SPC 1600: Public Speaking Instructor: John Hardin Videotaped Speech: Self-Evaluation Please review the videotape of your speech and write a two-page (600 words minimum), typed self-critique essay. As you are reviewing your speech and writing your self-evaluation, you may want to consider the following questions: Audience Analysis Was your topic interesting and creative? How did your audience respond to your speech as a whole? Introduction Did your speech have a clearly defined thesis statement? Was your audience engaged by your introduction? Why (or why not)? Body Did you create a vivid and memorable image of your topic? How well did you explain and support your ideas (with evidence, testimony, and/or examples)? Conclusion Did you draw your speech to a close by summarizing your main points? Did you offer your audience a creative closing statement? Organization Was your speech well organized? How effectively did you preview your points? How effectively did you use internal summaries? How effectively did you use transitions? Delivery How did you feel during this speech (before, during, and after)? How did this compare to your previous speech(es)? Were you vocally expressive? Did you provide adequate nonverbal support (like gestures and eye contact)? Did you avoid nervous mannerisms (like fidgeting or playing with your hair/pen/notes)? Overview What was your greatest strength? What do you feel you need to work on? How will you do so?