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Surah Al-Balad: Translation, Themes, and Explanation

Surah Al Balad (The city)
❏ Translation:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
1. I do call to witness this City (Makkah)
2 And you are a free man of this City
3 And (the mystic ties of) Parent and Child
4. Verily We have created man into toil and struggle.
5. Does he think that none has power over him?
6. He may say (boastfully): "Wealth have I squandered in abundance!"
7. Does he think that none can behold him
8. Have We not made for him a pair of eyes?
9. And a tongue and a pair of lips?
10. And shown him the two highways?
11. But he has made no haste on the path that is steep
12. And what will explain to you the path that is steep?
13. (It is:) freeing the bondman;
14. Or the giving of food in a day of privation
15. To the orphan with claims or relations
16. Or to the indigent (down) in the dust
17. Then will he be of those who believe and enjoin patience (constancy and self-restraint)
and enjoin deeds of kindness and compassion
18. Such are the Companions of the Right Hand
19. But those who reject Our Signs they are the (unhappy) companions of the Left Hand.
20. On them will be Fire Vaulted over all round)
❏ Info:
Para: 30
Verses: 20
Revealed in: Makkah
Words: 82
Letters: 342
❏ Main theme:
Surah Al-Balad (chapter 90 of the Qur'an) was revealed in Makkah. This Surah concisely
summarizes the essence of Islam. The main themes of this Surah are:
a) Reminding mankind that Allah is All-Knower of what they do
b) Reminding mankind that Allah has given the ability to
differentiate between the good and the evil
c) Characteristics of the true believers
d) Rewards for the true believers in the next life
e) Punishments for those who are not true believers
1. In the first part of Surah Al-Balad after declaring the meaningful vows,
indicated the fact that the life of man in this world is constantly combined with
hardships and pain. One side prepares the man to fight with the
difficulties and from other side wipes out the expectations of the luxurious and
leisurely life from his mind. The complete peace and comfort are only in the life
2. In another part of the surah some of the important divine blessings are
counted and next indicated the ingratitude and ungratefulness of man in the
place of all the divine blessings.
3. In the last part of the Surat Al-Balad divided the people into two groups of the people.
‫أصحاب الميمنة‬
‫أصحاب المشأمة‬
And defining a corner of the character of the first group of people who are (the virtuous
believers) and then the people opposite them those who are unbelievers and the criminals
and describes all about their future existence.
The meaning of the ayat is extremely firm and knocking. The cord of sentences is short
and bangs the ears, the words very impressing and expressive and the features of ayaat
and its contents illustrates that this ayat is Makki (descended at Mecca).
The merits of its reading are quoted from the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and
his family who said: One who reads Surat Al-Balad, the All-Powerful God protect him from
his wrath on the day of resurrection.
In a hadees from imam Jafar Sadiq alaihis salam we read: One who reads the Surat AlBalad in the wajib obligatory namaz will be known as virtues in this world and the
hereafter he is recognized among the people who have high rank and status in the threshold
of Majestic God. He will be among the friends of the prophets, martyrs and the pious
❏ Verse by verse:
1- Allah swears by the city of Makkah.
2- That in this city where even killing of animals and cutting of trees is forbidden for the
people of Arabia, and where everyone is living in perfect peace, you, O Prophet, have no
peace, and persecuting you and devising plans to kill you has been made lawful.
3- As the words “father and children he begot” have been used indefinitely, and this is
followed by the mention of man, the father could only imply Adam (peace be upon him) and
children the human beings who existed in the world, exist today and will exist in the future.
4- If a man is struggling then he should work hard as Allah will give him the reward.
5- That is, is man, who is ever exposed to such hazards, involved in the delusion that he
can do what he likes, and there is no superior power to seize and suppress him.
6- Literally: I have destroyed heaps of wealth, i.e. squandered and wasted it. These words
show how proud the speaker was of his wealth.
7- That is, doesn’t this boaster understand that there is also a God above him, Who sees
by what means he obtained this wealth, in what ways he spent it, and with what intention,
motive, and purpose he did all this?
8 - 9: That is, have We not given him the means of obtaining knowledge and wisdom? Two
eyes do not imply the eyes of the cow and buffalo, but human eyes, which if used
intelligently can help man see all around himself those signs which lead to real and
distinguish the right from the wrong.
10- Allah has shown man 2 ways, evil and good.
11- But most men don’t go up the steeper path and often choose the wrong one.