ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY Academic and Quality Systems Office – Quality Assurance Division Annual Monitoring of Delivery in 2006/07 Examples of Good and Innovative Practice Faculty Example of Good & Innovative Practice Programme Programme Leader Contact Details Arts, Law and Social Sciences The use of assessed tutorials Law (Academic Courses) Nigel Stockwell ext 3390 Communication, Film and Media Sarah Barrow ext 2022 English and Writing John Gardner Music Alan Rochford Performing Arts Gianna Bouchard ext 2266 ext 2353 ext 2016 Humanities Jon Davis Social Sciences Liz Bradbury Undergraduate & Postgraduate Undergraduate: Graham Webster Postgraduate: Jon Salkeld Ashcroft International Business School The use of portfolio-based assessment in the context of Law education where they are little used The integration of theory and practice in the learning and teaching methodology. The theory-practice link means that every practice module contains an element in which students are expected to draw directly on resources from theory modules The widespread use now being made of WebCT by highly research-active staff The pervasive use of WebCT, particularly in the CMT pathway The ‘practical essay’; the External Examiner highlights as innovative practice the ‘practical essay’ which provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate the appropriate interpretation of theoretical materials in practical contexts. The essay is assessed at the point of delivery and is followed by a viva The way in which PDP is integrated into a content module ‘History Today’ The use of wiki in the module ‘Race, Racism and Cultural Identity’. Student handbooks and assignments for ‘Work based learning module External Examiners have identified the following areas of good practice: innovative assessment and delivery methods application of theory to practice project based delivery and assessment Annual Monitoring of Delivery in 2006/07 1 ext 2072 ext 2486 See below Examples of Good and Innovative Practice (cont’d) Ashcroft International Business School (cont’d) Education excellent management and administration of the assessment process the external examiners’ review days campus based moderation days the close link to professional bodies in respect of the development, delivery, assessment of the curriculum The development of APL tariffs linking the curriculum for professional programmes to the undergraduate and postgraduate curricula to enable students to transfer from professional courses onto specific pathways without having to repeat learning. This has led to the development of international partnerships where top-up programmes will be offered to a large number of students The validation of three undergraduate pathways which directly relate to practice based learning which have been developed in conjunction with large corporate organisations (Barclays)| Validation of, and recruitment to, the first delivery of the ‘Certificate in Leadership’ which provides a distance learning model whereby practitioners can learn in the workplace and study for an undergraduate qualification The inclusion of open lecture series from visiting professors to enhance both the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum Analysis of examples of previous assessments by new students, during the induction period, has been extended across the postgraduate programme area The inclusion of “live case” studies based on research undertaken by staff teaching on the MBA, CIM, DMS The inclusion of a “Dragon’s Den” event involving 6 local entrepreneurs, in the MBA pathway Academic skills expectations paper Annual Monitoring of Delivery in 2006/07 Professional John Webb ext 6860 Undergraduate Graham Webster ext 6849 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Graham Webster (Undergraduate) Jon Salkeld (Postgraduate) ext 6849 Postgraduate Jon Salkeld Combined Honours Margaret Hutt 2 ext 6855 ext 6855 Examples of Good and Innovative Practice (cont’d) Education (cont’d) Health and Social Care Customised induction programme for University Centre, Peterborough students organised by the library Identification and use of external expertise to enhance teacher training experience and Early Years Teaching Assistants Carolyn Brooks ext 3554 ext 3614 Primary and Secondary Postgraduate Initial Teacher Training; Nick Easingwood ext 3623 Primary Undergraduate Initial Teacher Training; Sue Mitchell ext 3545 Teaching Assistants Carolyn Brooks ext 3614 The involvement of users and carers in curriculum development and evaluation mechanisms Acute Care and PreRegistration Nursing Lloyd Husain ext 4135 Students being required to write a book chapter as an assessment task Primary Care, Public Health and Social Policy (Cambridge) HSHS Synoptic Report Sarah Burch ext 2560 (Contact Associate Dean, Teaching, Learning and Quality) Anne Devlin 01223 883218 Advanced Practice and Research Belinda Watts ext 2473 Pre- and PostRegistration Learning Disability Jill Toocaram ext 4935 Innovative development around the use of the extensive skills facilities and other strategies related to practice learning and assessment including expansion of the placement and interprofessional learning opportunities within the curriculum; 86% of FHSC students have said they would recommend their placements to another student The innovative nature of some aspects of assessment within the Faculty, e.g. patchwork texts have been commended by external examiners and presented to several Universities across te country The inclusion of student-led initiatives in induction programmes The Learning Disability Programme’s Annual Student Annual Monitoring of Delivery in 2006/07 3 Examples of Good and Innovative Practice (cont’d) Science and Technology Conference Mid-semester module reviews Field Trips The use of guest lectures from industry The use of ‘real life’ examples and problem solving in assessment, particularly in Built Environment programmes Surveying Michael Betts ext 3467 ext 2146 Animal and Environmental Biology Unspecified Construction; Julian Doberski Peter Crabtree ext 3296 Surveying; Michael Betts ext 3467 Architecture & Planning Gil Lewis ext 3218 Further Commendable and/or Significant Achievements Faculty Arts, Law and Sciences Ashcroft International Business School Health and Social Care Example of Commendable and/or Significant Achievement The Law School’s excellent outcome of the Law Society’s inspection of the Legal Practice Course in November 2006 The significant contribution made by the Department of Music and Performing Arts to music in the community The MBA student team took part in , and won, the 1-10 Innovators Business Start-up plan competition The award of the national prizes from professional bodies to students studying on our undergraduate programme Within the Faculty the work of convergence has followed very quickly on the 15/30 curriculum development. Externals have commended staff for their hard work in maintaining standards and enthusiasm in the face of significant change Five staff from the social work team published books in 2006/07 – this list of publications can be seen in the social work/social policy documents Being in the unique position as the only HEI in the country to deliver Radiography education, solely by FDL The selection of the Learning Disability Programme’s Annual Student Annual Monitoring of Delivery in 2006/07 4 Programme Law (Professional Courses) Music Postgraduate Undergraduate Generic to Faculty Social Work and Social Care Allied Health & Counselling Pre- & Post-Registration Learning Disability Examples of Good and Innovative Practice (cont’d) Science and Technology Conference for presentation as an example of best practice in the QAA’s ‘Skills for Health’ Conference The award of national prizes to Forensic Science and Chemistry students Annual Monitoring of Delivery in 2006/07 5 Forensic Science and Chemistry