Unit III- 9-12 Test Review Sheet

10th American History
Unit III – A Modern Nation - Test Review Sheet
Chapter Things to Know about this Chapter
1918 Epidemic
Red Scare - Bolsheviks- Communism, Lenin, A.
Michell Palmer, deportation, aliens and Palmer
Labor Strife – returning soldiers, strikes, unions.
Limiting immigration – Old comers; New Comers;
nativists; National Origins Act-1921; KKK; Sacco
and Vanzetti; anarchists
Henry Ford- Model T; assembly line; scientific
management; Ford workers; productivity; welfare
Industry Changes Society- Detroit, Akron;
suburbs; new products; advertising; installment
buying; credit; Roaring Twenties; Weakenessesfarm- prices down, tariff, crop failures,
foreclosures, floods, natural disasters.
Harding and Coolidge- Harding- “Back to
Normalcy”; Pro business; cut taxes on wealthy, cut
gov’t spending; high tariff; scandals- Teapot
Dome; and sudden death. Coolidge- governor of
Mass.; “silent Cal”; Pro-Business; Reparation
payments by Germany; Washington Naval
Conference and disarmament; Billy Mitchell;
Kellogg-Briand Pact
New Roles for Women – Politics, Workplace,
college; new family roles; Flapper;
Urbanization- Economic prosperity except
farmers; more people live in Urban area than rural;
school attendance up; values- rural and urban; KKK;
Fundamentalism v. Evolution (Darwin); Scopes
Trial; Prohibition- 18th Amendment and Volstead
Act; Bootleggers, Speakeasies, organized crime,
Harlem Renaissance- Great Migration; Harlem
renaissance; Marcus Garvey; Jazz.
Popular Culture- Radio; Movies; Heroes- film
stars, Lindbergh, Earhart, sports heroes.
Great Crash – Appearance of Prosperity; GNP,low
unemployment, welfare capitalism, stock market up.
Presidential support of business. 1928- Hoover
Economic Weaknesses- Unequal distribution of
wealth; Buying on Margin, easy credit; Federal
Reserve System
Stock Market Crashes- Black Thurs. Oct. 24, 1929,
Black Monday- Oct. 28, 1929 and Black Tues. Oct.
Effects of the Crash- Impact on Individuals;
impact on banks; Impact on Business; Effects
Notes to help you
Great Depression- Bank Failures and runs on
banks; farm failures- foreclosure; unemployment;
Hoovervilles, hoboes, emotions
Dust Bowl - Where, Why, What happened?
Drought and overproduction; dust storms; Migration
to California- Okies
Hoover – Rugged individualism; associative state;
Hoover Dam; cooperatives; Hoover believed in
voluntary action and cooperation between business
and government. State and local charities.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Smoot-Hawley
tariff; Public Works; People lose faith in Hoover;
Bonus Army
New Deal- FDR; 1932 election; Public works
programs; Fireside Chats; Roosevelt’s Philosophy;
Eleanor Roosevelt; Banking Crisis- Emergency
Banking Act; Glass-Steagall Act 1933- FDIC;
Hundred Days; Relief, Recovery, Reform; CCC,
Trouble for the New Deal- Some wanted an
overhaul of capitalism; Major Critics- Huey LongShare the Wealth, Father Coughlin- radio priest; Dr.
Townsend-old age pension; American Liberty
League- New Deal goes too far.
Courts- Critics feel President has too much power.
Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States
(struck at NIRA); U.S. v. Butler struck down the
2nd New Deal- Emergency Relief Appropriations
Act; WPA; Social Security; Wagner Act- NLRA,
NLRB, victory for unions. CIO- John L. Lewis; sitdown strike;
Election 1936- Rural Electricity; Court Packing;
deficit and John Maynard Keynes.
Life during New Deal- Francis Perkins; the Black
Cabinet; Dorothea Lange; Movies, radio, Swing and
sports of the 1930’s.
Analyzing the New Deal- Impact of relief- help,
payments, jobs; Recovery- less successful; Reformvery successful- FDIC, Social Security, SEC, WPA;
Change relationship between government and
people; Limits- relief not meant to be permanent,
varied from state to state, and discriminated against
minorities and women.
End of the New Deal- Weakened support for FDR;
too much power; minimum wage- Fair Labor
Standards Act-= 44 hour/week, time and half for
overtime. After 1938 President lacks support for
more New Deal- attention turns to Europe and