3rd DAAAM International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Developing Countries - ATDC’04 June 23-26, 2004 Split, Croatia ATDC'04 METHODOLOGY REENGINEERING BUSINESS PROCESS Zoran Milanović, Ivica Veža and Nikola Letilović Abstract Into a today world globally market, modern informational and telecommunications technology, result is to big modification into a way do business. The product and service gets wholly new meaning and dimensions, and in accordance with them change respect toward last user, toward own employeers, and change respect toward production. Because of the the said change, company need some modification such us reorganize production system, if that company want survive in modern market. One of possibility ways is reengineering business process, and in practice is represent methodology reengineering business process. 1. Introduction Real-life organizations structure into a large company and corporation hardly may do with consumer satisfied, and slowly reaction on their desire and change which are occur on the market, and that mean to are biggest and nethermost change of course necessarily into a area manipulation and management on all level. To satisfied request customer for some the product or service organization must be execute consequent activities in order to create that product (service) with minimum expense commerce, with large profit, on satisfied workers. Then, commercial process must be in-depth elaboration, stable, adaptive each request customer, i.e. must be effective. For resumption such target necessarily is into a company know flow business process, theirs internal rule and validity, and way on which be exactly that may describe accept all detail which influence on flow business process, over wherefore we have accept about often presence dual business orientation company in which with one side do we have core business on at the same time outsourcing of all possible rest activities for which is company favourably to buy of company which produce that like us core business. Essential, it very important to have wholly clear conception business process in some company, whereby via unquestionably graphically languages escape obstruction toward obviously one business process. Obstruction result mostly because of the various aspect view on the same process, and because of the various adeptly segment. Scheer [2] sets new standard for the action control business process which contain the following segment: constantly method enhancements, initiation calculation efficiency and profitably for standard software, hasten process in relation with opposition, analysis weakly points in the case present to the view tight throttle into a process work, initiation control into a work process, collecting information for estimation cost work process. Tool expression exactly real-time for which yourself may somewhat create without separately effort. Adaptability valuetion and target this approach give ideally solution for all company which work agreeably with process and which want constantly improve standard servisne equipped. 2. Reengineering business process Notion business process reengineering (BPR) is first set in year 1990. in one article write from Michael Hammer [1] and publish in Harvard Business Review. Into a year 1993. Michael Hammer and James Champy [1] publish the book with caption: ”Reengineering the Corporation – A Manifesto for Business Review" where method BPR define on the following way:"Reengineering business process is change thinking and remodel business process with target improvement key parameter of business like us: product quality, services hasten and business expenses”. Method BPR occur like mood solving problem into a organization like logical answer on difficulties which sets modern market, his dynamic and acquiring. Modification into a company never come without reason and mostly are cause crisis situation whether format (crisis liquidness, crisis result, negative trend reality in relation with expectance profit, strategic crisis and similar). Minimum visible crisis is strategic crisis, whereby in despite of currently good situation with profit can indication crisis which we have be capable recognize and eliminate duly. These indication are recognizable over dissatisfaction clients, decline interest on the market, low quality the products, and into a business process over frequently mistakes, over overdue reactions, over making tight throttles, over indefinitely flow over business process. Elaborate and implementation project method BPR can obtain the following enhancements: enhancement quality proizvoda/service, shorten time from entry to exit, bigger satisfaction kupaca/client, bigger satisfaction employees, priority in relation with opposition, bigger profit company, decrease expense operate. Fundamental target reengineering each commercial process is obtain high-quality finally products (services) on less expenses, and capital notion which ties on method BPR are processes and modifications. 