Department for Education December 2011 What is the evidence on technology supported learning? This research note reports the international and domestic evidence on technology in supporting learning in schools, including how technology is used in learning and the impact that it has on students’ attainment. Key findings Young peoples use of digital technology In the UK, use of technology at home varies by age and gender; younger people favour games and creative activities, older girls tend to favour communication and older boys game-playing. Research from the US has found that digital media allows a style of learning that is more interactive and participatory and technology enables young people to learn in peer driven groups. The use of technology in schools Evidence suggests interactive white boards (IWBs) can foster a more interactive style of whole class teaching through features that encourage student participation in this setting, through the use of touch-sensitive screens. Learning platforms are being used across schools to successfully support or transform existing practice in a variety of ways including enhancing data management and communication. For example, tracking learners behaviour and attendance, enabling teachers to share resources and keeping parents/carers informed and involved in their child’s learning. Technology promotes school to school collaboration. In the ‘Dissolving Boundaries’ programme schools use online programmes, wikis1 and Moodle2 for between school collaboration. This has led to improved literacy, oracy, ICT and communication skills. Evidence suggests that the use audience response systems (ARS) generally improve student outcomes such as exam scores and student comprehension. One of the main benefits of ARS is that it can deliver frequent formative assessment in the classroom. Self- paced learning (SPL) with ARS allows able students to work at a faster pace and does not pressure struggling students. Using SPL with ARS has a significant impact on student’s scores. Information and communications technology (ICT) is utilised by teachers for lesson planning, student assessment, recording student progress and communicating with parents and delivering lessons. School- wide planning is improved with the use of ICT. This is because ICT makes administration accessible to wider groups through a web interface; school records are more easily maintained, 1 Wikis are online collaborative areas which allow anyone with access to contribute to and edit the online-workspace 2 Moodle (abbreviation for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free source e-learning software platform, also known as a Course Management System 1 Department for Education December 2011 exchanged and updated. Emerging technologies Cloud computing, and collaborative environments have been adopted in part in schools, but are not yet used to their full potential. It has become common for schools to use cloud-based applications to manage calendars, rosters, grade books, and communication between school and home. Collaborative environments allow students who are in separate locations to work together. Evidence suggests that video games support learning and increase student motivation. The use of games and interactive simulations in teaching improves cognitive outcomes in comparison to traditional methods. There is some evidence to suggest that computer games improve learning. The impact of ICT on attainment It is difficult to establish causality of ICT on attainment due to the number of variables that are impossible to control for in a school environment. However two of the largest studies in the UK looking at ICT’s impact on attainment (the ImpaCT study and the Test bed project) have found there are statistically significant positive relationships between the use of ICT and achievement in mathematics, English and science. The availability of a computer at home is significantly positively associated with Key Stage 4 (KS4) test scores. The length of time students are taught with IWBs is a major factor in student attainment across core subjects at KS2. International evidence Evidence from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) shows that the length of time students have been using computers is correlated with their performance in mathematics. A large-scale experimental study by the US Department of Education found that the software packages studied had no effect on reading and algebra skills. However, a number of studies have found positive effects for example the use of ‘SimCalc Mathworlds’3 has a significant effect on student’s scores, particularly on the knowledge of complex concepts and ebooks have been found to be effective in the development of reading. Online learning Evidence from the US has found that online learning has positive impact on learners in comparison to just face- to- face learning Students who attend the Florida Virtual Learning School achieve 3 Simcalc is an application that allows students to manipulate relationships about time, velocity, and position. The representation can be manipulated by its equation, or directly on a graph. 