Directions for Completing Faculty Self-Evaluation

Directions for Completing Faculty Self-Evaluation
The academic achievement, personal development, and successes of OVU’s students are directly
related to the effectiveness and professionalism of our faculty members. We must address our own
professional growth and content-area knowledge in order to lead these young minds effectively in new
directions. A key component in this process is self-reflection, using the results to set goals and devise the
means of reaching those goals. To add synergy to this process, all faculty members need to complete an
annual self-evaluation, spending sufficient time to create a picture of the year’s activities and their results
in professional growth and service to our students, our disciplines, and our institution.
Please respond to each of the areas of the self-evaluation and schedule a time to share the resulting
documents with your school chair or dean. This process requires a time commitment, and its goal is to
enable professional development and enhanced work with OVU’s students.
Your annual evaluation will include the following components:
1. Your self-evaluation
2. Individual course evaluations
3. Your professional portfolio, structured using the template that follows
4. Updated portfolios for all courses taught this year
5. A meeting with your school chair or dean
Please give the above materials to your school chair or college dean one week before your appointment to
give time to review the materials. This will enable the discussion to focus on selected highlights of your
work as well as providing a celebration of all of your year’s activities.
Your annual evaluation conference is an important source of information and help for your work at OVU,
positions you may hold, and tenure decisions. Faculty evaluation data is required, also, for OVU’s
Thank you for dedicating your time, effort, knowledge, and personal strengths to serving God through
Christian education. Your work is appreciated.
Dr. James Bullock, VPAA
Ohio Valley University
Consultation Meeting with Faculty Member and Supervisor
The school chair or dean will complete this document after the meeting with the faculty member. The
document needs to be sent to the faculty member, school chair, dean, and Terri Butterfield. From the
documents submitted, please note specific entries/activities that inform the discussion, especially those
that document strengths, areas for improvement, comments, and recommendations.
Faculty member’s name:
Supervisor’s name:
Supervisor’s position (check appropriate line): ___Faculty Member
___School Chair
Documents needed (check if turned in):
___ Updated resume or vita and CV table
___ Faculty member’s self-evaluation
___ Individual course evaluations
___ Professional portfolio, structured using the template that follows
___ Updated portfolios for all courses taught this year
___ A meeting with the school chair or dean
Please note that student evaluation data will be supplied by the supervisor.
Summary of strengths:
Summary of areas for improvement as agreed upon in the discussion:
Comments and recommendation:
Faculty member
Guidelines for the Professional Portfolio
1. To document personal and professional activities
2. To enable self-reflection and set personal and professional goals
3. To provide a picture and documentation of learning, growth, and credentials
Structure: The portfolio should have three sections as described below. The faculty member should
include as many of the components below as possible and may add other sections if desired.
1. Name clearly marked
2. Table of Contents
3. Components structured to present a positive picture of your personality, philosophy of teaching, all
components of your work, goals, self-evaluation, professional development, and scholarly activities
Section 1: Credentials
1. Resume
2. Updated Curriculum Vita Table (also send to Terri Butterfield by attachment to e-mail)
Section 2: Professional Performance
1. Philosophy of teaching framed around your subject or discipline (one page)
2. Results of your mid-course evaluations and changes made as a result
3. Results of your end-of-course evaluations and reflections (Please use form provided)
4. Self-evaluation (Please use form provided)
5. Two or three professional goals for current year (These may be very simple)
Section 3: Professional and Personal Activities
Documentation of awards and activities listed on resume and self-evaluation—The description in
your self-evaluation is sufficient but you may include documents like certificates, letters, programs,
and pictures to highlight church or volunteer work, or any learning, travel, or work experiences.
Showcase changes you have made in your teaching style, resources used, results in student
achievement, accomplishment of professional goals, and responses from your students or
graduates, if you have them.
Guidelines for a Course Portfolio
1. Please create a cover sheet on each portfolio, providing course prefix and title
2. Updated syllabus, including a table or list of national or other standards addressed in the course, assignments that
address the standards and the assessments used to document mastery of the standards and learning objectives
3. Lecture/activity notes or descriptions, including all paperwork handed out in class or, at least, representative
4. All formative and summative assessments, including tests, instructions for projects, presentations, and field
experiences, and rubrics.
5. Course assignments and activities (materials handed out in addition to syllabus)
6. Ancillary materials used- teacher-made materials, worksheets, games, charts, graphs, printed PowerPoints, etc.
7. Description of how you used technology in this course in class or assignments or assessments
8. Sample(s) of student work (high and low performance)
9. Data on student achievement, preferably in graphic form. Provide pre- and posttest data, if available.
10. End-of-course Data Analysis, explaining the results of your teaching, evaluating your students’ achievement,
and describing any changes planned to increase student achievement. Use the form at the end of this packet.