2.1 Basis starting-point and main features reengineering business process Basic starting-point reengineering business process is process access, i.e evolution process orientation into a company whose are attribute the following: transaction phase into a process naturally, logical and rationalization precedence, knowledge to process have more ways in which can execute, transaction business where for it has a mostly meaning, attempt to more businesses make one business, include all employees into a process decision, decrease classic format control. The following basic starting-point of method BPR is orientation on base – main function and setting highly target which reengineering business process want realize. Basic features of method BPR are the following: basis variation way thinking Understand return to basis thinking about process which lead into a some company. completly or total new define business process In this case not practice improve established business process than him totally leave and evolution modern process organization. drastic change Here understand change result by method BPR on established business process, which are such character to expect big improve into a business result area. orientation toward process, and not toward structure or function Method BPR starting from thinking that are men basis organizations and hers most important resource, and that their knowledge and experience is necessarily into a new design business process. Process does watch entirely and leave individually view on the product which accrue like result all process into a company. Method BPR set-off significance team work, good communications, and significance change into a way thinking all employees into a meaning an unlimited into a review full process. 2.2 Phase reengineering business process Reengineering business process does lead into a few phase [3] (figure 1.): Define vision and strategy: define process which is necessarily redesign, define priority and order redesign, define targets method BPR . In this phase must be completely clearly define which does improve want obtain with method BPR (shorten time from entry to exit, new the product, decrease expense business…) (II) Conceptual shema of development method BPR: elaborate business process organizations (AS – IS analysis), consider possibility solve, TO – BE conception, simulation AS – IS and TO – BE conception. After elaborate AS – IS analysis, in this phase is very easy practicable comparison with other business organizations (benchmarking) which does to work at same function. Also can exactly define our finally set up targets and wishes. III) Implementation method BPR: preparation and lesson employees on future state, presentation redesign business process, adaptation modifications, feedback information about result modification. IV) Watch redesign business process: measurement organizations modification, analysis organizations modification. I) Vision and strategy Conceptual plan Implementation method BPR Watch redesign business process Figure 1. Show phase reenginering business process Presentation method BPR in company often is necessary modify or totally leave traditional vertical hierarchical structure. Reengineering business process execute redesign established or presentation completely new business process with target enhancements of all possible component business, on exact information which may obtain and watch in each moment simulation really business process. 2.3 Business process In each present-day company does have to manipulate business process on way to with easiness can see problem, to duly can reaction on mistake, and to can presentation necessarily enhancements. To make this we have completely clear review business process and completely control over their manipulation, i.e. necessarily would be necessarily: exactly define process, constantly manage process, improve noneffective process, provide realization modification. As they in all business organization not exist on all level identical consciousness about totality process, often do we have presence nonflexibility in certain segment business process, and as result this phenomenon and aggravating adoption certain modification which give answer on the following question: about feature business process, about tight throttle business process, about potentially for improve, about necessarily personal resource, about uniformity load between personal resource, about conection between whole database. Prerequisite for obtain quality answer on mentioned question is initiation simply, and for all obvious model for description business process. Essentially, necessarily is leave traditionally vertical – hierarchy structure and substitute is with process organization which insist horizontality connection activities which execute whereby represent figure 2. Managem ent Organizational unit Organizational unit Organizational unit Pos ition type Pos ition type Pos ition type Pos ition type Pos ition type Pos ition type Pos ition type Pos ition type Pos ition type Pos ition type Pos ition type Pos ition type Figure 2. Represent process through section Process organization does base on following working or business process as a criterion for forming organization unit or working team, instead on business function. On this way employees unite according to process until function hierarchy care for untroubled flow over process. For operation process responsible is master process, and employees from certain business function exceed in process teams which execute concrete business function in a particular business process. Process organization structure personify process and team orientate organization inside which does show great number simple processes that are focusing on unite execute function particular business process. 