2 Department for Education December 2011 higher grades in comparison to students at traditional schools. Wider benefits of using ICT in schools Eighty-six percent of teachers in 25 EU member states feel that students are motivated and attentive when using ICT in class. Evidence suggests that ICT helps to draw students into positive modes of motivation. How is technology used to support learning? Young peoples use of digital technologies Evidence suggests that learners across the age range and especially older learners, regularly use digital technologies4 in the home for a range of purposes (Davis and Good 2009). The authors explored ICT use in young people across the UK, in particular, if they use the technology available to them in the home for educational purposes and what else it is used for. They conducted a survey of over 1000 young people aged 8,12, 14 and 17 in the UK, as well as conducing case studies and interviews. They report that approximately 82 per cent of learners nationally live in homes that are connected to the internet, and 87 per cent live in homes that have at least one computer. Uses vary according to gender and age: younger people favour games and creative activities, older girls tend to favour communication and older boys game playing. Learners that were interviewed were found to use technologies for homework in ways that improved the appearance and content of their work (Davis and Good 2009). The MacArthur Foundation undertook the first ethnographic study of how young people in the United States participate with digital media. Ito et al. (2008) interviewed over 800 young people and conducted over 5000 hours of online observations. They report that digital media allows a style of learning that is less about consuming knowledge and more about interaction and participation. Digital media is enabling learning environments to be assessed anywhere at anytime, and young people are learning in peer driven groups. The internet allows young people to interact and receive feedback from one another. Fifty-one percent of students in the study said gaming technologies made it easier for them to understand difficult concepts in learning. Roughly one third of all teens who used the internet have shared the content they produced. Middle school and high school students said they shared photos, videos or music (38%); created new videos, music, audio or animation (32 percent); or even repackaged different pieces to create something entirely 4 Digital media is a form of electronic media where data is stored in digital (as opposed to analog) form. 3 Department for Education December 2011 different (23%). Students were increasingly contributing to blogs (18%) or wikis (11 percent). Younger students (3rd – 5th grade) were also taking advantage of the tools available to them. They shared videos, podcasts or photos via the internet (32 percent) and also contributed to blogs, quite often associated with the virtual reality environments (13 percent) (MacArthur et al. 2011). The use of technology in schools According to Becta (2009) schools have steadily become more ‘e-enabled’5 Underwood et al. (2010) report that the level of e-maturity in schools is related to teacher reports about the impact of ICT. So in schools that were more eenabled ICT had more of an effect on teaching, learning and the outreach work done by the school. Interactive white boards (IWBs) IWBs and other display technologies have been in wide use for some time in schools. Becta’s (2009) Harnessing Technology Survey found that 86% of primary school teachers use these at least once a day, compared to 73% of secondary teachers. IWB’s can foster a more interactive style of whole class teaching through features that encourage student participation in this setting, through the use of touch-sensitve screen. IWBs can increase the pace of teaching by making it easier to move between texts on screen as well as revisit materials deployed earlier (Moss et al. 2007). Learning platforms Schools at primary and secondary level are now making increasing use of ‘institutional-level’ ICT to support and enhance their teaching, learning and management activities (BESA, 2009). The nature and form of these technologies varies from school to school, most often involving the use of management information systems, virtual learning environments, communications technologies and other information and resource sharing technologies. In many schools these technologies are integrated into shared online systems and environments referred to as ‘learning platforms’ (Jewitt et al. 2010). Learning platforms are being used across participating schools to successfully support or transform existing practice in a variety of ways relating to learning, teaching, communication and data management. Data management is enhanced through integration or linking of data management systems with learning platforms. Bringing all resources together in one place generates a digital space for management and use of data and resources by different users. One example of enhanced data management using learning platforms is recording and tracking of learner data on attendance and behaviour. Research has found that learning platforms encourage attendance and The term ‘e-enablement’ indicates integration of technology across the school, and is in effect a ‘low hurdle’ version of broader e-maturity 5 4 Department for Education December 2011 positive behaviour for learning through this tracking and communication and sharing of learner data between staff, parents and learners (Jewitt et al. 2010) Whole-school communication is being transformed through the use of online messaging systems and virtual staffrooms and notice boards. These changes, in practice, are facilitating dialogue between staff, management and learners at whole-school level. In terms of teaching, learning platforms encourage the sharing of individual teacher’s resources with the whole school community. Such sites include resources, quizzes, and revision material. Evidence suggests that parents and carers are also being better informed about their child’s learning(Jewitt et al. 2010). Learning platforms have also been found to help personalise learning. In some schools and teachers use their learning platforms to support learners’ self-assessment and peer-assessment through the use of surveys and open questions. Discussion forums, blogging and chat facilities are used in some cases to support learner discussion and dialogue with their teachers and peers, as well as to encourage self-reflection. Audience