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Islamic Studies Exam: Allah & Quranic Passages

Allah and His Creations
Q (a)
Using three passages you have studied from the syllabus, write about God’s relationship with His
created world.
To answer this question you need to pick any three passages from the five passages you have studied in
the Quranic passages under the theme Allah’s relation with the created world/mankind. These passages
include Surah Fatiha (1:1-7), Surah Baqarah (2:21-22), Surah Alaq (96:1-5), Surah Zilzaal (99:1-8) and
Surah Nas (114:1-6). You may mention the points from these passages by the following pattern:
1. Identify the name of the passage: e.g. One of the passages highlighting God’s relation with the created
world is Surah Baqarah verses 21 and 22.
2. Identify the main theme: e.g. The main theme of this passage is Allah’s relation with His creations.
3. Mention the specification(s) of the theme: e.g. It particularly mentions that Allah is our Lord that is our
Creator and Sustainer.
4. Also, discuss the main teachings in the passage: e.g. The verse # 21 states: “O People! Adore your
Guardian Lord who created you and those who came before you…” It teaches teaches that Allah is the
sole Creator of everything and everyone in this universe. He created the entire universe. He created us
and all those humans who have lived before us.
5. Relevant reference from the passage or other similar passages: e.g. He also created the other creations
to serve us. The Quran states: “It is He who has made everything for you on the earth then He turned to
the heavens and made them into seven firmaments.” (2:29) Al-Baqarah
6. You can also expand surahs by connecting the teachings with other passages: e.g. Surah Alaq also
mentions that Allah is our Creator as He created us with sophisticated yet amazing process. He created
us with the mixture of an insignificant drop of a germ cell with blood.
You may mention a few points from part (b)
Q (b) As ‘God’s representative (Khalifa) on Earth’ say how men and women can serve God, giving examples.
- We should submit to Allah alone and praise and worship Him alone with love.
- We can serve Allah by understanding and fulfilling our obligations and by obeying His commands.
- We can gain, practice, and spread the knowledge of Allah and the religion Islam.
- We should enjoin good and forbid evil by our actions and speech.
- We can be grateful to Him for His blessings by thanking Him and by sharing His blessings with poor & needy.
- We should not misuse or waste the blessings of Allah like water and food.
- We can serve Allah by respecting the nature and matters of the universe.
- For this, we can plant trees and avoid cutting trees unnecessarily.
Allah in Himself
Q (a) Choose two from the following passages and write in detail about the various ways in which God
describes in them how He is unique: 6:101-103, 42:4-5, 112, 41:37.
You need to choose any two passages and discuss them by the following pattern.
Identify the name of the passage. e.g. The passage 112 is Surah Ikhlas.
Identify the main theme(s) e.g. The main theme is Surah Ikhlas is Allah in Himself.
Mention the specification(s) of the theme e.g. It particularly mentions about Allah’s existence.
Also, discuss the main teachings in the passage. Write points of part (a) of Surah from workbook.
Relevant Reference from the passage you have selected and other similar passages
You can also expand surahs by connecting the teachings with other passages. For e.g. in Surah Ana’m
God’s knowledge has been mentioned that He has the knowledge of things. You can relate this topic
with Ayat-ul-Kursi that also mentions His knowledge that He has the knowledge of all times; past,
present and future and that no one knows better or more than Him.
You may mention a few points from part (b)
Q (b) How might these teachings affect a Muslim’s life today?
See Page # 27 of Workbook # 08.
Shan-e-Nuzool (Background of Quranic Passages)
Q (a) Describe what the following Surahs tell Muslims about the circumstances in which they were
revealed: 112 (Al-Ikhlas) and 114 (Al-Nas).
- Discuss Shan-e-Nuzool/Background of Surah. See Book # 02 Page # 38-41
- Discuss the main teachings of Surah. Part (a) of Surah from workbook.
- Write references from Surah you are attempting and from other similar passages
Q (b)
Was it significant that the Quran was revealed to someone who could not read or write? Give
reasons for your answer.
- Yes, it was significant to reveal the Quran to someone who could not read or write.
- Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was an Ummi that is a person who could not read or write.
- It was important to keep him Ummi and then reveal the Quran to him:
- To ensure his people the words shared by Him were not produced or composed by him.
- To prove the fact that the verses he received were truly from Allah.
- To avoid giving people the excuses of rejecting the verses by calling them man-made laws.
- To clarify that Quran is a miraculous book that can be committed into memories.
- To signify Prophet (PBUH)’s faith in his companions as they noted down his dictations by his permission.