2.4 Modeling business process First step at manipulate production process is their document, and choice work methodology, medium and tool which would it execute. Here will it be apply tool under name ARIS [2,3], and modeling will it be performance into a few phase thus: reconsideration and modeling organization structure, reconsideration and modeling business process (AS - IS). Method top down lowering to level smallest detail model business process. versification business process, see tight throttle by simulation, modeling improve business process (TO - BE). Model established state necessarly have to be really, clearly and easily to be surveyed, because thus may see and decline much illogicality and previous any reorganization company, i.e can improve established state, and such improve model does can define in phase make model established state. After to establish good database business process and visual assign weak point in process, necessarily is realize analysis business process on way to proceed certain measurement. Exactly answer about efficiency process, its weak point and tight throttle, and about expense operate, load employee and similar, give would us simulation which will it be really if we are detailed elaborate business process. 2.5 Kind description business process Such as already mention, to understand business process necessarily is describe and document them precision and simply. Have more possibilities expression business process and it thus: text expression, cybernetics expression, network diagram, process diagram (flowchart). Text expression is with complexly process and very impractical,vast and complicated in practice. Often does use in combination with process diagram at detailed description certain function and event in business process. Cybernetics expression is figurative expression in which each process has a its input and exit, and between them occur certain activities which work men to use some method and equipment. Network diagram is similar Gantt chart and expression movement business process and lengthening all operation. Today is often in apply with large and complexly project. Process diagram (flowchart) is diagram commercially activities and consist chain interconnection logical symbol that are not standard then each software or any other tool has a its prescribe symbol which represent process (figure 3). Figure 3. Show model process diagram (flowchart) Usual is that process diagram (because of the complicated business process) show in more level on way that we work separation process. If one process consist more process under level, make new process diagram to complete show wholle system on simple way, and that can describe own notion business need on efficient way. Flowchart is tehnique which is today used very often by manufacturing project, show business process, and from reengineering business process. Scheer [3] is develop model flowchart using software tool under caption ARIS [2,3] (figure 2.). Characteristically for this model is that we can on very lucid, precise and simply way describe business process through prism event which following after certain function for which obtain exacatly executors. 3. Conclusion Bigger opposition on the market, constantly trend grow assortment products and services, shorten time from claim to accomplishments liability (from input to output in business process), constant stress creation bigger profit and conquest bigger portion on the market, and acquiring standard quality cause are need for reengineering business process. Basic model commerce is such to exist process which does occur, men which them execute and technology which them support. If in company dominate traditionally vertical organization structure base on function and structure can redesign in process orientate structure, on way to all process document, analyse and optimized. Exactly say, use tool ARIS [2,3] possible is reengineering business process on way to making one database business process, practice certain measurement and simulation established state and recognize weak point established business system. In next step does very easy can propose new solution during business process whereby does eliminate all beforehand unclosed weak point business methodical. Use simulation in this phase too can easy to see how near site optimum solution flux business process. This approach does empty footstep and tight throttle in company decrease on negliglible small value, expense operate does reduce on minimum, and following all important parameter commerce is simply and quality with probability to duly to see problem whether kind. References [1] [2] [3] Hammer, M., Champy, J: Reengineering the Corporation. A Manifesto for Business Revolution. Harper Business, New York, 1993. Scheer, A. W., Abolhassan, F., Jost, W., Kirchmer, M.: Business Process Excellence: ARIS in Practice, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2002. IDS Scheer: ARIS Methods Manual: Version 5, Saarbrucken, 2000. Zoran Milanović, dipl.ing., Croatia osiguranje, Trg Hrvatske bratske zajednice 8, 21000 Split, Croatia, Telephone +385 (0)21 302939, telefax +385 (0)21 302823, e-mail: zoran.milanovic@split.crosig.hr Prof. Ivica Veža, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, R. Boškovića bb, 21000 Split, Croatia, Telephone +385 (0)21 305777, Telefax +385 (0)21 463877, e-mail: iveza@fesb.hr Nikola Letilović, dipl.ing., Enel, Trg Hrvatske bratske zajednice 8, 21000 Split, Croatia, Telephone +385 (0)21 406280, Telefax: +385 (0)21 406281, e-mail: nletilovic@enel.hr