response systems An audience response system (ARS) (also know as voting systems, clickers and zappers) permits students to respond to multiple-choice questions using a remote control device. All responses are instantly displayed, usually in chart form, and subsequently reviewed and discussed by the instructor and the class. The key advantage of using an ARS is that it can give feedback to both students and instructors on how well the entire class understands concepts presented (Kay and LeSage 2009). Most of the research evidence on ARS is on the higher education (HE) sector. The evidence suggests that ARS generally improve student outcomes such as exam scores and student comprehension however it is not known what causes these benefits (Roschelle et al 2004; Simpson and Oliver 2006 cited in Caldwell 2007). Studies from HE have reported that there are dramatic increases in attendance when 15% of a student’s grade is linked to ARS participation (Burnstein & Lederman, 2001; Greer & Heany, 2004 cited in Caldwell 2007). One of the main benefits is that the ARS can deliver frequent formative assessment in the classroom (Roschelle et al 2004). Unlike traditional classrooms, students can respond without judgement of their peers or tutor. A new development in the use of handheld learner response devices allows students to answer questions at their own pace, providing instant feedback to the students and their teachers about the students’ understanding of the concepts just taught. In this self-paced learning innovation (SPL), questions are delivered to students on the screen of their learner response device. As soon as they answer a question, the next one appears on the screen. An evolving graph showing how each child is answering each question and depicting the rate at which they are responding immediately appears on the 5 Department for Education December 2011 teacher’s computer. The SPL strategy allows the students who are more able to work more quickly and those who need more time to feel less pressured. It also allows teachers to see which children are struggling so they can intervene and provide additional support. A small- scale randomised evaluation of SPL was conducted in seven primary schools to determine if this form of technology-supported formative feedback increased student learning. Year 56 classes were randomly assigned to use SPL alongside Learning Clip 7 or just Learning Clip for 12 weeks. The results of the statistical analysis show a significant advantage of SPL with Learning Clip interactive whiteboard curriculum in comparison to the Learning Clip programme alone in promoting Year 5 students mathematics learning. The analysis produced an effect size of +0.39 which was considered a reasonably large effect (Shread and Chambers 2011). School to school collaboration Technology enables schools to collaborate together. One established example of this is ‘The Dissolving Boundaries’ programme which uses ICT to enable schools in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to work together on agreed aspects of the curriculum. This cross-border programme has three key aims: The integration of technology in a meaningful way into curricular work Educationally valuable collaborative work done in schools Cross-border links promoting mutual understanding. The programme began with 50 schools and has now reached a total of 370 schools,740 teachers and some 26,600 students. Although the technology tools used have changed over time, research reports have consistently shown that teachers have embedded technology in almost every aspect of the curriculum. When ‘Moodle’ was introduced in 2006 ‘wikis’ were able to be utilised. Wikis are online collaborative areas and in ‘Dissolving Boundaries’ projects they have allowed both schools in a given partnership to contribute to and edit a shared on-line workspace, and have given teachers the opportunity to more easily monitor the contributions from both sets of student (Austin et al.2009). Data both from students and teachers have found that students are motivated by working with students from different schools. This has led to improved literacy, oracy, ICT and communication skills. These positive outcomes have been especially noticeable in special schools (Austin et al 2009). There were 221 students in total, 109 in the experimental condition and 112 in the control condition. Control schools were trained to use SPL after the experiment was finished. 6 7 Learning Clip is an online resource for teaching primary maths. It includes interactive activities, video clips and work sheets cover mathematical topics. 6 Department for Education December 2011 Benefits of ICT for teachers and the school The Empirica survey (2006) found that 90% of teachers use ICT to prepare their lessons (cited in Balaskat et al. 2006). Another common use of ICT is reporting and recording student progress (Becta 2009). Becta (2010) found that technology was used for reporting to parents and used for assessment tasks. School-wide planning has also improved with the help of ICT. This because ICT makes administration accessible to wider groups through a web interface; school records are more easily maintained, exchanged and updated (Balanskat 2009). Holligworth et al. (2008) report that ICT is used in school improvement particularly in relation to monitoring student assessment and progress. How technology makes a difference Crook et al. (2010) explored the way that ICT supports learning in the classroom. The study reported an analysis of 85 lesson logs in which teachers recorded their use of space, digital technology and student outcomes in relation to student engagement and learning. They found that ICT makes new forms of classroom practice possible. This is apparent in three ways: the reconfiguration of space such that new patterns of mobility, flexible working and activity management can occur new ways in which class activities can be triggered, orchestrated and monitored new experiences associated with the virtualisation of established and routine practices – such as using multiple documents in parallel or manipulating spatial representations. They report that ICT creates the possibility of a wide variety of learning practices. Three activities were significantly aided by technology these were: exposition which is animated by the opportunity to invoke rich shared images, video and plans independent research which is extended by the availability of internet search opportunities construction which is made possible by ready-to-hand ICT-based tools. 