A summary of the verses being recited TOMORROW – 4th Ramadan At Masjid as-Salam Surah 3: Ali Imran – ‘The Family of Imran’ - contd Summary: The Surah gives a general view of the religious history of mankind, with special reference to the People of the Book, it proceeds to explain that the only religion now acceptable to Allah is Islam and mentions some rules and regulations. It insists on the need of struggle and fighting in the cause of Truth, and exhorts those who have been blessed with Islam to remain constant in faith, pray for guidance, and maintain their hope for the future. The Christians are here specially appealed to, as the Jews were specially appealed to in the last Surah. The lessons of the battles of Badr and Uhud are set out for the Muslim community. Verses 3:64-100 3:101-120 3:121-148 Description Tensions between the new Muslim community and other communities are documented and the reasons behind this Serve Allah till your dying moments, unity, evil of splitting and arguing. Enjoining good and prohibiting evil, causes of weakness, how to strengthen faith and brotherhood. Importance of patience. The battle of Badr: Allah helps the pious and obedient, those who are steadfast. Lessons must be learned from the battle of Uhud in order to attain virtue 3:149-180 The misfortunes at Uhud were due to disobedience and ill discipline, selfishness from some and cowardice from the hypocrites. 3:181-200 Vain are the taunts of Unbelief: Allah's promise is sure; Trust in Him; Supplication for guidance and mercy; The command to patience and taqwa Surah 4 - an-Nisa’ – ‘Women’ Summary: A Surah which takes its name after the numerous references to women and injunctions related to them and family life as a whole. It was revealed soon after Surah 3, i.e. it is set after the battle of Uhud, and the period of revelation covers the 4th year of Hijra. Its subject matter deals with the social problems which the Muslim community had to face immediately after battle, hence the concern for widows, orphans and the fair distribution of wealth. However, the principles laid down have permanently governed Muslim Law and social practice. Verses 4:1-14 4:15-35 Description A call to unity; Sacredness of family relationships; Being fair and just to orphans and their wealth; Marriage laws; Inheritance laws Rules regarding fornication; Marriage and women's rights; honour of women must be upheld; evil of oppression; Marital harmony It is important that in this blessed month of Ramadan we engage with the Qur’an. Recite the Arabic and more importantly ponder over its meaning. In order for us to encourage you to do this Masjid as-Salam will be providing a daily summary of the verses that will be recited during the Taraweeh prayers. Wycombe Islamic Centre (Masjid as-Salam), St Marks Close (Off Totteridge Rd), High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 6GN