books: Comparison of three works of Roald Dahl, a
popular author of children's fiction.
* Learning from Animation Movies: Do animation movies also impart wisdom?
* Making a Career in Music: Are parents ready to accept such a career choice?
* Advertising for Children: Does it work? What is the impact of advertising on children?
* The Harry Potter Mania: Will other fantasy books ever live up to the mania created by
the Harry Potter series?
National Zoos in The United States - San Diego Zoo, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Oakland Zoo,
Structure of Cells and Microscopes
pH of Acids, Bases, and Soils
History of the Periodic Table
Facts About Chicken
Early America
French, American, and Russian Revolution
Facts About Dinos
Math Games and Puzzles
Famous Children Books
Solar System and Nine Planets
Rocks and Fossil fuels
Killer Whales and Sharks
Facts about America
NASA and Hubble Telescope
Is there Water on Mars?
Hurricanes and Weather of America
Internet Usage By Kids
Cartoons and Animation Movies
Child Labor and Child Exploitation
Learning disabilities and Intelligence Tests
All about Dreams
Sex Education
No Child Left Behind
Distance Education
Standardized Tests
Literacy in America
Global Warming
Internet and the Piracy World
Ethics in Stem Cell Research
Cloning - A Boon or Bane
Are Genetically Modified Foods Healthy?
Is Lottery System Good for the Economy?
Is Over Dependence on Technology Dangerous?
Pornography and Law
Should Capital Punishment be Abolished?
Should Sexual and Violent Content on the Television be Regulated?
Should Laws for Juvenile and Adults be the Same?
Should Cigarette Smoking be Banned at Public Places?
Are CEOs paid too much for their works?
Should America Cut its Defense Budget?
Is College Education Becoming Too Competitive?
Do Schools Kill Creativity?
Do We Need a Health Care Reform?
The Politics of Oil and the Middle East
Internet and Privacy
Illegal Immigration
Banning Performance Enhancing Drugs from Sports
Famous American Novelists
Growth of Children's Literature in America
Contemporary Hollywood Movies
Various Genres in Cinema
Italian Renaissance and its Impact on World
Print Media and its Effectiveness in Modern World
Advertising Ethics in the Current World
Will Power Enhancement Techniques
Placebo Effect
Post-Traumatic Stress
Effective Therapies For Depression
The Psychology of Creativity
Connection Between Happiness and Focused Immersive Mental States
The Correlation Between Money and Happiness
Fostering Creativity in Children
The Impact of Parenting Styles
The Makings of a Healthy Relationship
Developing Better Teaching/Learning Techniques
Effect of Peer Pressure on Decision-Making
Stress and Its Effects On Individuals
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
Motivation Techniques
Memory Formation in the Human Brain
Evolution of the Human Brain
Visual Image Processing in the Brain
Impact of Meditation Techniques on the Brain
How Does 'Awareness' Arise?
Language Acquisition in Children
Gender Roles In a Family/Society
Media & Effect of Unequal Information Distribution in Society
Effects of Unemployment
Social Welfare Pros and Cons
Anatomy of Power Distribution in Society
History Research Topics
History of Modern Naval Warfare
Expansion of the Roman Empire
Study of Inca Civilization
Legacy of the Vikings
Evolution of the Modern Superpowers
Rise and Fall of USSR
World War II and the End of Colonization
China: Rising Giant in World Politics
Evolution of the Stock Exchange Through the Centuries