7 Department for Education December 2011 Emerging technologies Cloud computing and collaborative environments Evidence from the US suggests that cloud computing8, and collaborative environments have been adopted in part in schools but are not yet used to their full potential. Cloud computing was viewed in 2009 as two to three years away from mainstream adoption, however it has seen dramatic uptake by schools over the past twelve months. Cloud computing has transformed the way that data can be stored and accessed. It has become common for schools to use cloud-based applications to manage calendars, rosters, grade books, and communication between school and home. However what remains to be developed is for cloud to help students engage in real research. Similarly, collaborative environments which are online spaces where the focus is on making it easy to collaborate and work in groups, no matter where the participants may be have been adopted in part. Teachers are finding that collaborative environments are an efficient way for students to work together, whether the groups are composed of students in the same physical class or not. Collaborative environments give students opportunities to interact with peers and mentors and experience other worldviews (Johnson et al. 2010). Mobile devices are potentially useful in reaching students and for bridging the gap between the learning that happens in school and the learning that happens out in the world. Researchers note that if a mobile device has the ability to send text, mobiles can become personal responses systems, enabling teachers to quiz students and assess their understanding before, during and after a lesson. Some mobiles are able to store and display full length books which makes it easy for students to carry a library of literature around with them. The fact they are portable and can access the internet will make them useful in a school setting (Johnson et al. 2010). Game -based learning According to Felicia (2011) video games are ideal to support teaching and increase motivation. Johnson et al. (2010) predict that in a few years gamebased learning and mobiles will be utilised frequently in classrooms. The greatest potential of games for learning lies in their ability to foster collaboration and engage students deeply in the process of learning. Different modes of uses of games identified include games: as metaphors for supporting higher cognition, in microworlds and open ended spaces for experimentation, and as tools for therapy and for the rehearsal of skills (Freitas 2006). An Ipsos MORI poll of teachers9 found that while 32% of teachers have used ‘games designed for entertainment’ in their lessons and 59% would consider 8 Cloud computing is a computing technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. Cloud computing allows students and teachers to use applications without installing them on their computers and also allows access to saved files from any computer with an internet connection. 9 The Ipsos MORI Teachers’ Omnibus questioned a representative sample of 924 8 Department for Education December 2011 using them in the future (Sandford, 2006). Their study found that 63% thought players learn higher order thinking skills and 62% thought players learnt specific content knowledge. Although many did think that games teach stereotypical views (62%) and anti-social behaviour (71%). The main barrier to using games in school was cited as a lack of access to equipment and availability of up-to-date graphics / video cards – making it difficult for teachers to run games on their own PCs (Sandford 2006). Impact of games for learning Although it understood that computer games are motivating for children there is little direct evidence on their effect on teaching and learning. Miller and Robertson (2010) investigated this in a relatively small sample of primary school children. They looked at the effects of a commercial off-the-shelf computer game on children's mental computation skills and on aspects of selfperceptions. The participants were 71 primary school children aged 10 and 11 from three classes. In school one, children used a games console for 20 minutes each day for ten weeks, running a "brain training" game. Available on the Nintendo DS Lite system, Dr Kawashima’s Brain Training game comprises a variety of puzzles that primarily involve mental calculations and memorisation. At regular intervals players complete a ‘brain-age check’, which provides feedback to the individual about his or her speed and accuracy in tasks similar to those practised. Two comparison classes were identified. In school two, a comparison group participated in Brain-Gym sessions on a schedule similar to that of the computer-based group. Finally, a class of children in a third school acted as non treatment controls. In order to measure children’s mental computation, a 100-item test (the ‘Number Challenge’) was devised. The games console group and the no treatment group showed significant gains in the numbers of correct answers. However the gains for the games console group were twice those in the no treatment group. There were slight gains found in the Brain-Gym group but these were not significant. There were significant reductions in time taken by the students to complete the number challenge in the games console group and the Brain-Gym group. The improvement of the games console group was twice that of the control groups. Case studies In one primary school in Bristol the leisure game Myst which is a fantasy game has been used to support literacy amongst 9-11 year olds. The game is projected through the interactive whiteboard, the teacher narrates and sets tasks for the students. Each student records their own reflections, good examples of writing from the game and phrases from other students into their journals. Level four literacy attainment for the school has risen from 75% in primary and secondary school teachers in England9. 