Piaget Proj Rubric

Piaget Development Project Rubric
Was the overall objective/aim of the project met? ( 5 pts )
--Are the stages of Piaget’s theory on cognitive development fully displayed through the work?
--Were you able to connect your life or the life portrayed in your project to the materials being
learned in class?
Did you display and describe all of Piaget’s stages and Milestones? ( 60 pts total )
1. Sensorimotor (5 pts)
 Object permanence (5 pts)
 Stranger anxiety (5 pts)
2. Preoperational (5 pts)
 Ability to pretend (5 pts)
 Egocentricism (5 pts)
3. Concrete Operational (5 pts)
 Conservation (5 pts)
 Mathematical transformations (5 pts)
4. Formal operational (5 pts)
 Scientific reasoning (5 pts)
 Potential for mature reasoning (5 pts)
Does the paper evaluate Piaget’s theory? Do you critique the assignment and make an overall
evaluation of this developmental theory? ( 20 pts )
Was the project done creatively? ( 5 pts )
Very creative
Good job being creative
Not very creative at all
Is the project submitted complete and on time?
______ complete
______ parts missing
______ on time
______ days late
Extra Credit
________ stages identified
_______complete all stages of development