11. Update on any past changes being monitored in the course, describing positive and/or negative results.
12. Other items that enhance the portfolio, like pictures or comments from students, if desired
Year _______
Faculty Member ___________________________ College/Program_________________________
1. ( ) Full-time Employee/P-T Faculty ( ) Full-Time Faculty ( ) Part-time Faculty ( ) Adjunct
2. Chapel attendance ( ) 4-5 weekly ( ) 2-3 weekly ( ) 1 weekly ( )< 1 weekly ( )rarely/never
3. Portfolio:
( ) Not current
( ) Current
( ) Presented to Chair or Dean
Date: _________
4. Classes taught this semester:
5. Independent Studies in process/completed this semester:(Student - Course - Completion Date)
6. Ways through which I address the OVU mission statement in my work _____________________
7. Progress made on degree completion this semester _____________________________________
Projected date for completion______________
8. Graduate hours completed this semester _____________________________________________
9. Other professional study _________________________________________________________
Please note: If the information on the items below is provided in your CV table, you may note that instead
of writing it again.
10. Professional affiliations- local, state, national (offices held, meetings attended, committee work, etc.)
11. Professional presentations, (Event/Location/ Topic) ___________________________________
12. Publications (Topics/Media) _____________________________________________________
13. Experience in your discipline ____________________________________________________
14. Grants, fellowships, or awards received ____________________________________________
15. Seminars/Conferences attended (Indicate Name; Local, Regional, National; Purpose [discipline
knowledge, best practices, diversity experiences, emerging practices, etc.])
In your discipline:________________________________________________________________
In best practices, diversity, technology, innovation, etc.___________________________________
16. Use of any or all of the $600 allotted for professional development _________________________
17. OVU Committee responsibilities and activities_________________________________________
18. OVU student activities (advised, sponsored, attended) ___________________________________
19. Church home ___________________________________________________________________
Church activities ________________________________________________________________
20. Community Activities ___________________________________________________________
21. Other employment ______________________________________________________________
22. Committee preferences for next semester _____________________________________________
23. New projects I would like to start ____________________________________________________
24. Suggestions for increasing OVU’s academic excellence __________________________________
(Complete for each course taught this year)
COURSE________________________________ Number of times you have taught this course _____
What instructional methods did you use?
Textbook companion web site __________
Cooperative Learning
Student oral presentation
Video streaming
Research using library resources__________
Web site evaluation
Project/problem-Based Learning (PBL)____
Podcasts, video clips (Ex. You Tube) ______
Writing assignments
Guided practice in class
Direct instruction
Class discussion
Peer Tutoring
Silent reading
Hands-On Manipulatives
Overhead transparencies
Guest Speakers
Field trips
Research using online databases________
Online resources (Ex: Google tools) _____
Software: ___Inspiration ___ArtStor
__Content-specific ___ Thinkfinity
__Other __________
Other _____________________Describe _________________________________________________
How do you evaluate/assess student learning?
) board work
) oral report
) questioning
) homework
) discussion
) observation
) teacher-made test
) textbook test
) major project(s)
) research paper
) oral response
) worksheet
) journal
) portfolio
) essay
) rubric
) hands-on activity
) field experience
) reflective papers
) other:
How do you use technology for teaching this course?
How do the students use technology in this course?
How effective overall is this course was with respect to student achievement?
How do you integrate faith & learning in this course?
How effective are you as a teacher in this course?
For what major assignment/project do you send data and analysis to the chair/dean for the assessment
Other reflections:
End-of-course Data Analysis
1. Summarize data on student achievement in the course:
Number of students earning the following final grades: A
Number of students earning the following grades on major project in the course:
Number of students registered at the beginning of the course?
At the end?
Thoughts about student performance and achievement: (Examples: Each student who completed the
reading and research earned an A. Students who earned Cs didn’t ask for clarification on information or
assignments and did not participate in tutoring. Students who earned Ds or Fs did not participate in online
chats before exams.)
2. Thoughts about strategies to improve student engagement with course material: (Examples: Could use
Entrance and Exit Slips to reinforce the need to read text. Could use cooperative groups for research. Could
use rubrics for major assignments.)
3. Plans for changes in course (textbook, presentation, activities, requirements, policies, etc.)
Reason for Proposed Change: (Data, Compliance, Research, etc.)
Describe anticipated results (positive and negative):
Does the change need to be approved by the school chair or dean?
If yes, has the approval been given?
At what time intervals does the change need to be monitored?