9 Department for Education December 2011 2000, to 93% in 2004, and for boys attainment is now 100% as compared with a national average that has remained at 70% between 2000 and 2004, however this could be due to other variables (Freitas 2006). ‘Supercharged!’ is a game for teaching high-level conceptual physics (Barnett et al., 2004; Jenkins et al., 2004). The game allows learners to pilot a spaceship around a three dimensional environment by using the electric charge of the spaceship and charged particles within the space. This game develops a practical understanding of how participants behave. Barnett et al. (cited in Squire 2006), found that students who participated in a module that used Supercharged! performed better than students who had learned physics through hands-on experiments, demonstrations and watching simulations. The most dramatic results came from students who were unsuccessful in school, suggesting that game-based formats may make complex science thinking accessible to a broader range of students (Squire, 2006 cited in Freitas 2006). The impact of ICT on student attainment Evidence from the UK suggests that ICT can positively impact on student attainment. Two of the largest studies in the UK looking at ICT’s impact on attainment (the ImpaCT study and the Test bed project) have found there are statistically significant positive relationships between the use of ICT and achievement in mathematics, English and science. ImpaCT2 (Harrison et al 2002) was the first large - scale study in the UK to assess the effect of ICT on individual student attainment. ImpaCT2 established how well students had performed compared to what was predicted of them. Statistically positive relationships between relative gain score and level of ICT use were found in English at Key Stage 2, Science at KS3 and Key Stage 4. A second UK project that investigates how the sustained and embedded use of ICT in learning can improve learner outcomes is the Test Bed project conducted from 2002 to 2006. The evaluation of the project (Somekh et al. 2007) confirms that technology use may lead to an improvement in test performance relative to matched comparative schools. At primary level the national test outcomes improved more rapidly in Test Bed schools on KS2 English, Maths and Science. At secondary level, numbers of students achieving 5 or more A*-C grades were significantly higher in Test Bed schools than in comparator schools in 2006. Research that has considered strategies to improve learning estimates the maximum approximate advantage gain over the course of a school year that an ‘average’ student might expect if they use ICT is four months (Higgins et al. 2011). It should be noted that it is not possible to control for all the variables in schools environment so the research does not allow unequivocal conclusions to be drawn regarding the impact of technology on attainment (Underwood 2009). The research is often correlational so cause and effect can not be implied. The Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) looked at both attainment and behaviour 10 Department for Education December 2011 differences between socioeconomic groups using data from the Longitudinal Survey of Young People in England (LSYPE) of 15,000 teenagers born in 1989 and 1990 (Chowdry 2009). They established that computer and internet access at home is important in explaining the achievement gap, and plays a role in other behavioural outcomes. Findings include: After controlling for KS3 results, the availability of a computer at home is significantly positively associated with KS4 test scores. This association amounts to around 14 GCSE points (equivalent to 2 GCSE grades). Young people with a computer at home are less likely to play truant at ages 14 and 16 than those without computer access. For example, having access to a computer at home is associated with a 5.8 per cent reduction in the likelihood of playing truant at age 16. Gaining access to a computer is associated with a 4.3 per cent reduction in the probability of playing truant at age 16, while losing computer access is associated with a 5.3 per cent increase in the probability of playing truant at age 16. Gaining access to the internet is associated with 10 GCSE points, again controlling for achievement at KS3. Losing access to a computer is associated with a reduction of 20 GCSE points, even after controlling for prior attainment. (Becta 2009b). The evidence also suggests that the use of interactive white boards in schools also increases attainment. The evaluation of the Primary School Whiteboard Expansion project (SWEEP) (Somekh et al. 2007) found that the length of time students were taught with IWBs was a major factor in student attainment across core subjects at KS2. There were positive impacts on literacy and mathematics at KS1 and 2 once teachers had experienced sustained use (around two years) and the technology had become embedded in pedagogical practice. Where teachers had been teaching with an interactive whiteboard for two years, there was evidence that all children, including those with SEN, had made exceptional progress in attainment in national tests. In KS2 mathematics increased progress ranged from 2.5 months for girls of average prior attainment to 5 months for boys of high prior attainment. In KS2 science the most marked effect was for low attainment boys who made some 7.5 months additional progress when they had two years of exposure to IWB’s as compared to no exposure. There was no effect for high attaining girls, this was thought to be because of a ‘ceiling effect’ as the highest possible score is fixed. In KS2 there was a positive trend was found in boys with low prior attainment who made some 2.5 months additional progress after two years of being taught with an IWB although this was not statistically significant (Somekh et al. 2007). In Key Stage 1 maths high attaining girls made gains of 4.75 months, enabling them to catch up with high attaining boys. 11 Department for Education December 2011 In Key Stage 1 science there was improved progress for girls of all attainment levels, and for average and high attaining boys. In Key Stage 1 English average and high attaining students benefited from increased exposure to IWBs (Underwood 2009). International evidence On an international level the evidence further indicates that there is an association between ICT and attainment. The 2006 OECD study PISA10 (Programme for International Student Assessment) findings show that the length of time students have been using computers and their performance in mathematics were correlated. By comparing computer access and frequency of usage to students’ performance in mathematics, the study concluded that the longer students have used computers the better they performed (up to a certain point). For example, students who have used computers for less than one year, score well below the OECD average, performing only the simplest mathematics tasks, whereas students with more than five-year experience score well above the OECD average. Yet, the PISA data do not demonstrate causation; they only point to important interrelationships worth closer investigation. The ‘e-learning Nordic 2006’ study conducted in Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden presents teachers’, students’ and parents’ views about the consequences of using ICT in schools. More than 8000 people in 224 primary and secondary schools participated in the survey. The study shows that students, teachers and parents consider that ICT has a positive impact on students’ learning. In the question ‘does ICT improve student performance’, two in three teachers report that there has been an improvement in their students’ subject-related performance and their basic skills (calculation, reading and writing). In addition, teachers consider that academically strong students benefit more from ICT use and ICT is seen by teachers to be a valuable tool to support differentiation. Only the Finnish teachers’ experiences are less positive and many think that ICT has no impact. With regard to writing skills, most teachers reported that they experienced a moderate or high degree of positive impact. This was also confirmed by the students themselves as well as their parents. Yet, the students appear more critical than the adults and in some countries (Finland, Denmark) and their responses were divided. Only in Norway were students clearly convinced that they learn more when they use ICT (Balanskat 2006). The impact technology on numeracy and literacy skills A large-scale experimental US study by the Department of Education (Dunarksi et al. 2007) suggested that the reading and mathematics software studied did not significantly increase test scores. Test scores in treatment classrooms that were randomly assigned to use software products did not 10 PISA is the most comprehensive and rigorous international programme that assesses student performance and collects data on characteristics of students and the institutions where they study. PISA 2003 assessed student performance in mathematics, reading and science, as well as in cross curricular problem-solving skills. 12 Department for Education December 2011 differ significantly from test scores in control classrooms. For first and fourth grade reading products, the study found several school and classroom characteristics that were correlated with effectiveness, including studentteacher ratios (for first grade) and the amount of time products were used (for fourth grade). The study did not find characteristics related to effectiveness for sixth grade math or algebra. The results reported were based on schools and teachers who were not using the products in the previous school year. A follow-up study assessed whether an additional year of teacher experience using the selected products would result in a greater impact on student outcomes. Again, there was no significant evidence of additional improvement in test scores as a result of the additional year of experience with the technology (Campuzano et al. 2009). However studies have found more positive results regarding the impact of mathematics software on learning. In a large randomised control trial of three urban school districts in the US, Barrow et al. (2009) tested a popular instructional computer program designed to improve pre-algebra and algebra skills. They found that students randomly assigned to classes using the computer lab score at least 0.17 of a standard deviation higher on a test of pre-algebra and algebra achievement relative to students assigned to traditional classrooms. This meant that students learning pre-algebra and algebra through computer aided instruction (CAI) were 27% of a school year ahead of their classmates in traditional classrooms after one year. It was noted that the outcomes were measured soon after the intervention and it was not clear if these would last. Also this represents only one use of computers for teaching pre-algebra and algebra and not all CAI hardware and software may be equally effective. Similarly Rochelle et al. (2007) report that using SimCalc mathematics improves student’s knowledge of mathematics. Ninetyfive teachers and more than 1,600 of their seventh grade students in eight regions of Texas participated in the study. Students who used SimCalc Mathworlds™ had a better understanding of rate and proportionality than similar students who used the standard curriculum. SimCalc Mathworlds™ had a statistically significant effect on students’ scores, particularly on knowledge of complex concepts. The estimated effect size was 0.84, equivalent to moving a student from the 50th to the 80th percentile. A number of studies have also found that software programmes have a positive impact on literacy at all ages. The types of technology that have been shown by research to support reading development are multimedia e-books and activity-based software. These are typically aimed at Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2 aged students. O’karat and Shamir (2007) compared the progress of students reading books with an adult with students reading ebooks individually and students in a control group. One hundred and twentyeight students were randomly assigned to a condition. They found that in both intervention conditions, compared with the control group, the student’s vocabulary scores improved following reading activity (cited in Becta 2010b). Savage et al (2009) (cited in Becta 2010b) conducted an RCT of grade one students in Canada who received 20 minutes four times a week training on 13 Department for Education December 2011 ABRACADABRA11 a programme of synthetic phonics intervention. Students in the intervention group improved significantly more than controls who received regular classroom tuition on measures of phoneme blending, reading comprehension and listening comprehension. This effect continued post intervention. A Norwegian study, Fasting et al. (2005) (cited in Becta 2010b) examined the impact of software which imported text they wanted to read onto an interface for 9-12 year olds that had literacy difficulties. It enabled the user to request text-to-speech feedback on specific words or sentences which they found difficult to read; and included a text editor which enabled the students to summarise the text if they wished, or compose their own writing. They found that students in the intervention group who used the software daily for 20 minutes for 7 weeks significantly improved in reading and spelling and these gains were maintained 11 weeks later READ 180 is a reading program designed for students in elementary through to high school whose reading achievement is below the proficient level. The goal of READ 180 is to address gaps in students’ skills through the use of a computer programme, literature, and direct instruction in reading skills. The What Works Clearing House reviewed the evidence on READ 180 and found seven studies that met their evidence standards. The seven studies included 10,638 students, ranging from grade 4 to grade 9. They found positive effects in comprehension and general literacy achievement for adolescent learners who used READ 180. The average improvement index for comprehension was +4 percentile points across six studies. The average improvement index for general literacy achievement across two studies was +12 percentile points. (What Works Clearing House 2009). Online learning Virtual schools offer an organized set of courses leading to the completion of various grades, using the internet as the primary means of communication. Many terms are used to describe online courses such as e-learning, web based learning and asynchronous learning. Specific definitions have been developed to explain the different types of courses: Online: where most or all of the content is delivered online. At least 80% of seat time is replaced by online activity. Blended/hybrid: blends online and face-to-face delivery. Between 30 and 79% of the content is delivered online. Web-facilitated: uses Web-based technology to facilitate a face-toface course. Between 1 and 29% of the content is delivered online (Allen and Seaman 2006 cited in Archambault and Crippen 2009). 11 This Canadian resource is a suite of copyright-free multimedia e-books and associated literacy activities which support word reading, phonics, reading comprehension, listening comprehension and reading fluency. 14 Department for Education December 2011 Various examples of online education can be found under each of these models particularly in the US. For example, Arizona Virtual Academy, now, offers a completely online learning experience for students from grades K– 1212. For the 2006–2007 school year, Arizona Virtual Academy served 3,046 students from across the state of Arizona (Arizona Department of Education, 2008 cited in Archambault and Crippen 2009). Florida Virtual school (FLVS) is an online school for K-12 students that can be used as a complement to traditional public, charter, private and home schooling, or as the sole use of schooling. FLVS served more than 97,000 students in 213,926 half-credit enrolments in the academic year 2009-10. The Florida Virtual School Stakeholder Survey 2009-10 suggests that 53 percent of parents believe their child learns more in the FLVS class than in a traditional classroom format, 31 percent indicate that the level of learning is the same in both learning environments, while just three percent consider that their child learned less in the FLVS course. Fifty-eight percent of students said their course was better or much better than traditional classroom experiences, while only seven percent considered it worse. Thirty-five percent of students who did not complete their courses considered the FLVS course to be better or much better than the traditional equivalent, with 48 percent saying it is the same and 18 percent rating their online course as worse or much worse that their traditional classroom experience. On average, both parents and students consider that the students spend similar amounts of time on their courses whether the course is FLVS or traditional (Cisco 2011). The impact of online learning Evidence from the US has found that online learning has a positive impact on learners in comparison to just face-to-face learning. Florida Taxwatch compared the attainment of students in the FLVS with their performance at traditional public high school. The final grades of FLVS students were compiled for the 2005-06 school year. These were compared with the grades that those same students had earned in that subject area the year before at a traditional public high school. FLVS students earned higher grades in their online courses than they had earned in courses in that same subject area in the traditional public school setting13. It was also found that when comparing the FLVS students with those students taking courses in the traditional public high school setting, in the 2005-06 school year, the grades earned in high school courses taken by students via FLVS were again consistently higher 14. FLVS students outperformed their traditional school counterparts in nine out of ten subject areas. Florida Taxwatch concluded that FLVS produced students who earned higher grades and made higher test scores than their public school counterparts in return for decreased expenditures (Flordia 12 13 K-12 - kindergarten to twelfth grade However this could be due to other variables that meant they left traditional schooling 15 Department for Education December 2011 Taxwatch Means et al. (2010) performed a rigorous meta-analysis on the effects of online learning. The analysis was mainly made up of learners older than school age, i.e. higher education. Only a small number of rigorous studies were found for school age learners, therefore caution is required when generalising the findings to this population. The review only included literature on web based instruction, and only included studies with randomassignment or controlled quasi-experimental designs. The overall finding of the meta-analysis is that classes with online learning (whether taught completely online or blended) on average produce stronger student learning outcomes than classes with solely face-to-face instruction. The mean effect size for all 50 comparisons was +0.20, p< .001. Blends of online and face-toface instruction, on average, had stronger learning outcomes than did face-toface instruction alone. However it was noted that blended conditions often included additional learning time and instructional elements. Effects were also larger when students in the online condition were engaged in instructorled or collaborative instruction rather than independent learning; and when the curricular materials and instruction varied between the online and face-to-face conditions. Wider benefits of using ICT in schools ICT and student motivation ICT is seen as increasing students’ confidence and motivation by making school work more enjoyable. Student’s attitudes and involvement in learning change and it is considered as fun and not as regular education. The Eurobarometer Benchmarking Survey was carried out in spring 2006 in 25 EU Member States, Norway, and Iceland found that 86% of teachers state that students are more motivated and attentive when computers and the internet are used in class (Empirica, 2006 cited in Balanskat et al. 2006). The most significant research on the motivational effect of ICT on students is by Passey et al. (2004). They aimed to establish systematically the impact of ICT use in school on student motivation, including quantification of this where possible, and to relate impacts to aspects such as learning outcomes, behaviour, school attendance, truancy and wider issues such as crime and anti-social behaviour. The study was intended to consider the ways in which teachers could enhance motivational impacts for students, especially for those disaffected with traditional forms of learning. Lessons were observed and 1,206 student questionnaires administered. Motivation was conceived for this study by considering eight different measures. These measures drew upon existing motivational theory. The motivational profiles obtained from the quantitative survey demonstrated the existence of a highly positive set of motivational characteristics. In summary, students were characterised, when focusing on working with ICT, by relatively high levels of ‘learning goals’ and ‘performance approach goals’. The findings suggested that ICT was helping to draw students into more positive modes of motivation. ICT appeared to be offering a means by which 16 Department for Education December 2011 students could envisage success. It enabled students to see possible endpoints for their work, and to recognise that they could work towards these in order to complete work (Passey et al. 2004). References Allen, I. E. and Seaman, J. (2008) Staying the Course: Online Education in the United States, 2008 Needham MA: Sloan Consortiun Archambault, L.M. & Crippen, K.J. (2009). K-12 Distance Educators at Work: Who’s Teaching Online Across the United States. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(4), 363-391. Austin,R., Smyth,J., Mallon, M., Rickard,A., Flynn,P., Metcalfe,N (2009) Cross-border digital school partnerships Dissolving Boundaries 1999-2009 Balanskat, A., Blamire, R., and Kefala,S (2006) A review of studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe Balanskat, A. 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